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Does christian own a gun?
Response: Yes, a shotgun was recovered in a search of Chambers' residence on 3/21.
Just a brief preliminary theory, Im not committing to it at this point. Dale kills Crystal after she informs him that she is quitting skating to pursue a career in sports medicine. He borrows his friend's car, (the Quentin Crisp guy). He enlists his fathers help by blackmailing him about the incest. Dad cornered, hopes and dreams shattered, turns the tables on Dale and executes him. Then he shifts the spotlight to shane and the ego shovel guy. Mom is in denial, but subconsciously knows what's going on. She dosen't want to loose her husband, or see Shane go to jail for something he didn't do. Christian also knows whats going on but is afraid he will be implicated. Just a thought. Janie
Response: Thanks for the theory.
did christian loan his honda civic to anyone on the evening of february 1 or the early morning of february 2?
Response: He has stated he did not loan the car to anyone at that time.
oops today is march 21st! not march 20. have you received the records yet?
Response: Yes, records received and are being reviewed.
well, today is march 20 the deadline for crystal's gyn. to get her records to you. I'm anxious to see the records if you post them.will you be releasing more of crystal's diary?? i wonder how much her father's sexual advances has to do with her murder. it might not have anything to do with it, it could just be that now we know he's a pig. have you contacted for an interview christian's "email girl" yet?? i would like to get more of an insight on her relationship with him. has the mother seen the diary? the father?? have you questioned the father about it?
Response: The records have been received and are being reviewed by experts. We hope to have a report soon. The family has been interviewed regarding the diary, they claim no knowledge. Tania Hotchkiss has been interviewed and appeared in chat Thursday, March 19.
This is all so sad, these two wonderful kids to have to meet such an end. So talented and so much life ahead of them. Wide eyed and the world full of wonder. It breaks my heart, so senseless.
Response: Thanks for your comments. Have you read the Reality Check information?
Hmmm...Originally I had thought that Dale had killed Crystal, and that Jim Taylor had killed Dale...But it looks like Christian is tied into this thing somewhere....I mean is it possible Kapaneko could have seen Dale running toward Christian's place...And is it possible Philbert was driving behind Christian's Honda while he and Dale were discussing what to do with the body. Do you know if Philbert was able to distinguish how many people were in the car that night???
Response: Alan Philbert was not able to see the person(s) in the vehicle.
I'm having a hard time finding this weeks chats. I can only read
the text from last week. Is the text only posted the week after the
chats??? Thanks for your time. By the way this is a great site.
Response:Glad you're enjoying the site. We post the current week's chats on the following Sunday night. So what went on this week, will be viewable next week.
Actually, the below response is not true. I do not have AOL and do
not get the chat info until the next week. Others were on the chat
with Christian Tuesday (or Monday, cant remember) and have much more
info than I do. I will have to wait until next week to see the text
file. Is there some way to get the info sooner?
Response:The chats are AOL only. The AOL connection is what pays the bills. Thats why there are no ads or membership fees. Not a bad trade-off.
As for getting the chats sooner. Some AOL members exchange the transcripts each night via a mail list. We could set up a special list for people to get chats delivered to their e-mail each night a guest appears. If this sounds interesting to any viewers--please e-mail a note indicating your interest. If enough are interested--we'll do it. Send e-mail to [email protected]
This site seems so interconnected with aol. Is there a way to
reach it from aol within without referencing the internet? A keyword
or something?
Response:AOL keyword: crimescene is where to go. Our chat sessions occur there. The same evidence is available on both the web and AOL.
This cannot be the perfect crime. Somebody f***** up somewhere.
Where are the footprints, fingerprints, you know, things that should
have been looked for first? I still need to find out a few more
things but I don't know what to ask. Maybe I will find out something
next week and bust this case wide open. You know, some people's
direct phoneline is connected to Aol and they get signed off when
someone calls them. Could Christian had recieved a phonecall? I know
that if I can afford a second phoneline for Aol then Richie Rich can
afford one too. Does Christian have a separate line for AOL?
Response:Yes, he has 2 phone lines. His records are being examined. Look for a posting of relevant data.
So what's that Cindy.jpg in the art files? The Crimescene staff?
Response: The picture is from the index of all images in this case. Go here to view all images from this case. The image you mention is Cindy Gold and her friends. Ms Gold was interviewed in the Wilson case.
