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Interview: Thomas J. Westerbeke

DN = Detective Nelson
TW = Tom Westerbeke
DN: Tom, you know we want to ask you some questions about Macy to help find her. You can ask for your parents or attorney to join us at any time. You are not being charged with any crime at this time and we want to talk with you in hopes we will learn something to help Macy. You understand that?
TW: Yes. I want to help.
DN: I know you do. Let's start with the last time you saw Macy. When was that?
TW: At school on Friday the day before she disappeared.
DN: And when was the last time you spoke to her?
TW: That was Friday night, we talked on the phone. I was going to Duke all weekend and it was our only chance to talk before I left.
DN: What did you talk about besides the trip to Duke?
TW: Well, not much, I think I dominated the conversation. We talked about college and we had a physics test Friday that we were mad over, it wasn't on the material it was supposed to be on and we'd studied for that, but the test was different and we both thought we bombed out on it. She was psyched for the next track meet and we talked about that a bit. I don't think anything else.
DN: Fine. You and Macy are pretty close aren't you?
TW: Well, I guess we are, we've known each other for six years, but probably not close like you think.
DN: And how is that?
TW: Well, you know, we weren't that close. We, um, weren't messing around or anything. Macy's not like that. I think we are great for each other, we like the same things, we both want to go to college and beyond. She wants to join the space program and I want to be a lawyer. We are best friends, but I don't think we can do better than that if you know what I mean.
DN: You mean sex.
TW: Yeah. That's not part of our relationship.
DN: You are sure about that. She wasn't in trouble or pregnant or anything?
TW: No way.
DN: Would Macy tell you if she were?
TW: Yeah, I mean I'm sure. She isn't like that, I'm serious, and we are friends, I do think she'd tell me if she were in trouble or even if she were pregnant. I think she knows I'd help her.
DN: Could she have been seeing someone else, had a sexual relationship with anyone?
TW: I don't think so. I think I'd know if she were, or someone would have told me. She really didn't have time. If she wasn't at practice or swimming or home, I was usually with her.
DN: Okay, Tom. You understand that it's more important to find Macy than to protect her reputation right now, right?
TW: Yeah, I do. I'm telling you what I know.
DN: Fine. That's what we want you to do. What about other relationships? Who did Macy know?
TW: Well, she is popular. She has lots of friends. Her best friend is Sharon Atherton and then I guess me. Most of the track team is part of the crowd, too.
DN: I'm going to ask you to make a complete list of all those people, Tom. Is there anyone you can think of that might have had a problem with Macy?
TW: Like what?
DN: Anyone jealous of her? Anyone interested in you that might have seen Macy in the way of the relationship? Any fights?
TW: Um, I see, no.....I can't think of anything like that. I'm sure there are some that are jealous of Macy, she's pretty, popular, a track star, a swim team star, but no one I can think of that really had it in for her.
DN: Did Macy talk to you about anything that might have made her fearful lately....any calls, notes, something stuck on her locker at school?
TW: No, nothing I can think of like that, and I'd remember.
DN: Have you noticed anyone hanging around the school, the track, following you lately?
TW: No, nothing like that.
DN: Have you heard any rumors at school on those lines....anyone said anything about anything unusual lately? Anyone they might be afraid of?
TW: No.
DN: Has Macy ever talked to you about running away?
TW: No! Macy would never do that.
DN: Why do you say that?
TW: Because she was happy at home, she was upset over the divorce but seemed to take it philosophically, she told me she understood it even if she didn't like it, and she had too much to look forward to. You'd have to know Macy, she wants to make that space program more than anything.
DN: You mentioned the divorce, did Macy ever talk to you about her Mom or her Dad seeing someone else?
TW: They were? I mean sorry, no, I think that would be as much a shock to her as to me. I know her Mom and Dad, I have a hard time seeing that myself.
DN: From what you've told me this question is a tough one too, Tom, but please be honest with us here. Was Macy into any drugs?
TW: No way. Nothing. Not even smoking.
DN: You're sure?
TW: Absolutely.
DN: You're doing just fine Tom, only a few more questions. I want you to think hard and tell me if you know of any secrets Macy might have had that she wouldn't tell her parents about.
TW: I'm sure she had some, but nothing big, let's see. I know she cut class a couple times, her Mom would be super pissed if she knew that, um...nothing else I can think of. I think her biggest fears and secrets if that's what they were, are about going to the best college she can get into, sex and making the NASA program.
DN: What do you mean about sex?
TW: Well, she's talking about it and what to do. She hasn't made up her mind yet, but she says she can't talk about it with her Mom much. So we've talked. We basically decided that it could really mess up our lives right now. That's about it.
DN: Was Macy upset about moving into an apartment with her Mom?
TW: No, actually she likes it. No maintenance so she doesn't have to worry about mowing the lawn or painting or any of that. She joked about it. Her room is smaller so she can feel better about throwing stuff out.
DN: Have you and Macy, or just Macy been to any events lately with a crowd? A concert, a show, anything with a crowd?
TW: No. The last thing I can remember was the circus in August. We went to that with a gang of kids.
DN: Do you remember anything happening then that might have been out of place or scared Macy?
TW: Let me think. No, nothing.
DN: Tom, your plans are for law school? You want to go to Duke? How was your visit?
TW: Yes, sir. I do. I really liked the campus and I'm more convinced than ever that's the place for me. I'm looking forward to it.
DN: Do you have any ideas on who might want to take Macy, or why Macy might leave on her own?
TW: None at all. I wish I did.
DN: Is there anything at all you can think of Tom, that might help us find Macy?
TW: Sir, I've been thinking about it constantly and I can't think of anything. I wish I could. I'm scared for her. Please find her.
DN: Thanks, Tom. You've been very cooperative. We'll let you know if we have any more questions.
TW: Just find Macy, okay.
DN: We're trying, Tom. You hang in there.

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