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FINAL DIAGNOSIS: I. Sharp force injury: penetrating stab wound to left back with hemothorax, perforation of left lung. II. Sharp force injury: penetrating stab wound to right upper chest with hemothorax, perforation of right lung. III. Sharp force injury: penetrating stab wound to right chest with hemothorax, perforation of right lung. IV. Incised or cutting wound lateral outer aspect of left upper arm. V. Defense wounds:
VI. Evidence of previous injury
Toxicologic Studies blood ethanol: none detected drug screens: none detected CLINICOPATHOLOGIC CORRELATION: Cause of death of this nineteen year old female is due to multiple sharp force injuries to the chest. //Jennifer Johnson, M.D. Coroner External Examination: The body is described in the standard anatomical position. The unembalmed body is that of a well developed, well nourished nineteen year old white female measuring 64" from crown to sole in length and weighing about 105 lbs. Rigor mortis is absent. Livor mortis is advanced and detectable on the right cheek, posterior trunk and right shoulder area. Opinion: Hypostasis, or livor indications taken together with the position of the body in situ upon exhumation are consistent with moving of the body and/or repositioning post mortem. The hair is of medium to long length and brown. Eyes are retracted and opaque. No evidence of conjunctive petechial hemorrhage. The nose and ears are unremarkable. Small, irregular brown abrasions near anterior to the right ear are consistent with ant bites. The upper and lower teeth are natural, there is one amalgam orthodontic filling in the 15th molar. The head is normocephalic and otherwise the face, nose, eyes, neck gums and lips show no evidence of traumatic injury and are unremarkable. Opinion: The autopsy is material to identification. Orthodontic records for Crystal Margaret Taylor match with 15th molar amalgam. The chest is symmetrical, the abdomen is tight and distended. Palpation shows evidence of soft tissue. The chest shows sharp force injuries described below. Opinion: The progression of decomposition from external examination is consistent with a post mortem period of between two and three weeks. Examination of the posterior surface of the trunk shows a sharp force injury described below. Laterally, there is a natural skin pigmentation mark transversely oriented, approximating a triangular shape measuring 1.1 cm by .5 cm by 1.3 cm located 9 cm to the right of the midline and 67 cm from the crown on the right lower back. Opinion: The autopsy is material to identification. Pigmentation consistent with medical records for Crystal Margaret Taylor. The external genitalia are unremarkable and show no evidence of injury or trauma. The upper and lower extremities show no deformities, sharp force injury to the lateral aspect of the left upper arm is described below. There are no scars or signs of surgical treatment. The hands and nails are dirt encrusted with evidence of sharp force injury described below. Clothing: Opinion: The descendent was wearing the jacket at the time of the attack. From the staining on the exterior of the jacket it was removed post mortem. All clothing submitted as evidence for further analysis.
Evidence of Injury: Description of multiple stab wounds: Opinion: This is a fatal wound associated with perforation of the left lung and hemothorax. The wound is consistent with a knife wound, the blunt edges superiorly and inferiorly are indicative of penetration of the ricasso of the blade. 2. Stab wound to chest: The stab wound is located on the right side of the chest 22 inches from the crown of the head and approximately 42 inches from the soles, 4 inches from the midline. The wound is diagonally oriented and after approximation of the edges it measures 5/8 inches in length. The inferior end is blunt and squared measuring 1/32nd of an inch in length. The superior end is tapered. The wound shows non-abraded, sharp margins with no evidence of contusion at the edges. Internal examination shows the path of the wound from front to back and slightly downward. The path is through the skin, subcutaneous tissue and through the intercostal musculature penetrating into the pleural cavity through the 8th right intercostal space without striking rib. The pathway passes through the pleura and subjacent hemorrhagic parenchyma at the base of the right lower lung. The pleural cut measures approximately 1/2 inch, the estimated length of the total wound path is 3 3/4 inches. The path of the wound shows hemorrhage and bruising with overlying bruising in the intercostal musculature. Opinion: This is a fatal wound associated with the perforation of the right lung and hemothorax. 3. Stab wound to chest: The stab wound is located on the right side of the chest 21 inches from the crown of the head and approximately 43 inches from the soles, 5 inches from the midline. The wound is vertically oriented and after approximation of the edges measures one inch in length. Both the inferior and superior ends of the wound are blunt and squared measuring 1/32nd of an inch in length superiorly and 1/16th of an inch inferiorly. The edges of the wound are non-abraded, non-contused and clean. The path of the wound is front to back with little deviation. The path is through the skin, subcutaneous tissue and through the intercostal musculature incising the 7th rib and penetrating into the pleural cavity. The pathway passes through the pleura and subjacent hemorrhagic parenchyma, 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch pleural cuts are found anteriorly and posteriorly respectively. Opinion: This is a fatal wound associated with the perforation of the right lung and hemothorax. Description of incised wounds: 1. Incised or cutting wound to the left upper arm: The wound is located on the lateral outer aspect of the left upper arm located 3 inches below the shoulder joint. The path of the wound is back to front, through the skin and subcutaneous tissue evidencing a small amount of dermal hemorrahage. The track is diagonal extending for 3 1/4 inches. Opinion: This is a non-fatal, superficial wound. 2. Incised or cutting wound to the distal portion of inner aspect of right forearm. This wound is transversely oriented 3 inches from the wrist measuring 1 1/2 inches in length. The wound is through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Opinion: This is a defense wound. 3. Incised or cutting wound to the distal portion of inner aspect of left forearm. This wound is diagonally oriented two inches from the wrist measuring 1 1/4 inches in length. The wound is through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Opinion: This is a defense wound. 4. Incised injury of palmar region right hand: On the palmar surface of the right hand there is an incised or cutting wound extending from the base of the little finger diagonally toward the thumb, terminating at approximately the index finger. The wound is 2 3/4 inches in length and approximately 3/8 inch in depth with hemorrhage at the margins. Opinion: This is a defense wound. Internal Examination -- Summary: X-ray Examination: Opinion: Death of this nineteen year old female is attributed to multiple perforating stab wounds of the chest. Manner of death is homicide. //Jennifer Johnson, M.D. Coroner