Need to interview Tania Hotchkiss about Christian Chambers since her
e-mail suggest that he was not necessarily at home as he has
previously stated. Their swapping fantasies or stories should lead to
an insight into how Christian thinks and maybe what Tania thought was
a story or fantasy in the past could have been an actual occurance
that Christian detailed to her knowing she would think it was
something he made up. There could be some good clues here. Would like
to know when the rest of Crystal's diary will be available? I still
feel that something important is in the diary that has not been made
public yet. Have some thoughts as to who killed Dale but would rather
hold off saying until Tania is interviewed and Crystal's diary is
completely revealed. Thanks.
[email protected]
Response: Thank you. We'll be in contact with Tania.
Whew, who poked "Paul" (if that is "his" real name) in the eye to
make "him" so grumpy? I have to point out that "Paul" sounds
suspiciously like a former CS regular who always complained about the
Response: We like everyone who drops in to visit. Thanks for the support.
Kudos to you, LauraP! I'm with you all the way, so thank you for
saying what I had been thinking. There are always people lurking
about, criticizing every little detail, without even comprehending
the amount of work that goes into an endeavor such as this. I
thoroughly enjoy CS, and those that don't shouldn't come here.
Lisa A.
Response: Thanks for the support. A great place to comment on items like this is at Mitch's Crime Scene discussion area. Its a viewer-run web discussion system.
In response to Paul's comments:
Okay, I have to admit that when I saw Christian's bio and the part
about the Quentin Crisp quote, my first response was, oh, there you
go, he's GAY!!! I decided not to comment on it myself, however,
because that would just be tacky and prejudiced, just the things Paul
is accusing the creators of the site of being.
There is plenty of extraneous information on this site which has
nothing to do the ultimate outcome of this case. I don't enjoy Gus
Van Sant movies myself, but I'm not complaining about the mentions of
Good Will Hunting. I find that the little details add to the overall
experience of crimescene, and if Paul doesn't like what he sees, he
can simply stop visiting this site.
To those responsible for Crimescene: You're doing a great job, and
don't let the PC police force you to change a thing. One of the great
things about Crimescene is its realism, and in the real world, many
heterosexual males like musicals. Get over it, Paul.
Response: Thank you for the support. We'd like to invite
Paul to continue to view the evidence and comment on the
investigation. And, to comment on the workings of the site and other
non-investigation items--drop into Mitch's
Crime Scene discussion area. Its a viewer-run web discussion
hi my name is Sherri and i have been following the Taylor murders, I have a question where did everyone find info on Christians e-mail and on-line time? can you tell me where to go to find this info too. thanks Sherri ([email protected])
Response: We don't have information on Christian's e-mail as yet, however, we have received an e-mail message from one of Christian's on-line friends. Keep checking for updates.
I believe Dale flipped out because his sister mentioned her plans
to attend college in California. He started ripping up the skates and
then started cutting on his sister. I think that his brother Shane
may have cirlced around to make sure they were ok and saw the fight.
When he realized they were fighting, he began to chase Dale down the
street. But Dale got to the phone and called Christian before Shane
could get to him. Shane probably goes home to get the shotgun or has
lost his brother in the field. Christian and Dale throw the body in
the car and quickly bury Crystal. Christian leaves to get back before
anyone is suspicous. Shane finds his brother finishing the burial and
kills him and throws his little brother into the grave. He is
devastated because Crystal is the only family member that pays any
attention to his music or him. Shane sees how upset his parents are
and calls in the location of the bodies. Shane figures he is safe
because he knows Christian hasn't got a good alibi and he doesn't
want his parents to keep looking for Dale and Crystal.
I don't think Christian killed Dale because he idolized him. Even if
he was mad for occasionally being ignored he gained alot of status
from their friendship. Pedophiles usually aren't murders because it
takes alot of guts to kill somebody and if Dad had any he wouldn't be
groping his daughter. Mom has battered wife syndrome, and is likely
an alcoholic and would have killed her abusive husband before she
killed her children. Thanx
Response: Thanks for your theory.
Yet another possiblilty is that Dale killed sister, called
Christian asking to borrow car. Christian said yes, with intention of
following him to find out why. When he finds out Dale used his car to
transport a dead body, of his sister for that matter, he thinks Dale
has gone too far, taken too much advantage of his generosity, so he
kills him.
Possible. We'll soon see.
