Robert Carmichael LaRouche was born in Houston, Texas on November
23, 1982 to Rosemary and Clinton LaRouche. Rob spent his child hood
in the Houston-Beamont- Port Arthur area where his father's family
had oil holdings. The LaRouche family had been in the oil business
since the early 1900s, but later diversified into other industries
in Texas and throughout the Southwest. Clinton LaRouche founded the
successful LaRouche Steak Houses with restaurants throughout Texas
and Oklahoma and later expanded to other Southern states including
Rob spent his life contradicting the stereotype of a rich spoiled
son of a multi- millionaire. He was a product of public schools, due
to his father's insistence that “the boy needs to learn to get along
with all people, regardless of the color of their skin, the language
they speak or what their parents do for a living” and had friends
from all ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. He was well
liked by his classmates at all ages, but in high school was regarded
as something of a fanatic when it came to environmental and
conservation issues. They teased him good naturedly when he nagged
them for frequenting fast food or convenience stores that used
polystyrene, non-biodegradable containers. He religiously collected
aluminum cans and recycled plastic, paper, and glass. But when he
headed a successful money-raising campaign for his high school
senior class by collecting aluminum cans, they proudly participated.
Rob saw no contradiction between the way his family had made their
fortune and his interest in conserving the country's raw materials
and protecting the environment. In fact, he believed it the duty of
the industry to find new energy sources.
The summer before Rob's senior year in high school, Clinton
invited Rob to travel with him through several of the southern
states when he went to look at possible sites for expansion of the
restaurant chain. They traveled by car, and it gave the father and
son a unique opportunity to spend time quality time together. It
also gave Rob an opportunity to see how his father actively
participated in the family businesses and gave him an insight into
what would be expected of him in the future. Father and son made an
agreement that Rob would attend college with a major in business.
Clinton knew Rob would need the business background to understand
and manage the LaRouche fortune someday.
While traveling that summer, they visited Oxford and the
University of Mississippi. Rob really liked the small town, college
atmosphere and the distance it would give from his family by
attending the university there. The School of Business
Administration was well thought of, so his father approved. Rob had
hoped to take a year off to travel the United States before
attending college, but his father made a deal with him to finish
college first, and then Clinton would stake him to a year of travel
around the states after graduation and before he entered the family
Clinton understood and respected Rob's intense interest in the
environment and supported his son's desire to help conserve natural
energy resources. When Rob was to get a car on his 17th birthday, he
asked for one of the new hybrids, a 2000 Honda Insight, so that is
what his father bought it for him.
When Rob got to Ole Miss, he started through fraternity rush, but
just before pledging, decided frat life wasn't for him. He wasn't
against a beer now and then, but valued his privacy and preferred
living alone in his own place. He was something of a loner, but not
anti-social, so had an active dating and social life.
Rob and Michelle Prescott began dating and hit it off pretty
well. She hinted at their future, but Rob has never actually
mentioned marriage. He has never revealed his long-planned
post-graduation trip, so Michelle is completely unaware of it.