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Wednesday, March 18, 1998
Guest: Detective Terrence Nelson

Opening Remarks:

Well, there's been quite a twist in Christian's story it seems. I received an email from a young lady by the name of Tania. She claims that Christian was online talking to her early that morning after 1 am...when during their conversation, Christian up and left with no good-byes or anything. Now this may not be anything, but it would make Christian's story not totally airtight. I've set up a phone interview with her and she has agreed to be interviewed on Crimescene tomorrow evening. The phone interview is also tomorrow.

I'll take questions.

Question and Answer Session:

Q: Do you think Dale and Christian were lovers?
A: No, Christian has a girlfriend, and apparently has a few online female crushes. He stated that he and Dale were never lovers, I have no reason to disbelieve him on that.

Q: Would you say that Christian is the prime suspect right now?
A: No, I wouldn't, but I also won't rule him out until after I've investigated this a little more. He's definitely someone we are keeping in our limelight. And now with this little piece of info that we've received from Ms. Hotchkiss, well, I'd like to examine Christian a little further.

Q: Have Christian's cars been checked for trace evidence?
A: We'd like to have some, but we don't have enough probable cause for the warrant on him or his vehicle.

Q: How reliable is the email from Tania and what doors has it opened in the investigation?
A: Well, that's what we are trying to determine. I haven't been able to fully investigate her yet, but it does put a hole in Christian's story...the timing is off...he said he was studying for an exam and then was online all evening with a friend. If she says that he logged out in the middle with no explanation, well, something isn't matching up.

Q: Are you going to check with AOL or whatever online service Christian and Tania have to see if he was really online?
A: If the interview with Tania warrants it, then we will, but we need probable cause for that because we also need a warrant for that.

Q: Have you questioned Crystal's dad about their relationship?
A: Yes, and we've also subpoenaed the medical records - he's denying anything happened. That investigation is already in progress.

Q: Have you checked into the possibility that Christian is homosexual and maybe had feelings for Dale?
A: Christian has disbanded that rumor. He states that there was no relationship of that sort between he and Dale. We've no reason to disbelieve him.

Q: Can you tell us more about the knife that was found? Prints, blood, the jacket, and can we assume it was Dale's knife?
A: There are only Dale's prints that we've found, and it is definitely a murder weapon in this case. The blood found on the knife matches Crystal's blood type but we haven't gotten the DNA test results back to totally confirm that. We have been told that Dale did own a knife like that, however that hasn't been confirmed either. This doesn't necessarily mean that Dale is the murderer, sometimes items found like this have been used as self defense...that's why we sent the blood samples in for DNA testing.

Q: Will you be wanting to confiscate Christian's computer for what ever info might be in it?(love messages to other men, death and sex fantasy, etc.)?
A: If it's warranted, sure the computer would be included in a search, but again we don't have probable cause for such a confiscation yet.

Q: Tania is from New York I believe? If he was online with Tania at 4:00 a.m., what time would it be in Oxford?
A: 3 a.m., Oxford is CST.

Q: Wondering if Shane had been questioned regarding either father or Dale abusing Crystal?
A: That is part of the other investigation, we haven't found any reason to question him again about this case at the moment.

Q: Can forensic science be fooled by just putting blood on a weapon that wasn't used to perpetrate a crime?
A: If that's all there was on the knife maybe yes, but there are too many other factors taken into consideration. Blood smeared on would be different than tissue and so on in microscopic pores on the surface. The tests can usually tell.

Q: Christian was upset before the bus left and went to met Dale and had a fight.
A: We don't have any proof of that or really any actual reason to believe that, but it's definitely a theory to look into.

Q: Do you have any suspects under surveillance?
A: Right now we are keeping many different people under surveillance. We haven't ruled anyone out totally as a suspect because this case is VERY complicated.

Q: Have you questioned the mother on her drinking problem? What really was going on in this family?
A: That's a good question, we're trying to find that out. There is major investigation on with that. We've been questioning, but the whole family...rather what's left of the family...has not been very helpful. They haven't been very forthcoming with answers to our questions, I'm afraid.

Q: What is the first time the morning of the death that anyone actually saw Christian and what was his state?
A: We don't really know the answer to that, the only time I've interviewed him was when this was a missing persons case, and there wasn't a reason to ask that.

Q: What is the connection between Maggie and Christian? Also, since Christian played music as well as Shane are they connected?
A: As far as we know, they just know each other from when they were in school together...they aren't really friends to our knowledge, other than that there is no connection we've found. Shane and Christian have met, but they haven't worked on any music together.

Q: With this new evidence on Christian will you interview him again, is he a suspect, and when will you interview again, also what is the time of death of the victims?
A: We plan to interview him tomorrow. About the hours because he is still a suspect.

Q: Any idea on when Crystal's medical records will be received?
A: The deadline is the 20th as required by the subpoena.

Q: Has Christian (or anyone, for that matter) been asked about Dale's missing amulet, and who gave it to Dale in the first place?
A: We've questioned everyone on it, and it hasn't turned up yet. Dale received the amulet from a family in Egypt as a good luck talisman while he and Crystal were at competitions. Their mother is providing a sketch and some information on it, but we don't know when we'll have that for you all.

Q: Wonder if that's an Ego Shovel connection? Woolworth's been in Egypt.....just a thought.
A: Good question, I'll have the guys look into that.

Q: Has Christian agreed to come in for another interview voluntarily and does he know about the email that you received from Tania?
A: He has agreed...and no he doesn't know about the email we've received. Unless he reads about it on the site tonight. I read a transcript of the interview last night and he seems to have kept tabs on what was being said on the site.

Q: What's your next move Detective?
A: Well, we're going to question Christian about the timing. It's our number one priority right now. Then we're going to see what the lab results come back as. And if it looks like it's warranted by what we get back from the interview and the results from the lab...then search warrants...do you all have any other suggestions?

Q: Have the parents identified the knife as Dale's property?
A: The knife will be back tomorrow and we hope to get a confirmation from Dale's parents on the knife.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone! We'll be keeping them in mind.

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