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Hrmmmm...just a little confused again, Crime Scene folks. I
finally get my access problems cleared up, only to find that there
aren't any chats on AOL. Are there chats someplace else that I'm not
aware of? This particular case seems to be almost routine...what
exactly did the detective need our help and input with?
Looking forward to a few melodramatic chats ;)
One Jazzed-up Kitten
Response: With the HUB closing on AOL chats were suspended for two weeks, watch the Viewer Area of the Evidence Files for notices on upcoming chats, dates and locations.
I certainly think Christian is a fine young man. I can't believe that he could ever have hurt his friend Dale. That horrible Father Killed Dale. Dale killed his sister. He was evil like his father. The apple dosen't fall far from the tree, thats what my husband Vince says. That cult fellow, I cant figure out how he can stay up all hours of the night and teach at a college. I think He's involved somehow, maybe not directly with the murders, but fabracating evidence against Christian. Guess we will know tomorrow. Alma
Response: Thanks for your comments.
I definetly dont think this was a murder for financial gain. I
think the pot finally boiled over for this family, from within the
confines of the family itself. I think Dale killed his sister because
he felt with her gone their father would not expect him to skate. As
Chrystal was the driving force. Therefore the sexual abuse would
stop. Dale likely associates the abuse with the disappointment of
their skating performances. With Chrystal out of the way he couldnt
disappoint his father anymore and his father would be nicer to
In the meantime Shane is setting up his brother Dales demise as he is
so totally disfunctional now. All his fathers attention being given
to Dale. Regardless of what kind of attention that was (sexual abuse
ect.). So Shane sets up his brother to kill their sister Chrystal,
then sets up Christain to be the fall guy. When he murders Dale
The father tested high on the lie detector test not because of the
incest but because I"m sure he thinks all is right with that , but
because he knows his oldest son was involved, and maybe even helped
at some point after the murders.To lose Shane would mean his whole
world would collapse. As his wife has long since removed herself.
Ego-Shovel aka Woolworth had connections to many facilities within
the university due to his position there. He probably recognized
Shane as being vulnerable making him a prefect target. When Shane
confided in ego, ego pressed on. Introducing Shane to the drug
Rohyponol, distorting Shanes thinking altogether.
As for the diary and the dream like state Chrystal discribes, the
father could have found the pills with Shane, confiscated them then
inquired about them to his fellow church members Mr and Mrs Bill
Kapaneko.All the while knowing her medical background. They would not
be suspicious knowing Jim Taylor did work with youths,or if they knew
of Shanes problems with drugs. With this information Jim Taylor could
use the drug at his convenience at home with his family.
Response: Interesting alternative that Crystal's death may have been related to Dale's own desire to quit skating. We have not found any evidence to link Shane to either murder. We agree that Ego Shovel likely finds Shane a vulnerable target. Thanks for the theories.
I think David did it.
Response: Thanks for the comment.
A lot of Christian's confession sounds rehearsed. He leaves a lot out
saying he doesn't remember. I have no doubt Dale went to him for help
but I wonder if Dale had called someone else first and planned to use
Christian as the scape goat to get away with murdering his sister? If
so there is possibly a third party yet. Who made the call to the
police leading to the discovery of the bodies at the cemetary? No
where in Christian's confession does he say he called the police.
That means there has to be another party involved. Could the dad Jim
be that party? We already know he is hiding something. Could he and
Dale have planned the whole thing with the intent to frame Christian
for the murder only to have Christian do the unplanned and murder
Dale? If not Jim, then surely Christian told someone something prior
to running away. Will all this be revealed in the next update? Also
will the abuse of Crystal when a child be solved with the next
update? Awaiting the answers on the 20th.
[email protected]
Response: We have nothing to indicate any other calls made, both through admission and voice analysis we know that Chambers did make the anonymous call on February 19th. The second set of excerpts from his interview has a reference to his making the call. Jim Taylor will be sentenced on the abuse charges. Thanks for the comments.
Two comments - 1. The "pizza guy" Kapeneko has already been
described by Detective Nelson as being influenced by the news about
the black rebock shoes and was cleared of any involvement in the
2. If Shane was involved then he must be a great liar since he passed
the lie detector test.
Det. Nelson: Is there ANY evidence the Rohypnol has anything at all
to do with this case? ALso, is there any evidence that would point to
anyone else being involved in the murders? Am I correct in assuming
that nobody else's DNA showed up but CHristian's, Dale's, and
Crystal's in the DNA analysis?
Response: No evidence that rohypnol has anything to do with the case, though a screen on Chambers has been requested. Correct, no other DNA than Dale and Crystal Taylor and Chambers.
Christian, I think, committed the crime against Dale. However,
like the rest, I think the case is not quite yet resolved. Jim still
needs to testify in this case, but I honestly think Dave is innocent
of this crime anyways. He has no motive. He was too high to kill
anything, from what I have gathered. He's too peaceful to kill. Jim,
however, still has some ground to cover, and I wonder what he's using
to cover it....Christian may be a pawn for Jim (but that may just be
a conspiracy theory)...
Detective Spade
Response: Jim Taylor's guilt in this case appears to be solely with respect to the abuse charges. As a large part of Crystal's decision to leave skating stems from this family abuse and that of Dale, he harbors guilt over that motive in her murder.
What i want to know is can anyone act as an alleby to seeing
christian on the night of the murders?
And whoever did this are SICK they need to be locked up forever i
mean an occupied grave errrr gross
they need a physcologist!
Response: Christian has no alibi, however, his internet records confirm his computer was online at the time we believe Crystal Taylor was murdered, his on line friend Tania Hotchkiss believes she was talking with Chambers.
would it not be possible that out of envy or spite that shane being the last person to see the pair did indead drive around, found the couple and killed them . then realizing what he had done went and buried them in an occupied grave in a attempt that no one would find them there
Response: Possible yes, but no evidence or witness testimony to support it. Dave Woolworth confirms Shane's alibi.