Response: Thanks for the comments, it's a possibility.
after viewing tania's email and the notes from christain's interview, i stand by my suspicions. dale killed crystal in a rage and then he panicked and called christian for help. christain went to help dale bury crystal's body. okay here's the tricky part. in chat christian said that dale wasn't appreciative of the things he helped him with(i.e.-homework, the car accident, etc), so let's suppose that dale was giving christian a hard time while trying to bury crystal. christian gets his feathers ruffled and BANG! he shoots dale in the head. that would show dale not to be so selfish and ungrateful. he simply covers dale with dirt and drives away. this is just my first theory, i bet if i think hard enough and logically enough i can fit the dad into this equation, but i still need to work on that theory. lfd813
Response: Thanks for the theory.
I really enjoy this site. I thought it was strange that Christian did
not recall his e-mail date. He acted as though he couldn't remember
much about the night in question. His friend said he did sign off
rather quickly. Earlier than usual and without saying goodbye. Where
did he go? Did he receive a telephone call from Dale? Was Crystal's
murder planned? Did an argument bring death to Dale?
Response: We hope to find the answers to those questions.
Christian needs to be re-interviewed ASAP. Tania E-Mail was very interesting and informative. Christian has some explaining to do. What happened to him that morning to make him sign off like that and not be heard from again? I think if Christian is pushed he may admit his involment in the case. At this point its still up in the air whether he killed Dale. He was Dale's best friend. Why would Christian kill him? Could it be possibe that a third party was involved(dad maybe?)?
Response: Agree, more information is needed. The e-mail raises questions needing answers. We plan to interview both.
Once again Iam back. Just a few comments and questions. The knife
found surely points to Dale killing his sister, but the shot gun that
killed Dale hasn't been found. That shotgun, I believe, is one of the
single most important items that needs to be found, it may tell us
who killed Dale. It is probablly too easy to say Dale killed Crystal
but at least there is good leads on that with the knife, and least we
forget Crystals diary, Dad needs interviewed again. Christan is a
good lead on all of this (with the car) and needs to be interviwed.
Lets say Dale killed his sis then who killed him? We all have our
theroies but once again that shotgun is the answer, it is probablly
the only piece of physicall evidence that is missing. There is no way
to say who did this without all of the facts. We can have suspects
but can't accuse without some proof. It is important to see if Dale
killed Crystal but he is dead. More than likely the person who killed
Dale is out there if they are found then maybe we can answer our
other unanswered questions. Dale and Crystal can't talk to tell us
what happened but the person holding the shotgun that killed Dale
can! Thanks!
[email protected]
Response: The shotgun has not been identified as yet. We are continuing to investigate Chambers potential involvement.
Thier are only a few items that I am sure of at this time...a branch never falls too far from a tree. I am certain that thier are more than one murderers in this case...I have eliminated the older brother(he seemed to hid nothing execpt his drug use). If Dale did kill his sister, his father would be the one he'd call on for help(this much is clear). Crystal's murder was in rage...Dale's murder was different, his murderer must have had remorse(not facing him and later the call, he wants to be caught). I believe that these murderers are two men. Either Dale killed his sister and his death resulted because of the act, or I may give attention to the cult or a kid-napping thing...the only other possibility would be Dale knew and was helping of his own free will(due to the type of ties that bind)and then killed for lack of trust by the other party. Only a scene around any of these three possibilities make any sence. Warrents further attention! :-)
Response: Thanks for the comments.
In light of the new evidence this week it doesn't look too good for
dale and christian, but I'm not ready to jump to any conclusions
about either of them yet. Even if the car at the scene did belong to
christian, was it christian who was driving it? Remember that
christian was generous and even lent out his prize beemer, so if
someone asked him to borrow the honda, I'm sure christian would lend
it to them.
I also think that the honda was waiting for the bus to leave,
possibly to drive on the Rt. 7 access road and load crystal's body
into the car. If crystal was killed and hidden behind the crates,
which were very close to the access road, it seems to me that the
body would be loaded into the car off the access road, and as soon as
the bus pulled out of the parking lot, the area would be
It also appears as if the bodies might not have been burried in the
morning directly after the murder, since the hatchback was seen
driving erratically on old taylor road later that night around 11:00
pm. Incidently, is old taylor rd. on the way to the cemetary? An
overview diagram of the whole crime scene would be very helpful.
Quite a few roads and locations have been mentioned throughout the
unfolding of this crime, yet all we have been given, so far, is a
diagram of the few streets directly around the bus stop area. Could
you give us a little more information about the whole area please? We
haven't even gotten a diagram showing the location of the recovered
murder weopon in relation to the murder site. :(
I still don't think we ought to forget about ego shovel either. I
have a feeling that they're mixed up in this somehow (possibly a
kidnapping gone bad?)...But the first step right now, of course, is
to check out christian's car for any traces of evidence and also find
out if christian lent the car out to anyone that day.
