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I feel that it was more than one person.the person that did the
killing but on the back of the grave you bicth.Now if you think about
it the person that called and sent the letters was talking in poem
.And it had to be some one she new because the cat look right at
them.And it didn't make a sound.
I am glad that you caught the killer
purity could have been a friend or mere acquaintance of the
killer. she could have refused his advances, which could explain his
written cooments on the box.
Well to start things off , there are too many loop holes in this
case , first there is not enough evidence to put a real case together
, the lack of fingerprints on anything , no real blood tests or DNA
tests were done , no in-depth thought went into the box that the girl
was in , there was no evidence of food that she ate yet her killer
wanted her alive for some time ,there was no evidence of her trying
to get out , an autopsy report would have shown fingers ripped to
pieces from her trying to get out ,no evidence of any sex wheather it
be willing or not , no evidence of her vocal cords rough from yelling
all the time , if she was only burried so far from the side walk
where the old man was walking then why did he not hear her or her not
hear the dog barking ? was dave a boyfriend? i think so , on the tape
recorder why would she not say her last good byes or even state who
the personnel were who kidnapped her ? or why did she not even try to
identify her captors on the tape? was the knife the little boys ? . i
think that this was all a big conspiricy to pretend that the
sherriffs daughter was kidnapped then to collect the money ,put a
wrench in to the sherriffs campaign, and when the captors noticed
that things were not going the way that they suspected then the plot
turned to murder , i mean hey why not who is going to tell the police
...the dead girl ,i don't think so ...CHIMO
Sorry about that Ishould have said Macy's dad the
sheriff. Bejo
It was Purity's dad the sheriff! IT started as a joke [ or game ]
to help him get re-elected. It went too far and she died,I mean she
was to the site earlier,Right? Bejo
Detective Armstrong it was Mr.Pierce or David because the
note that she left was leading towards David. But, David
was nowhere to be found.
I beleive it was mattew owens because he had the stalking motive
,and had a jealousy problem with Purity.
Howdy. First off, any of you out there have spellcheckers? Also,
very interesting how Bc187 came up with that cute 'cult related'
explaination. How do you know, Bc? I do agree with many of you out
there that Purity writing that note and addressing it 'Dave' instead
of Detective was quite strange. And she seemed awfully confident that
she would be found, or else she wouldn't have kept telling Dylan
stories. Her delirious behavior was from exposure and malnourishment,
or else she would have been pleading with the kid, having him make
certain that the note made its way to the Detective. This was a
botched extortion attempt on behalf of Purity, and Dave lost out big
time by letting her die.
I had only a short time to view the available evidence, and a report
from the forensic pathologist would have immensely helped, but this
is my theory. If I am wrong, let me hear it!! I'll be hovering.
Leslie in Florida
People, get a grip. Check out drop down box under "Investigation
tools". Click "Reality check". This is not a real investigation. It
is for entertainment only. Some of you realize this already, some of
you do not.
it is my belief that her parents killed her sisster.i think there
motive was to attempt saving puritys innoscence.as for purity her
self im not sure yet. PETRO
I'm glad that this piece of garbage is dead. he deserved far worse
thwn getting shot in the head
Purity needed money from her parents to pay off the loan for 10k.
She visited the site where she was buried (according to the evidence
collected). This leads me to believe that she helped plot her own
kidnapping, one that went sour. Her accomplice backed out at the last
minute, she realized he backed out and tried to communicate with
him/her through the boy to rekindle the plan. Unfortunately she died
from exposure.
You people don't seem to
realize that I am giving you
the clues to unlock this mystery.
Tonight is one of my favorite nights,
yes it is. Perhaps I'll do the water
deed tonight, that I clued you to
earlier in the week. A lot of you seem
to think that this is a joke. If only
it was.
Happy Halloween.
Jesse Pomeroy
Her aborted baby's father did it
I think she was killed. I also think that her parents must be very
sad. I think she's not breathing anymore. It makes me sad, too.
I did it.
And I'm going to do it again.
Through your theories,
each of you has given
me more inspiration
than a thousand violins.
I am going to pluck the life
from someone soon.
It willbe near water.
I will continue to post clues
for you, but now you know
that I did it, and Ed had
to take the fall.
Jesse Pomeroy
The killer must be a photographer. Is Anderson related to
photography? Any fingerprints? What relation Anderson and the victim
had... Dave is very personal to call a detective. Was the boy
intimidated? I think the case should be reopened and Anderson must be
Any relation with Vilson¥s murder must be found, it¥s a
little hard to found two sisters killed in such a short time and no
relation to be found. Police is behind all this stuff... Open your
I think that Gibson raped miss.kight
I think that she knew who her killer was. I agree with the theory
of a child being at the scene of the crime and I believe that the
child was the boy who was given the note. I think he went to visit
her because he felt sorry for her, but could do nothing about it
because he was threatened or did not want to betray the killer so he
put the note somewhere that it could be found without getting in
trouble himself. I want to be a detective one day and I find this
very educational, but a lot more test could be run in order to narrow
down suspects in the case. I also think the knife was pointed in a
certian direction and should be checked out.
Courtney [email protected]
armstrong your no good and your partner anderson is no good,you
two are in this cover up neck deep and its just a matter of time
before the real stand up law enforcement rolls you two dirty cops
over.post it or are ya scared.......judgement day is near for two
dirty cops! here i remain johnny danger
P.S. Theres ONE in every barrel !!!
P.P.S. What an embarrasing "dill-picklement" !
the man that killed her could be an exboyfriend
Just one comment: The assumption in this case is that purity died
of starvation, eh? So then why is her face completely filled out in
the "photo"?
I think he should die
Alain Sosa
I think the guy that did this should die and the
ones who should kill him is the victims parents.
Regarding Purity's note to Dave Anderson: if Dave Anderson was the
one who put her in the box, that explains the simple request "come
and let me out" -- she didn't have to explain where she was or who
did it. I've been assuming that she wrote to Dave because he was
police and a friend, but this note can be read as a plea to her
captor. "Then we can talk" sounds like something you say to someone
who you're trying to placate. Did he have reason to be jealous of
Purity? "I thought it was a game" Perhaps she willingly got into the
box and allowed herself to be buried; maybe as some sort of ritual
sacrifice or something related to the cult. It was only later that
she realized no one would let her out.
Cute Story. Too many inconsistancies to be factual. Fingerprinting
done anywhere? Prints on camera or photos or any other objects?
Quality of craftsmanship in box making? Who built it and or how
crudly? Handwriting analysis? A nine year old off playing by himself?
How did Purity get forced into a box and buried? A Game? She
obviously had met the suspect. Clinking sound on tape? Where did
purity get plastic? How has her head turned from her right side to
front? How is it she would rather play games and tell stories vs
saving herself. Would anyone out there tell stories to a little boy
as you lay dying instead of insisting on help or clawing your way
out? Any sexual conotations involved? Character background on suspect
states nothing on mental state, previous records or habits, hobbies.
Cute story, but without proper evidence, investigations, reports or
histories, theories are like candles; they're good until you use
Thank you for the entertainment. I was dismayed to discover this
is all fictional - I believe this is a good way to solve some of the
crimes that the law enforcemnet find so despairing. Killers,
especailly serial killers, seem to move about the states and could
possibly be identified and captured via the Internet.
For instance, wouldn't "Unsolved Mysteries" be a great thing to have
on the net?
Thanks again. I was SO engrosse ---- until I dicovered it all a
Kitty Jo Theodore aka [email protected]
Dectective armstrong of the Yoknapatawpha police dept. is in trouble
after new evidence has arrived. A notebook showing that the
transportaion vehicle carrying Edward Pierce, the alleged killer of
Purity Knight, was going to stop in an alley to kill Pierce and the
two others inside. It flipped in an alley, and Pierce escaped. If
they find Pierce, they will kill him before he can tell his story,
and you know they will find him first. PEOPLE, YOU MUST BELIVE THIS
What was wrong with that boy that found her.Most 9.year old boys
would have gone for help this dosen't make sence.
purity... a name that is so pure. the murderer liked to give
little poems in his letters. he is a reader for sure. we learn from
what we digest verbally and through text. as for purity, after being
in such a confined space for such a long time one does tend to lose
self control. she didn't ask for help for she probably was mentally
incapable. read the book "intensity" by dean koontz.
i think that purity was in on it at the beginning, thinking it was
all a joke or act, then was horrified to learn the real truth of the
matter. i also think that her parents or at least the church they
attend (if not the members) had something to do with it, especially
since her dad was on the "political action" committee in the church.
people who let religion be a main focus in their life tend to get a
little weird.
as i view this case i can't help but to understand why she did not
send this child back to get someone for help. i think she knew the
person who killed her either that or saw him before i am puzzled.
what about the autopsy report . could it have been that purtiy had a
life threatning disease and wanted to die. after veiwing the
audiotape transcript that dylan tull was using purity as a
storyteller and in extange he would bring her food and water and
possibly help. i think once purity refused to cooperate and dylan
refused to send somone for help. i think you should question and
investagate dylan again
] a friend (g.o.c.e mail me with autopsy report for more
i've just started following this story and i couldn't help but
wonder why she didn't hop at the chance to explain what was happening
to her in there when the boy came with the tape recorder.
if i were in such a situation,i would have known that there's a
possibility that i might not make it and i would have made sure that
whoever did this to me would be brought to light
it seems that she knew this person because she didn't send the boy to
call the authorities. i found this behavior abit too stange to
she also said that she thought that it was a joke.think about
i think that the story that she was telling the young boy was a
story of what happened to her.i also think that the man who did this
to her should be punised possibly exicuted.
i think that the story that she was telling the young boy was a
story of what happened to her.i also think that the man who did this
to her should be punised possibly exicuted.
i think that the story that she was telling the young boy was a
story of what happened to her.i also think that the man who did this
to her should be punised possibly exicuted.
well first of all i think this guy is a mental case and relly
needs to get his head looked at.I reall feel sorry for
purity's parents
the murder was a smart and curious individual, i wonder if he
sexulally involved with her
I Believe this case to be a Cult Related case. Look at your
evidence. This was a well thought out plan, to make someone suffer.
The coffin was well built. Ventelated... What more can I say? It was
Cult Related.
i think they have met this person, maybe on computer, on the map
there are measurements, not likly to be on a map. this person has
watched and knows his victims and their same habits. i dont think its
a stranger, or even an accuantace.
reference was made to Purity's mother about that area behind the
church. I wondered if any of the cops were involved in any way with
the church, be it they were related and I wondered if any of the
church's congregation interviewed? The killer and associates are
mentally unstable, their childhood was as well. Control over what
they view as God's way is extremely important in a warped sense.
I think it was her present boyfriend, Edwin. His father was an
attorney and he knew that his dad could get him off.
First of all,how close were Valerie Vilson and Purity Knight?
Their murders may have been a coincidence.Seems like although they
were sisters they were on different lifestyles.Obviously she knew
Det. Dave Anderson to write a letter to him. I believe nothing is
fake here. The killer obviously knew Purity very well to let her die
very slowly if indeed she was buried alive....a means of torture. No
sign of rape....it is possible a psychologically distrubed person did
this....forensic psychology might be the answer. Why not submit all
the witnesses to psychological tests...i'm sure you'll find someone
mentally disturbed.If someone has a motive to kill her i'm sure her
death would be instantaneous.....i see no point in keeping her alive
and strong enough to write a letter.....
What about Puritiy's ex-boyfriend..the one whose child she
aborted. Was he seeking revenge?....
weeping rose
I think that it was Kevin Stark. He knew way too much, and doesn't
this story remind one of the Poe story the Cask of (I know I will
mess up this last word) Amontilldo? In that story a man was jealous
of another. Perhaps Stark was jealous of Purity...
Can I just ask one thing? How in the world could Purity have
written a note while laying in a coffin. Probably wih not much room
to move. And I definetly think that the parents had something to do
with this. The family is not very stable as it is. And i would not
put it past them. They probbly had something to do with the murder of
their other daughter too.
Keep the mysteries coming, I enjoy this.
I believe that this was an act commited by a person who needs
control. He had no intention of letting Ms. Knight live. He had to be
stacking her weeks in advance if he was a stranger. If he was close
to her, he had to be planning this scenerio weeks in advance. This is
why I feel that Ed Pierce is not responsible for the Knight crimes.
Ed is however a strong suspect for the Lamar abduction. The same
person did not commit both of these crimes. They each have different
signitures involved in them. The Lamar case has no significant
signiture in that no corpus delecti has been found. The Knight case
however has several distinct characterizations. The use of a dungeon
to subdue the victim shows and the lack of sexual assualt present
indicate that the murderers main objective is control and not
blantent sexual fantasy. This can lead you to believe that like other
seriel crimes of this nature is that the murderer is shy and pasive.
He is not overbearing in his personality. He does not possess
masculine objects such as guard dogs or manly cars. This person would
direct most of his anger toward himself and not to the people around
him. He would give no clues to what is true temperment is like. Look
for someone who knows the area . Someone who is not married, lives
alone or with elderly parents. Someone who is uniquily inteligent and
quite. Someone who is in his mid to late thirties for this type of
intelectual crime takes time to blossom inside the murderers head.
Someone with no visable physical problems that would make him stand
out. He needs to be able to be persuasive so he can not have any
physical problems such as a disfigurment or speech impediment. This
type of crime is going to happen again because it is blossoming in
the murders head. HE is getting better at what he does. Remember that
the man who is involved in the Knight murder is totaly different than
the murderer of Marcy Lamar.
