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Telephone Call Transcript: Victoria Symons

Investigators confirmed that the call came from a pay phone near the Big Star Gas n Shop near Beeville, Texas, located along Interstate 37 between Corpus Christi and San Antonio at the intersection of Highway 59. The attendant on duty at the time recalled that a "big American car" had parked near the phone at the station, but was unable to identify Symonds or Edward Pierce from photographs. He said no one purchased gas or other goods from the station during the hour of the incident.

AJ = Anna Jean Symons
V = Victoria
AJ: Hello?
V: Hi ho! Hi ho!
AJ: Hello? Who is this?
V: Hello, who is this? (laughs)
AJ: Vicky, is that you?
V: Vicky? There is no Vicky here. . . only a fugitive from
the law. (laughs) Isn't that a kick?
AJ: Oh baby, where are you Vicky?
V: (angry) NO VICKY! (laughs briefly, then begins crying) He
doesn't even want me any more because of the other girl. Do
you know what that's like? I'm going to be a big star and he
doesn't even want me any more. All of this and I get
AJ: You mean that girl - the sheriff's -
V: Nothing at all. But just wait. Someday when I'm a star
you can all come kiss my feet . . . but I won't let you!
(laughs) Not even him. I won't let him, after he's been so
mean to me.
AJ: Baby, come home, why don't you come home?
V: No, no. (laughs) No home. No Vicky, no home. ET phone
home. Phone going bye bye now!
AJ: Wait, tell -
V: Say bye bye now. Bye bye!
(end of call)

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