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Monday, September 29, 1997 Guest: Michael Androux, Manager of the Heritage Inn Motel Opening Remarks: Elizabeth Jones: We have a few changes tonight. In light of the death of Anthony Phelps we have Mr. Michael Androux with us. Note that this is a change from our posted schedule of speaking with Peyton Higgins, Anthony Phelps' roommate. In light of Mr. Phelp's death this past weekend, we felt that Mr. Androux would be a more informative guest this evening. He is the manager of the Heritage Inn in Amite Louisiana where Mr. Phelps body was found. We are pleased to have you with us on short notice Mr. Michael Androux: Thank you, EJ. It's certainly a pleasure to meet you. It's not a problem really. My name is Michael Androux, I work for Heritage Inn and I was the one who found the body. I found Mr. Phelps's body in his room on the 27th of September. I went in to check up on why he hadn't checked out on time and that's when I found him sort of just lying there. I can't really say that I realized who he was at the time. I mean I didn't realize that the guy was wanted and all. I just wanted him out, so I could rent out the room. When I found him dead, I called the police. He wasn't even the one who rented out the room. A young lady rented out the room. The woman's name was Vicky Symons and I never saw the men really. There's a mini fridge in the rooms and I guess I never really saw them because she kept the fridge stocked, so they never had to leave the room. When I checked out the room, the fridge was still pretty full. Anyway, that's about it, do you have any questions for me? Question & Answer session with Mr. Androux: Q: Were any calls made from the room and if so, to whom? A: No, there weren't any calls made out of the room. Q: What body count did inn figure was staying in the room? A: Just one. Ms. Symons. She's the one who rented the place. Q: Is there a grocery store near you? Did you see a vehicle at any time? A: Yeah, there's a grocery store up the road about a half mile. No, I didn't see a vehicle. The space in front of the room was empty all week. Q: What type of items left in fridge? any film? A: No, not film, just food...milk, some cookies...that's about all. Q: Any message for the room left at the desk? What's the name of store near by? A: No, no messages. And it's a Kroger up the street. Q: Did you get ID on Vicky Symons when she checked in? A: Yes, I did, she said she was meeting a friend. I didn't ask questions, I was just renting out the room. Q: Could you see the room from the office? A: She paid cash and I saw her driver's license, and no, I can't see the room from the office...It's in the back. Q: How many beds in the room? One or two? A: One bed. Q: What did housekeeping say? A: Housekeeping didn't say anything because Ms. Symons requested not to have any housekeeping done. She said she didn't want to be disturbed...so she took extra towels and I respected her wishes. Q: If she was supposed to be stocking fridge, wonder why Tony was going to McDonalds every a.m.? A: I don't know. Maybe he didn't like what she brought him? Q: If the room was in the back, how do you know they stayed in the room? A: Well, I don't really know who stayed there. There wasn't any car in the parking spot. All I know is that I found a dead man's body in the bed, and the room had definitely been lived in. Q: Did you see signs of others having stayed in the room as well? A: Not from what I found. It only looked like one person had been staying there. Q: I thought you said they never ventured out? A: I never saw them go anywhere. But supposedly some guy saw him in McDonald's. I read that in the paper somewhere. Q: Were there any clothes in the room other than those on body? A: Yeah, there was, but I never saw any of it because the cops came and took it all. Q: Had Ms. Symons been a guest at your facility before? If so when? Alone? A: No, I'd never seen her, but we get lots of travelers stopping in on their way to New Orleans. Q: What trash was in the room or had been removed by Housekeeping? A: The room was full of trash, but I didn't get to see really what most of it was because the cops had taken over by then. Mostly I just saw some soda cans and stuff. The usual. Q: Did you ever have occasion to see Vicky again, or only at the time she rented the room, did she ever come back after the body was found? A: Nope, can't say that I did. I only saw her on Sunday when she rented the room. Q: Is this the type of place where you make a point of not noticing your guests? A: Well, yeah I guess. I pretty much leave