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Wednesday, September 24, 1997
Why does Sheriff Lamar suddenly
want the support of Yoknapatawpha County?

And how far is he willing to go to get it?
Sheriff Chuck Lamar has waged a one-man war on crime in Yoknapatawpha County in the last few weeks, but some citizens wonder exactly what his motives have been.
Lamar, who is up for re-election this fall, has been notorious in the last few years for his inactivity when it comes to both stopping and solving Yoknapatawpha County crimes. Yet in an election year, and more specifically very recently, the sheriff seems bent on pursing every lead that crosses his desk, whether justified or not. He seems bent on writing tickets to anyone for the smallest traffic infraction -- Mrs. Norton Delmar explained to us that she was ticketed three times on last Saturday afternoon for a broken turn signal, after stating to the ticketing deputy (who was accompanied by the sheriff during two of the citations) that her husband was out of town until Monday and she would have him fix it then. And the sheriff seems to take particular delight in harassing college kids right now, leveling twenty or more noise violations each weekend for the last two weekends, and picking up students for public drunk who are simply walking home from the bar minding their own business.
Lamar's recent roadblocks on Highways 6, 7, and Old Highway 7 North, sometimes lasting all day and night; his incessant patrolling of county suburbs, sometimes staying in the same immediate area for hours; and his raids on unsuspecting college students which have so far produced little if any criminal activity all were reasons cited by angry citizens who called our office this week to complain about the sheriff's increasingly bizarre behavior.
Although the sheriff appears to be doing his sworn duty now, one citizen argued that it took the escape of suspected murderer Edward Pierce and accused rapist Anthony Phelps, who are believed to have killed a County Sheriff's Deputy and put another in a coma during their escape, and the death of Phelps in a motel room across the Louisiana state line, to get Lamar to step up to the plate. At this moment the sheriff's daughter, Macy Lamar, is missing and feared abducted. Some officials believe she is in the clutches of Pierce, the suspected murderer of Purity Knight.
All of this, combined with the fact that the sheriff faces what could be called his first real competition for the job, from prosecuting attorney Harold Mazza, lead many, including this newspaper, to believe that the county on the whole would be better served if Sheriff Chuck Lamar would simply step down and hand his post over to someone who can concentrate on his duties without letting his personal life cloud his work and vice versa. Police officers, judges, and deputies regularly excuse themselves from certain cases if there is any inkling of personal involvement with a victim or criminal. Sheriff Lamar, though, seems to relish the thought of going after his daughter's kidnapper. Sources close to the department tell us that Sheriff Lamar neither sleeps nor eats for as long as three days on some occasions, and has taken to carrying an additional pistol and a Bowie hunting knife attached to his belt. Several arrests have been thrown out of county court in the recent weeks due to either lack of evidence or contradictory statements on behalf of the sheriff both at the time of the arrest and during court. It almost appears that the sheriff no longer knows what is going on in his own county, and within his own department.
This newspaper will be the first to agree that what this county needs is a law-and-order sheriff, but we will not, nor should we have to, condone such outlandish behavior in the name of justice. The FBI should be the first and only agency to work the Macy Lamar kidnapping, since they have both the jurisdiction, if the child has crossed state lines, and the experience of having recovered dozens of kidnapped children and teens every year.
Step down, Sherifff Lamar, and let someone else take over these investigations and bring Yoknapatawpha County back to a law-and-order, above-the board, environment in which to live and work. The election is in a few months and you will not win, Chuck. Our new sheriff is going to be Harold Mazza, and your increased presence all over the county for the next two months will be understood for what it is -- a political ploy to get votes.

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