Monday, June 14, 2004 --
9:20 AM
The witness, Donald “Dewey” Devoe, is the manager of the apartment
complex where the victim lived. The witness was interviewed at his
residence. The interview was recorded on a portable tape recorder with
the witness's knowledge and consent.
TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
DD = Donald "Dewey" Devoe
TA: Well, Mr. Devoe, we're back. Thanks for answering the door.
DD: It's way too early. Do you want coffee or something?
SM: No, thanks. Would you state your name and address again for the
DD: Donald Wayne Devoe, 588 Hathorn, Apartment 22. What's going on?
Do you have the 411 on that murder or something?
SM: We're hoping you might help with that.
DD: I already told you everything I know.
TA: Is that so? Well then, why don't you tell us again about that
incident with Kristi Waterson's mother?
DD: Dude, chill. It wasn't an incident. It was an accident. I already
told you -- there was water from the fridge. Some kind of, what do you
call it, coolant didn't work so stuff was melting.
TA: Sounds urgent.
DD: Okay, look. Maybe I should have fixed it earlier. But that's no
excuse for Kristi to come barging in on me the way she did.
SM: When did they report the problem?
DD: I don't know. Like, a few weeks ago. They called me like six
times and I told them to chill. They could live without cold champagne
or whatever. But they were totally uptight. I already called the repair
guy when the accident happened -- he just couldn't make it out right
SM: What about the day of the accident? Were you here when it
DD: Yeah. In fact, I helped out big time. That's why I didn't get it
when Kristi went off the deep end.
SM: Helped out how?
DD: They called an ambulance, and when it came, I went out to see
what was wrong. I followed the paramedics to the apartment. Everyone was
totally freaking out -- a really bad scene. I tried to get them calmed
down and Michelle asked me to take care of everything, which turned out
to mean locking up behind them, turning out the lights and so on. Later
Michelle called from the hospital and asked me to get some take-out for
them so it would be waiting for them. I did that no sweat. Chinese food,
hot and sour soup -- I heard it has healing properties.
SM: Did you pay for it?
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DD: They were home by that time; it was delivered right to them. No
prob. And then the next thing I know Kristi's threatening me.
TA: Why don't you tell us about what happened between you and Ms.
DD: Like I said. She was yapping at me about suing, yelling her head
off. And that was it.
SM: When was this?
DD: In the morning. The Tuesday before.
TA: A minute ago you said she barged in on you. What's that about?
DD: Nothing. Look, it's just she came in here totally unexpected. The
door was open -- she just walked right in. I was in the middle of
something and told her to come back and that's when it all started.
TA: What were you doing? With a girl or something?
DD: No. I was just busy. She went off on how I was a criminal -- you
know, for letting the fridge slide like that. How I was so lazy, and she
was going to tell my boss and so on. She threatened to have me kicked
out. It was a total overreaction.
TA: Sounds like she wanted to put you out of business. If she
followed through, you'd lose a pretty decent job.
DD: Look, it's ridiculous to think I wanted to hurt her. I'm used to
crap like that -- other tenants are uptight just like she was. It's just
part of the job. I always try to work it out and move on.
TA: I still don't get why you waited so long to fix the refrigerator.
DD: It wasn't on purpose. Dude, look. The way it works is half the
time problems go away on their own. If I ran over every time one of the
tenants called me, I'd spend all my time changing light bulbs. This way,
they take care of the stuff they should take care of on their own, and I
just deal with the major problems. You know -- plumbing and stuff like
that. The gnarly stuff.
TA: You say she came in here? To this room?
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DD: Yeah. I mean, that's what bothered me -- she came through the
door, in here, and then when I wasn't here, she actually came in back.
Total invasion of privacy.
TA: In back where?
DD: Um, the bedroom, I think. Look, it was a couple of weeks ago now.
I don't remember exactly, except that I was totally shocked. It wasn't
like I was standing right here and said, “How do you do, please have a
seat on the couch. I don't care how rich you are,” you know? You can
still use the doorbell and chill out.
SM: How did the discussion end?
DD: We came back in here and I was trying to calm her down. I told
her, “look, the repairman is coming,” and I said she could wipe up her
own mess.
TA: Did it get physical?
DD: No. Nothing like that. In the end, she walked out still making
threats about suing me, turning me in to the cops, firing me, what have
you. Way over the top.
TA: Turning you in to the cops? For what?
DD: I don't know. That's what I mean -- she was totally out of line.
TA: I'm going to put two and two together and guess this has
something to do with your sideline business.
DD: What business?
TA: Like, say, Ms. Waterson happened to see some of your drug
paraphernalia and threatened to tell the cops. If that happened, you'd
lose your job and might actually have to work for a living.
DD: No way. You guys are totally off base. All I can tell you is she
was totally overreacting and nothing ever happened. My boss never asked
about it, nothing.
TA: Very convenient for you.
DD: No. Like I said, you guys are crazy if you think I had something
to do with what happened to Kristi. It blows my mind. I'm not a violent
SM: Tell us again about the night Ms. Waterson died.
DD: Nothing happened. I didn't go out. I didn't party. I just hung
SM: Who did you see?
DD: No one.
SM: What about Hunter Nelson?
DD: Like I said, I didn't hang with anyone. Just watched the
tube. I'm trying to save cash.
SM: He didn't come by to see Ms. Waterson?
DD: No. Look. I said earlier I don't spy on the tenants and I was
telling the truth. How the hell should I know who visited their place? I
don't even know if they were around.
SM: What about the other tenants -- any complaints that night?
DD: No. All quiet. No parties for people to get upset about, no loud
music, nothing. It was a completely normal night.
SM: What else do you remember about that night?
DD: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was totally not memorable. I
watched reruns on TV -- that says it all.
SM: When did you hear about Ms. Waterson's death?
DD: The next morning, just like everyone. The police cars woke me up.
SM: Mr. Devoe, please try to help us out. Who else was friends with
Ms. Waterson?
DD: I told you. Just that guy Hunter -- that's all I know about.
TA: What about Weldon?
DD: Who?
TA: Weldon's the name.
DD: Never heard of him.
TA: Hunter Nelson never mentioned him?
DD: No. How many times do I have to say it? I didn't know any of
Kristi and Michelle's stupid friends. Everyone here has friends and
relatives; they can come and go, I don't recognize half the people I see
here. I don't go around raiding apartments and spying on people; it's
not like I get off on their lives. I've got my own business. It's a free
TA: Okay, Mr. Devoe. No need to get riled up.
DD: You're the one being uptight.
TA: You were here on the night of the murder and it sounds like you
had reason to wish Ms. Waterson harm.
DD: You're wrong. I would never hurt someone like that. Whoever did
that is one messed-up person -- I can't imagine it. It totally blows my
TA: Mr. Devoe, I suggest you think hard about that Saturday night and
whether anyone can back you up as to your harmless activities.
DD: Wait -- are you threatening me?
TA: I'm just saying it'd be a lot easier for you -- and we could be a
lot less uptight -- if someone else knew your whereabouts.
DD: Well, like I said, I was at home. I wasn't exactly planning to be
interrogated like this. This is like police brutality or something.
SM: Give us a break.
TA: Why don't you calm down and we'll talk again real soon.
DD: Whatever, dude.
Interview ends -- 10:02 AM