I still believe that Christian's involvement in this case is a
little bit suspicious. It's safe to assume that he was not drugged
before he got to the cemetary, he was the one that drove there. And
his lack of memory on the details of Dale's death could be from
shock. What I'm still wondering about is why his car and gun were
both wiped clean of prints. And wouldn't you think that the gun
would've been thrown away with the luggage, knowing that it was a
murder weapon. And if Christian was keeping Dale's necklace as a
momento of his friendship, why underneath a pillow. Why not in a safe
deposit box, a safe, hidden in a heat register, or taken to
California with him. I get the feeling that some of the evidence is a
little too 'convenient'. Another thing that bugs me, is that
Christian makes no comments about 'the blood'. I'm sure that we've
all read and seen enough whodunit stories. And there is always
mention of 'the blood' during the confession. And has anyone else
noticed that during the voice analysis tests on both Dave and Jim the
stress level in the voice gets a little bit higher when they deny any
involvement in the murders. Maybe their phone records for the morning
of the murders should be checked. I'm sure there are several
payphones between the mall and Christian's place.
Just wondering about some loose ends.
Response: Christian appears to have had mixed feelings about turning himself in from the beginning. He has admitted to cleaning the car and disposing of the luggage. The gloves found in Chambers' shed do have Dale Taylor's blood on them, there is a chance he was wearing them when he fired the shot that killed Dale. Chambers professes not to remember that detail. he also denies touching Dale's body, however the blood on the gloves indicates otherwise. Further, however, he does admit to wearing the gloves at the cemetery. If you double check the letter to Kershaw, the chat session log from 3/20/98, and the first excerpt segment of his interview after the confession you will you find some of his references to the blood and his anguish over same. The Taylor and Chambers phone records for the morning of February 2 have been checked, there were no calls made.
I believe that Dale had committed the murder of his sister. The only thing i can't figure out is why the pizza guy said that the person had on dark or black running shoes on but said he couldn't make out the face of the person running. His lie detector test was fail, so some how he is involved in this case. More then what he is saying, i don't think Christian murdered anyone. anyone else have any ideas.
Response: We believe that Kapaneko picked up on that degree of detail from published reports on the case. He was thoroughly checked out and we accept his statement that he did see someone running at the time and place he stated in his interview.
I think that david did it!!
Response: Thanks for the comment. You aren't alone in that theory, other comments agree with you.
I don't feel that Chrisitan killed Dale or Crystal. I think Jim Taylor was hanging around. I think he saw that Dale killed Crystal, and found his opportunity to kill Dale at the Cemetary. I also feel that Jim was molesting Dale also (they would go into the Garage (privately) and talk. I feel Mr. Taylor has a problem, a serious problem that needs to be addressed. His wife needs to come forward and let everyone know what was going on with Jim and Crystal and possible (Dale). I wouldn't be surpised to find out that he molested Shane when he was younger and that is why he has this drug problem.
Response: Thanks for the theory. The physical evidence doesn't point to anyone other than Dale in the murder of his sister Crystal. We agree with your assessment of Jim Taylor and are relieved that Sandra Taylor made the decision to testify in the abuse case.
Hi again from the Cheeky1
Well I am still checking this site twice a day - the case is so
We all accept that Dale killed Crystal but it is interesting that
despite the confession we just can't believe that Christian killed
Dale and are looking at Jim Taylor or Dave Woolworth, especially
given the sense of unreality Christian has about how the shooting
Anyway, I just wanted to say maybe Detective Nelson needs a biography
on the site...VT and RT maybe.
I enjoy the comments from the regular contributors...maybe we should
get together in ICQ some time on the next case!!!!Solve it
Think I will change my name to....Detective Cheeky1 ...!!!
Response: Thanks for the comments.
The evidence clearly indicates that Dale killed Crystal.
Re-read the DNA and forensic reports. The question is, who was
present when Dale was killed, and who did the killing? I am
unconvinced that Christian did it, although I'm pretty sure he
thinks he did.
I, too, would dearly like a peek at Jim's financial records; Dave's
would be interesting as well. I have become convinced that Jim is
involved in blackmail, but it's still unclear whether he is the perp
or the victim.
This case is about whom has the goods on whom.
Obviously, Jim Taylor has some ugly family matters to hide. Maybe he
has some business matters as well? And maybe Dave knows about
it/them? Or... maybe it's more complicated; it could be that
Jim + Dave + whomever all have something on each other?
C'mon, Detective Nelson. Please check on the things we've asked about
over the past 4 days and let us all know which tree we should be
barking at!
-- Dixon Hill, P.I.
Response: Investigation into the Taylor finances and business dealings did not uncover any unusual or suspicious activity. Intersting lines of investigation, however.
I don't think Chambers killed them alone someone must have been in on it also. Who cleaned the shovel and the inside of the car. Chambers states that he can't remember what he did after killing Dale but he ran. If he ran who cleaned the items. Mallords Lady
Response: Chambers stated he wanted to run, but in fact filled in the grave. He cleaned the shovels and the car the night of February 2, see additional releases of his interviews for more details.
Hi again!!
Thanks for your response Det Nelson. I wonder who Christian went with
to Mexico (seeing you said that's where he went and spent the $4000
before he turned up at the retreat in California).
Also...I wonder if Bill Kapaneko was financed in venture capital by
Jim Taylor?? Maybe his testimony about the running youth was false
because of that?
Also, were Christian and Jim Taylor involved in a financial scheme,
maybe one where Christian's wealthy parents will lose everything
unless Christian confessed to a murder he did not commit?
Also, what about the phone records for around 4am from the Taylors'
Cheers from the Cheeky1
Response: Chambers traveled to Mexico alone by hitching rides with truckers, some of whom we have located and interviewed, see the final report on the investigation and Chambers interview. Part of the expenses included paying for someone to get him across the border both coming in and going out. The resort Chambers stayed at was not cheap either, he relied heavily on room service for meals. Kapaneko was thoroughly checked out after he came forward in early March including the possibility of a business connection with Jim Taylor and nothing was found. No business relationship between Christian and Jim Taylor. Phone records showed no calls.
How expensive is Rohypnol? Would it be possible to check Dad's bank
or ATM transactions in the recent past to track unusual spending
patterns which might suggest he had been purchasing the drug from
Dave prior to or around the time of the killings?
I agree with others that Dad is deep into this somehow, and the
contention that Christian may have been drugged seems to add weight
to the Dad/Dave arguments in my mind.
Response: The Taylor's finances, bank accounts and business relationships were investigated with nothing suspicious or unusual uncovered. No question that Jim Taylor had much to hide in the abuse investigation.
