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Wednesday, October 15, 1997 Guest: Mr. George and Mrs. Alison Pierce Opening Remarks, George Pierce: It's been a very stressful time, yes. Especially that message on the machine. It's been really hard on the entire family. I'm ready for questions. Question & Answer session with the Pierce's: Q: Do you know where Ed is heading, a relative? A: No, I have no idea where he is, I just hope someone finds him... the whole message thing has my whole family on edge. Q: Can you tell us what exactly happened the day Geena died? A: Well, no one is really sure about that whole incident, but apparently Ed and Geena had gone out for the evening, and Ed had been drinking. He was speeding according to what we had been told and he was intoxicated. He said that he saw something jump out in the road...he swerved and hit a tree at about 90 mph. Geena didn't make it. Q: Did Ed have mental problems as a child? Was he in trouble at school, with the police, etc.? A: Ed had a few problems, yes. He was a very odd little boy. A loner really. He used to pick on animals a lot. We tried to discourage him, but he really never listened. And then there was the incident with that little boy. They said he did it, but we never believed it. But he was very disturbed after that so we did institutionalize him for a while. Q: Mrs. Pierce do you know what made your son do this evil stuff? A: (George Pierce) It's ok, I can answer that. We didn't know what caused Ed to do that. He was just very different and we thought that he had his own way of dealing with things. We tried to discourage it, but I don't know if we actually ever got through to him. Q: Has Ed ever been tested for multiple personalities, and if so, what happened? A: He was tested for them, yes, but he wasn't diagnosed with multiple personalities. The doctors just said he had emotional stress and depression. Q: 90 MPH, what injuries did Ed sustain in the crash with Geena? A: He had a small concussion and a few broken ribs. Q: What, if anything, does the name "Rory" mean to you, or to Ed? A: Well, Ed was always very imaginative. When he was growing up he had an imaginary friend that he called Rory. Any time that he was caught doing something wrong he blamed it on his imaginary friend. That all pretty much stopped when he was institutionalized though. Q: Is Ed your natural child and if not was he abused before you got him? A: No, Ed is not our biological child. We adopted him a few weeks after he was born. Q: Was Ed prescribed any psychotropic drugs? For schizophrenia, perhaps? A: Yes, he was on medication for his depression. Lithium. Q: How old was Ed when you adopted him? Was he kept on drugs such as ritilin? A: Ed was a little over two months old when we adopted him. And yes, Ed was on medications. He took ritilin for a while and later was prescribed lithium. Q: How was Pierce as a teen, did he seem to get worse as he got older? A: He was fine for a while. Very active in his school's theater department and the band. But he was still very independent and aloof. He was doing very well until Geena's death. Q: Has Ed ever had the desire to dress in female clothing (e.g.underwear and dresses)? A: Not that I am aware of. Q: Was Ed somehow traumatized in his youth? Or do you suppose his problems were hereditary? A: Well, he was involved in an incident with a neighbor's child Tommy. He and the boy got into some sort of argument when.... At this point the Pierce's were disconnected and unable to resume an ISP connection. All were initially concerned that perhaps Ed had something to do with this problem, however, the Pierce's are fine and have not heard from Ed again to date. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce will again join us as guests in the Line Up chat on Wednesday, October 22, at 9:00 p.m. ET. We look forward to hearing the incident with Tommy and much more about the life of Ed Pierce. Join us then. |