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Daily Mississippian, University of Mississippi
Monday, September 22, 1997
Dorm Resident Attacked
By Cherry Noble
On the night of September 18 Shawna Campbell thought she would get a good night's sleep. Instead, she was attacked and raped in her dorm room.
Campbell, a freshman and resident of Stewart Hall, had just returned from a shower when her attacker entered her room, pinned her to the floor, and elbowed her in the trachea in order to keep her quiet, said resident hall advisor Mary Ann Novak.
The attacker, described by the victim as a six-foot white male with short hair, left the victim's room immediately after the assault. He left Campbell with bruises on her chin and neck, Novak said.
No one has reported seeing the perpetrator after the assault, which occurred around 10:15 pm.
On the morning of September 20 residence activities planner Tony Phelps was apprehended outside of Proud Larry's bar by member of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department. Phelps was then taken to the police headquarters for questioning, said Yoknapatawpha County Detective T. Nelson.
Nelson confirmed that Phelps is being investigated in regards to Campbell's attack.
Novak said Phelps does fit the description of Campbell's attacker. "Tony really isn't, well he doesn't seem to be, the type to do something like this," added Novak.
Campbell, who has declined comment, returned to her parent's home on the morning after the attack. Novak is unsure when, or if, Campbell will return to Ole Miss.
Campbell's rape is the fifth in Yoknapatawpha County in the past six weeks. The past four attacks are now attributed to "The Proud Larry's Attacker" due to the fact that all past victims were seen in Proud Larry's shortly before being assaulted.
Campbell has been to Proud Larry's but not in the past two weeks, Nelson said.
This is the first reported sexual assault on campus this semester. How the perpetrator gained access to Campbell's fourth floor hall remains unknown, Nelson said.
University Police Department declined comment. Vice-president of Student Life Sarah Matthews please asks that all residents keep their doors locked during all hours in light of these most recent alarming events.

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