What a sad ending for Crystal. She was the only one in the family that was introspective. She constantly blamed herself for the faults of others. Jim Taylor murdered his own son and raped his own daughter, and blamed his son's best friend. FatLady
Response: Agreed, very sad. We are convinced that Dale Taylor murdered his sister and that Christian indeed shot Dale. Thanks for the comments.
Well Now,
I have to like Dave for calling in the 2 skaters in a grave. You are
right Sinestra. Sounds like something he would say. Motive: Stress Mr
Taylor. Jill. Yeah Mother Taylor may have been drugged also. She is
so into denial about what was going on that it might not make any
I'm hoping that she will save the day and rat her pervert husband
out. She won't let them send Christian away for something she knows
he didn't do. Jill
Response: Thanks for the comments, some good hypotheses on this case. Fortunately, Sandra Taylor did decide to speak out on the abuse.
Why are the detectives focusing on Christian? If he had killed
Crystal why was he so firm in his denial. What has he got to lose.
He's already confessed to one murder. It's not like he's going to
salvage his reputation. He convinced me that he had absolutely
nothing to do with Crystals murder. He definitely had something to do
with disposing of the body. His memory is pretty clear in that
regard. But as to pulling the trigger of the shotgun, no. He was set
Why haven't the police called in some welfare agency to investigate
sexual abuse reported in Crystals journal?Shane and Mother Taylor
should have already been interviewed . Weird. Are the cops on the
take? They are very apologetic when interviewing the parents. Have
the Taylors contacted a lawyer. Tammi
Response: Chambers convinced us, and the DA, that he did not murder Crystal Taylor resulting in dropping the murder charges in that case. However, in the course of such an interrogation additional details and facts may come out under duress that we don't expect, it's necessary to eliminate those possibilities. Medical records for both Crystal and Dale Taylor were subpoenaed and submitted for expert analysis to Dr. Wilma Martin, an abuse expert. All of the Taylor family members and extended family as well as a number of others were interviewed on several occasions regarding the diary entries and abuse allegations, you can find some of that information in the summary reports on the investigation. The Taylors did retain counsel.
Call me crazy, but i think that he is lying. I did read the text
and at first thought that he was telling the truth, but when I
watched the video, something just is right. I think that he killed
them both. I can't tell you a motive, but I don't think that Dale
killed his sister. I think that Christian killed them both. Maybe
Dale was defending his sister, maybe walked up on Christian stabbing
Cyrstal and stopped him, then kneeled down next to her to see if she
was still alive and then Christian killed Dale. It just seems werid
that all the sudden Dale snapped. I don't think that Cystal would
just walk away after being dropped off at the bus station because
Dale was freaking out about her decision.Who was she going to call??
Her dad?? Her mom?? From the sound of things they would have told her
to get her butt on the bus. Was she going to call Shane?? I just
don't think that it all fits. Christian is hiding something. Maybe he
had something going on with her and he knew if she quit skating she
would leave. But only the writers of this scene know this. Just a
Response: The physical evidence does not tie anyone other than Dale Taylor to the murder of his sister, Crystal. Our guess is that Crystal would have called her friend Maggie Jenkins, but that's speculation. Thanks for the comments.
I don't know about the rest of you here, but ever since this last
update I've been hearing the Fat Lady singing loud and clear....I
think this one is over.
It was fun while it lasted, but now I'm looking ahead to the next
case. So, Until then I'll be watching Murder She Wrote, Colombo,
Mannix, Cannon and even a little McCloud to sharpen my detective
skills. I'm gonna be ready for the next case. See you all next
Thanks again for a great site....mona
Response: Thanks for the comments, look forward to your input in the future.
Time to do some "thinking out loud" and get a little help from my
We all agree it's likely that either Dale or his father had ties to
the Ego Shovel group. My bet is it's Dale.
Possibility: since Dale and his father share many of the same
psychological attributes... maybe Dale was the one who drugged and
raped his sister? In her drugged, disoriented state, she may have
confused the two.
Possibility: Dale (or someone else) drugged Christian and brought him
to the murder scene. The intent was to convince Christian of his own
guilt. Scenario 1: Dale is the perp. trying to fake Christian into
taking the guilt for killing Crystal. Something went wrong (3rd
party?) and Christian believes he killed Dale, or perhaps
accidentally did (under pharmaceutical influence). Scenario 2: Jim or
Dave is the perp. (any other possibilities?) who first killed
Crystal, then successfully faked Christian into taking the guilt for
killing Dale.
Motives: not money for either Jim or Christian. Christian's parents
are well-to-do and Christian easily affords his own place plus the
cost & upkeep of a BMW. Jim has made a lot of money first with
his own skating endorsements and later in venture capital. UNLESS...
he owes somebody more than he can pay.
More likely someone is/was blackmailing Jim or Dale. Was it Dave?
Where does Shane fit in?
-- Dixon Hill, P.I.
Response: There's no evidence that Shane has any involvement other than what he's stated and we know. We've found no Ego Shovel ties to the Taylor family other than Shane. It is possible, as another comment pointed out, that Dale was in fact intending to frame Chambers for Crystal's death. There is some indication of that in Chambers' statements. We can't know that for certain though.
I am pretty sure we are missing an important 3- or 4-way
interaction here; perhaps it's between Christian, Dale, and Dale's
Also, I was just going through the evidence files again to jog my
memory --- I can't believe I missed this: Bill Kapaneko's interview
is all wrong! Something's fishy. He states he saw the running "boy"
in the distance at 4 AM. But he identified the runner as wearing
black REEBOK tennis shoes? He also mentioned the person had black
smudges on his face and was breathing very hard. This is way too much
detail for a distant observation this early in the morning from
someone who claims he didn't see the runner very clearly. The
clincher: he claims he watched the runner from *behind*.
I don't think Kapaneko made this stuff up; I think there's something
more he isn't telling us.
-- Dixon Hill, P.I.
Response: We believe that some of Kapaneko's details came from news reports. He did not come forward with this information until March 6th. He also stated that he followed this person to the corner of Ross and therefore must have been much closer than he estimated.
"Some graves are big enough for two to skate in." This type of
statement comes from the sort of person who is taunting the police
with the implications of what he's done, not from someone who is
guilt-ridden over the loss of his best friend by his own hands. Just
my opinion.
