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Thursday, October 23, 1997 Guest: Victoria Symons Opening Remarks: Hi. I guess you all have some questions for me tonight, but...ummm...<nods tiredly> I have somethin to say first. I want to get it out now that I did NOT help stage Ed and Tony's breakout. I had no idea what Ed had done until he called me that night. Other than that, I'm really tired from the past week and all the questioning from the cops, so I really don't have much to say about anything. But..I guess, I can answer some questions. Question and Answer session with Victoria Symons: Q: Who was the girl you were talking about in your phone call? A: The girl, I didn't know her name. She was some prostitute that Ed had been fooling around with when we were at the hotel one night. She was a nobody but it really bothered me because Ed seemed to want me to be like her and I couldn't stand it. Q: Have the police charged you with anything? A: No, they haven't, yet. Q: What did Ed tell you about the escape? A: He really didn't talk much about it. He said it was just an accident really and since he had the opportunity...he wanted out of there. Said he got lucky. Q: Are you, by chance, "acquainted" with Sheriff Lamar? A: No, never met the guy. I've seen him in the papers, and heard that I might be questioned by him, but that's all I really know about him. Q: Vicky, you don't have to answer this but were you drunk when you called your Mom? A: A little. I was mostly high. Ed and I had just had a fight about him wanting me to go out and get us some money. And suddenly...it was like I wanted to talk to my Mom...er somethin. I dunno why. Q: If you guys didn't have Macy, why was her Library Card found in Phelps' hotel room? A: Library card? I haven't heard anything about a library card...I don't know... I have no idea why Tony had it. Q: Did Ed ever mention another car being involved with the accident that led to his escape? A: No, Ed never said anything about another car...but he didn't really talk much about the accident...he just said he was lucky and took his chance. Q: Did Ed ever mention Macy to you? A: No...not until he heard that they thought we had her...and then he got a real kick out of it. He thought it was funny that they thought we had her. Q: The bruises on your neck....just how abusive was Ed? Or was that "Rory"? A: <taking a deep breath> Ed wasn't really abusive until we got to New Orleans gave him that bullwhip...well...<shaking head> he just got real mean...Rory just seemed to seethe right out of him. Rory was like Ed's dark side. Q: Didn't he tell you anything about what was going on? A: Going on with what? Ed didn't really tell me much...he was always quiet about things...really inward thinker you know? We only really talked when we were high, and then we talked about getting out of Oxford...going to Hollywood...getting away from everything...Is that what you mean? Or do you mean about where we were going and stuff? Q: Yes, but I hoped he could have shed some light on all this. A: He never really talked about it. I mean, I asked him about Rory because my friends told me to check out his diary around here. So I did when he was in jail. One night when we were out looking at the stars and high ...I guess we were still in Mississippi with Tony at the time...I asked him about who Rory was. And he laughed and said he and Rory were twin souls but that he hated Rory in a way because Rory was so violent. I never got to see this side of him until New Orleans when we began to run out of money. Q: Did you ever look in the trunk of the first car you guys rode in...the one Ed took from the mall? A: We opened it to put stuff in it...there was nothing in it...look, we didn't have Macy ok? <tired sigh> We didn't even know who the girl was until we read in the papers that they thought we had her...and it was something that struck as weird...to me...Ed thought it was funny...but we didn't have her. Q: So Ed did seem different after the accident, like not the same person? A: Not really, he seemed like the same guy I'd been seeing before he was arrested. He didn't start getting weird until New Orleans. Up until then, we partied...smoked out...drank...and had a good time all the way down to New Orleans. Q: Was Ed an exiting thrill to your life? Did you find personal enjoyment from this kinda lifestyle? Do you forgive ED? A: Ed was fun until he started hitting me...until we started fighting and all ...