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Mississippi State Crime Lab Jackson, MS 392 Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Evidence Recovery Kits Submitted: Item 001 Crystal Taylor Evidence Samples Submitted: Victim, Crystal Taylor: Item 014 from front right, long sleeved blue turtleneck
shirt Victim, Dale Taylor: Item 027 from t-shirt back neck Location One - Cemetery: Item 039 isolated sample from soil, exhumation victim
Dale Taylor Location Two - Eastgate Center: Item 042 isolated sample from soil removed from
underneath pallet Results: This report supplements the test results reported in Certificate of Analysis 98-1641 dated March 26, 1998. DNA amplification results were unable to be obtained from the following samples due to degraded or insufficient sample size: item numbers 20 from victim C. Taylor shoe sole, 37 nail scrapings victim D. Taylor, 39 soil sample exhumation, 40 soil sample exhumation and 42 soil sample found under pallet. Human DNA was isolated from all physical evidence recovery kits and remaining evidence samples. DNA profiles from all fractions were subjected to RFLP analysis. See full lab results in Certificate of Analysis for each sample. The following table summarizes the results found. An (X) indicates that the genetic material isolated is consistent with the DNA profile exclusively for the corresponding DNA profile from physical evidence recovery kits. (M) indicates a mixed sample of genetic material consistent with a combination of DNA profiles indicated. DNA profiles for physical evidence recovery kits 3 through 13 were excluded from every tested evidence sample. Evidence sample number 41 was inconsistent and excluded from all 13 evidence recovery samples. Table of Summary Results:
Conclusion: Based on the test results, the DNA profiles for Items 1 and 2, cannot be excluded or eliminated as contributors of the genetic material isolated from the evidence samples as indicated. In each test results indicated the probability of randomly electing an unrelated individual with a matching DNA profile is in each case at least approximately*: 1 in 2.7 billion in the Caucasian population * See Certificate of Analysis 98-1641 for individual test result probabilities. ATTEST //Francis K. Dupin |