Response: Agree it is a taunting or challenging statement. From interviewing Chambers it seems he was both wanting and challenging us to find him.
I think that dales dad killed him.But if he was supposed to be in the bed when they went to the bus station where was their mom at? didnt she know that he had got up and left?
Response: Sandra Taylor believes that her husband did not leave the house on the morning of February 2. Chambers' confession is credible and is consistent with the evidence.
Something is missing! I also believe Jim Taylor had something to do with the murder. His lie detector test indicates some involvment. Is there a reason why he has not been questioned futher? Also Sandra Taylor should be questioned again, this is a woman who has allowed incest to go on in her house for 10 or more years. She is so used to denial that she probably does not know the difference between truth and immagination especially when her husband is involved. In her initial interview it says she went back to bed and to sleep( maybe with the aid of a sleeper like Rohypnol), This would give Jim time to leave the house commit murder and be back before Sandra woke up The Rohypnol angle is interesting. This is a powerful drug that is capable of causing blackouts. Jane
Response: Both Jim and Sandra Taylor have been interviewed extensively and repeatedly in this case and in the abuse investigation as have extended family members. See the investigation summary reports for more details. Jim Taylor's results on the voice stress analysis test are likely from his involvement in the abuse of his daughter Crystal.
Got to agree with Jill. The first thing to look for when someone is murdered, is who would benefit. You would think that the investigaters would be leaning very hard on Mr. Taylor. He is obviously a sociopath if not a psychopath if he was molesting his own child, he's probably capable of even more heinous crimes. He was banking on the kids to bring in money from endorsements etc. It became apparent that Crystal was backing out and Dale just didn't have it. So he went to plan B. Insurance. Tammi
Response: Money is indirectly a motive in the murder of Crystal Taylor from all reports, however, Dale certainly didn't protect his interests by killing her. There is nothing in the Taylor family financial picture to indicate a motive on that front for Jim Taylor.
I don't like Christian for the murder of either one of the Taylor
children. He is out of his mind with feelings of guilt and loss, and
he has admitted to being suicidal. I think he may really believe he
killed Dale. He may have been drugged. Christian definitely has
memory lapses. His description of a dream like state reminds me of
things that I read in Crystal's journal. Still think Mr Dave (Ego
Shovel) Woolworth is involved. Mr Taylor definitely had motive and
opportunity. Christian is a babe in the woods compared to those two.
P.S. dont't forget the insurance money, incest to boot.
Response: Thanks for the comments. Have to agree that Chambers is not sophisticated in criminal activity, however, his confession is credible and is consistent with the evidence.
Chambers' "confession" seems to raise as many questions as it
answers. His speech during this time is reminiscent of situations
where a witness being questioned is trying unsuccessfully to provide
a consistent but untruthful story. Notice how he seems to "edit" his
responses; not his normal speaking style. Not necessarily
attributable to stress.
Someone should check with forensics: how long does Rohipnol stay in
the body? Has a blood test been run on Chambers? If not... consider
the possibility of checking for Rohipnol (if the limits of
detectability haven't already been exceeded). It would be very
interesting to know if Chambers had received a dose of the stuff. If
so... now who would want to go and do a thing like that?
Something else that doesn't seem quite right. The location where the
lost luggage was found. It seems to be too far (or not far enough)
out of the path of the rest of the events of the morning. Have we
investigated all we can concerning this?
-- Dixon Hill
Response: With a hair sample toxicology test rohypnol can be detected for quite some time, on the order of 9 months or more. Chambers denies being drugged, however, a screen may be done. Regarding the luggage, Chambers admits to moving it twice, once within the boundaries of Oxford at the west end of Old Taylor Road, and then to Hurricane Creek the night of February 2. This when he was reported for erratic driving by Alan Philbert.
Dear Detective Nelson,
I sincerely liked the development and the creation of this case. It
had some twists and turns--I found the case interesting and well
thought out. Additionally, I would like to see the next case soon.
This case was my first and I found it particularly awesome in its
ideas and mystery involved. Thanks.
Detective Spade.
Response: Thanks for your input. Next case will be posted soon.
I still think Dave Woolworth had something to do with this. I
mean, not murder but witnessed the killing of Crystal or Dale (or
both). Maybe you can interview him again. I don't think Christian is
lying, to make sure his confession is true it's good to talk to
Woolworth. I believe he knows more than he told you before, and he's
the one who made a phonecall about grave.
Response: Chambers has admitted
to making the call and that is backed up by voice
analysis conducted on 4/3.
Ok. I read Christian's interview and it mostly makes sense. He was
under duress, Dale threatened to implicate him. Dale was a little
more than %@**!-up in the head (Thanks Dad!) But there are 2 points
of evidence that bring big questions to mind. Lie Detector tests! 1.
Jim Taylor failed. Could that just be attributed to his incestuous
relationship with his daughter? and 2. Dave Wollworth. Why would his
test indicate he was deceptive? What's his involvement? I still think
Dale was somehow involved in Ego Shovel. I dunno. Bugs me.
Response: The voice stress analysis tests are indicators of deception however, differ from polygraphs. It is likely that the abuse investigation into Jim Taylor's relationship with Crystal Taylor triggered his results. Dave Woolworth is involved in any number of things with Ego Shovel that could result in a deceptive result. We've found no evidence of Dale's involvement with Ego Shovel.
After reading Christian's statements, I believe that Dale went to his friend for one thing and that was to set him up to look like Christian killed Dale's sister. And as that morning progressed with both of them being in the state of mind they were I think Dale planned on killing Christian as he stood over the grave digging the dirt. And he probably would have done it successfully if Christian had started digging like Dale wanted him to but the tables turned. This is surly a case of a moment of insanity and had Christian been able to think then he would have realized that Dale was setting him up and that Dale not only would have killed him too but planned on it. Dale would have tried to make it look like Christian came out of nowhere in his car that night to the bus stop to help Crystal get away. Dale would probably have said he followed Christian to the cemetery and caught him red handed and killed him. I can see it now very clearly and the anger will soon come out in Christian when he realizes that is the truth. You can check the online billing records on AOL keyword Billing and download the current billing record to see exactly when Christian logged off AOL that night. I hope Christian gets off this somehow but it will be a shame and unjustice that this young man should have to pay for his friends deceit. And Christian will need help, emotional help. It is not just the death of his best friend or her sister that Christian will have to live with the rest of his life but the reality and deceit that Dale set him up and then learning what happened to Crystal all those years by her father. The boy was had and he could have been dead too. Christian and Crystal are the victims here.