And even though dale's fingerprints were found on the knife, he could
have been forced to hold the knife after the murder had been
committed, and after the real murderer(s) wiped his own prints off
it. In regards to the knife, can it be positively traced to dale?
Just a few thoughts....mona
Response: We will be posting a relative location map. Taylor Road is not near the cemetery, it's located diagonally to the southwest of the city. Christian claims he did not loan out his car on the 2nd. Good comments, thanks.
The hatchback seen driving erratically with the blankets hanging
out was probably the same one seen at the bus stop. Am I correct in
assuming that the car was seen driving erratically BEFORE it was seen
at the bus stop?
I can't tell from the picture - is Christian's Honda Civic a
Shane could be telling the truth about dropping Dale & Crystal
off at the bus stop. The other passenger didn't get there for about a
half hour after Shane said he dropped them off. Somebody waiting for
them picked them up from the bus stop?
About the hatchback at the bus stop - it seemed to be waiting for
somebody to get on the bus and left when the bus did.
How's this for a theory that no one has thought of yet? Maybe
Christian was interested in Crystal, causing Dale (who's in love with
Christian) to become murderously jealous and stab her - possibly
sitting in the back seat behind them in Christian's car (stab wound
to back). Christian helps Dale bury her and then kills him at grave.
I know - lots of details still to work out.
Response: The vehicle was seen at the bus stop first, at about 4:10 a.m. on Feb. 2, the hatchback was seen later that night nearing 11:30 p.m. Christian's Honda is a hatchback, however, we have not confirmed that the vehicle reported was his. Thanks for the comments.
Is anybody in this case left handed?
Response: None of the family are left handed. We'll check on the others, none known at this time.
Of course Christian had something to do with it.
The main clue is his ridiculous biographical information: why else go
to such lengths to let us know he's gay?
Yeah, he's rich, plays music, enjoys cooking, hangs out with
iceskaters and has a Quentin Crisp quote in his living room. I'm sure
he likes pink and talks with a lisp, too, right guys?
Honestly - if the clue isn't "within" the crime we're trying to solve
- if it has to be insinuated in such a stupid, bigoted way - then you
make the case easier to solve and insult our intelligence at the same
time.Thanks for nothing,
Here is a picture of Christian. We
couldn't let this comment wait. Christian has a girlfriend and does
not lisp. He doesn't dress in "stylish" way. We find him to be quite
masculine, in an understated way.
I feel the older brother had something to do with this case, because he was upset about the money and the fact that mom and dad thought highly of the skating. He felt left out when it came to his music. It had to be someone that new them because of the 911 phone call on where to find the bodies. Also when I looked at his face he didn't seem to upset about his brother and sister missing.
Response: We agree with you, the phone call was made by someone that has knowledge of the crimes. Shane was, in fact, very upset about his brother and sister missing and appeared genuinely in deep grief at their murders.
The Father found out about crystal diary and killed her then saw dale running away and shot him I think the father did it
Response: Thanks for the theory.
oK Maggie is on the backburner for now, but she's not out of it just yet. I'm trying to figure out if the dad is involved or not. How did he get there? Where are the dirty and bloody clothes he must have been wearing after the murders? I think the diary is trying to throw us off. Unless the mom is lying, then the dad didn't have anything to do with it. I really believe that someone that the kids both know took them to the graveyard and I have two scenarios. I need to find out a few more things before I post my theories but I do think that Dale killed his sister and either Shane or Christian killed him. If Shane killed him, it was in defense of his sister. The gravekeeper needs to be questioned again, since it was obvious to police that the grave looked disturbed and he didn't notice anything strange.
Response: Mr. Giles, the cemetery caretaker, had to look very closely to tell if the grave was possibly disturbed. It wasn't obvious to me on the scene. We felt we needed the additional assistance of the K-9 Unit to determine which of the graves we should focus our search on.
I don't think that Dale killed his sister. I think that the person running along the road was Dale, but he had just witnessed his sister's murder and was running away from the killer which is way he kept looking back and he looked so frantic. The squealing tires was the real murderer chasing after Dale. The description of the car matches Christian's so I think that the police need to find a motive that Christian might have for killing Chrystal. As for the finger prints on the knife, it was a setup. The real murderer (Christian), placed Dale's fingerprints on the knife after wiping off his own.