the people who stay there alone. Q: Did you see any medications in the room, of any sort, any ice-packs bandages, first aid stuff? A: There were some bandages on the night stand, but other than that, no medications or anything. Q: Did anyone else check in at about the same time? And, at what time did she check in? A: She paid the week, that's why I went in when she didn't check out. There are lots of travelers, but I don't think anyone around that time, no. Q: Is there anyone who checked out the same night she checked in? or the following day, night? And, Who was in the rooms next door and behind? A: I'd really have to check on that. I don't really know offhand. There were people who checked in and out, but not at the same time. Q: Did she pay for one occupant or two? A: She only paid for one. I didn't know about the man until I found him. Q: She told you she was meeting a friend...only charged for one? A: Yes, I assumed she meant that she was meeting a friend from town. I didn't think she was having anyone staying with her. Q: Did the room next door have a connecting door? Was it unlocked? A: No, there weren't any connecting doors. Q: Were there any complaints received about the occupants in the room? A: No, it was pretty quiet all week. Q: Any agonizing sounds from him heard from any other occupants in the facility? A: No, like I said, it was a real quiet week. Q: Date and time she checked in, please? A: She checked in a 10:30 PM on Sunday, September 21. Q: Have you seen pictures of Ms. Lamar(in paper or other)? Was anyone matching her description seen at your establishment? A: No, I'm sorry I haven't. I don't know her. Q: Don't you get auto info? Did she walk up? A: Yeah, she walked up. I think, I wasn't really paying attention to be honest. Q: So, in brief, she checked in, paid cash, no one saw or heard anything until you found stiff? A: <nods> Yeah, that's right. Q: Was any jewelry, charms found on floor, in bed, etc.? A: No, nothing. Q: Anyone call for reservations...or call for vacancies prior to her checking in; do you need reservations at this place? A: No, there weren't any reservations at the place. We don't usually get any. Q: Are there any workers at the motel with past criminal records? A: We don't have any workers at our establishment that have criminal records. Question and Answer session with EJ: Q: What do you think was the cause of death (opinion)? A: That is clearly from the torn aorta. Q: Did Ms. Lamar have a criminal record? If so what for? A: No. Q: Was the room dusted for prints? A: Yes, we found both Anthony Phelps and Victoria Symons prints in the room. Q: Was anything else of Macy's found in the room? A: No. Just the library card. Q: Maybe the card was a plant. A: That's an interesting thought. Q: About the prosecuting attorney, Mazza, can we have more info on his background? A: What information are you looking for? There will be more information coming on campaign records, that I know. Q: The clothes that were stolen in Fluker, where is it in relation to Amite & Oxford? A: Fluker is about 6 miles north of Amite. Amite is about 20 miles south of the MS/LA border. Q: Did the sheriff do anything "improper" toward these boys? Any vendetta against the guys before any of this stuff took place? Any personal cause for Ed and Tony to go after the Sheriff's daughter, in particular? A: On the vendetta questions and the reason for Ed and Tony to go after Macy, the only thing that makes sense to me is if they recognized her as the Sheriff's daughter and wanted a hostage to ensure escape. No vendetta, but remember these two are charged with felony crimes, they are not nice guys to say the least. Q: To recognize her they would have had to see her in the mall, right? They would have had to be "in" the mall. Or am I missing something? I can't think of a reason for them to go "in" the mall - especially while injured. A: Macy was to have met her mother outside the entrance on the way to the parking area. She may have been outside, the purse was found outside. Q: Where was her purse found outside? A: In an outside trash container, about 50 feet from the exit in a side area. Q: Have there been any more stolen cars along the same route? Time Period? A: No other cars stolen that relate at all. Q: Phelps' father & stepfather were in LA, has anyone spoken to either of them, maybe Phelps called? A: Yes, both Phelps father and stepfather are in Baton Rouge. Phelps had not called either, though it is possible he was planning on heading there. Q: Is there an APB out on Victoria yet and has anyone heard from her yet? A: Yes, there is now an APB on