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Radio Incident Summary

DJ = Bryant Whittaker
EP = Ed Pierce
DJ: . . . Hello! And we have another 
caller on the line. Hello, who's this?
EP: Yeah, yeah. ... can you by any chance suggest a song ... 
something really good ... I just can't think straight with 
all that hide and seek.
DJ: OK, well, you're the one who gets to make the request! Would 
you like something catchy or maybe a slower groove -- you 
sound a little --
EP: No! No - nothing slow, something hard and angry to lash 
out at the rest of the world for what they're done to me, 
something full of hate and evil - yeah! that's it, something 
to satisfy the cold and evil soul of a man...got anything?
DJ: All right, man, we got all kinds of stuff. but that's a 
rather odd  request! Thats a rather odd request.(chuckles) 
You aren't in trouble or anything are you?
EP: Trouble? No, not trouble ... just out on my own, away 
from them ... nothing which a killer can't take care of -- 
ha ha - look don't try giving advice right now because I'm 
basically tired of listening ... just play the song like we 
talked about ! .... (interference)
DJ: You're breaking up there, friend. Whatever you say, I'll 
pick --
EP: I want it dedicated to Geena. Just do it . . . I'll be 
listening! (hangs up)
*End of call*

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