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Witness Interview: Kerry Voller
Excerpts from an interview with Kerry Voller, Bartender at Proud Larry's, regarding Ed Pierce's escape and Victoria Symons.
DW=Detective Wise
KV=Kerry Voller
DW: What did you think of Victoria Symons?
KV: She was a nice girl. She was a hard worker. And then she started hanging out with Ed.
DW: You mean Edward Pierce.
KV: Yeah. The creep. That's what we used to call him.
DW: Why?
KV: Because he was always creeping around. He would slip in here right after midnight on nights we were open late and just sort of stand around. He always watched her, who she was talking to, and stuff. He approached me once when I was talking to her over here behind the bar about a customer's order, you know, just whatever, she was giving me a drink order, and after she walked away he walked up and said "You stay away from Victoria, understand? And I was like, "But I work with her." He said he didn't give a damn, I had better get the picture.
DW: So you saw the two of them together quite a bit?
KV: Not really. He would come in here but they really didn't hang out.
DW: Does taking off with Ed sound like something she would do?
KV: Maybe. He might be holding her against her will. It might be something to do with drugs.
DW: Why do you say that?
KV: I hate to say this, but if Victoria is in New Orleans then it has to be something to do with drugs. She always loved to talk about her friends in New Orleans who were 'wired in,' whatever that means. I guess they're dealers.
DW: Victoria talked about drugs?
KV: Not while she was working. It doesn't look good. But this place has a certain rep, you know. The famous 'kitchen connection'. Supposedly if you work here in the kitchen you're in the drug pipeline in town. I know a lot of people getting high who've never set foot in that kitchen.
DW: How true is that rumor?
KV: It's really not true. People do what they want, but I don't think that would be too cool, if a restaurant started dealing some big-time drugs out of it's kitchen. It's an old story started by a rival bar. But I've heard something else lately.
DW: What?
DH: That because of all these busts that the sheriff is making, the drug scene has dried up all over town, and maybe they went down there to make a big score and bring the goods back up here.
DW: The goods?
KV: Drugs.
DW: What kind of drugs?
DH: The usual. Some weed, a little acid, some pharmaceutical downers.
DW: Do you think this might be true?
KV: I have no idea. I don't see them coming back up here, but who knows.
DW: Do you think that Ed Pierce killed Purity Knight?
KV: I think he did. I think he'll kill Victoria, too.
DW: Why do you say that?
KV: Because he has one goal. He told me one night. To destroy himself with the world's help. Ed is smart but Victoria is smart, too. This won't finish like anybody thinks.
DW: How do you think it'll finish?
KV: They think they're like Natural Born Killers or something. . .go on a rampage and kill some people. Victoria always had a streak of that. She's a nice girl, but she doesn't give a damn about society at large, and we already know about this guy. We'll read about it in the papers when's it all over.

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