Victoria, went out after confirmation that she is involved. Q: EJ - except for the library card, any other indication they have the girl? A: Nothing specific, no. That is why I have been very careful to say we don't know that. We are not 100% sure this is a kidnapping case, though indications point to it. Wednesday, October 1, 1997 Guest: Darlene Hooper, Night Manager Proud Larry's Opening Remarks: Hello everybody, I'm glad to be here tonight. Well, let's see. You know I'm Darlene Hooper, I work at Proud Larry's, I'm the night manager. I've worked there for five years, since 1992. I'm here to tell you what I can about Vicky, Victoria Symons, and answer questions if you have any. I'll start with how I know Vicky. We went to school together, but I was one year ahead of her. I met her in eighth grade and we went through Oxford High together until I graduated, then we stayed in touch and I helped her get her job with Proud Larry's. I've known her for about eleven years. We weren't best friends, but we were friends. I guess you'd have to say close friends since we've known each other for so long, but we don't have that much in common either. When I first met her, Vicky was shy and kind of awkward. She was taller than most of us and wore glasses and didn't always have lots of new clothes and things. She slouched and chewed gum, and sat in the back. That sort. She was in the band in 8th and 9th grade, she played the flute. When she got to 10th grade she tried out for and made the majorettes with the band. That changed everything. She became more popular and outgoing. She started dating. She got contacts. She was having fun. It was in 11th grade that she really changed. She started sneaking around, shoplifting, smoking in school, running around with a drug crowd, cutting school. Her grades really fell. She had a loose reputation, you know the sort of thing. They wouldn't let her back as a majorette in her senior year, it was so bad. I'd graduated, but I know that in senior year Vicky went really wild. Stayed out all night, partied at Cooter's, ran around a lot. She got arrested for shoplifting and was really lucky to get off that time. She barely graduated. After graduation, she lived at home with her mother and just ran around. I know she was still shoplifting and took money from her mother a couple of times. Got heavier into drugs. She took off a few times with guys she met-- for months at a time, but eventually came home again. Once she went to New York City and tried to get a part in a soap opera, she took a few acting lessons and seemed to get more serious. She came back to Oxford when she ran out of money, but she was determined to get a job and get out of Oxford and "be somebody". She wanted to go to Hollywood and be a movie star she swore she was going to and got really hostile if anyone teased her about it. She tried to get a cosmetician's license as a step to a job, but she didn't stick with it. In 1994 she was getting desperate after her mother finally put her foot down and told her she had to get out. I think she must have stolen money again then, know they had an awful fight, but Vicky didn't tell me about it. That's when she came to me about getting a job as a waitress at Proud Larry's. I wanted to help her, but I know Vicky, she doesn't focus, she doesn't stick to anything, she's overly dramatic, she's unreliable and I know her record for theft and drugs. She finally talked me into it, but not before I insisted and made her swear she was going to keep the drugs and alcohol away from the job, come to work, be on time and--no special favors. Actually, it went okay for quite awhile. That was in 1994, she still ran around, did drugs, drank too much, but she stayed out of trouble and came to work and did the job. She's very popular at Larry's. Then, this spring it started getting out of hand again. Vicky's always tended to pick guys who are bad and wild. They used her and she used them and she knew it and didn't care. She wasn't interested in a long term relationship. That was someday in the future when she was a big star and all that. She started dating a bass player in one of the local bands and messing around with hard drugs again. Skipped out on a couple of weekend shifts with no notice so she could go wherever the out of town gigs were. I was ready to fire her and she backed off just enough to keep the job. That was not great, but I could live with it, until she started going with Ed Pierce in August. Then things really went out of control, she came to work drunk or hung over, was snapping at everybody, tips fell off I know, complaints