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Evidence: Floorplan and Evidence Inventory

To: Armstrong@crimescene.com
Subject: Giblini Sighting?
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 16:17:12 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0


I've been following this case for the past few months. You're doing a great job. I've got an active imagination, so I'm always spotting Greg Giblini. It's become a family joke.

While looking through my mother's vacation photos, I spotted Greg again. The more I look, the more I'm certain it's him. Mom never noticed him, so we don't know if he's alone or not.

I've attached the pictures. They were taken at the Grand Canyon on October 11 at about 2PM. Let me know what you think. Mom is in the white outfit. Greg is in a sleeveless jean top.

Hope this helps.

Margaret Wakeham

Photo experts at the Jackson Crime Laboratory confirm the authenticity of these photographs. There is a high degree of probability that the person pictured is Greg Giblini.

Park employees have been questioned. No one remembered Giblini. A sweep of local motel registration failed to locate him.


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