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Tuesday, October 21, 1997 Guests: Sheriff Robert Grayson in Las Vegas with Mr. Tate James, Owner of the Horseshoe Casino, Mr. Tom Berry owner of the Handy Nickel who made the 911 call, and Ms. Sheila Penn neighbor of Victoria Symons in the Trailer Park where Vicky turned herself in. We had several guests speak with us on this night. All were gathered together at the Las Vegas Sheriff's office to be able to speak with us as a group. We want to thank the Las Vegas Sheriff's Department for their gracious assistance in bringing these witnesses here to speak with us. Opening Remarks - Sheriff Grayson: Hello everybody, my name is Sheriff Robert Grayson. I have a few people here with me tonight to answer some questions about the recent turn of events in our area. But before I introduce everyone to you, I want you all to know that Ms. Ragsdale is doing fine even though she is a bit shaken. Also, Ms. Symons is on her way back to Oxford being escorted by the FBI. I didn't get to question her, just filling you in on what I know up to date. Now, I'd like to introduce the first of four guests that I have with me this evening. I'd like to introduce you all to Mr. Tate James, the owner of the Horseshoe Casino. Mr. Tate James - Owner, Horseshoe Casino: Hello everyone. Really all I'd like to say is that this whole incident has really brought business to a stand still for me. There is about 3 million dollars worth of damage to my casino, the press is destroying the establishment image, and I've had to close the place down. Also, if I might take a moment to make a statement about Mr. Madsen's tragic death. He was a valued employee at Horseshoe, always on time, always helpful...always a very nice man. What has happened is terrible, an abomination! For 27 years, we had Bill working with us... It's just horrible, he was such a good man. I extend my sincerest grief and condolences to his family. We are very sorry about Mr. Madsen's death and also the impact on the Horseshoe Mr. James, are you ready to take some questions? Q: Sir, had you ever seen Ed Pierce before? A: Not until that evening....I had heard something about it in the news, but I can't really say I had paid much attention to it. Q: But you had not seen him in the casino before? A: No, I hadn't. He might have been in the casino, but I'm not really sure, we get so many people. I'd have to have them check the security tapes. Q: Do you carry any kind of gun with you? A: I own and carry a gun, it's a rough business, you know. Q: Was there ever a confrontation between Mr. James and the murdered? Q: Did Mr. James ever see these two together in his establishment? A: No, I never had anything to do with Pierce. He was just a name in the paper until this disaster occurred. Thank you Mr. James, I am sorry for all of your losses and appreciate your time. Mr. Tom Berry - Owner, Handy Nickel: Hey! Hi everyone! How are you? I am! That's right, I made the call! Wow! What a crowd! <sheepish grin> Oh I'm sorry for being so hyped. But I'm still amazed about all the publicity the phone call has brought on! You know, I even got a call from that Ricky Lake Show the other day to be on! Isn't that wild?! Q: Have you ever seen Pierce in your shop before? If so was he alone or with other people? A: No, I hadn't seen him around before. Maybe passing by on the street or something but not in the shop. Q: Sir, did any of the gunfire hit your shop:? A: One stray bullet hit one of the front windows, but no real damage! You should have seen it though. The guy was firing all over the place! Q: Why didn't he try to shoot Ed? A: 911 wouldn't let him. Q: When did you call 911? Was it after the firing started? A: When I first heard gun shots. At first, I thought maybe it was some fireworks or something, you know? But then I went and checked out front and saw that Pierce guy with guns in both hands just firing all over the place ....into the casino, across the street, you name it...he was shooting at it! Q: Was Pierce wearing a trenchcoat? (soooo many weapons, you know...and in Nevada!) A: Yeah, he had a dark trench coat on...went down to about his knees from what I could see. Q: Wouldn't a man wearing a trenchcoat have drawn someone else's attention? A: Nah! Not in Vegas, we have a lot of people from all over, and they all dress differently. We get a lot of weird ones, too. So I think he blended in pretty good. Q: Didn't the FBI Agent last night say that they had SWAT team? A: Yes, there was a SWAT team on the scene. Q: I'm confused. No disrespect, but if there was a swat team why call 911? A: The call came in and the team was dispatched. Pierce started shooting at the security team and FBI agent, the call was made and the SWAT team arrived. Thank you very much Mr. Berry Ms. Sheila Penn - Shady Acres Trailer Park: Hey all! I'm Shiela Penn. Well, as you all know, Vicky came to me the day that all this happened. She and I had run into each other when they, Ed and her, moved into the Jepson place. They didn't say much, real quiet. 'Cept some nights...I could swear I heard Ed hitting her! But I wasn't sure, so I didn't ask any questions. It wasn't like I saw them much. But when I did see Vicky...she seemed kinda distant, but she always smiled and said "Hi." Well, anyway, Friday, she shows up at my door...asking to use the phone. She seems kinda upset, so I say sure and ask her to come on in. Ask her if she wants some coffee or something. I noticed she was a 'lil upset. Kinda in a rush. She was looking all over my place and I caught a glimpse of the back of her neck...it was all bruised. Like she'd been hit or something. Well, I ask her if, you know, she needs anything. She keeps asking for the phone. So I say sure, and point her to the phone. The next thing I know, she's calling 911 and saying that she wants to turn herself in! I was totally confused. I mean, I thought this girl was gonna turn that creep in for hitting her or something and she says she wants to turn herself in. So I'm like all confused and everything. So I wait 'til she gets off the phone and I ask her what's going on. She says to me that she's wanted ....kinda proud or something.... at first and then she breaks down into this fit of laughter and tears at the same time. It was really weird. Then she got up and went back to the Jepson place. I went outside and watched her go, and decide to watch to see what's gonna happen so I finish watching her get over there and like three minutes later the cops show up. It was really weird, like out of a movie or something. Anyway, anyone have any questions? Q: You never actually had a conversation with her? A: Not really, she was sort of quiet. I mean we said hi when we saw each other, and she was nice and all...but we didn't talk. Q: Did she mention or did you see another girl with her? A: No, she didn't mention a girl...but she did mention that she wanted to get out of Vegas...Hollywood or something. But nothing special. Q: If you had to guess, what do you think caused her bruises (based on shape and location of them)? A: Well, some nights when I'd come home from work, I'd hear some noises like you know things breaking. Stuff I've heard before out here in this trailer park, you know....like when a guy is beating his wife. I just assumed when I saw the bruise that she had been hit by the guy with something. Closing Questions to Sheriff Grayson: Q: During transport of Vicky or when you got her has she said anything either way about anything at all that we might need to know? A: No, I'm sorry. I didn't talk to her. Q: Any word on the missing daughter's location? A: No, we don't have any word yet. |