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Tuesday, November 18, 1997 Guests: David Anderson & Ted Armstrong Opening Remarks: Well, where to start? We aren't investigators on the Lamar case. And we aren't cops. But we are into some things that are pretty interesting, Chambeau and his land deals among them. He is a parasite. And--if you watch our web site, you may see some surprises. There are some that say Chambeau bought this state and if you look at what he owns you might agree. But, he also owns the state in that old fashioned way. Money buys elections and I can tell you he�s bought a few. Before I answer questions, let me address one issue. The reason we left the force. I have been frustrated in my efforts to prosecute Chambeau. It�s either the courts, lawyers, minor fines or dummy corporations. We couldn't get real evidence. But, working as we do, we are "unfettered" and have more freedom to pursue leads. What I mean is PIs don't have to give anyone their rights. We look for the truth and lets the chips fall where they may. I went on too long like usual. It�s nice to be back, I've missed you all. Question and Answer Session: Q: What is the real reason the environmental engineer "up and quit" the Dickerson project? A: From what our engineers tell us, its an unsound project. Perhaps the man quit because of that. Q: Does Chambeau run the gambling in Oxford or front the money? A: But the money could be from him--yes there are rumors that run the gamut. Most rumors come from fact. Q: Is there anything new on the Macy Lamar case? Did you find anything interesting? A: No. I don't get into the file anymore. I think a lot of hope is gone. Q: Can you name citizens in Oxford Green, and was Macy a member? A: No she wasn't although there are many HS kids involved. She may have bought a t-shirt or something, but she wasn't a member. As for membership, I'm not that involved. Q: Did Chambeau buy Mazza's or Lamar's election? A: Looking into that possibility - Chambeau did donate money to both. Rumors are he is somehow involved. That environmental impact statement was an issue. Chambeau may have been looking for help in moving the environmental impact statement along. The proof will be on our site. Q: Have you guys, by chance, found any interesting "connections" between Chambeau and Sheriff Lamar or Aimee? A: Would it be a connection if Chambeau was involved in gambling and the Sheriff liked his poker? First step is placing Chambeau into the gambling scene. Q: Have you checked behind the scenes at Oxford Mall (behind the boarded up areas) and perhaps found some interesting evidence against Chambeau? A: Chambeau owns that area. Its all boggy, a small neighborhood of sharecropper shacks, even a little cemetery. Haven�t been in the Mall, no. Q: Why did you say Chambeau was a parasite and have you posted his list of land holdings on your site? A: A list would be an interesting read. I say he is a parasite because he doesn't earn his money. Charges poor people to live in filth. Creates leasing deals with political pals-to make himself rich. As for a list--we are working on compiling a specific list of holdings -- it's complicated by the fact that there are many interrelated companies and they all need to be traced to see if they link to Chambeau. Q: Did you check the mall at all and if so, did you find anything in the construction area? Anything at all? Even the most insignificant detail? A: I'm not looking at the mall. Although I will now. Q: Since you are in private business now - has someone hired you to investigate Chambeau? A: Yes--Oxford Green and some private persons relating to the Dickerson site in particular. Q: Does Gilbert lose his shirt to Chambeau if he can't get environmental okay? A: They all stand to lose, yes. Q: Are all the sharecropper shacks behind the mall inhabited? A: Most are, yes. I've been through there, Macy isn't there. Q: Those private persons who hired you, does that include anyone pertaining to Macy's case? A: If Macy's mother hired me or tried to, I couldn't tell you about it. Q: Is the Dickerson project the same site as the proposed Walmart site? A: It�s going to house a service facility of some sort. He�s been vague in the purpose and that�s why we want the impact statement. Q: Where's the Dickerson project in relation to the place where Sheriff Lamar died? A: Maybe a mile or so away, different roads. Q: My map says it is more like 7 miles or 10. A: No--as the crow flies--its a mile or so. Anderson says more. Q: Was the Dickerson project in the direction the Sheriff was headed when he crashed? Is it also on Pea Ridge Road? A: Highway 334 runs near highway 7. 334 is where Dickerson is, 7 is where the crash was. Q: Are you investigating anything else besides the Dickerson project? The Aimee Harberson theory or something? A: No--just this for now. Q: Have you had any other cases at all besides this one? A: This is the first to pay the rent. We tracked some deadbeats and collected some liens, not what we started for. Q: Who is paying you to investigate Chambeau? A: Oxford Green--and some local citizens. |