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Thursday, October 2, 1997 Guest: Sheriff Charles Lamar Opening Remarks: Hello all. I'm glad to be here. Nice to see all you here. I have an announcement about an addition to the crime scene. A Tip Line was setup by the Mayor's Office, and those tips-with their disposition are there for you to see. Sadly, there have been few hard pieces of info regarding my daughter, Macy. I hope this helps. I don't suppose there is anything more I can say. Id be happy to answer any questions. Question & Answer session with Sheriff Lamar: Q: Has Macy not tried to contact anyone, any hang up calls to family or friends? A: There have been no contacts with us or her friends. It's disturbing. We should have heard something by now don't you think? Q: Have you had time to check the dirt under the dead boys (Phelps) nails yet? Is it clay? A: Yes checked, and his nails were scraped. The dirt will be compared to other crime sites. Q: Have there been any leads on Pierce? A: The investigation has had luck with the girlfriend, I can't recall her name, Victoria. It is assumed in the office that she will be the Achilles heel. Pierce hasn't left a trail. When the motel was rented-no sighting of him, he used the girl, Victoria, to do his bidding. Some here think he's a Charles Manson type. I guess to explain how women are attracted to him. Q: Did you ever at any time think Mazza was dangerous to your safety and that of your family? A: Publicly, I have to say the thought is absurd. Privately, well, all things are possible. But Mazza is a man of some honor. You'll have to excuse the politicians answer. I am a politician. Q: Have you investigated prosecuting attorney Mazza yet? A: We've had some talks. I wouldn't say it was a questioning. They are working closely with us. Q: Did you ever have any confrontations with Pierce or Phelps? A: Not that I recall. Q: Has anyone questioned Victoria's brother David, the one that dealt with cars? A: He has been checked out. She hasn't made contact, yet. Q: What do you believe happened to Macy? Why? Any hot tips? A: There are a few tips on the tip line. Would you like to hear them? Towels soaked in blood were found and reported and a psychic sent in a tip. She saw Macy in a box, she also said a magnolia tree and running water were nearby. Wanted to say, the towels turned out to be paint, and the psychic is a nut. Used to be a witch. Q: So what do you think happened to her? A: I'm hoping that she has run away for some teenage reason. Realistically, another option exists. That we are no longer looking for a kidnapper but a killer. In abductions safe returns happen within the first few days after that, safe return diminishes. Q: Sir, may we ask about your personal life? A: To an extent. I'm up for reelection you know...sex and money are no no's. Q: Could you discuss the nature of your divorce? Are you sure that your wife isn't some how involved? A: My divorce falls under both the aforementioned headings. My wife's involvement...I'll address. In our separation, we agreed she would always have full say in Macy's life. The girl needs a mother, and I was happy to help make them both comfortable. We would always be her parents. So there is no reason for her to abduct Macy. I'd be happy to hear any motives that you have. Q: Was anything stolen from the other rape victims? Credit cards, identification? Eventually they'll need money. A: No - but bank accounts are being watched. Q: Was there any evidence showing Macy with Pierce? A: They found her library card with Phelps, that is evidence to connect her to him-and him to Pierce. Q: What fingerprints were on Macy's library card? Do you think Macy planted it? A: Pierce was too smart to touch it just Phelps. Macy planted it? Q: Was it a possibility she planted it to tip off where she was? A: That makes sense. It's a hopeful thought, thank you. Q: Sheriff what do you think would be the reason that Phelps and Pierce would abduct Macy? The police weren't close enough behind them to need a hostage? A: That is a very possible idea. Pierce is pretty far away now. Q: How do you know that Pierce is pretty far away now? A: He dumped Phelps in Louisiana on his way to who knows where. Q: What do you think of what the psychic said? A: I don't believe in psychics...but the department has used her before with luck. I just don't go for that, but, if it finds Macy... Q: Just a thought but, the psychic mentioned magnolia and running water.....what about your ex-wife's apartment, or near there....... A: She has both those-trees and running water I've spent time there. Macy isn't there. Q: How do you know that Macy isn't anywhere near the Magnolia Apartments......maybe buried there? A: I understand--yes-I did look around. Q: Just because you didn't see Macy near your wife's apartment, how do you not know that she might not be nearby...or buried near there? A: She'll be taking a polygraph-to some that's proof. They haven't given it yet, the polygraph test is to be scheduled. She's been investigated. I don't think she is involved. Q: Sheriff, the question isn't questioning your wife, rather if you were checking around the apartment because of what the madam said. A: I'll take a walk around there when I leave. Nothing is too insignificant, thanks. Q: Has the FBI or anyone asked you to take a polygraph? A: No, I will though, whatever is needed. Same with my wife. Q: Don't you think it is time for the FBI to take full jurisdiction of this case? A: Yes. Q: Was there ever any proof that Phelps was involved in more than the one rape? A: No, they are having a hard time connecting him to the others, but the rapes have stopped. That's good enough for the university police. Q: Sorry, how does the Sheriff feel about comments that Macy's mother might be involved? A: I don't think she is involved, so it doesn't bother me. Q: Is it possible that Phelps or Pierce knew Macy? A: Yes it's possible, but not known. I can't see how or where. Q: If Cooter's farm is now closed to Ego Shovels, where do they congregate now for the full party experience? A: They have a house, not as big as the other, and we keep a tight lid on gatherings. Q: With the election this fall, why couldn't you and Caroline wait six months to separate, if you two are amicable? A: The separation had been coming. It was best for all. Q: Sheriff did you have any prior contact with the people involved? A: I'd seen Pierce in holding--that's it--no contact. |