----- THE ANT
This a a really weird case. I think the one who did it is the one
who everyone would least expect! Hopefully soon the suspect will be
found. This a really sad thing to have happened to an innocent girl.
And the one who did it should be put to rot in hell!!!!Because if u
are out there I hope you get caught and die a horrible death you son
of a bitch!
I would like to know why Ed's parents haven't been
Also Vicky's mother??
has anybody noticed that on Edward Pierce's University ID says his
name is Edwin Pierce.... another alias?? or maybe a typ-o???
I belive that the person who killed purety also killed
It was her sister's boyfriend that did it.
There may be two murderers I think. First of all, the child is
suspect,because he didn't called anybody when the victim was found.
The second point is that he felt guilty and punished himself. The
problem is that he cannot have caused the cigarette burns found on
the corpse! So he must have been helped by a left handed man: the one
we're looking for. You just have to look for a man who knew purity
and the boy. He is also keen on E. Poe and his poems, so he must be a
student at the university.
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
I've been reading your cass and I think that the person who had
killed Ms. Knight was the boy's father Ray or someone who was close
to the boy, or who the boy knew. I'd like to know if it's possible if
you had interviewed Mr.Ray I'd also like to know if it's possible if
the knife was involved in any way with the case. Another thing I'd
like to know is why you were one of the prim suspect because when I
looked through this ase I didn't think you were a suspect. Thanks for
showing me this case, from a person who viewed case.
Thank you for your support.
I have been studying this case for three days now and I just wanted
to say I enjoy this immencely!!
First of all, this case is NOT solved by any means. The person who
points out below that the rearranged letters of the note spell out
"Wash Sin" makes a very good point. Isn't that a bit too coincidental
not to be important? And I congratulate he or she who discovered this
anagrammed message. Very clever. I think that Pierce carried out the
abduction but that the parents were behind it. Did Pierce suddenly
come into some unexplained money? Perhaps as a payoff for a job well
done? And, of course, since the parents were not directly involved,
they have their airtight alibis. I think that Purity's father is a
sick individual and I believe that the baby she was carrying was his.
The true perpetrator of her rape. that's why she had the ultrasound
performed...to determine how far along her pregnancy was.
Sun Oct 5 11:50:08 PDT 1997
I have reviewed every detail that is on this site. I am still
uncertain wheter Ed Pierce is the actual person who killed Purity
Knighy. Possibly he is connected with another person. The person who
truly wanted Purity Knight dead is a sick individual. Some one who
would abduct a person and stick her in a box to suffer is truly
obessed. Kind of like of that person cant have her then no one will.
Stick her in a box and he can keep her all to himself. This person is
not developed mentally and still has a childs mentality. I believe
that the person is stuggling with severe emotional issues, possibly
from past or present problems. Before Ed Pierce is 100% convicted I
believe that there needs to be further investigation to make sure
that he is 100% the only person involed in this sick situation.
First I want to say I think this is way too cool!!!
Now This is just a quess, but the note, or poem, that was on the back
of 2end poleroid was:
In the Silence of the Night
How we Shiver With Affright.
If you take the capitalized letters and re-arrange them they spell
out :
Wash Sin
Maybe I am letting my imaginnation take me away!! But that I would
think would point to the parents involvement. Maybe not directly, but
I believe that the parent's have ALOT to hide!
I am still unsure about the case in it's entirety, but from the
given information. I beleve that Ed Pierce was not telling the
complete truth. In his statement he started by saying that the victim
and himself didn't really know each other that well and was not
considered "friends". Then later on he is giving highlights and
quotes about wanting the victim wanting to be a vet. At this point I
can not rightfully point out the guilty party. Yet I strongly feel
that Ed Pierce was not telling the truth about his relationship or
feelings torwards the victim... Possibly covering something
I feel that they knew each other from in the past. When you look
at all the evidence and photographs you get the impression it was for
revenge. He tortured her and made her suffer knowing that when they
did find her and did the coroners reports that they would be so
digusted and terrifed ofd what happened to her. I also think that
once he knew everyones reaction to what he did he was satisfied about
it. People in this world are just sick and their is no explanation
and in this case there is only excuses to what he did and no real
reason why.
"teri" = 6 matches
caroline Blanchards Bio leads to the CORONERS Report ???!!!??? AND,
What happened to the rest of my message. Are you unable to take
criticism ????????
Response:1-You'll have to accept the search engine as is. 2-These are comments pages, not a place to air your complaints. To complain send e-mail to [email protected]
Detective Armstrong,
In the interview with Matthew Owens, the confessed stalker, I think
that he knew more than what he was saying. He or someone he knew
killed Purity Knight. Also I think there maybe some link to the
Valarie Vilson case. It's kind of odd to have two sisters murdered in
the same family, but have two different cases. It's all linked
Thank you for your time.
I have a strong feeling that Purity's parents are involved in her
death.The religious beliefs they have are so hysterical concerning
sex that its no wonder they named her what they did.It was wishful
thinking! When they had some suspicions that she was not as chaste as
her name,they may have figured that putting her in the woods in a box
would show her the error of her ways.They had no true intentions of
kiling her,they were trying to save her soul.
Edward Pierce and Det. David Anderson were in it together. I cruel
game tuned out bad with the death of Purity. Mr. Pierce was feeling
guilty and was going to turn himself in, but Det. Anderson wanted to
meet with him first to talk him out of it. Anderson, being extremely
adamant about Pierce not squawking, started the fight the turned into
gun play. Who are the courts going to believe, Pierce or Det.
Anderson. This fight was Anderson's way out.
well, i belive this:
Ed Pierce have a sexual obsession for Purity. he was falling in love
with her and this fatal attraction put him insane and put her in the
Ricardo de Pascual P.
[email protected]
Whom ever killed Purity knew her for a long time and has held a
grudge most of the time. This is seen by the inscriptions on the box.
Probably someone known from school, with an interest in her. Look for
a person interested in art; all aspects. They also felt very strongly
for her, by keeping her alive and sending letters to let the
authorities know where she was and that she was alright. Whomever it
was wanted to see her suffer, but probbly didn't plan for her to
i do believe that these suspects that you have chosen for the
Knight case are of no use to you, because their M.O. does not have
signs of any possible attacks.Any person who studies music is most
likely not going to
go out and torture nor kill someone up and out of the blue.
All cases of severe perversion,human torture, and senseless acts
derive from some kind of childhood traumatic
disorder.i do not see any of these possibilities in any of the
suspects you have here.
the only possibilitie there is for Phelps is that he is thought to be
known as a thief.
Th is is not the case when it comes to rape.It is a possibility that
he could have suicidal
tendencies due to his mothers death.very little could come from his
mothers situation as it worsened.
I am having a hard time believing that these individuals could
have conceived such heinous crimes against the human body.
perhaps you could make your characters a little bit more believable
the next time around.
long range recon
[email protected]
You state that questions are answered several times a week, well,
how long has it been since you've posted answers or comments to
anything? I mean, this is fictional so there should be no reason to
answer people's questions. If you want to keep peoples attention then
answer their questions and comments. It's a good site but please
answer our questions and comments and you'll keep our attention
i believe that a wrong doing would be the reason maybe a bad
buisnes deal between the suspects folks or one of them any way is the
girls parent or parents independantly employed with subcontractors
working for em? some one get fired? i understand that not always in a
case of this nature that there is a motive that can be rationalized
this way some thimes its even more spuratic than this
The parents definately had something to do with both girls being
dead. This is a major coverup to include certain authority figures in
the investigation. How could both children die and three other
murdered without a conspiarcy? Something is not right with this
picture. To blame it on a cult is to throw off blame.
In addition to my earlier comments, I would just like to clarify a
few things. When Purity was first hiding out, she hid at Ed Pierce's
home outside of town. She originally staged the abduction hoax
because she hated her parents, especially her father, and she knew
that they would not help her with her financial problems. She owed
10000.00 to her friend, Matt Owens states he saw her counting her
money and crying,etc. I believe she was romantically involved with
Det. Anderson and that's why he helped her with this abduction hoax.
But it went terribly wrong when Ed Pierce's obsession for her and his
jealousy over her relationship with Anderson got out of control and
he hid her in the coffin to keep her to himself. Anderson could not
come forward with his suspicions of Pierce because of his initial
involvement in the hoax. But once Purity was discovered dead, his
hatred of Pierce and Pierce's hatred for him began their antagonistic
behavior towards each other. that's why Anderson met him alone after
receiving his note. It was actually a "dual" over the woman they both
loved. Of course, I could be wrong, but it sounds good to me.
Thanks for the great site.
One has to wonder why her letter was addressed to a Dave, as if
"Dave" already knew where she was, and this was some sort of
experiment that she thought she was taking part in, hence, "at first
I thought this was some sort of sick joke". Could not the suspected
detective or professor, more likely the latter, and Ed Pierce both
have been involved? I guess more will come out in the diary, but even
MY diary, which I no longer keep, was not truthful for fear of prying
eyes. Would not hypnosis help Dylan recall if she had told him how
she got there? I'm sure the first question the boy asked is what are
you doing there?
Why is it that every time we have a good mystery, someone has to
go and ruin it with the works of Edgar Allan Poe? I mean Poe is a
classic and accomplished writer, but I think that he is a bit
overused. That leads me to the conclusion that this is all a
but if this was REALLY a case, I would have to state that I would
believe that Thomas the Tank Engine was the culprit. Think about it.
Who else would be stupid enough to post Edgar Allan Poe Poems and
build a box to put a girl in. His motive was: REVENGE. He thought
that humans should see how it feels to be stuck inside of a box.
The deputy who was in the shoot out actually planted evidence in
the undergrad's house. The true kidnapper is the deputy who was in
the shootout.
I still believe Detective Anderson is involved. I think the
'kidnapping' started off as a hoax and Purity was involved. Ed Pierce
states in his journal that he and Purity hid from a car. I think
Purity needed money and that's why the note was sent to her parents
to try and get her dowry. She was in some sort of financial bind.
Perhaps because of something that happened in Europe. She enlisted Ed
Pierce and Dave Anderson's help...but she was unaware of Pierce's
sick obsession with her. Eventually he felt he had to have her to
himself and he hid her in the coffin. Her note to Det. Anderson
indicates to me she is pleading with him to set her free. Otherwise
she would have stated her abductor's name. I don't think Anderson was
involved with burying her in the coffin, he only helped with the
initial kidnapping hoax. Anyway, that's what I think.
To the Sun., Sept. 28 20:05 poster:
If you were so disappointed with the last case and find Crimescene a
waste of time, then why are you still here?
TO AOL: There was no other place to enter my comments, so I am
entering them here in the Post a Theory place. I honestly think you
should post a warning to those who are faint of heart that the
subject matter and photos to follow are horrifying. I found them
terribly disturbing, and was not at all prepared for what I saw...
especially the dead young girl, and a photo of her staring,
wild-eyed, at the camera. I would be very angry if my children had
come across this!!!
TO AOL: There was no other place to enter my comments, so I am
entering them here in the Post a Theory place. I honestly think you
should post a warning to those who are faint of heart that the
subject matter and photos to follow are horrifying. I found them
terribly disturbing, and was not at all prepared for what I saw...
especially the dead young girl, and a photo of her staring,
wild-eyed, at the camera. I would be very angry if my children had
come across this!!!
If a suspect was seen by a neighbor, why didn't she call Purity?
the police? Why was the guy not found but his camera was? Is he
stupid? You don't take pictures of someone and flee and leave a
camera.And the boy is warped too! He meets this girl and she doesnt'
ask for help. He looks old enough to know something is wrong. If
purity was in there so long, how com whe didn't die in 5 day's from
starvation, blood loss, cold air? The note she gave the boy, who
neither had writing utensils, said she wanted to talk to a Det.
someone. HE might be involved, because if they were friends she would
say "Help" not let's talk .
i think the motive is he killed her or him because he or she
wouldnt give it up
if u know what i mean
My theory is that the suspect was severely abused as a child all
the way up to his adolecence.
His parents were religious freaks and claimed that everything he did
was a sin. (Kind of like Carrie's mom from Carrie -Stephen
He obviously has some major mental issues due to the trauma in his
He hates women. Whenever he looks at a woman he thinks of his mother.
He believes his mother was the real sinner.
For some reason he decided to stalk, Purity. Maybe there was
something about the way she looked, or talked, or maybe something
small like the way she walked, triggered something in the suspects
mind that reminded him of his mother and his past. I'm not sure if he
actually thought he'd be doing something good by killing Purity, like
ridding the world of a sinner or if he did it for pure pleasure.
I think the suspect might have killed his mother.
That's all I have for now.
I think you guy's might wanna concider putting the Purity Night
case somewhere else, the way you did val's. That way everyone new can
concentrate on the new case. Do away with the picture that's what
draws people to the Purity case. LET'S GET ON WITH THE NEW
I want to say why do people post a theory if they haven't even
reaf the evidence and all. I mean most of the questioned can be
answered by just reading the case. I mean if you really want to know
the answer look it up. It ain't that hard. Geezzz, first read the
case before you start ramlbing on about who did what and when. How
can you state an opinion if you don't know the facts. AND THIS IS
MAKE BELIEVE PEOPLE. Hit the reality check button. So next time
before you take up space why don't you just read the case
first...don't just skim it....read it. Then if you have an idea or
question then get on here and say. Please.