started, she wouldn't listen. Then the first week of September she got picked up for drunk walking. The court date was September 16 and she was fined $750, she wanted a salary advance because the fine took up so much of her savings. She's been trying to get a car so she can move--she lives in a bad neighborhood--high crime-- but it's only 5 blocks from Larry's so she could walk to work. I would only agree to a week advance, and I didn't want to do that. That was $250 and she was really pissed off over it. I was afraid with how she's been acting she'd stiff us for it. Friday is payday. Last week on the 19th I know pretty much exactly what she had. She had about $485 in savings and including the advance she got a check on the 19th $418.20, so I think she had about $900. I know she had at least the $418 in cash on Saturday because she'd cashed her paycheck right before she came to work and wanted to put it in the safe in the office. On Saturday the 20th she came in about 3:00 p.m. and got a call at about 8:30 p.m. I remember it was right before it started to get busy. She was jumping all over the place after that, singing, joking, and teasing saying she had a big date after work. I thought she just had a date and a drug score. Then we got really busy and I forgot about it. Later Saturday night people were talking about the accident and escape, but I didn't really put it together then. I was too busy and distracted. Thinking back on it, I can't believe I didn't see this coming. Vicky was scheduled to work on Sunday and Detective Nelson came in about 3:30 in the afternoon to interview the staff, including Vicky. Vicky never showed up. I chocked it up to another "no show" due to drugs and Detective Nelson said they'd have her come in to the station on Monday. Monday afternoon I was in a really bad mood, we were short staffed and I was complaining about her and one of the part timers, a student, said she didn't want to get involved, but she saw Vicky talking to someone outside after work on Saturday, she said she thought it was Pierce. Victoria was with that "guy that escaped." I made her go call the Sheriff's office and report it. They brought over some photos for her to look at and she wasn't sure, but I know she really was and it was Pierce. Victoria is gone, there's been no one at her place, she hasn't called, hasn't shown up for work and no one's seen her. Then Tony is found dead and Victoria rented the room. I'm sure she's with Pierce. It would be just like her to do something like this. Maybe she thinks she'll be famous like Bonnie and Clyde, I don't know. I feel sorry for her in a way. I hope they find her before she gets hurt. I think that is about everything I can tell you about Vicky, do you want me to answer any questions? Question & Answer session with Ms. Hooper: Q: Was she ever in rehab and were there any other problems she had like heroin? A: Yes, she was in rehab once - no heroin, some coke. Q: Do you know if Vicky knew Purity? A: Who? Vicky?--Maybe--she did make a rather cold comment one time "She got what she deserved". Vicky was into the Shovel parties. Q: What was name of bass player Vicky went with, and name of band? A: They don't want to be named, sorry. He was only 17 at the time. Q: Do you know Macy Lamar - did Vicky know Macy? A: No, I don't know her, I know who she is. I don't know if Vicky knew her. I guess it's possible. Q: You never said anything about Vicky being mean. What do you think? Could she? A: Maybe, at least cold and self-centered. Q: Are you aware of Proud Larry's reputation as a place to get Rophynol? Was Vicky a dealer? A: It used to be. Kitchen staff - most gone now I think with Sheriff Lamar's crack down. Vicky's not a dealer - but if she could get money to get out of Oxford and saw that as a route -- maybe. Q: How did she ever get involved with such a piece of trash? Her boyfriend? A: She thought of guys like that as exciting, not trash. At this point Ms. Hooper had to return to work, the following is a continued Question & Answer session with Elizabeth Jones. Q: How about Tony Phelps - what do you know about him? Did Darlene or Vicky know him? A: Yes, both Vicky and Darlene do know / did know Anthony Phelps. Darlene has said that he was quiet, not a problem at Larry's and she was surprised that he was implicated in the rapes. She stated she did not have any info to think he would be the rapist. No comments from patrons, or complaints. Q: Don't you think Vicky might be dead too? I hope she isn't but the odds don't look to good for her either. A: We have no reason to think so, she did rent the room out for