- Anonymous Tip
- This anonymous tip was called in to The Yoknapatawpha
Sheriff's Department Front Desk on Thursday, 2/19/98 at
1:46 p.m. An attempt to trace the call was made but the
caller did not stay on the line long enough. Caller ID
records later confirmed that the call was placed from the
pay phone outside Abner's, a chicken tenders restaurant
at the corner of South Lamar Avenue and University
- Q=Sheriff's Department Dispatcher Trina David
- Q=Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department, may I
help you?
- A=Some graves are big enough for two to skate
- Q=Excuse me?
- A=I said, some graves are big enough for two to skate
- Q=What is your name and where are you calling from,
sir? [David iniates traceat this point]
- A=That's not important. Just check the grave on the
south side of St. Peter's Cemetery. The freshest
- Q=And what are we supposed to find, sir?
- A=Open up the grave and you'll see.
- Q=Sir, I'd like you to talk to a detective. . .please
hold the line.
- A=[Caller disconnects at this point]
- Q=Sir? Sir, are you there?
- [End of call]