My theory is that the suspect and the accused were involved in a
long term relationship of somesort. the initials in sandstone were
what i think somewhat reminicent of the initals would carve in a
tree. the reason the tree was scratched was maybe they had they;re
initials carved into it and when they broke up, he cut them outta the
tree. Love gone wrong that's what this is.
First , we have a lot of questions to ask. O.K , How did she get
into that hole? How did the boy find her? Why didn't she tell the boy
to go tell someone that she was in the hole? Why did the boy make her
tell him stories? and if she was about to die why was she telling him
stories? Could the boy see her when he was talking to her? This is
what we think........
We think it's true but , it doesn't make any sense. Where did the guy
come from , how did she get down in the hole , who made the cage ,
and how did he get it down in the hole , and how long was she in
there? When she was in the hole she didn't sound sick or hurt from
getting stabbed.
Please answer our questions ASAP. Our E-mail address is
Hurry please,
Elishia and Valerie
ok,this is a tough one.First of all the boy knows the killer,and
is a very disturbed child.He could have helped her or told someone
about her. No, instead he left her there went and got a recorder a
recordered her! he delivered a note for her,what a strange boy.I
would not be surprised if he didn't work with the stalker.The rape
was probably done by her father. She obviously came from an
emotionally disturbed family. The "stalker"very strange bird. He put
her in the the box to keep her away from others,but he sure didn't
watch her very well instead he left the boy to watch over her. But
the boy started to feel sorry for her. He begins to start
communicating with her.But the boy refuses to help her escape, and to
ease his guilt agrees to grant her a few of her last wishes.The
stalker knows the boy well. he is also known well by the victim.The
words written by edgar allen poe suggest that he watches her at night
through her window. but the outside world(other men) have brought him
pain by being with the victim . The stalker believes that by putting
her in a box he can have her forever,all too himself.the boy is the
key to the whole case. find him and hymotize him.
I believe that Det. Armstrong and "professor" Wollworth worked
together to abduct her. There is no professor Wollworth listed as a
faculty member at the University of Mississippi. If Purity was
abducted how would she know that Det. Anderson was the lead
investigator on the case and send him a letter? She knew who they
were and only thought it was a hoax until the reality of her death
set in . That's why she gave the boy the note for Armstrong.
david woolworths alibi, a teacher she could trust, the last person
that saw her, a believer in aliens (stronger than humans) and someone
who could have easily have built the tomb she was buried in. I really
have a problem with his statements.
david woolworths alibi
Hello!! I was just wondering through here and decided to write my
opinion. I'm only 13 so give me a break!!!! Okay well I think that
whoever was stalking her definitly did this to her. I think that he
felt that he had to have her and know one else could have her but
when she got that boyfriend that made that stalker really mad and he
had to get back at her. So he didn't want to kill her, he didn't
intend to kill her, he just decided to bury her alive that way he
knew to himself that he didn't kill her, it was just that she
couldn't breath where she was. So she died and he doesn't think that
it was his fault because she was alive when he in fact buried her but
I think that whoever did this to her will come forward, he's scared
and doesn't know what to do, he thinks if he doesn't come forward
then this will haunt him for the rest of his life and on the other
hand he thinks if I do come forward then this will all be over with,
I won't have to be scared anymore because I already know that I'll be
living in jail for the rest of my life. But thats about all I think.
I know for sure that it was a male killer by the evidence and also I
believe that it was the stalker because I have been stalked before
and this kind of person feels better then everyone else and has to
have you because they feel as if since your not with them anymore
then you can't have anyone else. But anyways thats the way I
Amanda (CrazyQueT)
My theory is that I killed her. I know this for a fact. She was
not a nice person and Im glad I did it. You are all wrong.
i agree with whoever said that the investigator who killed
purity's sister had something to do with this. for instance, the film
used to take the pictures of purity would be used by a private
investigator because it was low light film and sounds like something
a private eye would have to use during surveilance. also, the
pictures were taken quickly and didn't look professional which is
what private investigators have to do often so that they are not
noticed or caught. also notice that the private eye was given
immunity and is still at large and could've killed purity.
Obviously who ever killed her cared about her because the stab
wounds were not very deep as if the killer didn't want to hurt her
too bad even though she was already done---I did not notice any
evidence of a boyfriend. My question is did she have a boyfriend or
was she just getting out of a relationship?
I look at the picture from the ransom note, where you see the face
of Purity Knight trought the grid and it does not make any sens.
1 The picture from may 16th, ( close up of Purity near the grid)
If the Picture was taken from a camera on the side of the boxe, into
the shaft going down, the light from the flash wouls have been bright
and violently reflected from each side of the grid.
The Face of Purity look like it is brigten from an inside light, yet
there was no light bulb found inside the box and if there was one the
would have had to be directly over her face and more bright than the
It look like that picture was taken with the box on a table or at
least out of the ground and with the lid open.
There is dirt of anything on the woden board behind her head.
Her make up aroud the eye look very clean, not very credible for
someone in such a problem
2 The May 7 th picture thae is taken farter and that is not a close
This picture look like it is taken from an opening on the bottom side
of the shaft, wich does not exist according to the plan of the
The lighting is still a problem even if mre credible.
Did purity start this as a hoax to freak her relative nad it got out
of hand ?
note: The view of the wooden box in the MOV file show a box that is
extremely clean and not rotten of damage by the elements.
The wood should be much more damage after such an ordeal into the
Tony R. Marquis
[email protected]
( Sorry for my bad writting it is not my prime language)
well, on the back of the valentine, the word VALentine, the val is
caps, so it leads you to believe val is involved with the killer.
also, the kid who killed her is a photography student, look at the
special film he was using, just the right kind for the proper
exposure. maybe he took a class with her at the university, or maybe
she posed for him, and he asked her out, when she declined, he became
How come the father was never qustioned>
I think he paid dective Anderson to kill his own daughter, because he
was embarrased about the fact she had been raped
and had an abortion. For this he figured if his daughter was killed,
her sins would be forgiven by God, as he was a religious man.
To the person who posted below about being deceived because you
thought Crimescene was real. "We" were not "all" deceived as you
stated, because some of us used common sense, as well as the
information readily avaiable through "Reality Check" to discern that
this case was, in fact, FICTIONAL. The "reality check" button is in
clear view on the MAIN page of Crimescene, and is not easily missed.
You really have no right to blame Crimescene for your own
evidence she was murdered by a knife
Ok, though I feel deceived by this website, after reading how this
came about I think you are brilliant in the way you made everyone
believe it to be true. How or why you did that is beyond me. But it
does point to the fact that a sick crime like this one could happen
anywhere. I play around with writing myself and think I got a good
ending to the story. I think it would be very interesting if the
murder of Purity and then the kidnap of Macy was a group effort. This
is what "fictionally" could have happened;
First, the parents are dicustedwith what Purity did by killing her
unborn child. They were angry at Valerie for helping her. They paid
Valerie's boyfriend's brother to kill her and everyone she interacted
with. Being a sick individual himself, he agreed to do it so that he
could have money for his endeavors in the computer business.
This can be proven by the letters and threats Valerie was getting,
obviously by her biological parents. Then the letter that Purity sent
warning Valerie that her parents wanted to get back at her.
Then Purity starts messing up more, the parents get very angry with
her and hire her friend Ed, who was angry at Purity for not returning
love, to knock her off in a dramatic way. The whole time, Det.
Armstrong is in on it. He gets close to Purity and he knows exactly
how to hurt her. He is friends with Mr. Knight and owes him a huge
favor for getting him off a criminal charge from his past.
This whole time, Purity being in the box, learns about the setup and
then writes a letter to det. Anderson pleading to end it. Tell Ed to
stop what he's doing, she's learned her lesson. She thinks this is
all for her to stop sinning, she doesn't really think she's going to
be left there to die.
The family has an alibi and who would suspect such a prominant family
of doing such a terrible thing.
Then, Ed gets angry when Anderson, who wanted to be put on the case
because he wanted to leave out key evidence that points anything to
him or the Knights, doesn't cover him by erasing any evident pointing
to him. That's when the shoot out happens.
But, wait, Anderson apologises to Ed for not cover him up ao he sets
it up so on the way to jail an accident happens.
So, then he promises Anderson that he will find Macy, because her
father has been looking into the case and found some things that
don't match up. The Knights and Det. Anderson thinks if his daughter
is kidnapped he will back off and not investigate. Blackmail to get
him to shut up. Like saying, stop investigating or your daughter is
worm meat like Purity.
The end, Macy's father will agree but it is to late. After he agrees
and burns all his notes they deliver his dead daughter, who has been
obviously torchered, dead.
Macy's father tells what he believes happened, it is investigated and
found to be true. THE END!
Regarding the disappearance of Macy Lamar, has anyone looked into
the fact that she worked at Square Books? Purity Knight is known to
have frequented that store, and Ed Pierce has probably been there
too. And does anyone know if Pierce or Phelps knew the girl? Any
possibility that her relationship to the sheriff would be known by
the suspects? Please respond!
I think the two cases are connected. Both sisters ended up
Regarding the post directly below: The story on pages 54-55 is
"Berenice". It involves the pre-mature burial of a young woman.
Regarding the post directly below: The story on those given pages
is "Berenice". It somewhat involves the pre-mature burial of a young
What E.A. Poe story is found on pp. 54&55 of the cited
published Poe collection? Is it "The Tell-Tale Heart," or, "Premature
Does this matter?
I believe that Pierce's father, a Denton city attorney, and Mr.
Knight, a district attorney, have been friends since law school,
where they both became members of the Church of Christ the Avenger.
Pierce, Sr., was aware of the contents of Mr. Knight's will. As an
elder of the Denton branch of the church, he wanted Mr. Knight's
generous bequest to his daughter to go to the church. Purity was
expendable because she was sinful. Pierce, Jr., also a member of the
Church, and constantly trying to measure up to his successful father,
used his acting talent and musical ability to get close to Purity,
and then killed her. P.S. Enough already against religious zealots!
Thou protests too much!
Ok first of all i dont see how she could have set this up herself
because shes got one important thing...SHES DEAD. and second....i
think he did it because she was actually stalking him and he killed
her to save himself from total and complete insanity from her
perpetual stalking. She wanted to marry him but he broke off the
engagement and she got really mad and stalked him (as i said before)
perpetually. This is what i think. But who knows i could be wrong.
Maybe shes not really dead. Maybe shes actually still alive but on an
uncharted island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. Or maybe she
took a flight to Barbados but a huge storm came up and knocked them
off course so they are stranded on some lost world with dinosaurs and
other prehistoric creatures that survived only in this mystery world
hidden from all modern civilization reached only by a rip in spacial
time warps. Or maybe shes living with Elvis in his great Graceland in
the sky. Or maybe she became good freinds with Micheal Jackson and he
molested her and then buried her in the box behind Fairlawn cemetary.
But you know what? THEN AGAIN.... MAYBE NOT.....
Ok first of all i dont see how she could have set this up herself
because shes got one important thing...SHES DEAD. and second....i
think he did it because she was actually stalking him and he killed
her to save himself from total and complete insanity from her
perpetual stalking. She wanted to marry him but he broke off the
engagement and she got really mad and stalked him (as i said before)
perpetually. This is what i think. But who knows i could be wrong.
Maybe shes not really dead. Maybe shes actually still alive but on an
uncharted island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. Or maybe she
took a flight to Barbados but a huge storm came up and knocked them
off course so they are stranded on some lost world with dinosaurs and
other prehistoric creatures that survived only in this mystery world
hidden from all modern civilization reached only by a rip in spacial
time warps. Or maybe shes living with Elvis in his great Graceland in
the sky. Or maybe she became good freinds with Micheal Jackson and he
molested her and then buried her in the box behind Fairlawn cemetary.
But you know what? THEN AGAIN.... MAYBE NOT.....
i believe that the sign "you bitch" was a way for the killer to
pass judgement on the victim..the box was constructed to let him or
her have access to the victim and ..."control" her every move and
breath. he or she feels that them being the judge for maybe god. ans
maybe was rejected by the victim and the family. this person is not
of below mental ability. they thought about it for awhile. the box
that was constructed was for that use.
the photos were the way he could get instant gradification for his
judgement....a "trophy" if you will.
but i am almost cetain that the victime was stalkedby a trusted
friend and maybe church going man..who she rejected for
I agree with the person who earlier stated that you might need to
fill in the holes before people will shift their attention on the
other case.
I am very upset to find that "Crime Scene" isn't real. I have been
following the cases and have felt sympathy for these people and to
find out that all this time it has been fictional has made me very
upset. I think, however, that something like this for real cases
should be on the internet to involve the public with the
investigation. Sometimes an outsider is able to shed more light on a
situation than an insider. I'd like to know how the pictures and
interviews were conducted and staged. I am relieved to find out that
it isn't real and that these horrible crimes didn't take place, but
on the other side there is still so many terrible crimes and I think
people should know what lurks right outside there door, and what be
on the prowl whether you live in the city, the suburbs, and the
country. I feel deceived by this, I actually felt sorry for mythical
beings. On the other hand, I wondered the whole time how detectives
would have the time to conduct an internet site and be functional in
the investigation at hand.
The boy, the boy was at the place where the victom was being held,
but the thing that gets me is that the boy did not go to the police
and tell them where she was.
I believe she was stalked by a secret lover. I believe she know
the perpetrator and the results of his stalking. The letter was
written in advance and given to the person who discovered her
whereabouts. This could be questionable the letter it could have been
planted by the stalker.
