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Evidence: Contents of "Sister Susannah" file found in Stillwater search
Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong
Case No: 002821-15G-2000
Case Description: Wendy Pane Holloway (AKA Jane Doe #00-112) Homicide

The following summary and receipt were found in Evidence #002821-185, a file folder labeled "Sister Susannah," which was found in the locked drawer of the dressing table in the master bedroom of the Stillwater residence.

Reading Summary | Receipt


Be wary of the young woman I've described to you. She will destroy your marriage if you give her the chance. She is near to you, closer than you might think. She and your husband spend a noticeable amount of time together, though it appears to be for legitimate reasons. I have seen her with your husband and he is infatuated with her. But there is still time to win back his affections if you act quickly. You must think more of his needs than your own during this critical period. You must cater to him and dote on him. You must contact me whenever you feel uncertain about your progress, and I will perform another reading to determine if your husband's heart has returned to you.

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Sister Susannah
P.O. Box 2935
Jackson, MS 39201

Date: June 13, 2000

Amount Due for Services Rendered: $1,500.00

Paid in Full - Check #2621, Eugenia C. Stillwater

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