Anthony Phelps, but it is a concern, she is in the companionship of an accused murderer. Q: Was Macy adopted? A: No. Q: Does Dave Woolworth play bass? A: He might have. I seem to recall that. But the bass player is not Woolworth and no attempt to hide relevant information on that boyfriend. He was 17 so underage and not willing to be named. Q: Was Vicky abused as a child? A: Well, not that we know of. She certainly is one of those kids that seems to have raised herself though, brought up in single parent, double shift household and didn't have it easy. Q: Did Macy know Purity? A: We don't think so, she really had little way to do that. She didn't begin working at Square Books until this summer. Q: What happened with Perez and Pierce? A: Perez was raped. She didn't tell that until after she returned in the fall, about 3 - 4 weeks ago, but she really didn't want anything more to do with Pierce and she went on tour with a summer theater company in late May so was gone all summer. Thursday, October 2, 1997 Guest: Sheriff Charles Lamar Opening Remarks: Hello all. I'm glad to be here. Nice to see all you here. I have an announcement about an addition to the crime scene. A Tip Line was setup by the Mayor's Office, and those tips- with their disposition are there for you to see. Sadly, there have been few hard pieces of info regarding my daughter, Macy. I hope this helps. I don't suppose there is anything more I can say. Id be happy to answer any questions. Question & Answer session with Sheriff Lamar: Q: Has Macy not tried to contact anyone, any hang up calls to family or friends? A: There have been no contacts with us or her friends. It's disturbing. We should have heard something by now don't you think? Q: Have you had time to check the dirt under the dead boys (Phelps) nails yet? Is it clay? A: Yes checked, and his nails were scraped. The dirt will be compared to other crime sites. Q: Have there been any leads on Pierce? A: The investigation has had luck with the girlfriend, I can't recall her name, Victoria. It is assumed in the office that she will be the Achilles heel. Pierce hasn't left a trail. When the motel was rented-no sighting of him, he used the girl, Victoria, to do his bidding. Some here think he's a Charles Manson type. I guess to explain how women are attracted to him. Q: Did you ever at any time think Mazza was dangerous to your safety and that of your family? A: Publicly, I have to say the thought is absurd. Privately, well, all things are possible. But Mazza is a man of some honor. You'll have to excuse the politicians answer. I am a politician. Q: Have you investigated prosecuting attorney Mazza yet? A: We've had some talks. I wouldn't say it was a questioning. They are working closely with us. Q: Did you ever have any confrontations with Pierce or Phelps? A: Not that I recall. Q: Has anyone questioned Victoria's brother David, the one that dealt with cars? A: He has been checked out. She hasn't made contact, yet. Q: What do you believe happened to Macy? Why? Any hot tips? A: There are a few tips on the tip line. Would you like to hear them? Towels soaked in blood were found and reported and a psychic sent in a tip. She saw Macy in a box, she also said a magnolia tree and running water were nearby. Wanted to say, the towels turned out to be paint, and the psychic is a nut. Used to be a witch. Q: So what do you think happened to her? A: I'm hoping that she has run away for some teenage reason. Realistically, another option exists. That we are no longer looking for a kidnapper but a killer. In abductions safe returns happen within the first few days after that, safe return diminishes. Q: Sir, may we ask about your personal life? A: To an extent. I'm up for reelection you know...sex and money are no no's. Q: Could you discuss the nature of your divorce? Are you sure that your wife isn't some how involved? A: My divorce falls under both the aforementioned headings. My wife's involvement...I'll address. In our separation, we agreed she would always have full say in Macy's life. The girl needs a mother, and I was happy to help make them both comfortable. We would always be her parents. So there is no reason for her to abduct Macy. I'd be happy to hear any motives that you have. Q: Was anything stolen from the other rape victims? Credit cards, identification? Eventually they'll need money. A: No - but bank accounts are being watched. Q: Was there any evidence showing Macy with Pierce? A: They found her library card with Phelps, that is evidence to connect her to him-and him to Pierce. Q: What fingerprints were on Macy's library card? Do you