Response: You may very well be right about Dale's original motivations in involving Christian. The billing records show that Christian logged off at 4:04 a.m. on February 2nd. Thanks for your comments.
I just have a few things to get off of my chest. Number one, this
is not the place for bickering because after all, you do have to wait
until the next day to read the response from the other person. So,
Fatchick and Dipstick, if you don't have anything to add to the case,
then go cyber in a private chat please. Number two, the detective may
state that all questions and comments are welcome, but he doesn't
mean the same ones over and over again. Number three, I'm past what I
typed earlier so I'm not taking any comments, suggestions, etc. so
get over it. Number four, I can say all of these things because I'm
one of the few people who makes any sense throughout the week. Until
the update is done...Mzbhaver
Totally off topic here, but I have been out of the loop for a
When I last tuned in the Woodley case was current, and after
reviewing the info regarding the "Solution" it seems like an AWFUL
LOT of questions went unanswered. Ivy confessed and the case got
dropped like a hot potato without any indication of who or what Mr.
Friendly was trying to protect with his bogus confession. What
Back on topic:
This investigation seems interesting! I wonder if there is a power
struggle between Christian and Dad for the love of Dale, and poor
Crystal just got caught in the middle of it. Dad is after all
obviously some kind of major league perv...
Carry on,
Response: Nice to have you back with us. Buck Friendly's confession appeared to be associated with some mental health issues and he has been in treatment. Interesting concept on the power struggle between Christian and Jim Taylor. We are continuing the abuse investigation.
Well, FATLADY, how very rude of you to call someone a dipwad. Is
that how you handle people who DARE to disagree with you? (and
"dipwad"? Really, Sport, try to be more imaginative)
To the point, if you are accessing the HUB by Yahoo or some other
search engine, you are reaching the Hub on the net, not AOL's own
HUB, which is DEFUNCT. The previous poster said the HUB was back on
AOL, which indeed, it is not.
Response: Thank you for your comments, correct the HUB is no longer on AOL. As a Detective I must have a sense of humor, but my time is limited, so let's all get back to keeping the comments area on topic. Thanks.
P.S. disregard the dipwad Jill. FATLADY
Response: Apologies result in a warning on a first offense, the $25 fine is waived.
Ah but I beg to differ. I just last evening spent time at the HUB. It was not via bookmark. Try Webcrawler or Yahoo search engines my dear. Yes I realise Keyword dosen't work. Use some imagination Sport. There's more than one way to San Hose. Yes indeed type in H-U-B. Who are you, dipwad? FATLADY
Response: Calling someone a "dipwad" within the borders of Yoknapatawpha County carries a $25 fine. Seriously, let's keep the comments area addressed to the Detectives on the cases, thanks.
Regarding post below: The Hub is NOT back online. Try using the
keyword. No workie. Its gone...kapoot..finito.
Oh sure, they left some of their old dead pages floating around which
you can access if you were lucky enough to put them on fav places
before they went belly up. But The Hub is no more.......
Response: Thanks for the comments, you are correct, the HUB is no longer on AOL.
When are we going to get more info, there's got to be something new with Christian in police custody. Notice HUB is back on AOL any comment? Did someone forget to pay the bill? Does this mean the investigation will get up to speed? Why no comments from Detectives Nelson and Armstrong on our wild theories? Jill
Response: Investigations are updated at least weekly. The Taylor case update day is Monday. The HUB is DOA on AOL. Couldn't resist. Crime Scene cases will continue to be available here at www.crimescene.com and we have no plans to discontinue our investigation repository.
Well, well a bunch of new comer geniuses, spend five minutes and have it all figured out. NOT!!! Read the whole thing then make an EDUCATED guess. It ain't over tell the fat lady sings. FATLADY
Response: Thank you for your comments. Our Department posts this information on the web to allow the public to participate in the investigation by asking questions, offering observations and providing leads. Everyone's comments and perspectives are welcome.
JIM CHAMBERS ???????? Thats a good one. I think Jim Chambers did it
Response: I think you mean Jim Taylor and Christian Chambers. Easy to get confused.
well this is new and different, there is so much to decide its possible the mother did it she drank and she must have known about the sexual abuse-so i would say mother did it and frames dale's friend christian also how do you find who did it
Response: Thanks for your comments, we will post all developments in the investigations at least weekly. We invite your participation, theories and comments in efforts to assist in resolving Crime Scene cases.
Jim Chambers is guilty of all charges
We figured this out by studing all the evidence,and it lead to Jim
wanting to kill his daughter because she did not make the skating
Response: Thanks for your comments.
I think it was their parents who killed them even though I am just 5 min. in this
Response: Thanks for your comment.
How about this. Mr. Taylor decides to go down to the bus station and
say goodbye to the kids and maybe give them a last minute pep talk.
When he gets to the bus stop, the kids aren't there, so he gets out
of his car and starts walking around, when he hears the kids arguing
in the back by the crates, and as he rounds the corner he sees Dale
kill crystal. Mr. Taylor is probably bursting with anger, as he
watches Dale run off. So, after checking to see that crystal was
really dead, Mr. taylor hops in his car and ultimately trails Dale to
Christian's house. He waits, parked down the street, until Dale and
Christian pull away. Mr. Taylor knows that Christian has a shotgun so
he begins to plan Dales death. He gets into christian's house (either
by breaking in or through an open window or maybe the door was even
left unlocked).
Anyway, Mr. Taylor gets the shotgun, drives out to the cemetery and
murders Dale, then threatens to kill christian if he talks. Christian
finally can't hold it in any longer, so he ultimately panics and
writes the phony murder confession to Terrence, and I think he mainly
wrote this confession, so the police could take him into (protective)
custody (from Mr. Taylor).
I know that one is waaaaaaay out there ... mona
Response: May not be the way it happened, but it's an interesting theory taking the facts as we had them into account.
P.S. I don't believe Christion was a willing participant. I believe he went to the cemetery under duress, and made a run for it before Mr Taylor killed Dale. Jill
Response: See Chambers' interview for his version of events.
Addendum: Re: shotgun.
