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After a medical records analysis indicated sexual abuse in Crystal Taylor's early childhood, interviews were conducted with various sources, including medical office staff members. Following is an excerpt from one such lengthier interview:

Witness Interview Excerpt: Melissa Lageborne

Melissa Lageborne is the office manager at Internal Medicine Associates in Oxford, where Crystal Taylor was treated during her teen years. The following is an excerpt of the interview conducted on March 27th.

N = Detective Terrence Nelson
L = Melissa Lageborne

N: When you responded to the subpoena for Crystal's medical records you indicated that you knew her fairly well, since she was a child I believe you said. I have the impression you may have some information in this abuse investigation?

L: Crystal always seemed to have more, um, 'female complaints' than seemed right for a young girl, I'm no doctor so I can't really say much more than that. It worried me about her. And, well, there were bruises, you know.

N: Bruises? Can you be more specific?
L: Well, just marks on her thighs and arms a few times. She was really self-conscious about them, said they came from her skating accidents. But there was this once? A really big bruise was on one thigh, and it just looked awful. I try to mind my own business, but I always felt there was something there. She seemed such a sad and compliant child, you know? Meek. She was always nervous when she came in.

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