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PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, to any sheriff, policeman or peace officer in the county of Bedford and accompanied by any agent of the federal bureau of investigation: PROOF of affidavit, having been made before me by FBI Special Agent Donna Hillman and Detective Jay Green that there is probable cause to believe that the property described herein may be found at the location set forth herein. You are hereby COMMANDED TO SEARCH the premises located at and described as, 1012 Horse Mountain Road, City of Shelbyville, County of Bedford, State of Tennessee. 1012 Horse Mountain Road is described as being on the South side of Horse Mountain Road, approximately .25 miles east of the intersection of Horse Mountain Road and Park Road and approximately .40 miles west of the intersection of Horse Mountain Road and Eaton Road. Further described as a white two story wood frame structure with an attached front porch and light blue front entry door. You are hereby COMMANDED TO SEARCH the stated premises including all rooms, basements, attics, storage rooms and areas, safes, trash containers, and outbuildings including storage sheds and any other temporary or permanent fixtures thereto on said premises. For the following persons: Macy Lynn Lamar and unknown abductors. Further to search for the following property: items belonging to or referring to Macy Lynn Lamar, her abduction or her transportation and housing, and any items including items bearing signatures, initials or marks, correspondence, letters, notes, faxes, electronic transmissions including e-mail and Uniform Resource Locator addresses from the Internet, diaries, journals, date books, telephone records, bills, forwarded correspondence, contracts, receipts, electronic storage medium, computers, typewriters, typing paper, addressed envelopes, photographs, video recordings, tape recordings, answering machine devices with tapes, or answer any telephone calls during the course of the search warrant being served, clothing, suitcases or other luggage or personal carrying devices including purses, wallets, pouches and similarly identified items. Further, this warrant authorizes search for the following property and/or evidence: forensic collection procedures including print, hair, fiber, bodily fluid, tissue sample and photographic collection and forensic sampling for evidence collection of the presence of Macy Lynn Lamar or her abductors, as described in the affidavits here attached, and including collection of unknown samples of same for matching in the case of Macy Lynn Lamar. Further to execute this warrant for any property or evidence including: illegal firearms, illegal drugs or legally prescribed drugs encountered in the search. Further for the following property: weapons, rope, materials such as may be used for restraint or blinding, locks and other similar devices as pertain to the affidavits herein attached or receipts for same. AND TO SEIZE it if found and bring it forthwith before me, or this court, at the courthouse of this court. GIVEN under my hand and dated this 4th of December 19 97 at 2:30 p.m.
Signature of Magistrate, Randall J. Parker Judge of the Superior Court