I think Dale may have intimidated Christian by loading and waving the
shot gun around, insisting that Christian help him dispose of the
body. That is why the shotgun was at the cemetery. Dale had it in his
possession. He handed it to Mr Taylor while he was burying the body,
and Taylor executed him while he was in the grave. Another wild
theory from Jill. (Hope I didn't have any spelling errors teach).
Response: Thanks for the theory.
Now you see em....Now you don't. I was just here reading some
comments, then went to check my email and when I came back here, the
comments I was reading were gone. Is it my imagination?
Response: Don't have a good answer for that, I'll check with our webmasters. I trust everything is there now.
I am still confused about one thing, and that is the shotgun. In
christian's letter to Terrence he said that there was no forethought
in his killing dale, and if thats the case, then how was the shotgun
there at the grave site? I can see dale killing crystal and running
to christian for help, and at this moment I would imagine both of
them kind of panicking and running around christian's house getting
the shovel to bury her and blankets and things to wrap around crystal
and I also see them doing this very hastily, because they would have
to bury the body before it got light outside. So when and why would
the shotgun be put into the honda? Or, did Christian always leave his
shotgun in the honda? I tend to doubt this, since it was reported
that he rarely used the honda. Also, most guys that I know who have
shotguns keep them locked up in a gun case. The only way I can
possibly see that gun being there at the grave site is if the murder
of dale was planned in advance.
Can't wait for the next update....mona
Response: According to Chambers, his shotgun was not kept in
the Honda. He states that Dale Taylor was the one that picked it
The detectives needed to escort Christian back from California. That
is why they were flying there.
General Note to List: PLEASE read the case before you post. Some
comments clearly indicate you have only skimmed the basics. Also
utilization of spell check would make the readers' life much
Oh, and Christian and Dale were NOT brothers.
Response: Thanks for helping out with answers. We welcome all comments and questions.
Sir: Why are the two detective's on their way to CA.? There seems to be some more evidence out there that we have not been informed of.Surely a trip to CA. seems strange ,if the case has finally been solved. Bejo
Response: John Wise and myself went to California to bring Chambers back to Oxford following his arrest there.
When will the last of Crystal Taylors diary be revealed? Since the
case has not be marked as solved after Christians confession letter
and arrest it must be assumed that there is another new twist to the
case. When will it be revealed? I can't exactly say what is a miss
here but even with all the evidence something tells me that without
the next evidence release this case has a big gap in the conviction
of the criminal. Something about Christian does not ring true,
whether it is the way his caracter was set up or his bio, his actions
and reactions do not mesh with the type of personality he had set up
at the beginning of this case. I feel there is someone else close to
Christian who has not been brought out yet that will pull together
his actions and reactions. In other words there is still a secret to
be revealed. Am I right? Looking forward to the answers to my
[email protected]
Response: All of the diary that was found has been posted as of the April 6th update. Interviews and investigation since the arrest of Chambers are providing insight and answers to some of the remaining questions. We will post the information as it is available.
it was sick she assaulted and murered- fry the murder
Response: Thank you for your comments.
I personally think that the brother did it. When he found out that
his sister didn't want to skate with him anymore he freaked out and
killed her. Scared he went to his brother, Christians house and told
him what happened. Now the brothers had to dispose of the body. They
drove to the cemetery and dug a hole and put her in it then the dad
found out what was happening and shot him for killing his "little
girl". Christian was scared that his dad might come after him so he
took off and has not been seen since...
Response: Christian Chambers' statements are consistent with your theory with the exception that Christian is not related to Dale Taylor and there seems to be no involvement on the part of Jim Taylor, the father, in the murders.
1. Dale murdered Crystal
2. Dad killed Dale
3. Dad, Dave, and friends frame Christian
Please see previous comments for motives/details.
Response: Thanks for the comments.
Although I do believe Christian Chambers did have a moment of
insanity and killed Dale. Christian was his best friend but obviously
Dale was not Christian's best friend and after reading Crysal's
diary, I don't think Dale was anybody's best friend. I think he was a
greedy and thoughtless just like his father. The anger and hatred had
been building for a long time between the brother for his sister and
the brother basically clocked out when he found out the sister was
walking away and his meal ticket was gone. I believe Christian's
letter to his friend in California. It shows he was a very desparate
and confussed young man. He did not mean to kill Dale but was driven
beyond what we know as that thin line between sanity and insanity.
The man was suckered into believing his friend was sincere and
discovered Dale was just using him. But I do have a couple questions.
One...Christian said in the letter that he had told Terrance Kershaw
all about Dale and Crystal as though he had talked about them as his
best friend yet in his chat room script to Tania Hotchkiss he tells
her he never told her about Dale and Crystal Taylor. Obviously these
two people were the ones he communicated with most via email, chat
rooms and the internet yet he tells one all about his best friend and
not the other. And second, now will Terrance Kershaw get the $10,000
reward offered by the Taylor family? In answer to a couple people who
asked why Christian didn't just send email to California instead of
snail mail...well the police probably have his computer for one thing
and he wasn't about to sign on as a guest under his original screen
name even though his account is still listed as open and active.
Response: Chambers statements bear this line of thinking out. As to the communications, Kershaw and Chambers have been communicating frequently for over three years while the relationship with Hotchkiss was slightly more than 6 months. The nature of the relationships seems to be quite different as well. No decision has been made on the reward at this time.
Okay, the way I see it, Christian is taking the fall for somebody
else, probably the father. I believe the father and Dale were
partners. By reading the diary, we see that Crystal didn't want to
skate with Dale anymore. THis destroys most of the control her father
and Dale had over her. Perhaps, the father had Dale kill Crystal and
then the fearing Dale will turn him in, he kills Dale and finds some
way to "persuade" Christian into taking the blame. Dad probably
thinks he can't be prosecuted for the sexual abuse.
Response: Interesting theory on the relationship between Dale and Jim Taylor, we are working on the abuse investigation and still hope for a prosecution.
Response: We still have no reason to believe there was an intimate relationship between Dale Taylor and Christian Chambers as has been speculated. See Chambers' interview for some insights into motive.