I have a question about the note? If purtiy was wrapped up in the
form stuff and in a box where is obivious little room the how did she
write the note??? Please tell me this sounds fishing to other people
besides me.I have a feeling that between that note and that was on
Andersons door it all sounds like a set up to me...Did Anderson do
something to ED that would make Ed want to set Anderson up.. Maybe
because Ed was in love with PK and knew that her and anderson had
something going on and that drove ed to hate anderson? Where is the
rest of Eds journal? the heading said it was a portion of his journal
not whole thing.SO wheres the rest?
And for the person wanting to know where the science project disk is
that was talking about purifing and all. It is under detective files,
victims personal items and under Computer files and its the only one
higlighter blue.If you still can't find it contact me.
Slepiebear (aol)
i feel as though this suspect disliked mrs. knight "you
bitch"indicates that they interacted with each other in my opinion he
wanted something she wouldnt give or had insulted him in some
way.ibelieve also that based on the design of the box that he was
hoping she would change her mind about something i dont think he
wanted her to die,he just took this insane way of controlling someone
to far to backout without suffering severe consequences.i would be
very intrested in the outcome of this traggic storyand how the little
boy is doing
Is it possible that Macy resembles Pierce's Geena?
It's not just you.. the unexplained note to Dave is extremely
Sounds like a "Dead Poets Society" thing to me. Others must be
involved. Who had the skills to make the box? Where did the materials
come from?
Who has recently written a paper on the life and works of Poe?
This girl set the whole thing up. She is not dead. just guessing
from her profile only
he felt like it
Hmmm... I think you might have to fill in details on some of the
unanswered Purity Knight questions before you can get everyone to
shift their attention to the new case.. Just a thought... too many
Response:Since the case is solved, we are now asking internet viewers to sumbit theories regarding Ed Pierce's motive.
You may be able to answer your own question with our search engine at:http://www.crimescene.com/purity/new_search.html. You are also welcome to e-mail us with questions at: [email protected]
I suspect Frank and Judith Knight would have wanted to "cleanse"
their daughter, Purity, of her "sins." Frank Knight would have been
the one to beat Purity and then bury her, possibly not intending for
her to die.
Judith probably knew of her husband's actions, but fears him.
She knew the Killer, and he just wanted to teach her a lesson for
either not going out with him or breaking off a relationship. He did
not want her to be found alive because she knew him and he would go
to prison. the note he wrote was to clear his mind and put him at
ease. He has watched way to many movies about live burials and
I think that the murder might have seen her having sex in a house
or cabin or living place behind the church and him/her and his/her
friends might have that she was a sick person and that they wanted to
torture her. So they invited her to a party and spiked the punch, she
passed out. Then they stuck a needle into her thigh
I think something shady went on with the killer and Purity. Maybe
he's jealous or it has something to do with a cult.
I too believe that this murder had CULT wirtten all over it.
However to avoid jumping to such conclusions as this one, play the
Devil's Advocate---no fun intended. This professor was a little
suspicious. What possible reason could anyone have for wrapping
someone in celophane? She was raised in a Christian home and
seemingly had the perfect setup, however arent those the ones who
most frequently chose to participate in the Cults? I dont know the
answer yet but I can pose some pretty interesting hypothesises. I do
however believe that the only role that the detective had in this was
tot investigate
I believe that this girl must have rejected this man in some
For a date, to dance, to get to know her ect. This man must have had
some contact with the killer.
I think that possibly Ben Archer could have something to do with
Purity's death. I kept thinking that there had to be a connection
between the two sisters murders.I went back to the val. file and read
through the confession of Giblini and his investegator. The
investegator recieved imunity for his testimony against Giblini , so
he must be free. No where in this report does it give the
investigators name, even though he was the one who commited the
murders. Who is he? The only clue to his identity I could find was
that he was from Atlanta. I then went back and scanned the bio's on
the witnesses in the Purity case to see if anyone came from Atlanta
and lo and behold the only one was Mr Ben Archer.May be his finding
the body wasn't an accident after all . Perhaps he wanted information
from her so he kept her alive and trapped untill she talked . He
might believe her to have information about computer programs of
value from her sister. he could have told her David Armstrong was
involved to try to pursuade her to talk and that is why she wrote the
note to Dave. the other reason I think this murder was done by the
same person (investigator) is because in the Val murder case the
bodies were bathed after death. The murderer must have a thing about
clean or he's trying to get ride of evidence. Purity also was cleaned
after death by someone. If you die of exposure in a coffin buried
underground with mud comming in your hair isn't going to be real neat
and combed .There has to be a connection . Who and Where is this
murdering private investigator? Could Ben Archer be related or the
same man ? Was the boy afraid of Mr Archer ? Why isn't there
testimony from the boy he must be able to identify someone?
i noticed also that purity wrapped herself in cellophane for
warmth, that was the same material that was used to tape message to
send to detectives. wasn't it?
well after reading the case and trying to analyze it, i noticed
that edward allen poe was used in the note, the same initials
asedward Arthur Pierce. Edward also studied english and i think thats
where it all tied together. Also from his interview about purity, he
said that he thought that lee wanted some of purity's fame to rub off
on her, so i think it might be a case of being setup. All the traces
lead to edward, but like i say i think hes being set up
Hi my name is Chase Topol. I think some murderers think that
everybody thinks they're better than them, and that causes them to go
insane and kill. Though there are some who just do it for money or
their own sick ways of entertainment and fun. Some just like to see
the fear in there victims eyes.
To all "theorists": Anderson cant commit every Oxford crime!
I also believe Ed Pierce had help in killing Purity. Help from his
multiple personalities. The skips and gaps in his diary, plus the
variations in writing styles all point to this. I believe Purity knew
about it and was trying to help him but got caught up with it. One of
the most revealing entries in the diary is on April 14th., when he
writes " I am home. Purity cries, I cry". The "Dave" mentioned in
Purity's note could have been the personality responsible for putting
her in the box.
This is probably way off, but it sounds intriguing don't you
I believe in the Rapist case , it was maybe one of the Campus
Police on duty or off. On duty maybe went to make rounds etc...
Sounds to me like a cult is at work here. Whats up? Were they
using Purity for a ritual sacrifice? Pierce, Anderson, Perez and
Azeriah were in on it. The stalking case was something unrelated to
the murder. That was just a sick Owens.
Thats my theory.
Upon reading some of the responses, I was disturbed at the amount
of replies chastising Detective Anderson.
Detective Dave Anderson's motives for involvement are quite clear. He
was personally involved in the murder investigation of Ms. Knight's
sister on a professional level. When he found out that Purity was
going to start classes here, he felt compassionate enough to reach
out to her. Purity took a big step when she decided to come to the
area, and with all of the attention from the media and other
classmates, it was an honorable gesture for Detective Anderson.
Detective Anderson kept in contact with Purity and actually had quite
extensive conversation with her. When she was abducted, he may have
concealed the fact that he had formed a friendship with her, but this
can be explained. First of which, he stated that he and Det.
Armstrong had discussed this and believed it not to have any bearing
on the investigation. And second, he wanted to investigate the case.
He knew that his limited relationship with her could cost him his
position on the case (which it did), and he did not want this to
occur. After investigating the murder of her sister, and getting to
know Purity herself, and then finding she was abducted, who would not
do everything he could to get her back? Det. Anderson proves this
fact with his webpage that he continued to try whatever means
possible to help Purity.
I know that there are questions that arise from Det. Anderson's
actions in this matter, and I do not deny these facts. Some of his
actions were in fact questionable. However, I honestly believe that
these actions were effected only only to help put the case of Purity
Knight to rest.
Best Wishes,
I still am not convinced of Anderson's innocence. I am new to this
site. Does an arrest on this site mean case closed, or could it still
be open and pending? [email protected]
I believe that Det. Dave Anderson is involved in the murder of
Purity Knight and is also a rapist on the campus. He is a manipulator
and because he's a cop gets away with everything he does.
Your questions will never be fully answered in the crimescene, just
ask those who were involved in the Purity Knight case, they'll tell
you the facts and all the facts at that!
IS complicit in this crime, despite his claim that the anonymous
letter he recieved in the mail [posted on his website but NOT in the
evidence file???] and the note nailed to his door "clear" him. TO THE
CONTRARY, these notes just like the victim's note to "DAVE", again
point to his involvement. If in fact the letter was from Pierce, and
I believe it was, he signs the letter "AS ALWAYS, YOUR FRIEND", and
in the note he twice calls Anderson my dear friend and also refers to
him as "my slave". I believe both of them were involved in the shovel
cult, or perhaps as others have suggested they share the same birth
mother [Anderson having been adopted].Or perhaps Anderson took
advantage of Pierces fragile and disturbed psyche and convinced him
they were half-brothers.
Detective Armstrong if you value the integrity of your Department
both in this investigation and in future investigations, you will
look into this further.
???? Did you know Anderson was going to that 3:30 am meeting?
Why after removing Anderson from the case due to his personal
involvement with the victim, would you then direct him to follow your
"prime " suspect if you were trying to avoid the appearance of
Was Anderson one of the witnesses that the child winess was unable to
identify?? And how do you account for the fact that the child has
not, as yet been able to identify the man he spoke to???
It is clear from the evidence that Perce did not act alone and/or
there were others involved initially... the first week of 3/2 - when
Pierce has a valid alibi and according to his diary he was in a near
panic because he did not know where the victim was.
As long as we do not know the WHOLE STORY THIS CASE IS INCOMPLETE,
and I for one am disatisfied.
If you are covering up in any way for Anderson your career is in
jeopardy and as you know complicity after the fact in a murder case
is still murder so you risk incarceration as well as your career.
If you did not know Anderson was meeting Pierce for a showdown then
Anderson was going there to eliminate a potential witness who could
implicate him. If you knew.. if in fact Anderson was doing this with
the Department's knowledge and sanction then he could not have been
OFF-DUTY as was reported !!
Perhaps if it wasn"t for the chance appearance of an innocent
bystander-witness on the scene***, Anderson or maybe even one of his
fellow officers would have eliminated Pierce a-la Ruby-Oswald.
Until the full story is known this case cannot be considered
*** SEE the 9/15 posts fron "Anthony of Oxford" the witness, and from
&%& Thats "ANDI PHILLIPS" from Oxford on 9/5th
NOT the 15th --sorry.
IS complicit in this crime, despite his claim that the anonymous
letter he recieved in the mail [posted on his website but NOT in the
evidence file???] and the note nailed to his door "clear" him. TO THE
CONTRARY, these notes just like the victim's note to "DAVE", again
point to his involvement. If in fact the letter was from Pierce, and
I believe it was, he signs the letter "AS ALWAYS, YOUR FRIEND", and
in the note he twice calls Anderson my dear friend and also refers to
him as "my slave". I believe both of them were involved in the shovel
cult, or perhaps as others have suggested they share the same birth
mother [Anderson having been adopted].Or perhaps Anderson took
advantage of Pierces fragile and disturbed psyche and convinced him
they were half-brothers.
Detective Armstrong if you value the integrity of your Department
both in this investigation and in future investigations, you will
look into this further.
???? Did you know Anderson was going to that 3:30 am meeting?
Why after removing Anderson from the case due to his personal
involvement with the victim, would you then direct him to follow your
"prime " suspect if you were trying to avoid the appearance of
Was Anderson one of the witnesses that the child winess was unable to
identify?? And how do you account for the fact that the child has
not, as yet been able to identify the man he spoke to???
It is clear from the evidence that Perce did not act alone and/or
there were others involved initially... the first week of 3/2 - when
Pierce has a valid alibi and according to his diary he was in a near
panic because he did not know where the victim was.
As long as we do not know the WHOLE STORY THIS CASE IS INCOMPLETE,
and I for one am disatisfied.
If you are covering up in any way for Anderson your career is in
jeopardy and as you know complicity after the fact in a murder case
is still murder so you risk incarceration as well as your career.
If you did not know Anderson was meeting Pierce for a showdown then
Anderson was going there to eliminate a potential witness who could
implicate him. If you knew.. if in fact Anderson was doing this with
the Department's knowledge and sanction then he could not have been
OFF-DUTY as was reported !!
Perhaps if it wasn"t for the chance appearance of an innocent
bystander-witness on the scene***, Anderson or maybe even one of his
fellow officers would have eliminated Pierce a-la Ruby-Oswald.
Until the full story is known this case cannot be considered
*** SEE the 9/15 posts fron "Anthony of Oxford" the witness, and from
New to this site - find it fascinating!! Noticed a few areas not
fully investigated that trouble me.
1. Hard to believe that David Anderson was not somehow involved.
2. What about the datebook in the safe? Seems strange to have put her
datebook in there. Maybe they could have looked into that further -
some strange entries; particularily "shelter" written in on several
days. Maybe I missed something - don't know what that means.
3. Another loose end which suggests some connection with her sister's
murder is the VALentine (obviously written to Valerie).
I do,however, believe the wacko - Ed to be the key individual who
committed the murder (maybe he was a flunky being used for another
persons own plan-Dave?)
I'll be looking forward to a follow up! Sure enjoyed the site and
eagerly await the next mystery.
The man was a sexual sadist. These types of murderers always taunt
the police.
I feel that David has something to do with the deaths,
because of his cult involvement , that has not been uncoverd yet .