<rubbing temples>... And he showed me all sorts of new things. Like the Shovel Parties and all sorts of new ways to get unimaginable highs. And yeah, it was fun at first when we left Oxford...I hated the place...It was hole, ok?...But then Tony started getting sick...and we started running of money...and Ed wanted me to go out on the streets and work it for some...and after we left Tony in New Orleans and I found out he was dead...all I wanted to do was drink and get high...everything is a blur and all the details kinda blend into one...I wanted to go to Hollywood and Ed was gonna take me there...so yeah I guess I liked it for a while. Until I realized that he was gonna kill me. Q: I noticed your ID had the words "Invalid" on it. Why is that? A: It was a fake ID. The cops took it from me and I guess they stamped that on it. Q: What do you know about Ed's & Tony's escape? Did they have help? A: Ed said it was just an accident. He lucked out and ran. Q: Do you know where he got the weapons and cell phone? A: Well, he had a gun from the escape...and then I think he picked up another one in New Orleans...but I might be remembering wrong cause the days and the towns sort of blended together for me...I know he stole the cell phone but I don't remember where or how...he got a knife in New Orleans...but the other gun...I think he got that in Vegas with some of the winnings. But I'm not really sure. I didn't go with him when he did things...he was the one in charge... Q: Were you with Ed at the mall in Oxford when he stole the car, or did he pick you up? A: No, he picked me up that night after work. Q: I know Ed and Tony's break out was an accident but what did happen? What caused the break out? A: Ed just said that the van crashed. Other than that he said he didn't really know what happened. But when the van stopped moving Ed figured a way out of it. But that's all he told me. Q: Did Ed ever say anything to you about Purity, and the charges pending against him in her murder case? A: No, but I didn't ask him about it because I didn't believe he did it at first. I thought they just wanted to blame him and link it to Ego Shovel...But now I really think he did, yes...I think he was capable of it. Q: Did you and/or Ed have any connection to Reed Chambeau, owner of the mall? A: No. I didn't and I don't think Ed did. Q: How did Tony get Macy's library card? A: I don't know. I didn't even know that he had Macy's library card until a few minutes ago when someone else asked me about it. Q: When you called your parents, you said Ed didn't want you anymore because of "the other girl." Who is she? A: She was a prostitute that Ed had just had sex with...with me in the room. I was really angry and high when I called my mom. I don't really remember much of what I said. Q: Vicky, do you know where Ed and Tony were between escape and picking you up? A: Ed told me that he had to take care of a few things...like getting the car to leave in. Then he said he spent most of the day out in the woods hiding. Q: Did Tony tell you anything about the rape charges against him? Did he say he was guilty or not? A: No, we didn't talk about the rape charges. I didn't want to ask. Q: Vicky, I read the transcript of your call to your mom. Did you know she asked if it was the Sheriff's daughter? A: I'm sorry, I don't really understand your question. I never spoke to my mom that day...just the answering machine. Q: Do you have a lawyer yet? A: Yeah, I have a lawyer. He's a public defender...I wanted one when I heard I was gonna be questioned. Q: Do you know Sheriff Lamar personally, aside from legal stuff? A: No, like I said, I had seen him in the papers and stuff. Heard he was running again, but never met him. I hear I might be questioned by him though. Q: You must have been really high, if you think you spoke to an answering machine and not your mother. A: I was pretty stoned. I didn't know what day it was most of the time. Q: According to records, you spoke with your mother..not an answering machine. She even asked you questions. Who is telling the truth? A: I'm sure my mother wouldn't lie...I had been taking a lot of stuff, I don't even remember what I said. So, if my mother says she talked to me...then she probably did. Q: I must ask...was your surrender call to police set up? I can't foresee Ed trying to go gambling so loaded down with weapons, because of casino security measures...you had told the police he was going gambling, after all.. A: No, it wasn't a set up. We had just been fighting...and Ed never left without weapons...he seemed kind of paranoid or something...after we had been fighting he said he was going out to get some money and go shopping since I wouldn't...I took a bath to straighten out my head...then laid on the couch for a while and realized that we were never gonna go to Hollywood...I was gonna end up dead before then. Ed had just beat me up pretty bad and I was bleeding pretty bad...and suddenly I just wanted to end it. I didn't want to have to run anymore...so that's when I called the cops. Q: but I don't remember much of what was said. I know I told her or the machine or someone that Ed liked the girl and that we were going to Hollywood. |