First of all, I did not state that Christian did not write the letter. My exact words were "sounds so fake and stupid". It was so unemotinally detached and insincere of a person who was remorseful for committing murder. Sure, Christian was there, but for what I don't know. That fake letter did not explain anything or answer any questions. This case has too many holes and I'm getting fed up with it. Like I said, I'm watching the ending credits to see if something else will happen before I do any more speculating. MzBhaver
Response: Chambers does appear to have a degree of detachment from the murders. His interviews may help answer some of the questions.
Hi l'm new at this but with the evidence l've read here l find it
hard to believe Christian killrd his friend.Even with his
confession,which l think might have been "suggested" to him,it does
not sound right.My gut feeling tells me there's more to it.l am
unsure of David Woolwood's power and his ability to deal with complex
maters as suggested in his biographies.It would appear to me that he
is capable of setting up this whole scame since the murder of
Crystal.It seems odd that Christian would remember shooting his
friend and then forget everything else because of the "trama" he's
gone through.With most tramtic experencses i believie the person
would even forget the incedent that caused it.If Christian were
drugged,and l'm not saying he was,then told what he had to remember
and nothing more it would seem acceptable that the case would be as
it appears.Then again who really knows how tramic people think.
Response: Chambers has clearly suffered, but it does not appear that he has blocked out the events of February 2nd.
I believe that somewhere in this mess the father had it done. He
either had help or did it himself, maybe to cover himself because the
daughter was getting older and might rat on him, or because he was
some sicko that wanted sad publicity and sympathy for his guilty
inner self for molesting his daughter and thought maybe the murder of
his kids might be a good way to get out of his inner feelings. I
don't think the Christian kid did all this by himself, but he may
have been either blackmailed or tricked into doing something he didnt
believe in. Also seems that maybe the brother was in on it with dad
and maybe at the last minute things went bad and he got killed too.
Just my gut feelings..
Response: Thanks for the comments. Chambers' statements do not indicate any involvement on the part of Jim Taylor.
The Christian "confession" letter (even our Detective uses the
term purported) has some major problems.
The two were email buddies and I would suspect that, having not met,
they just emailed each other instead of sending letters.
As we know...why use snail mail (and pay for it) when you can email
for nothing - if you have an unlimited time and generous downloads
accounts like mine here in Australia.
Probaly they also exchanged email virtual cards for birthdays and
Christian also talks about not knowing what is reality...forget the
exact words. Also he could not recall disposing of Dale's body.
Maybe he has been brainwashed /drugged into thinking he killed Dale
while helping to bury Crystal?
Then there's that money, nealry $4000 from his account, I mentioned
Response: Kershaw and Chambers have been corresponding for over three years via both e-mail and postal correspondence. Chambers spent the money in the period from March 21st to his arrest March 31st.
I agree with Tad FBI and MzBhaver there is definitely somehting wrong with the confession letter. The mention of running away together then being betrayed when this did not happen, even if Christian and Dale were lovers, they were beyond the age to "run away". And if Christian was only helping to dispose of Chrystals' body and did not plan to kill Dale why did he have the gun at the cemetary. And he clearly indicated that he might be sucidial in the letter but when he was chatting via internet with (he thought) his friend he seemed to get upset at the mention of his "doing away with himself". Also after reading the dairy I can't understand why the Dad is not charged with sexual abuse.
Response: Chambers' interview information may help clear up some of your questions, as for the abuse investigation, we intend to pursue it.
I think the person who called police about gravesite is Dave
Woolworth. If Christian really killed Dale, Woolworth happed to be
around saw the killing. Or, Christian didn't kill (since he doesn't
remember anything-but likely he did it) Woolworth could be a killer
of Dale. Either way it explaines why he was nervous at lie detecting
Why no arrest made to Mr. Taylor for abusing his daughter???
Response: We are still working on a case the DA will prosecute.
Response: The investigation did not uncover any skating rivals or fans with a motive in this case. Chambers' interview indicates some reasons for the murder of Crystal Taylor.
Although Christian testified to killing Dale, and that Dale killed
Crystal, I don't think that is all the case...there is more to the
case than meets the eye. Christian may testify to one murder, it
seems appropriate...but the evidence toward him as the single
perpetrator is cloudy, at best. True, there are lots of evidence
toward him, but it is scattered and very sketchy (in my opinion). I
still need more info from the press and the detectives, particularly
the trial.
Det. Spade
Response: Information obtained in the investigation since the arrest of Chambers will be made available.
did he go to jail
Response: We think you are referring to Christian Chambers, and yes, he is in the custody of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department at this time.
Are you people insane? Of course Christian wrote the letter -
that's why he was at Terrance's waiting for the police to arrive so
he could turn himself in. You can't necessarily turn every murder
into a conspiracy - you have to look at the evidence, which clearly
points to Christian's story. He has not yet indicated that anyone
else was involved, but otherwise there is no evidence that any of
your other suspects were involved.
The only question that I have that is unanswered is where was the
hatchback coming from when it was driving erratically the next
Response: Christian did write the letter. He continues to state that Dale Taylor was responsible for the murder of Crystal Taylor. His interviews since returning to Oxford are providing some of these answers and will be posted.
I don't think Christian did it either. Who's to say the lnketter
about killing Dale was really from him?
The DNA evidence does not link him to Dale's death either, only to
disposing of Crystal's body.
Also, importantly, how did he get to California and how did he get
through nearly $4000 in 10 days?
Did he stay in luxury accommodation on the way or was he brainwashed
to give money to Ego Shovel?
Who drove him to Jackson (seeing his cars were at home)to withdraw
money...and how far is it from the mythical Oxford?
Not being a US person I have just looked up a net map from a real
estate site of the Jackson area.
that's it for now..
Response: Chambers acknowledges he wrote the letter. The handwriting matches his. He has given investigators an account of his time between March 21st when he fled Oxford and March 31st when turned himself in to Sonoma County Sheriff's deputies. He spent much of that time in Mexico. We will be providing more of his statements. Oxford is located about 160 miles north of Jackson in Mississippi.
Hi again!
I would be interested in seeing more information about Christians
arrest. Your report really don't offer anything significant. What was
his attitude and demeanor? Was he cooperative? What are the results
of your interviews? Did he make any statements? Confessions? Denials?
Inculpatory or Exculpatory comments? Etc.,Etc, Etc.
This would go along way in assessing weight and reliability
attributed to each piece of physical and verbal evidence.