The child could not identify the man , or was he asked to identify
him from mug shots , unknown this information was not givin. Also in
these areas in the south many small towns have people that know to
much,& people that know to little ( if you know what I mean) Cult
involvement could mean your demise if you open your mouth.
this is [email protected]
my theory is that David Anderson knows much about this case and he
might be guilty of the murder.
Wrong Man In custody: Beleive this murder has to of been commited
over the will.. Seems the church had alot to gain. Who else would
know of such coffin styles? Am I getting warm?
Why did you not let anyone know that you new the victim?
What about Dylins parents?
Could you trace any matirals from the box to any stores or residents
of any suspects?
I dont really think you did it bet you could be covering something up
that could be important to the case.
I think that the crimes of the sisters are definitly connected.
Please reply
[email protected]
I think that Dave Anderson is someway involved in this murder. In
the note she asks him to come and let her out, and then they can
talk. This shows that he at least knew where she was. I think Pierce
helped and that Rory is either Dave or an alter ego. They must have
put her in there for some sick reason, to purify her of her
sins...I'm not completely sure, I haven't finished reading everything
[email protected]
This a cult killing. She may have thought it was a game and maybe
for the $10,000. Notice the men have beards and some college
The note to anderson, Trace the font used.
Ask tom if he made the box for phil. IT IS TOO GOOD TO HAVE BEEN
THROWN TOGETHER. the writing inside above her head may have been
placed their while it was built.
She may have been in over her head on a cult. The map could be found
in a libary or a contractor might have such a thing.
I think many people wanted to play the game but then, one wanted to
be risky and invole anderson for a personal matter long past.
What type of wood was used on the box.
What type of ink on the letter.
What cults want their men to look wise...
What is in your past anderson, why you. Who do you know well. Did you
serve in viet nam?
Your writer of notes is a male who write in military message format.
Uses computers reads a lot. has no family who would get in the way of
his hobbies. Who has a truck or suv to haul the box unseen. Who would
have a need to be in thaty area?
GROUND, Any menerials to draw a roch hound or developer?
1000asa... ask the year book member. 1000 is standard spped for pro
sports photographers. Color is the biggest key. only a real pro goes
for color. but the photos where not framed for a pro. They were done
fast and on the sly. How tall is the window to the kitchen and where
the cat was?
You know the killers -
1000 ASA - TO THROW YOU OFF the right trail.
$10,000 - follow the money. Where is it now.
grid in box looks custom - heating and cooling contractor
Notes and photos - Cheap film or exp. type. pro uses exp. for his
high tech camera.
it is a game to them, and it's you, not her they wanted. She was a
Dectective Armstrong, I believe the killer to be experianced.
The time to plan, execute and carry out this type of crime
experiance. Mr.Pierce has kiiled before,based on the privacy he knew
he needed
he knew he needed to carry out his plan. Has the suspect been
questioned in any other murders? What was the significance of
of the flowers in the coffin? Did Mr. Pierce say anything
killing hismself? Was there any feces from the suspect found
at the crime sene?
Thank you for your time Dectective, We are glad you caught the
Matthew Wightman-Criminal Psychology Major
It seems to be a ritualistic killing with a meaning behind it.
Almost as if you to prove a pooint.
However, love and cheating seems to be envolved in some respect.
So all and all it will most likely just fall under a passion
catagory. He was in love, she cheated, he got pissed off and said no
And instead of just saying goodbye decided to murder her in the way
he did.
The motive was love and he couldn't bear to share.
It was Lee Perez. She hired McPhail.
Iwas stalked and controlled by a "psycopath" whom actually just
"won" custody of my four year old son - money talks! He would stalk
me, but it never seemed to matter !
This problem gets the attention it deserves only when we have to
die......Why? This sick son of a bitch killed her because he knew she
was something that he could never have to hold, because of who he was
on the inside. Taking photos of her made it possible for him to take
the photos home so he could HOLD!......Then even the most ignorant
people can come to such a realization that he finally did and that is
-------I really could never have her in this life so I will make her
see me as her "god" (for having the "strength" to end her life) in
the next.......
Ending her life with his own hands brought him ultimate power......to
bad for him that he neglected to think of the flip side:
Prayers to his victim.......
Let's all remember this when a woman tells of the patterns of a
abusive man that will not let her go!.........
Sure about Jake not a suspect? Very hung up on the sins of victim!
May be covering something up. Lead questions to how God punishes
people for sinning, use humans to do God's will? Jake expresses anger
and resentment about abortion of "his" child, go deeper into
It is quite obvious to me that Purity, Valerie, and Greg were all
murdered by the same person(s). The similarities of their deaths are
too extraordinary. I also believe that whoever this "David" is
supposed to be, he is quite involved in this scenario. These murders
were obviously not done by one person. It seems to me that a "CULT"
is definitely entangled in this mess. If you find the ONE link that
connects all three together, you'll have the parents. And, if I'm not
mistaken, you will never get the entire group of culprits. Ed is
either a willing participant in this scenario or his sick mind just
inevitably makes him the prime suspect. The parents just could not
deal with the imPURITY of their children; and in their extreme frame
of mind, did what they felt they had to do. IT'S DEFINITELY THEM and
all those associated with their CULT.
BY THE WAY, THANKS FOR THE SCAM! The only thing I hated about the
whole thing is that I printed Ed's diary, wasting my paper for
nothing. Next time, don't make us waste paper!
Thanks for a great story.
It is quite obvious to me that Purity, Valerie, and Greg were all
murdered by the same person(s). The similarities of their deaths are
too extraordinary. I also believe that whoever this "David" is
supposed to be, he is quite involved in this scenario. These murders
were obviously not done by one person. It seems to me that a "CULT"
is definitely entangled in this mess. If you find the ONE link that
connects all three together, you'll have the parents. And, if I'm not
mistaken, you will never get the entire group of culprits. Ed is
either a willing participant in this scenario or his sick mind just
inevitably makes him the prime suspect. The parents just could not
deal with the imPURITY of their children; and in their extreme frame
of mind, did what they felt they had to do. IT'S DEFINITELY THEM and
all those associated with their CULT.
why do younthink he killed her?????
I think that it was Arron, If you look at her personal
letter to her friend she talks about him and the conversation
they had about death. He admitts to being in Spain was it
the same time frame. If he was intiament with her he would
also know about the will" need to review more. He loan her
10,000 on just a word. He has dark eyes, and fits some what
of the discription of the gothic man. Pluss know the area and
could disappear. I'm currious how far he's been envestigate.
Their alot of the things that make look like a open and shutt
case. I think thoe if someone know what they were doing
they could make it look cult related, would cause problem in the
or for people to over look things.
Does a motive exist which Purity might of had reason to plan and
perpitrate an elaborate hoax?
did the boy have any contact with the suspect beforehand?
most of everything in his drawings are in the suspects
journal. maybe the boy had access to journal?
I think maybe her ex-boyfriends were jealous or someone with a
phsycological problem became obcessed; maybe she refused him/her in
someway and angered them.
[email protected]
Did we ever find out who the man with the white "rope" was? Looks
to me as if Purity was trying to purify herself with a symbolic
burial, sort of like the symbolic washing of sins in the Baptist
religion. Her conversations with Dave were ones of her trying to gain
a new perspective and perhaps she told him what she was going to do
(I guess it was somehting personal) but to check on her ex; the milk
jug and "rope" maybe a life line to her for water, etc. Maybe Ed was
watching all of this take place and at some point with his alter ego
lost it and removed her from the grave by giving her the Rohypnol. He
then took her away, brutalized her and returned her to the grave. The
weather came in and with her central nervous system being depressed
her body was unable to maintain. Dave could not return because he was
being watched by IA. Purity died in the box as a result.
In this case, there are many suspects that could have been
chosen...I feel that the murderer was most likely Ed. Simply because
he was obviously mentally ill. Only, although his actions sicken me
(the killing of the dog, the made up step-brother, the infatuation
with Purity, his own private thoughts exposed in his journal) I feel
that he did not in all reality mean to harm Purity, just to help her.
I don't think he realized what he was actually doing.
Although the evidence points to Ed, Dave has a large part in this
"mystery murder" as well. Maybe Ed was "purifying" Purity, but he was
also keeping her fed and clean. I feel that Ed may have stopped
caring for her when he felt threatened, OR Dave was his accomplice in
this and he was forced to stop.
The other person that I think might have had something to do with
this is Jake. He said that she had "sinned" and led him to sin by
"seducing" him. Ummm, I'm sorry if I'm a little slow, but, doesn't it
take two to tango? Maybe he was so ashamed of the "sin" that he had
taken part in, that he felt that he could blame it all on her,
therefore ridding himself of guilt, and then using that misdirected
hatred, he helped Ed, or killed her, himself.
The last person that I find suspicious is Matthew. He sure did feel
strongly that Purity had a "curse" following her around. He also said
that he wanted to punish her...well, that sounds awfully murderous to
me. Maybe it was Matthew that helped Ed, or on his own killed Purity
while Ed was away from the "purifying box."
The only question I have is, why don't we have access to Dylan's
interview, or was there one? What did Dylan have to say about it? Why
didn't he help her by digging her out?
Oh, and my compliments to the creators of this mystery, I feel that
it was excellently done and deserves credit.
While I have yet to really go over all the "evidence" on the case,
my first impressions from my intial glance over are, that Ed and Rory
are one in the same, it seems a severe personality disorder is in
evidence, I also think that Purity was involved in her own abduction,
why write a note? why not have the child go for help? She clearly had
alot of contact and time to spend with him, telling him stories, I
also think that this may have been some sort of experiment for her,
she seemed to have a great love of actual lab and experiment work.
Was the Dave in the note actually the detective? was this a test to
see if he could find her? I have several unanswered questions, but
hopefully they will be answered with more going over of the evidence,
or future postings
I think most likely Det. Anderson had the suspect build the box
and was most definitely in on the entire kidnapping, in the note she
asks for his help, and for him to come and get her (how would he know
where to come and get her). Then in her note she says after he helps
her, they can talk.
There is something that strikes me as perculiar. You'll notice on
the certificate of death, it shows you where cigarette burns and
lacerations were. Now you'll also notice that some of the burns
almost see to center around the genetal area. This suggests that
killer may have been sexually motivated. He either new her quite well
and had a fancy for her for a long time, or he followed her around
but never showed himself. The stalker who was chased by the neighbour
as written in the report isn't the guy, I think he is fairly innocent
and just has a fixation on the victim. This theory is reinforced by
the description from the neibour saying her was short, and perhaps he
was unattractive and had bad luck with women, a typical mommy's boy
social outcast.
I think Rory and Ed P. are the same person. Not in the sense that
he is schizo, but that he invented an alter ego for himself. That way
he can stay detached from the crimes he commits. I think he killed
Purity because she was going to leave him. He was obsessive and
possesive of her. I feel that maybe they planned a double suicide and
she backed out. He couldn't allow her to do that because in his
demented mind that final act of death was the purification he felt
she needed. Many times he stresses that he needs to protect her from
herself and by killing her he did just that...
[email protected]
I believe that all the answers are located in ED'S journal.
Clearly he speaks of his dreams and names other "characters" which I
believe are his inner demons or his sickened view of reality. Ed
obviously suffers from a mental illness/ multiple personality
disorder. The Key I Believe is to unlock the doors which put ED in
his different DREAM states and there you will find the killer.You
Have The Right Man Detectives Just figure out what his name is.(
sounds weird I know but it happens)
Whats up with Ed P. journal? I hit Part Two and it takes me to a
blank page which says Part One. When I hit Part One it takes me back
to the page that says Part Two. Are you having fun playing with my
Response:Both parts work--we just hurriedly
Part One
Part Two.
This killer is truly sick. He seems to view the girl as his
possession. He wanted to have her all to himself, and he keeps her
locked away so that he has her all to himself. He doesn't love her
he's obsessed with her.
I believe he wanted her so badly that he had to kill her to keep
her. He was protecting her from who he thought were men trying to
take her away from him....In another sense, he hated her for not
wanting him when all the while he continued to make himself believe
they were meant to be together. This Rory person must be a ficticious
person created so that he had someone to blame...and yet it sounded
like he was talking to himself all the while. This is strange....
I don't see anywhere in the assignment with Kevin Stark any
mention of building a box. I have searched all documents and still
have unanswered questions. Share all your views on this case and give
us a plausible explanation. I don't believe that this is the way to
end this mystery. Still too many loose ends and unresolved issues.
Why was there never any interview posted from the boy? What did he
have to say? You stated he couldn't make a identification of any of
the suspects. Yet you mentioned that he identifed someone that you
were interested in. Contradictory statements, aren't they? And if he
did identify someone was this person Ed? Please Detective, come
online and give us those answers we seek!!! I know that you can do
better than this. Don't let us down!!!
I think the fact that the Purity investigation doesn't have a
"Case Solved" banner on it yet says a lot. There are a ton of
inconsistencies.. and people seem to keep finding info on the site
that I can't locate (like a science computer file that mentions the
box??). Also, why on earth was Purity's note addressed to "Dave"? Is
there ever going to be closure to all these nagging details?
Response:When we post a new case, this one will have a case Solved stamp. As for finding information--try the search engine at: http://www.crimescene.com/purity/new_search.html The science textboox referred to, I think, is a carpentry text found in Pierce's home.