think Macy planted it? A: Pierce was too smart to touch it just Phelps. Macy planted it? Q: Was it a possibility she planted it to tip off where she was? A: That makes sense. It's a hopeful thought, thank you. Q: Sheriff what do you think would be the reason that Phelps and Pierce would abduct Macy? The police weren't close enough behind them to need a hostage? A: That is a very possible idea. Pierce is pretty far away now. Q: How do you know that Pierce is pretty far away now? A: He dumped Phelps in Louisiana on his way to who knows where. Q: What do you think of what the psychic said? A: I don't believe in psychics...but the department has used her before with luck. I just don't go for that, but, if it finds Macy... Q: Just a thought but, the psychic mentioned magnolia and running water.....what about your ex-wife's apartment, or near there....... A: She has both those-trees and running water I've spent time there. Macy isn't there. Q: How do you know that Macy isn't anywhere near the Magnolia Apartments......maybe buried there? A: I understand--yes-I did look around. Q: Just because you didn't see Macy near your wife's apartment, how do you not know that she might not be nearby...or buried near there? A: She'll be taking a polygraph-to some that's proof. They haven't given it yet, the polygraph test is to be scheduled. She's been investigated. I don't think she is involved. Q: Sheriff, the question isn't questioning your wife, rather if you were checking around the apartment because of what the madam said. A: I'll take a walk around there when I leave. Nothing is too insignificant, thanks. Q: Has the FBI or anyone asked you to take a polygraph? A: No, I will though, whatever is needed. Same with my wife. Q: Don't you think it is time for the FBI to take full jurisdiction of this case? A: Yes. Q: Was there ever any proof that Phelps was involved in more than the one rape? A: No, they are having a hard time connecting him to the others, but the rapes have stopped. That's good enough for the university police. Q: Sorry, how does the Sheriff feel about comments that Macy's mother might be involved? A: I don't think she is involved, so it doesn't bother me. Q: Is it possible that Phelps or Pierce knew Macy? A: Yes it's possible, but not known. I can't see how or where. Q: If Cooter's farm is now closed to Ego Shovels, where do they congregate now for the full party experience? A: They have a house, not as big as the other, and we keep a tight lid on gatherings. Q: With the election this fall, why couldn't you and Caroline wait six months to separate, if you two are amicable? A: The separation had been coming. It was best for all. Q: Sheriff did you have any prior contact with the people involved? A: I'd seen Pierce in holding--that's it--no contact. Friday, October 3, 1997 Guest: Detective Terry Nelson Opening Remarks: Well, I'm sure you all are anxious to hear about the FBI's involvement with the case? Am I correct? We are joining forces with FBI agents Gary Stremcha and Donna Hillman. Special Agent Gary Stremcha is going to be helping us find the fugitive Ed Pierce. Special Agent Hillman will be acting as a liaison to the department for the FBI's Child Abduction Unit. She is primarily working on the Lamar case, but it really hasn't been determined as to whether this is an actual abduction so she's going to be helping us sort out any possible evidence that it might be. She's really only with us on a request basis at the moment. Because we have no definite proof of abduction or interstate transport of Lamar. Question & Answer session with Detective Nelson: Q: Any breaking news not yet posted? Any new developments - what about the injured Deputy? A: Introduction of the FBI Special Agents in full force is the most important element today. Deputy Phillips is still in a coma at Baptist Memorial Hospital. Q: Any search by the river, near Magnolias, anything found? A: We've been following up on any information we have, but there hasn't been anything found yet. Q: Perhaps that's descriptive of her grandparents' and aunt's farm? A: We are checking that, too. Q: Was there any evidence found in the autopsy of Anthony Phelps that connects him to Macy Lamar? A: Well, all that was determined was that he died from a torn aorta from the accident. However, we did find a library card in the hotel room that belonged to Macy. Q: What about witnesses around Herritage Inn seeing Vicky or Phelps? A: We've questioned some people around the area. So have the Tangipahoa County Sheriff's Department there in Louisiana. The hotel manager didn't seem to see anything unusual