Response: Chambers was returned to Oxford on April 4th. He did not give any statements to the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department. The Sonoma County reports are that Chambers was quiet, compliant, and very depressed. He was kept under close supervision while in their custody. Extensive interviews have been conducted since his return to Oxford. Much of that information will be posted.
Oh please the confession is bogus. No way this Kid would kill Dale. He did Taylor's home work for Christ sake. Hope the cops come to their senses. Tad FBI
Response: Chambers has confessed to shooting Dale Taylor.
Uh Oh! The main page doesn't say case solved. Christian's letter sounds so fake and stupid that it's pathetic. I can almost just see the dried teardrops and shaky handwriting. This is the first case I've had a chance to follow from the beginning to end and if this is over, I'm really pissed. It's like watching a movie when the ending credits roll and you're still waiting for the "what really happened" part. I really like to be wrong sometimes, so please drag that Taniakiss chick or Charles Manson into this somewhere. Otherwise, I confess that I was getting high with Shane and Dave that night too. MzBhaver
Response: Maybe we ought to have you come in for an interrogation on your cult associations? Just kidding, but sorry no Manson involvement in this case as far as we know. Chambers' interview provides more insight into this case.
Hey lets not rush to judgement here there is no limit on murder. Lyle
Response: Very true.
Hate to piss anyone off, but the fat lady has yet to sing. I don't believe Christian killed anyone. The diary refers to past events. Crystal could have been referring to events that took place that were not within the realm of the coroners report honey. Fat Lady
Response: Chambers has confessed to the shooting of Dale Taylor but states that Dale Taylor was responsible for the death of Crystal Taylor. Dr. Martin, the abuse expert who reviewed the medical records agrees that the events in the diary refer to the past and would not necessarily be documented in the autopsy, though the autopsy findings do support the possibility of abuse.
Jill Again,
Who is this T. Kershaw? How do we know he isn't involved with ego
shoval and Mr Taylor? Sorry just another far out theory. Jill
Response: Terrance Kershaw is a friend of Christian Chambers whom he met on the internet a number of years ago. Kershaw is a live in long time student at the Sonoma Mountain Zen Center in California and has never been to Oxford.
Re: Date rape drug: I'm speculating on past events. Never stated that Mr. Taylor gave Crystal the drug the night before the murder. How long does this particular drug stay in the blood stream. I don't believe Christian did it. Hope certain people arent on my jury when the time comes. Jill
Response: Chambers has confessed to shooting Dale Taylor but denies he is responsible for the death of Crystal Taylor.
With the DA not wanting to prosecute without further evidence on the
abuse of Crystal and the surrender and confession of Christian
Chambers it seems this case has come to a close. When will the next
new case open? Are you going to release new evidence on the abuse of
Crystal Taylor and if so will the DA prosecute then?
[email protected]
Response: We are continuing the abuse investigation in hopes it will be prosecuted. We will have another case as soon as the Taylor case is fully resolved. Watch for announcements.
Where is the information on the arrest? I got an email but there's no info here. There is also no update for this week. [do we get a free t-shirt for this?]- sara ([email protected])
Response: It seems the update was slow to show up for several servers, trust you have full access now.
Sir: Where is the updated info about arrest? there is no link to
the Apr.6 report or evidence to ponder.
Thanks Bejo
Response: Here's the link for the arrest report. Maybe the server was slow to update when you wrote. Let us know if you have any more problems finding the information.
i believe that crystal and her brother got into another argument
and dale was mad because sean was taking her side like everyone
always did so he killed her, panicked ran past the pizza place, got
rid of the knife and jacket and called christian to come and help
him. knowing that Christian would not refuse. after burying Crystal
Christian reveals his true feelings for Dale because he knows he will
be around more, but when Dale dosen't return the same feelings
Christian shots him.
Why is their no phone records for Christian's condo to see if there
was a call made around the time of the murder?
Response: Chambers' interviews show that this is close to what happened. Phone records were checked and no calls were made around the time of the murder.
Why do people keep talking about the date rape drug? If I remember correctly, there were no drugs found in either body during the autopsy and I'm sure that all those times Crystal went to the doctor they performed blood tests as well as urine. I'm trying to get clues from what other people type but these out to lunch theories are pissing me off. Now, lets take things back to before we had all of the clues we have now. When Christian was asked does he know why anyone would want to make Crystal and Dale disappear, he said something to the effect of "You mean as far as kidnapping"? Why would he say something like that when no one else had said anything about kidnapping? Was this supposed to be something else other than a murder? I'm just looking at things that don't quite make sense and stand out. Please hook us up with more info.
Response: The discussion of rohypnol goes hand in hand with a discussion of Ego Shovel activities as we know from our investigations that this has been one of the drugs of choice for the group. There is no evidence to suggest that it plays a role in the deaths of Crystal or Dale Taylor at this time, however. According to Chambers, Dale Taylor had suggested a kidnapping scheme to cover the murder of Crystal Taylor. We believe this where Chambers came up with that statement in his first interview. You are right, that is one of the inconsistent statements that stood out in this case.
Dale murders crystal, takes off running drops the murder weapon. He runs to Christians house calls his dad. Dale grabs Christain's shotgun and insists that Christian help him dispose of the body. They take off in Christians hatchback. Christian argues with Dale, tries to convince him to turn himself in. They load up the body, driving irradically toward the cemetery. At the cemetery Christian helps Dale unload the body, then makes a run for it as Dale's dad is driving up. Dad shoots Dale while Dale is in the grave covering up Crystals body. Dave W. has been suppling Mr. Taylor with rohipnol. He has also been privy to Shanes suspicions about an incestuous relation between Crystal and Mr. Taylor. He contacts Mr. Taylor , and insinuates he knows about about Mr Taylors involvement in the disappearance of his children. Christian can't sleep thinking about Dale and Crystal. He phones the police with the tip about the bodies. Now the heat is on, Dave W puts pressure on Mr. Taylor. He Agrees to Help Mr Taylor frame Christian for the murders for a share of the insurance money. Did Mr. Taylor have Dave kill Christian or is Christian on the lam? Thats my theory until more evidence is uncovered. Jill
Response: From what we've learned from Christian Chambers, there is some truth in your theories. According to Chambers there was no one else involved in either murder than he and Dale Taylor. We believe we will have some progress to report in the abuse investigation.