I think that Aaron is the killer because that his alibi is very
bad and also if you read the letter that the victim wrote to her
friend you will see that Aaron and the victim only discussed
I think they got the right man
There is a good possiblity that the two murders are related.The
letter is the key. Who in there right mind would write a note stating
come and get me we will talk. This suggest that they are connected. I
believe that they (Dave and Purity) killed Valerie and Purity was
theatening to tell and Dave killed her to keep quiet. Also the young
witness gave the note to Dave who is covering it up. Ed plays the
part of the scape goat, easiest person to blame. Ed know of the
murder of Valerie and their involement but has no proof.
On the back of the picture the note might mean that since we
cannot communicate with her we are scared.
Her murderer was most certainly a religious fanatic under the
opinion that she was behaving in a way that did not correspond with
their church's belief
Okay... I think Greg and Ed were both in on it and the reason Greg
was murdered was because he was threatening to turn both of them in,
so, Ed murdered him... What are the chances of this?
Is this where im soposed to write my theory?
Well, it apears to me that this guy had a really sick past. Abused,
and surrounded by more than he could handle. I think that he stalked
and kidknaped Purity for 2 reasons. 1 being that that was what he
lived with that junk and it became a way of live for him, but the
second is that he was trying to make a life over agian. Like he knew
he needed someone, and wanted someone to love him and not to leave
him. When he saw purity, he thought she could fill it. He enclosed
her to keep her from leaving. He wanted someone to love
him.....someone that he could love. He didnt know what realy love
was, so he took his best shot at it. He didnt realize how off he was.
Everyone is searching for love. He was looking in the wrong
Im sorry if this "clashes" with the case, i didnt read all the info,
and really didnt have time to. Good luck with the case!
detective anderson:
I just read i the computer file and the science text which at first i
thought was just a science project but reading it closer i relieze
that is the something to do with the buliding of the box....The
purpose of the "project" was to purifiy.So Ed did talk her into
getting into the box to purify herself, for her sins. Could this be
ok i feel like p.k and ed were in this together at first.Purtiy
needed money to pay back aaron so her and ed came up eith this scheme
to get her parents to pay ransom which in turn would be used to pay
back aaron. P.k figured they'd take a few pictures then she'd hide
till her parents paid the ransom, but after she got in the box "ROY"
the split personality came out would not let her back out. But
occansionally the ed personality would come out and wash her and care
for her but the roy would come back and torture her. In the note
addressed to Dave, i was just wondering could dave possiblity be
another personality. Maybe a nice side of ed who felt sorry for what
was going on and begged for that personality to let her out.
I have a very strong suspicion tha the Proffesser has somthing to
do with the Abduction/Murder, the daily journal of Ed's is strikenly
parralell to the interview with the proffessor, he also has the
intellect to cover his tracks, by planting the journal, photos at
Ed,s house, the bio, on Ed does not paint a picture of a whacko, but
the bio, and the interview with the Prof. does, and does he not fit
the description of the dark haired slender man that spoke Purity in
the parkinglot.
I am new to this site. It is great and I to, like the officer
above thought it was for real ( Confirming my belief in the death
penalty ) However, I am a 911 operator and I would have asked a lot
more questions myself. Like what did the child witness know, much
more that we were told I am sure. I don't know who did it because
there are not enough facts here to say. I sure would not want to be
on that jury.
I look forward to your next 'mystery crime'
Operator 504
You may also remember Jake Rohleen stated in his interview that he
thought P.K.'s sister was evil . He also blamed her for the abortion.
Are you sure Tom killed everyone or may be Jake had something to do
with that also. There must be a connection between the two murders.
Where did the $10,000. go , was it an investment in a computer
program?did Jake have a conection to the other case and was he into
the poem berenice is quite interesting. there is a reason the
killer put the note in this place.It makes me think her boyfriend had
something to do with it.He either helped or framed Ed pierce with the
murder.May be he choose Ed Pierce because of the similarities in his
and poe's name.If you read Jakes interview ,keeping the Berenice poem
in mind, you will notice some real similarities.He was mad about the
abortion and the fact she wouldn't repent. He takes on a kind of
wierd tone.May be that Jake realised eds mental illness and his
twisted attraction to P.K and decided to used him to make her suffer
and repent for her sins.He also claims to read poe. Is there a
Unlike my sister, who has been reading along, I feel that only Ed
was involved. He has to have a split personality. Rory is the person
who does the "bad" things and Ed is the good little boy in his mind.
He only digs up Rory when it is something bad he wants to do. It's
obvious by the writing of the friend that had been pushed into the
pond. The kids were alone walking in the mall and all of a sudden the
other persona comes in (RORY) pushes the kid and "Ed" comes back and
is screaming. Looks like he had problems as a kid with killing small
aniamals and that is always a clear sign of a child that will kill as
an adult.
first, i have written det. armstrong on numerous occasions
requesting any information he could give me on det. anderson. all i
asked for was a mere bio-brief on det. anderson from det. armstrong.
five different times i have requested this information. he has been
evasive each and every time. finally he gave me the following as a
bio-brief. dave anderson-male, 5/3/63, 34 yrs old, 5'10" 175 lbs.
light brown hair, brown eyes, shoe size 10. no background on him
whatsoever was i given. armstrong is also involved in the coverup and
with anderson and this whole case is bad news from the top down. i
would be surprised if this gets posted. here i remain jdanger
ps: this was to be added to posted theory
New to the game, and not fully up on all information. What prior
involvement did the victim have with the suspect; and what type of
occult activity had the victim participated in previously? Also,
picture one had a picture of 2 men (one a skeleton) and a blue car
(was it found?). And what of the wolf / animal? What part did it
Did Ed have a prior history of mental illness? Schizophrenia
usually occurs late teens -early adulthood. Is there a history of Ed
being sexually or physically assaulted as a child? His writings altho
macrabre and his actions have almost too much organization for
schizophrenia. Need more on history and interaction between Ed and
Just from looking at Pierce's journal he is either a literary
genius or a madman. His writing reminds me of Poe.......
I strongly suspect Ed Pierce acted alone. It seems that Purity
thought it to be a game as she states in her note found in the
library. That is why she never asked the boy to get help. Also,her
clothes and hair were clean and neat. Thus she was out of the box at
least once and was a "willing" partner till Ed went wacko and
tortured her and let her starve.Do police know if Ed is a smoker? Who
was the man with rope that Dylan was seen with near the woods and
what was their conversation?? I think it was Ed on his way to lower
food to her or get her out before he tortured her. Great mystery and
it's been fun playing along-Thanks
i sincerely believe the person responsible for this should suffer
for a long incorruptible time as did innocent purity and had to have
a sick demented childhood full of wild sadistic behavior and for all
we know rituals, and most likely had to have a big issue to go for
her. i also sincerely believe it was the confessed kyle. had to get
val you know. couldnt have been the detective, why would she run to
him for help with the note despise the fact he never got it.
OWENS did it he wanted to make Purity suffer like Val had to
pg. 54 and55 say it all
this person is definitely very ill mentally, it comes from
hischild hood. the bad dreams are incidents he lived as a child or
adolescent and the dreams are his way of blocking out the horroe and
anger and rebellion that he was raised with. i believe that you have
the right person, the sounds youahveon the tape are of another victim
that was tied up and being assulted at the time. the messagoe onthe
answering machine is not a live person but a tape recording of
another assult. i hope that ia m wrong in that you don,t have two
victims but i think i am correct. the message is a recording of what
hed did to the first victum and in his demented way he was telling
purity what he was going to do to her. if possible i would run a dna
study on the suspect, i feel that you will find that there is a
patern of incestial breeding in his background. i thin k you have the
right person. i would also further investigate your witness as to why
he didn't get help right away.
I have read the letter that Ed Peirce wrote to David Anderson and
what i am shocked at is that David Anderson actually showed up!!! i
mean how dumb could someone be to show up at a place where you are
told to bring a gun!! why didnt he go to the police with this note?--
doesnt make any since. i am thinking that there is more to this case
than is being told. in my opinion the police are blind to the facts
and questions surrounding david anderson. there are just way to many
unanswered questions. can you please explain? thanks
Who is Geena?
are you sure Valerie's murder is solved ?
How can Valerie and Purity's murder not be involved?
How well did DEt. Anderson know Purity?
is there any evidence that Det. Anderson knew Valerie
before her death.?
Det. Anderson was also Adopted ? if so what do we know about what
his search [if any] turned up of his history.
Ed is a looney bird and could not have pulled this off
and last was the billon dollar program developed by G and Will
ever found?
who owns it?
Who is Geena?
are you sure Valerie's murder is solved ?
How can Valerie and Purity's murder not be involved?
How well did DEt. Anderson know Purity?
is there any evidence that Det. Anderson knew Valerie
before her death.?
Det. Anderson was also Adopted ? if so what do we know about what
his search [if any] turned up of his history.
Ed is a looney bird and could not have pulled this off
and last was the billon dollar program developed by G and Will
ever found?
who owns it?
Response:The previous comments were deleted. Thanks.
It sounds as if Pierce has gone through a slow descent into almost
complete madness. His writings are surely evident that he was at
times a madman but then other times there is a clarity to them. But I
am not convinced that he is guilty. What is Detective Anderson's
middle name? Is it possible that he (Anderson)has an alias? Is it
possible that he may have had some connection to Pierce previously.
Why doesn't Pierce mention Purity and the fact that she died in his
journals. I believe that he is talking about Geena. And who is Geena?
Is she a former girlfriend? Is there any info on her death or
involvement with Pierce? I just can't buy this. There are way too
many unanswered questions here. Give us more facts!!!!
I believe that Pierce is a paraniod schizophrenic with multiple
personalities, and he doesn't have knowledge of the murder because he
persay did not committ it, I think Rory is another personality with
he dresses like and Pierce has a time blackout to which he is
oblivious to what he does during this period of time, I think "Rory"
committed the murder, which in reality is Pierce
It appears that Mr. Pierce suffers from a tragic psychological
disorder of multiple personalities. It is obvious in the way that he
talks about his stepbrother Rory, nowhere in the investigation is it
stated about a stepbrother. I feel that the "Rory" and "Ed"
personalities conflicted with each other and the death of Purity was
the tragic end.
Poor Eddie...thought he was saving Purity. He's one sick
dude...dissociative psychosis.
Det Armstrong, please help!!!!
WHO IS GEENA??????????
Det Anderson and Ed Pierce are brothers, or at least
half-brothers. Both claim a mother living in southern Idaho, and
Anderson was given up for adoption by this woman. Ed was born
approximately 9 years later. It is doubtful that Anderson is aware of
this connection, as he has been quite vehement about NOT wanting to
find her birth mother. Further more, Anderson is NOT Rory, nor does
Pierce have any step-siblings whatsoever. It is more likely that
Pierce is referring to part of himself when referring to Rory.
I have to agree with most of what Lemming wrote below. After
reading Pierce's journal, it seems to me that Rory is NOT Det
Anderson, or some other separate person, but an actual PART of Ed.
Whether it be an alter-ego, another "personality", or just a way for
Ed to rationalize his behavior, I don't know.
Remember when Armstrong told us that Ed had gone to the bar after
appearing in chat, and completely went berserk? Ed writes of that
episode in his journal, but says that it was "Rory" that did it.
My Theory: (based mostly on Pierce's diary)
Edwin Pierce has lost his sanity. At some point in his past, he lost
a loved one, apparently a woman named Geena.
He was haunted by this death, and was concerned about what became of
this person, and what becomes of all people, after death. (I.e. Did
Geena go to heaven? Will Pierce ever be able to see her again?) For
unknown reasons, Pierce came to believe that Geena was buried alive.
It is likely he reasoned like this: He could not accept Geena's
death, something which many people in similar situations go through.
Since he couldn't believe she died, but he saw her body buried, he
concludes she has been buried alive. Thus he imagines that he can
hear her, much as though one might "hear" a beating heart of one's
victim, buried in the floorboards... Like many of Poe's characters,
Pierce has driven himself mad.
An aspect of this madness is the persona of Rory. I believe that Rory
is an alter ego of Pierce. Whether Pierce is aware of this, or truly
believes Rory to be his step-brother, I cannot speculate. I believe
that Rory is the manifestation of certain subconcious desires to live
a life very contrary to the one that Pierce feels he must live.
Pierce may be disgusted by Rory, but at the same time he is attracted
to him.
I believe that Rory (aka Pierce dressed up as Rory) was the man seen
by the witness as taking Purity's message from the boy and placing it
in the E. A. Poe book at the library. Dressing as a Goth would be an
effective disguise, because it allows one to radically alter one's
appearance (hair, clothes, jewelry, and skin color), so anyone
knowing Pierce might not see any resemblence, especially if
Pierce-as-Rory behaves in a manner that no one would suspect Pierce
could do.
Now for the actual motive behind the murder of Purity. I theorize
that the murder was not quite premeditated, and that the murderer,
Pierce-as-Rory, was not completely aware of what the outcome would
be. Pierce chose Purity because of how she made him feel. He was
already hung up about being buried alive, and his study of literature
(Poe's in particular) furthered this morbid thought. He is interested
in death, or more particularly, in what happens after. And he has
strong feelings of love and hate (or at least antagonism) towards
Purity. In effect, the murder started as a gruesome experiment. What
caused Pierce to continue the experiment past the point of no return
is unclear, but certainly had something to do with his fascination
with death.
Purity, knowing Pierce and having developed some degree of rapport
with him, combined with her own morbid feelings about life, goes
along with Pierce's ideas. She may very well have been aware of
Pierce-as-Rory, and perhaps was fascinated by the phenomenon. It
would be interesting to know what logic Pierce used to convince her
to get into the box.
