Thursday, June 10, 2004 --
4:10 PM
This witness, identified as the victim's roommate and cousin, was
interviewed at the apartment the witness and victim shared. The
interview was conducted by Det. Sam Murphy and Det. Ted Armstrong, and
was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness's knowledge
and consent.
TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
MP = Michelle Prescott
SM: Thank you for speaking with us again this afternoon.
MP: Of course.
SM: Would you state your name and address once more for the record?
MP: Michelle Prescott, 588 Hathorn Road, Apartment 232, The Turn.
SM: Great.
MP: What can I tell you? I feel as though we discussed so much last
SM: Well, to start, we wanted to learn more about Ms. Waterson's
relationships with men.
MP: I see. It's as I said before -- that's one area where she and I
disagreed. I preferred to know as little as possible, to be honest.
Whenever she started talking about it, and she wanted to talk a lot, I
would ask her to consider therapy, and then the conversation would
pretty much end.
SM: We get it. But you lived with her. You had to know who she was
MP: I tried not to. We had an agreement, you see. I asked her not to
bring her dates here. She would meet them elsewhere -- they would go
out, or to his place -- but not here. I did the same. I preferred to
keep my private life separate from hers. Of course, when I was away, she
could do what she wanted.
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SM: Sounds like your relationship was pretty strained over this.
MP: No. I loved Kristi. I still do. I was just -- well, it's the same
as with relatives of people with serious problems, drinking or drugs.
After a certain point all you can do is keep offering to help, offering
to get them help, and there's nothing more you can do. I certainly
wasn't going to enable what I saw as a serious problem.
TA: A problem for you, or for her?
MP: What do you mean? I was concerned for her health.
SM: We checked out Rob LaRouche, and his family's pretty big in
certain religious circles. I don't suppose your boyfriend's parents
would be too pleased to know about Ms. Waterson's habits.
MP: I don't see what that has to do with anything. As I said, I
distanced myself from Kristi's activities entirely. Rob's parents barely
even met her, much less knew anything about her. It's really none of
their concern.
TA: Still, weren't you worried that being Ms. Waterson's roommate and
all might hurt you? You did say something about that last time. The
quality of people you associate with is important, isn't it?
MP: You're taking my words out of context. It's true, I believe it's
important to choose friends wisely. You can't get where you want in life
without them. But Kristi was family, and that's the strongest bond. To
imply somehow because I disapproved of her actions -- well, I can't
imagine what it is you're thinking.
SM: Ms. Prescott, what was Ms. Waterson's relationship with Rob
MP: I already said there was no relationship. He says there was
nothing between them -- he was her student for one semester, that's all.
I believe him. By that I mean he's a man of morals, as you must know
you talked with him. Like me, he was concerned for Kristi -- he saw her
behavior as a cry for help.
SM: What about Hunter Nelson? Is that what he saw too?
MP: I wouldn't know what he thought. I met him once or twice, that's
SM: When was that?
MP: He came to pick her up for dates here a couple of times. I
couldn't tell exactly when, but the first time was in the fall. The last
time must have been back in January. Whenever he came by, I would say
hello and how are you, but nothing more. It wasn't my place to lecture
him, but I certainly wasn't going to become anything more than an
acquaintance. I mean that wouldn't have been right for Kristi -- I didn't
want her to think I was interested in him. I understand he's a very nice
young man. He's from a nice family. I can understand why Kristi might
have scared him off.
SM: What makes you say she scared him off?
MP: Well, I didn't know the details of their relationship. But I
inferred he was the one to break off relations with her -- by that I mean
she told me he had moved on, that's all. I can only assume he didn't
share her predilections.
SM: And what about after they broke up? You said you saw him here
after that?
MP: Yes. He was acquainted with Dewey, the apartment manager. I saw
him a couple of times, or rather saw his car. Kristi pointed it out to
me once; he has a nice Lexus. Good taste. The
last time I saw it must have been the weekend before Kristi died. I'm
sorry, but I don't have anything new to contribute. I really didn't know
Hunter at all.
SM: What about Weldon?
MP: Pardon?
TA: A person named Weldon. You ever hear of him?
MP: No. It's as I said before -- I think she was dating someone new,
but she never told me who it was. And she didn't tell me anything about
her work. I met her supervisor, John Brewer, once when we happened to
cross campus, and he seemed perfectly nice, but that's really all I know
of her professional life.
SM: Who were her other boyfriends, other students she was dating?
MP: I'm sorry, I don't know. Hunter was the only one I met. Well --
she once mentioned a Chris, and a Nate. But I don't know who they are
and even whether they're still here, whether they were just friends or
students. I'm sorry.
SM: What other names do you remember?
MP: I'm sorry -- I can't think of any.
SM: Let's talk some more about the evening Ms. Waterson died.
MP: I told you already, I wasn't there.
TA: That's what we're trying to get straight. We asked Mr. LaRouche
and he thought you didn't come over until late.
MP: No. That's wrong.
TA: In fact, you said yourself you came back from your drive around
7:30, but you also said 8:30, and Mr. LaRouche said it was around 9:00.
Now, as you point out, he's a man of morals, so that would mean you got
to his place later than you said.
MP: Well, neither of us were exactly watching the time. By that I
mean neither of us wears a watch. And it was Saturday night -- we didn't
have any obligations to be anywhere. There's no reason to be exact. I
resent the implication that somehow I would intentionally lie.
TA: All right then, set us straight.
MP: It's as I said before. I went over there around seven, and we
went out for a drive. We got back around eight-thirty or so. We ordered
pizza and watched a DVD. I got back just before nine the next morning.
Surely you don't think I had something to do with what happened?
TA: Well Ms. Prescott, we're a little at a loss. No one except Mr.
LaRouche saw you much, and you seem to have had your reasons to disagree
with Ms. Waterson.
MP: Disagree, yes. But surely decent people can disagree, or be
concerned, without violence? It's insulting to think I would do such a
TA: It doesn't sound like Ms. Waterson was responding to your
MP: No. I won't argue with you or pretend otherwise. But to imply
that because of it I would try to hurt her -- it's outrageous. I'm sorry,
but I have to ask you to leave. I'm not compelled to continue this
TA: Fine. But we'll be back.
MP: I plan to have an attorney present.
TA: See you soon.
Interview ends -- 4:39 PM