Response: Thanks for the comments.
Distance from bus to where witness saw car is far enough away that
unless the car was parked under a street light the color would be
hard to identify other than it was either a light or dark colored
car. Which means the Honda that belongs to Christian could have been
the car. Would like to read the rest of Crystal's diary before
commenting further. Thank you.
[email protected]
Response: True observation.
check what kind of cars each of the witnesses drive
Response: Motor vehicle records checks have been run. You can check the make/model of the vehicles and the alibi information in the cross reference posted today.
My husband says I should work for the FBI so.....here's what I think you should do. Most of the comments I have read here are people trying to guess who did this. My suggestion is this: Install some video cameras in the cemetery, (make them look like they were there for a long while. Now...go pick up the person that you most believe did this and take them to the cemetery. Stand at the grave and make a few new questions, then turn them in the direction of the camera. Make sure you observe all actions, pulses, eye contact. All you need to do is trick the person into telling you if they did this. Make sure you put cameras around the cemetery in other places. If they think they are caught, they will break. Right in front of you at that moment, you will either get a confession or you will break them to the point that they will try to leave town. Don't say too much to them at the moment of pointing out the camera. Let them know that photographs are being readied for court as you speak. Now...ask your strongest suspect if he would like to save himself from getting in any deeper. This should work.
Response: Thanks for the suggestion. We'll keep you posted.
First I want to say THANK YOU! to the people who have brought
Crimescene to life. I find myself thinking about it through the day
and wishing I didnt have to wait a week to find out anything new on
this case.
The Taylor case seems to be somewhat simular to the Jon Bonnett
Ramsey case. With public fame and incest to be the topic of the two.
Maybe if Det. Nelson would work on the Ramsey case the truth would
come out there also!
I have read the other comments and I do believe someone has figured
out who the killers are, With Dale being the first of the murderers,
and Christian the second.
As with most of the others, I first thought it was Shane who had done
the killing but now i believe he is just a victim of his family's
abuse. He most likely is the only truely innocent person involved in
this whole ordeal. No wonder the boy smokes pot!
C U next monday!!! Me tia
Response: Thank you for the kind words. The blood and prints on the knife lend some credibility to the theory.
here's a theory for you: what if the car the witness saw wasn't a
Honda Hatchback, but it was a Honda-made car. Wouldn't that make
Christian move up on the list of suspects?
Response: Yes, but so far we have no concrete evidence it was his vehicle.
If you can give more information on the knife, that has been
found. Like who and for what can the knife be used.
Also you must take an much personal interview especially with the
family. If you read the interview with the friend of Crystal, Maggie
you can see that they had many problems and many times such problems
can end in murder.
Response: We hope to have more information on the knife soon. Thanks for the suggestions.
If at all possible, please send me more info on this ego shovel
cult group. If I'm not mistaken, I've seen this group mentioned in
some of the other cases. I cannot find a web site from here. I'm sure
you guys have already looked into that. I just find it odd that all
the cases I have read and studied from the crimescene site at least
mention ego shovel.
I thoroughly enjoy all the cases. Keep it up.
[email protected]
Response: The Ego Shovel website provides more information.
Response: We are continuing to investigate.
I would sure like to see a larger map which would indicate where the East Gate center is in relation to the Burger King, the suitcases, the knife and jacket and the cemetary. Maybe even include location of victims home and Christian's home.
Response: We will be posting one, check back.
It seems obvious that Dale killed his sister, but I think people
are jumping the gun when it comes to Christian's involvment.
Let's figure out a few things before judging him:
1) Does Christian have access to a shotgun?
2) Was it really his hatchback that was at the scene? And does the
dark hatchback really have anything to do with the case at all?
Here's a novel new idea:
What if Dale killed Crystal, panicked, called his DAD, and told him
that if he wouldn't help him dispose of Crystal's body, he would let
everyone know about the sexual abuse that had been going on. Dad
pretends to go along with his son, helps bury his daughter's body,
then kills Dale to protect his dirty little secret.
It's a gruesome scenario, I know, but it is possible:
1) Dad has a shotgun, and it should be tested for recent use.
2) Dad cashes in on an insurance policy if the kids die. Maybe he saw
that the investment he made in their skating career wasn't paying
off, and he wanted to cut his losses.