I am uncertain as to how Detective Anderson fits into this,
paricularly why Pierce sent him a note. Most likely, Pierce saw
Anderson as an obstacle between Pierce and Purity. Perhaps he was the
one that Purity was with one night, as Pierce mentions in his diary.
It is not clear who Pierce referred to there.
Although I do not suspect Anderson of wrongdoing in Purity's murder,
I believe he has not told us everything.
I think a poetic or profound should be said here, but the tragedy and
waste of the situation leaves me with nothing to say...
--Lemming ([email protected])
Anthoer thought if Anderson is the Rory fellow,then in the note
the Dave would also be anderson. So Purtiy wanted this note deliever
to her capturer. SO she could beg Anderson to let her.
Could Anderson possibliy be the "Rory". even thought Ed refered to
him as a stepbrother maybe he means a stepbrother from the cult. He
says that Rory is trying to turn the police in the path of Ed. While
isn't that what Anderson was doing.Then a note is left on Andersons
door telling him that Ed is tired of him setting him up and that the
were finally going to duel it out. Well the way I see it is that Ed
finally got up the courage to kill Rory. And Anderson found it as a
perfect way to set up ed even more.
The Journal said that Rory stayed at Eds' house for awhile so he
could have left the photos,and the book at Eds' knowing that it would
Could Anderson possibliy be the "Rory". even thought Ed refered to
him as a stepbrother maybe he means a stepbrother from the cult. He
says that Rory is trying to turn the police in the path of Ed. While
isn't that what Anderson was doing.Then a note is left on Andersons
door telling him that Ed is tired of him setting him up and that the
were finally going to duel it out. Well the way I see it is that Ed
finally got up the courage to kill Rory. And Anderson found it as a
perfect way to set up ed even more.
The Journal said that Rory stayed at Eds' house for awhile so he
could have left the photos,and the book at Eds' knowing that it would
Ok so ed did it and he did because he was lusting after purity.
Yeah i'll believe that. But what I can't believe is that he did it
alone. I will not believe that Anderson was not involed. Could
Anderson possibliy be the "Rory". even thought Ed refered to him as a
stepbrother maybe he means a stepbrother from the cult. He says that
Rory is trying to turn the police in the path of Ed. While isn't that
what Anderson was doing.Then a note is left on Andersons door telling
him that Ed is tired of him setting him up and that the were finally
going to duel it out. Well the way I see it is that Ed finally got up
the courage to kill Rory. And Anderson found it as a perfect way to
set up ed even more.
The Journal said that Rory stayed at Eds' house for awhile so he
could have left the photos,and the book at Eds' knowing that it would
Detective Armsrtong---
why in the world was Anderson following Peirce? Was he told to do so
(by you or someone else) or did he do it on his own? what does Peirce
say happened the night he shot Anderson?--( in reference to the
fight/shooting ) do they know each other? thanks bunches!!
Dave the detective did it.
It sounds as if she knew who her abductor was and that maybe they
became involved with each other.
P K was not one for relationships and tried to cut ties with Dave who
became involved during stalking investigation.
Detective would have access to professional Poloroid film for
evidence gathering, iknjet prtinter, computer and the no how to
confuse the search area away from the location of the coffin, her
cult involvement just served to furthe confuse him and irritate
In my many years in the business I have never seen an arrest made
on so little eveidence and so many Avenues that have not been
1. What was the Detective doing meeting in a clandestine manner with
the "suspect".
2. I have not known many police officers that were involved in a
shootout, run and be chased by the suspect, and had know means to
call for back-up.
3. No-one really persued the child and his understanding as to what
was going on.
4.The victims stories obviously came from the Gothic era of
Literature. For example that era of writing showed the dark sides of
the knights in shining armour. That period in Literature was
basically "anti Camelot. It was a period that
used dark, dreary, dank castles as the settings for the writers
stories. I would not want to take this to court until All the loose
ends were tied uo, all the "Ts" were crossed and all the "is" were
dotted. This from a poor old city boy..........
I happened on this web site by chance. Interesting case. My first
observation is regarding the tape recording.
A. It sounds like she is reading the story. Most young people are not
capable of relating a story of this complexity with such assurance
and without lots of UHs and YOU KNOWs and LIKEs, etc. She delivered
the story as if she was reading it off a teleprompter. Except towards
the end, when she sounded more emotional.
B. If she had made contact with someone outside her box why didn't
she ask them to get help; the police, the boy's teacher, parents,
anybody? Instead she has him help her make a tape recording of a
story? I don't think so.
C. Based on that, I suspect that the boy was not the only person
present with the girl at that time. That boy knows a lot more than he
is letting on.
D. The note to "Dave": Why didn't the boy deliver the note? Why was
it stuck in a library book? After reading the rest of the facts
presented, it sounds almost like "Dave" had put her in the box.
Games? Sexual fantasies? If "Dave" was the police investigator that
she knew, it may implicate him.
E. Referring to the tape again, she said that she was sleepy, but at
no time did she ask him to help her get out. Why?
D. Referring to the note again, could some of the wording be
interpreted to mean that she was a willing conspirator, at least at
the beginning?
F. Re the box: Who built it, where and how? Judging from the pictures
I just saw, the box was crafted pretty neatly, not cobbled together.
Where did the materials come from? Who had the woodworking skills to
build it? And who had access to the tools required? I suspect that
power tools were used to cut the parts. Not everybody has those tools
available (I for one don't--lots of automotive tools, but almost no
woodworking tools).
I'm not a detective (I'm a mechanical engineer), but, if the boy
won't speak on the subject, I suspect that hypnotherapy, or pentathol
would shed some light of the subject. I know such information is not
acceptable in court, but I don't think the boy sounds like a very
good court witness either. And such interrogation could produce clues
which could be independently verified.
This is a bizzarre case. I hope you are successful in solving it.
Anybody who would do that to another human being is scum, and
deserves the death penalty.
Harry A. Madden
I think the murderer's motive was to kill Purity, just because she
tried to solve a case of drug-dealing at the Camp. The guilty one is
Chris Thurman, the Camp-leader!
I believe that Ed.,Anderson,Lee were part of the shovel cult.And
that Purtiy got involed in it after she moved in with Lee. The Shovel
cult is deeply into this BENTON found in the Pyramids.Well in the
crime scene photos there was a pyramid that was said to be build by
the child. But i don't think it was. The whole grave scene is built
like the inside of a pyramid and even has the drawings like a eyptian
pyramid. The cult was also obesses with STAYING YOUNG FOREVER.She was
buried in mummie form..I am pretty sure that they found out about her
passed in full (THE ABORTION) and decided she was not pure enough for
the cult,so they felt the need to get rid of her so she would not
tell of the cult. The propably told her that she needed to become
clean again and that she needed to suffer some for forgiveness but it
would not be long and that they would get her out soon. REFERENCE THE
NOTE-->"I thought this was just a sick game". The notes to the
police and to the parents to side track them into believing that this
was just for ransom and that she'd be returned unharmed if it was
payed. But they had no intention in returning her. If you read Lees'
interveiw she doesn't even seemed pharsed that Purtiy was missing
even though she made it seem to convice the detective that her a
purtiy were friends, even if not close."WE WERE GOING TO SEE A
MOVIE". Then in her second interveiw it was a 180. Now her and purtiy
were not really friends, and now she is begining to turn on Ed.SHE
seems annoyed that the detectives are questioning her again,propably
because she didn't feel like purity was worth all the attention she
was getting from the police.I got the impression she just wanted to
because the mother was abusive, he followed the same path of
emotional trauma
I really feel that Anderson was not involved . Most probably have
this theory because you might have seen the movie
RANSOM a bit too many times.
Well I work at the Dade County Medical Examiners Office, and
I think that these people are quite sick and demented. And
that I think your department did a wonderful job at catching
this criminal.Thank You and have a good evening
I think that greg and will were in on this together. I think the
boy was connected. His motive was If I can have her then no one can.
She treated him badly. Revenge
Has the handwriting on the visitation records at the bank been
analyzed? To me it doesn't look like the same person signed it all
three times.
I would have to agree with the people whp beleive thius is a frame
up.i think that Armstrong had quite a bit to do with this crime i do
however beleive there was an acomplice.
i beleive that Armstrong convinced pierce to take part in this crime
somehow or another and it was armstrong's intention all along to use
pierce as the fall guy when all was over.when armstrong went after
pierce he used it as his oppurtunity to make it all work out in his
best interest.
I would have to agree with the people whp beleive thius is a frame
up.i think that Armstrong had quite a bit to do with this crime i do
however beleive there was an acomplice.
i beleive that Armstrong convinced pierce to take part in this crime
somehow or another and it was armstrong's intention all along to use
pierce as the fall guy when all was over.when armstrong went after
pierce he used it as his oppurtunity to make it all work out in his
best interest.
The murderer has a flair for the dramatic and the artistic. He
uses film whilst stalking the victim that is mostly used for
professionals. The asa on the film was 1000. That's TEN TIMES higher
than most non professionals use. Second, in the note on the back of a
the polaroid (also professional quality film, by the way) he begins
to write poetry. Also, I think he's probably the type who thinks he's
smarter than anybody else, otherwise, he wouldn't have taunted the
police in the way he did. As for who exactly it is, I have no
ThIS IS ONE BIG COVER-UP! Ed Pierce is not unstable. The report
said that the killer would be unstable. The evidence was planted in
his apartment. Isn't it kind of odd the Anderson as in both of the
cities where these incidents happened? Piece had no relationship with
Purity. For him to kill her would be for no reason at all. Armstrong,
your partner did a very serious crime, I know you trusted him very
much, but you have to face the facts that he killed a women and
deserves to be punished. Right now you have an innocent man in
custody and a guilty man sitting in the hospital right now. Covering
this up is disgracing everyone involved in this case. I hope you make
the right decision Armstrong.
ThIS IS ONE BIG COVER-UP! Ed Pierce is not unstable. The report
said that the killer would be unstable. The evidence was planted in
his apartment. Isn't it kind of odd the Anderson as in both of the
cities where these incidents happened? Piece had no relationship with
Purity. For him to kill her would be for no reason at all. Armstrong,
your partner did a very serious crime, I know you trusted him very
much, but you have to face the facts that he killed a women and
deserves to be punished. Right now you have an innocent man in
custody and a guilty man sitting in the hospital right now. Covering
this up is disgracing everyone involved in this case. I hope you make
the right decision Armstrong.
This is one big cover-up. Ed Pierce is not unstable. The report
said that the killer would be unstable. The evidence was planted in
his apartment. Isn't it kind of odd the Anderson as in both of the
cities where these incidents happened? Piece had no relationship with
Purity. For him to kill her would be for no reason at all. Armstrong,
your partner did a very serious crime, I know you trusted him very
much, but you have to face the facts that he killed a women and
deserves to be punished. Right now you have an innocent man in
custody and a guilty man sitting in the hospital right now. Covering
this up is disgracing everyone involved in this case. I hope you make
the right decision Armstrong.
Thank you
This is one big cover-up. Ed Pierce is not unstable. The report
said that the killer would be unstable. The evidence was planted in
his apartment. Isn't it kind of odd the Anderson as in both of the
cities where these incidents happened? Piece had no relationship with
Purity. For him to kill her would be for no reason at all. Armstrong,
your partner did a very serious crime, I know you trusted him very
much, but you have to face the facts that he killed a women and
deserves to be punished. Right now you have an innocent man in
custody and a guilty man sitting in the hospital right now. Covering
this up is disgracing everyone involved in this case. I hope you make
the right decision Armstrong.
Thank you
Dectective Anderson:
I never believed that you were guilty of anything.
However, some of your actions were puzzling. I hope you recover soon
from your wound.
I find it hard to believe that Lee had nothing to do
with Purity's case. She is certainly a shady character and knows a
lot more than she has told.
Do you and Detective Armstrong view her as a complete
innocent with no connection with or knowledge of the
crimes in Purity's or Valerie's case?
Get well soon!
Well, its been a while since I updated myself on the case. Im
sorry to see that Knight is dead. However, if my memory serves me
then I do have a theory to post:
I believe the killer buried Knight in this manner and with the "You
Bitch" message to simulate what he imagined Knight did to her unborn
baby. Specifically, Knight is buried in a womb-like construct with a
single message depicting unexlpained hatred, eventually she is
completely abandoned. If the time Knight was kept alive by her
abductor correlates to the length of her aborted pregnancy then this
theory might gain some weight. In this case, the killers motive would
be to create a fitting punishment for Knight's abortion of the
On another note, the handwriting in the note looks very unfeminine;
has it been proven to be Knight's writing?
Also, I've never heard the tale she told Tull, is it a pre-existing
tale or is it her own (or her captor's) construct?
[email protected]
I'm so happy that Anderson has been cleared.All along I knew he
was innocent.
**To "Sherlock Holmes", regarding your theory posted below:
On Friday night, Armstrong revealed that he himself had requested
that Anderson follow Ed. It was not something Anderson did on his
own. Armstrong's intent was to push Ed over the edge, hopefully
giving them some sort of grounds to arrest him. Maybe this
information affects your theory somewhat. Nice job, however!
I think that Ed Pierce is not the only one involved. I think that
he had help. What about Lee? Surely she had to have known about this.
I think that they were in on it together.
