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Witness Interview: Victoria Symons

Part 1 of 3
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Ms. Symons was interviewed by Federal agent Stremcha at the Las Vegas Police Department on Saturday, Oct. 18.

F = Federal agent Stremcha
S= Victoria Symons
F: All right, Miss Symons. Do you know where Macy Lamar is?
S: No. We never had her.
F: You didn't set off from Oxford with Macy Lamar?
S: No.
F: You didn't kidnap her?
S: No. Ed thought it was a kick, but no, we never did. It was just me and Tony and him, and then we left Tony and it was just us until yesterday. No one else.
F: Okay then. Let's talk about yesterday - why don't you tell me as much as you can.
S: Yesterday. Yesterday, I don't know, it started out pretty normal. Just like any other day. Sort of - I mean it's not like we're talking 2.5 kids and a car, right?
F: Go ahead, Miss Symons. Yesterday.
S: Right. So we woke up, God, I don't know, I guess around eleven or something. Eleven a.m. We had some donuts and Ed said he wanted to go buy us some stuff, just clothes and things. He had like 20 dollars he won. He's real good at blackjack. Blackjack and craps. We were at the Lucky 8 and he got us some cash, so he was going to go buy us some stuff. Then we were just talking. You know, like about what to do next. We were supposed to be going to California and Hollywood so I could be an actress. I have great potential. But Ed flipped out on me and said we couldn't go yet. Just began yelling at me and everything, saying I was a stupid bitch and obviously we couldn't go anywhere til we got a new car, telling me if I wanted to go so bad I should go out and earn us some good money, if you know what I mean.
F: Ed wanted you to be a prostitute?
S: Yeah. He talked about it all the time, this wasn't the first time. When we first got to town he wanted me to sign up for an escort agency or something, and before then, well he always had these ideas about going to truck stops and stuff. I stood up to him pretty good, but I got hell for it.
F: Let's stick to yesterday for now. Did you stand up to him?
S: Yeah.
F: And did you catch hell for it?
S: Yeah.
F: I'm afraid I need you to be as detailed as possible, Miss Symons. Did he beat you?
S: No, he whipped me, I mean really whipped me. (starting to get upset) He had this bullwhip, he used it all the time . . . I tried to get away, but the trailer is real small and it would get me no matter what. I just curled up on the floor and took it.
F: How long did the whipping go on?
S: I don't know, not very long, maybe five minutes or so. He gets bored real easy, he's all cranked up. He just dropped it all of a sudden and called me a stupid bitch again and said he would take care of me later and left. That was the last I saw him . . . (begins crying)
(pause in the tape)
F: All right. What time did he leave?
S: I guess it was maybe twelve. I don't know.
F: Then what?
S: I just kind of crawled on the couch for a while. Then I took a bath and I put on some salve, for my back. I took a bunch of aspirin and just vegged out watching TV.
F: What made you decide to go see Sheila Penn?
S: I don't know, I mean, it wasn't like anything real bad had happened, nothing out of the ordinary. All I know is I fell asleep for a while and when I woke up I knew he was going to kill me . . . all of a sudden I knew. I just started crying because I knew I was dead, and even if he didn't kill me tonight it was going to happen, or if we got caught maybe I would fry or something. I just kept crying and it was like I wasn't even seeing the TV, I wasn't even there, it was just me dead and me knowing what was going to happen, and he never really wanted to take me to California. I just sat there, and then I was thinking what to do, and for a while I just wanted it to happen and for him to get it over with. I'm not really like that though, I think I've always been a fighter, you know? So after a while I began thinking. All kinds of stuff, like maybe I should kill him and go by myself, but I was scared of it not working and him killing me when he found out. And just running away on my own - I didn't want to get caught like that. I don't really have anyone I can call out here, no relatives or nothing, no one who could help me out. I guess I was kind of feeling sorry for myself, kind of, and I was sick cause I took too many aspirin or something, I just wanted out of that situation, I don't know. It was all these crazy things happening at once, and I wanted out of that.
F: And there was no one else in the trailer in that time? You were alone in the trailer from the time Ed left to when you went to see Sheila Penn?
S: Yes. There was no one with us.
F: All right. So you went to Sheila Penn?
S: Yeah, I guess, I don't know, I could have gone to the 7-11 or something and called, but I didn't have my head on straight. Sheila has always been real nice, she's not going to get in trouble, is she?
F: No.
**end of part one**

| Section One | Section Two | Section Three |

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