Just throwing out another possibility,
Response: 1) Dale has been known to hunt and shoot. He claims no access to a weapon. 2) We can't confirm or disprove that the vehicle witnessed belongs to Chambers. We are working on identifying the vehicle. Thanks for the thoughts.
who did it? ill tell u
dale conspired to kill his sister with christian chambers...christian
had a thing with dale's sister and he got jealous when she was going
to break up with him....so christian had dale kill his sister then
christian killed dale to cover up the murder.
that all.
Response: Thanks for your theory.
I was wondering whether any one had bothered to check the incoming and outgoing phone records on the night/morning in question on the Taylor case, the Taylor family phone records as well as any pay phone in the area of the Crystal Taylor murder site. They may be informative. Please let us know. Thanks
Response: Phone records have been checked. Nothing of significance has been found to date.
well i blamed shane,although now im having second thoughts
and if i am wrong im sorry for wrongly accusing him,i feel now as
though christian played a major part in the deaths of dale and
crystal taylor,well i dont think he killed crystal,but mabey he
killed dale though,the car,the dark colored hatchback,either
christian and dales plans,if they had planned anything at
all,something went wrong that morning,why would dale want to kill his
sister?.....why would christian kill dale? i mean i know im asking
you dont know the answers to yet either,crystals diary..about how she
writes about her dad coming into her room pinning her to the
bed....was he molesting his own daughter?....have you asked him
that?....hmmmm whatever anyway....i think christian knows more than
what he's letting on...
Response: We are investigating the possibility of abuse. Medical records have been subpoenaed. We are interested in Christian's information, too.
Christian's internet server will have a log of his time
on computer use, as he states he was alone Feb 2 but
probably on the computer at 3am.
Will Christian's telephone records show if he got any
incoming calls Feb 2 in the am, or do phone records only
show outgoing calls?
Are there any public telephone booths at Eastgate shopping
center or immediate vicenity? If Dale stabbed Crystal he
must have called for assistance to move the body somewhere
in the area. How far is Christian's residence from the
murder scene? If he went on foot someone may have heard
or observed something, interview Christian's neighbors.
Response: We are working on the phone records. The public phones at and near the Eastgate Shopping Center have all been checked. Christian's residence is approximately 3/4 mile from the scene. We are conducting more interviews. Need a warrant for the computer records.
Looks like the next step is a search warrent for Christian's
car and home. If Dale's necklace is missing it may have
fallen off in a struggle or Christian could want it for a
keepsake. Christian's car, the Honda, matches the closest
for Kristi's description.
Response: The amulet remains missing. Mrs. Taylor has provided us with additional descriptive information. We'd like to take that next step, too.
You should impound Christian's car immediately and get a complete
forensics work up on the interior, as it seems to be awfully close to
the vehicle described both by the bus passenger and by the person
following the car with the "load" hanging out the hatchback. The
knife seems to indicate Dale is most likely responsible for Crystal's
murder, and I think that Dale and Christian must have had a large
"lovers spat" regarding Dale's future without Crystal and their
commitment to each other in the aftermath of the murder and their
joint involvement in trying to cover it up, leading to Christian
killing Dale.
Kudos to Det. Nelson on the quality of the material thus far. Nice to
see a return of diagrams, more photos and attention to detail... Like
to good old days!
Response: We can't confirm that Christian's Honda is the dark vehicle in question and at this time do not have sufficient probable cause for a search, we would like to do that. Watch for more maps and diagrams coming.
Fact: From all the evidence gatherd Dale killed Crystal around 4am
Feb. 2! We may never know what happend after Shane dropped them off,
we can only guess. The only witness's to that crime are
Observation: Christian was Dale's best & only friend. If Dale was
in trouble who would he run to? Christian!?
Fact: Christian is the only one that drives a dark colored hatch back
that is envolved in this case.
Conjecture: The person Mr. Kapaneko saw running early that morning
was Dale. He went to Christian's for help. Christian & Dale put
Crystal's body in the back of Christian's Honda Civic HATCHBACK. They
drove around trying to think of what to do next(Disposing of the
evidence?). Hence the police report about a dark color Honda
hatchback with a "Large bulky load covered with blankets" at 11pm on
Feb.2 If it was Crystal's body in the back Dale had to be still alive
at 11pm that same day. The autospy report stated that Dale was killed
at the grave site and not moved.
Question: Did Christian kill Dale? Why? Was it Christian who made the
anonymous call? Christian feeling guilty? Unknown wittness? Does the
police have enough evidence to search Christians Honda &
Response: We are looking very closely at Christian. At this point we do not have sufficient cause for a search but are working on it.