On Wednesday, May 26, 2004, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's
Department conducted a canvass of businesses in the area of Kristi Waterson's residence. Investigators were looking for potential
witnesses who saw or heard anything, including anyone who may have
seen the man reported by witnesses at The Turn and Campus Walk apartment complexes,
on the
night of the murder of Kristi Waterson, Saturday, May 22, 2004. The
interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to
the investigation and are representative of all interviews
- Joel Bryce, age 39, plumber
Mr. Bryce said "I was coming out from under one of the buildings
over at the Ewok Village. Had an emergency after-hours call. I was
dusting off and getting my snake out of there when I seen this clean
cut boy walking up the street, heading towards The Turn Apartments.
I done some work over there a time or two. The boy had on brown
pants, a blue shirt, and carried a bag. That's the only person I
seen walking that night." Mr. Bryce said he saw the subject walking
between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. on the night of May 22, 2004.
- Ruth Ellen Carson, age 21, clerk at the Double Quick
convenience store, 1401 Jackson Avenue West
Ms. Carson said she saw a number of people walking down Hathorn
Road on the night of May 22, 2004. "There were some black guys, a
couple of times I saw them wandering up and down the road. I think
they live back there somewhere 'cause I see 'em a lot. They come in
here and buy cigarettes sometimes. There was a college kid,
preppie-like, walked by here about 6:00. And an older woman,
probably in her fifties, said her car broke down, walked up and
asked to use the phone."
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- Ralph Grubb, age 19, delivery driver for Domino's Pizza,
1603 Jackson Avenue West
Mr. Grubb said that he was making a delivery at The Turn
Apartments around 8:00 p.m. on the night of May 22, 2004. He passed
a college-aged male walking through the parking lot. He said the man
was wearing khaki pants, a blue polo shirt, and carrying a duffel
bag. "Honestly, I was driving a little fast and almost clipped the
guy. That's the only reason I remembered it. Other than that, I
didn't see anything or notice anything while I was there."
- Bill Jones, age 20, cook at Papa John's Pizza, 1506
Jackson Avenue West
Mr. Jones said that he was taking a smoke break outside the Papa
John's store around 1:00 a.m. on the night of May 22, 2004. He said
he saw a college-age male wearing tan pants, blue dress shirt,
and a baseball cap walking down the street. He said that the subject
did nothing to warrant his attention and that he finished his
and went back to work. "If y'all weren't here pressing me to
remember any little thing I saw that night, then I wouldn't have
any reason to think about that guy. He was just walking along,
minding his own business." Mr. Jones stated that he did not see where the
subject went.
John Smith, age 24, manager of Dino's Pizza & Steakhouse, 1420
Jackson Avenue West
Mr. Smith said that he saw a Caucasian male in his early to
mid-20s in the parking lot between 1:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. on the
night of Saturday, May 22, 2004. "We were cleaning up and I was
trying to get the hell out of there. So I didn't really pay much
attention." He said the subject was wearing khaki pants and a blue
shirt. "The customers had all been gone for a while, so I knew he
had parked in our lot and gone somewhere else. Kiamie's maybe." Mr.
Smith said that Dino's does not aggressively tow cars that park in
their lot without dining there and therefore it's not unusual for
someone to leave their car there, go to another establishment, and
return for their vehicle later. Mr. Smith said he was busy cleaning
and did notice which car the subject got into. "With all of the
employee cars and other overflow cars parking there, the lot was
still pretty full at that point."