and he didn't see Phelps or Pierce though Ms. Symons did rent out the room. That we have a positive I.D. on. There was a man, Carl Walsh, who said that he saw Phelps in a McDonalds. Q: Has anyone seen Pierce since the escape? A: We have a woman, Tanya, who works for Proud Larry's claims to have seen Pierce talking with Ms. Symons after the accident, but no positive I.D. was made. Pierce has been eluding the police very well; he's a smart man. Q: The witness to the Pierce "sighting"...what did he/she have to say about this person's condition? A: The woman said that she saw Ms. Symons talking to 'that escaped guy.' She didn't see anything wrong with him, but said that she couldn't make a positive I.D. on him because she was too far away. We're not sure she's being totally honest, but that is all she'll say. Q: Have there been any charges to Caroline Blanchard's credit card? A: No, but we are tracing the accounts carefully in case we have a chance of finding the girl. Q: Any mysterious phone calls to mom or dad? A: No, nothing out of the ordinary, but we are trying to keep tabs on the phone lines in case Macy calls. Q: Are you absolutely sure there is no connection between Purity and Macy Lamar Detective? A: I am not totally sure, but in my opinion, I would say that these cases are totally different. But then again, it could be a possibility that they are linked. Nothing to suggest it now. Q: Last Friday you said you had a current list of Ego Shovel members... A: Yes. We have a list that we are compiling. It's getting hard to get a solid list because Ego Shovel is keeping things pretty tight ever since the Purity case. Q: Does the victim know this person who been accused? A: Well, we aren't really conclusive on whether it is an actual abduction or not. But, as far as we know, Macy did not know Phelps or Pierce, but anything is possible. Most of our sources have told us that they didn't think Macy knew either of the men. Q: Any stolen car tags been reported to you (the Dept) on the same day as accident and escape? A: Not the same day, but yes, we have quite a few stolen tags recently reported, but unfortunately no solid leads. Q: When will the Sheriff and his wife be asked to take a polygraph? A: We have been questioning both parents constantly...as to the polygraph, none are scheduled it yet. Although we are planning on giving one. Q: Any reports of more stolen cars in the path between Oxford and Amite, etc? A: Yes, there has been a found stolen car, but not the one we were looking for. There were stolen cars, but mostly misfits going for joy rides. There are APBs out and none of the cars that came back match the description of the original vehicle. Q: Has Macy's picture been televised and public asked for info or signings at mall or anywhere? A: Yes, we are trying to find her at all costs. Her pictures have been posted in the papers and the TV news every evening. We've got her picture on milk cartons in this area through the Center for Missing Children and there are posters in every mall within a 10 mile square radius. Q: Do you think they are still in the area? A: Personally, I don't think that they are, but we are still searching the area. Q: Why limited to 10 miles considering she may be out of state? Shouldn't this be national? A: We weren't in charge of the posters in the mall, her family put those up. We've just been doing some major searching in the area as of recently especially in Magnolia Apartments area. Q: Do you think that Macy was abducted or left on her own accord? A: We aren't really sure. We are treating this as fragile as we can because we have not received any actual proof she was abducted, but we are looking into the case as a possible abduction. Q: What would you say we do know for sure in this case? A: We do know that Macy is missing, that it is not likely according to different folks that we've asked, that Macy is NOT the type to just leave. We have to treat this case as fragile as we can because of the close ties to the department and the escape. We know that we have found the dead body of the man arrested as the Proud Larry's rapist and that we did find Macy's library card, but basically, that's all we know as of now. That is why we are bringing in Federal help on this case. It's too big for just our department alone, especially with one of the escapees being found dead in a different state. Q: Would there be a reason for Ed to take Macy if he had Victoria with him already? A: We theorize that Ed and Anthony may have recognized her as the Sheriff's daughter and possibly wanted to use her as a hostage if they were caught. |