Det. Armstrong,
I am amazed at reading the comments that have been posted that no one
really believes that Ed Pierce did it! I think that he does have a
good motive, and that he fits every description and has no
My theory is that he was obsessed with Purity, after talking to her
and hanging out with her so much at the apartment. I also think that
his girlfriend Lee was involved as well, maybe she got jealous of
Purity and Ed's realtionship, or maybe Ed told her that he wanted to
be with Purity instead of her. Purity then rejected Ed's advances,
and he had to beg Lee to take him back. She said o.k., but Purity has
to pay for the mistake that Ed made. I'm sure that Lee knew about the
$10,000, or that Purity's parents were rich, and she might have
thought that they could profit off of a kidnapping, and also teach
Purity a lesson.
I don't think that Ed could have done it by himself, (i.e. carrying
the box) so there has to be an accomplice. I just don't think that it
is Anderson, because if I were Ed Pierce I certainly wouldn't be
protecting Anderson, I'm sure he would have spilled his guts. He
might still be protecting Lee, though.
Can't wait for the next case!
see EYEWITNESS REPORT !! [referred to below]
The early friday morning shoot-out between Ed Pierce and the
"OFF-DUTY" Detective Dave Anderson was a set up ! Detective Anderson,
the "Dave" in the victim's note, is guilty of acting in concert with
suspect Pierce and/or others. The tone of that note seemed to
indicate that "Dave" both knew where the victim was and was involved
in the incident which apparently the victim had at first gone along
with. It was no coincidence that Pierce and Anderson met in the
square. It was a meeting set-up by Anderson, AGAIN indicating his
complicity in this crime. I refer to the post made to this site by
one Andi Phillips on Fri. 9/5 at 5:04:27 PDT. He claims to have been
in the square at Oxford just prior to and during the shootout. He was
walking home from work when he noticed a man up ahead walking very
swiftly towards him. Feeliing uneasy, he stepped back into the
shadows. It was then that he noticed across the square the red glow
of a cigarette as another man puffed on it, then dropped it and ran.
The first man then dashed past Phillips pursuing the second and
tackled him. Almost IMMEDIATELY, according to Phillips, "blue lights"
[the police?!!] began flooding the area as the shooting erupted.
I believe this is what happened. Anderson had contacted Pierce and
arranged a "secret" meeting, which took place at about 4 in the
morning.[Phillips said he made his post as soon as he arrived home
after, he had been interviewed by police at the scene]. When Pierce
spotted Phillips- a third man- he assumed he had been set up and
tried to flee. The fact that the police lights showed up almost
BEFORE the shots were fired indicates a set-up. The fact that
Anderson was off-duty indicates that it was not an "OFFICIAL" police
set-up. No law enforcer would let the media report that an officer
wounded in the line of duty was off-duty when he wasn't. Thus, not
only was it a set-up, but it is a police cover-up. An attempt to
cover-up Anderson's involvement.
Perhaps Anderson was involved in the beginning, thru his personal
relationship with Purity. If Purity at first went along with her
"captors" who would she trust more than a Sherrif's Officer who she
knew personnally. Anderson might have been the unknown man in the
ghouls disguise at the Shovel event at Cooter's farm.A local law
enforcer certainly would not want to be recognized at such an event.
In Purity's note she says: "Dave, I thought it was some kind of sick
game but now I'm going to die if you don't do something.....just let
me out and we can talk." If this was a straight kidnapping and
Anderson wasn't involved why wouldn't Purity write... "HELP -SAVE
ME!!!". Why wouldn't she tell the boy to run for the police, or
help??? It"s because she knew her captors and had gone along with
them at first. I think Anderson was involved at first, but at some
point Pierce or others [Sovel cult??] moved Purity to the burial site
- a site unknown to Anderson. That's why she wrote the note to him.
He was not the one visiting her.
When you look at the suspect list of alibis and you compare
Anderson's and Pierce's when one isn't available the other is. For
example, Pierce has an alibi for the time when the victim is
"kidnapped" - Anderson doesn't. The only times niether is available
is [ J ] when the body is discovered,which is not necessary to the
crime, and [G] a 24 hour period during which somebody mailed one of
the polaroids at a drop-box right in Oxford. Certainly either of them
could have done this in passing at some point in a 24 hour
Again looking at the list of alibis there are two very critical times
necessary to this crime. They are [C] the "kidnapping" and [ I ] when
the man with the rope and "milk bottle" is seen talking to the boy
and the boy gives him something - the note?? - since found in the Poe
book in the library. Anderson is the only suspect on this list with
no alibi for either time. The only other viable suspects who have no
alibi for when Purity was snatched is Purity's roomate and Pierce's
girlfriend- Lee Perez, and the professor David Woolworth. While I
cannot rule out their pssible involvement both have an alibi for when
the boy was seen talking to the "man".
I feel that both Anderson and Pierce are definitely involved.
Anderson because of the note, the fact that he did not reveal his
personal realationship with the victim, and the way I feel Pierce was
set-up. When Pierce was interviewed he seemed to really play down any
contact he had with the victim like he hardly knew her or even spoke
to her. THIS WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND'S ROOMATE for crying out loud!! At
the time I thought " He doth protest too much!"
Now, the only problem I have with my theory, and the evidence file,
is this. Pierce fits the description of the man seen talking to the
boy on June 2nd almost to a tee. Except
for one thing. The picture of him in the arrest story shows him with
a mustach and goatee, but the witness to that incident said the man
had no facial hair although he "did not get a good look at his face."
However in your physical descriptions of the suspects it also states
Pierce has no facial hair ??? WHEN did Pierce grow his mustach and
goatee and was your origianal description correct???
Please let me know the answer. Also it is possible that when Anderson
set up Pierce he also intended to kill him so that he couldn't reveal
Anderson's involvement. He just didn't get close enough because
Phillip's presence spooked Pierce. Was the gun Pierce was shooting
his or Anderson's gun?? What is Anderson's excuse for being there at
4 am? How does Det. Armstrong explain the immediate arival of the
I feel both Anderson and Pierce are involved-- and perhaps others. I
eagerly await the contents of the dairy and hope hand- writing
analysis is done and compared to Pierce, Anderson, and Lee Perez. I
hope Pierce's attorney convinces him to talk to the D.A. for a
possible plea bargain. It may be the only way we may learn the whole
truth about Armstrong's involvement and how deeply the Shovel cult is
"Sherlock Holmes"
I know that the father, uncle and trustee are suppose to have been
cleared. I have followed this 'crime' since the beginning and have
always thought that Purity was 'daddy's little girl' in every sense
of the word. I believe she was a victim of incest and that it was the
father's baby she had aborted. I feel that somehow the father is
behind this and perhaps just wanted Purity punished so she would
become afraid and return home and for reasons unknown it turned into
murder. It seems to me that all of these other characters were simply
part of Purity's life and none of them were capable or had motive to
kill her.
I am a police officer, and I've been going.. on this thing. I
don't know how yall have come up with so much, maybe I haven't read
everything, but I thought it was really something real. I didn't read
the reality check until just now..... This is really great... but the
father did it.
what was Det. Anderson doing with Ed Pierce in the middle
of the night, I think the two of them are involved in this
crime. Is this a police cover up or a cover up by Det.
Anderson trying to protect himself?
Ed Pierce is innocent. He did not commit this heinous crime against
Purity Knight. Trust me, the murderer or murderers are still at
I thought that the note Purity wrote was strange too. My theory
was that Dave was in love with Purity, but Purity was a "swinger" not
ready to settle down. The note made it seem as though Purity thought
she was being put in the box as some kind of game (sexual or
otherwise). This could be the reason that she did not have Dylan go
straight to the police. I suppose now that Pierce is behind bars,
this is over, but did he really kill her? Maybe I haven't located it
on the web site yet, but what exactly was the evidence found in
Pierce's apartment?
[email protected]
I think the parents or Mr. Night killed or conspired with others t
kill his daughter for she knew he3 had killed her biological sister,
and her unwed pregnancy was a sin in her fathers eyes and made her
have to be punished, The two cases have to have some conection I
would think it highly unusuall that two daughters murdered in the
same extrmist family a normal occurance. It was set up to look like a
stalker did it or someone looking for ransome.
i refuse to believe that the oregon box incident and the purity
knight incident are coincidental. not that anderson had anything to
do with the boxing in oregon--but he would have known about the case,
how it was done, etc... detective anderson has to be involved
somehow. there are several reasons to support this:
1--no alibi for any of the critical events in the case
2--previous assocation with purity
3--purity's body was not found in the woodsprior to ben archer's
call, even though the area had been (supposedly) searched by
detective anderson.
4--matches physical description
5--close friendship with detective armstrong. perhaps armstrong would
perpetrate a cover-up if it would ensure anderson's "innocence"
however, detective anderson could not have accomplished this alone.
someone had to help him, and i think it had something to do with the
ego shovel cult. because of purity's background, she would have been
easily led into such a belief system. also, consider the pyramid of
sticks that was just outside her grave. the cult's website makes
direct reference to a pyramid.
who could have assisted him?
ed pierce--matches physical description, is on ego shovel mailing
list and has no alibi for critical events.
lee perez--could have been jealous of purity's "fame", could have
suspected that she and ed were involved. she is a master builder for
the theatrical arts--perhaps she built the box. though she wasn't on
the ego shovel mailing list, she certainly could have come across one
of their newsletters (or whatever), thereby learning about their
affinity with the pyramid. she could have created the stick pyramid
as a way to implicate ed.
alzeriah (or whatever his name is)--he and dave could have cooked up
this scheme as a way of extracting the money from purity's parents.
what they didn't count on, was the knight's lack of concern for their
just some ideas.
I think the stalker new in some way Purty Knight
Det. Armstrong isn't tellling the truth at all. He would lie to
protect his friend and partner Dave Anderson. All of the evidence
they found at Ed Pierce's "shack" was planted by the police. The real
killer is still out there and is a cop! This case is far from over,
trust me!
The evidence against Ed Pierce was planted! Det. Armstrong was too
close to Anderson to let him be arrested for the crime. He needed to
blame someone else. The story against Ed Pierce was fake! It was
Anderson the whole time and now they are covering up the truth!
Pierce had no real reason to kill Purity, look at the facts, he never
knew Purity personally. He never went out with her, so why would he
kill her over a broken heart? The facts go against Anderson, and the
cover-up needs to be seen before the wrong man is getting a sentece
for something he didn't do!
I am just wondering who Dave is that Purity would write this note
to. He must be the one or one of the people that put her in the box.
I think that the man that was arrested didn't work alone. Just a
Okay Now if Mr.Ben Archer was walking his usual route that he
walks everyday why is it that he didn't see the coffin before hand?
And why is it that he called from a pay phone if he lives not to far
from the crime scene?
This may be just a coincidence that archer and purity were at the
same university?
And just think when purity was being stalked her neighbor said he
chased the perpatraitor through the woods but lost him i think the
suspect is Mr.Ben Archer
It seems like Pierce had an unhealthy obsession with Purity...he
may have thought that they had some sort of intimate connection, but
she just blew him off (not realizing his intense emotions towards
her.....one question still remains, how could he have done all this
by himself?
It seems like Pierce had an unhealthy obsession with Purity...he
may have thought that they had some sort of intimate connection, but
she just blew him off (not realizing his intense emotions towards
her.....one question still remains, how could he have done all this
by himself?
did they know each other? did they go to school together?
[email protected]
LISTEN UP!! Andi Phillips here from Oxford. I have to tell you
what just
happened - I canÌt sleep, I have to let someone know about
I was walking right off of the square - you know - down by
JamesÌ - well,
actually I was almost jogging. I had just worked a double at the
Anyway - It was about 20 Îtil and the last thing that I needed
excitement - I mean, what could possible be going on at four in the
I was simply minding my own business. About a block ahead of me I
noticed a
man walking briskly - he didnÌt notice me - ususlly I
wouldnÌt be bothered by
that sort of thing, but being so late at night and no one else in
sight I was
glad he didnÌt notice. I fell back a bit in the shadows. All I
wanted to do
was to get home and crawl under my cool sheets - damn these hot
nights - you
canÌt go anywhere without sweating!
Suddenly the Ïmystery manÓ stopped for a second - began
to cross the street.
As I watched him cross, I saw the glow of a cigarette across the
square like
a firefly, only for a second. Then I wondered how long this new
person had
been watching us I actually felt better knowing that someone else had
Ïmystery manÓ in his, or her, sights. I was just
beginning to relax and
go on when the cigarette crashed to the ground and the new character
began to
run - like a cat, tail on fire! The Ïmystery manÓ in
front of me darted
past me and tackled him to the ground and blue lights streamed in
everywhere! I was standing there in the middle of an all out gun
The cops showed up and so did an ambulance. The paramedics were
working on
one of the men, didn't look good from what I could I see. The man
arrested resembled an evil Ichabod Crane in a way - very emaciated -
a drug addict. His eyes were so haunting. He frightened me. He
straight at me as the policeman shoved his head into the patrol car.
I felt
a slime oozing over my body with that stare, I needed a bath after
that look.
The police wouldn't tell me much, I couldnÌt help but poke and
prod to find
out what in the name of God that creature was they had arrested. All
I got
was that Oxford would feel very much at ease with this monster caged
up. I
couldnÌt help but think that this is the man we have been
searching for for
so long. It has to be! I called Jonnie immediately and told him what
just happened. As soon as the cops finished questioning me, I had to
home and post this right away.