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Yoknapatawpha County Child Protective Services
Intake Date: September 22, 1997
Case No.: M-3381
Missing Child: Macy L. Lamar
Case Worker: Janet Greenleigh, M.S.W.
Type: Statutory, possible criminal disappearance
Missing child report on September 20, 1997, possible criminal abduction. 17 year old child missing from Oxford Mall approximately 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Circumstances: child was shopping with mother, went to music store alone, failed to meet mother at assigned place and time. Personal effects including purse with all contents but wallet and Sound Shop bag with purchased CD and receipt found in trash container approximately 50 yards from exit in side area.
Possible abduction, two escaped felons possibly sighted in theft of vehicle from Mall parking lot at approximately 5:30 p.m. in same vicinity.
No witnesses to abduction, disappearance.
Investigating agency, Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department, contact Detective Terrence Nelson. Alternate contact, Special Agent Donna Hillman, FBI, Jackson Field office, Child Abduction Unit.
CPS Involvement
CPS statutory mandate to investigate possible family negligence, involvement, contributory factors, possible criminal disappearance.
This investigator met with missing child's father, Charles Lamar on September 22, 1997, 10:00 am at his home. Parents separated June 18, 1997 and are in divorce proceedings. Father is distraught, capable of responding to questions, no medications. Father reports child is living with mother. Father reports active involvement in child's life. Is unaware of any factor to cause her to be a runaway. No recent arguments. Divorce is amicable and mutual. Child appears to be handling divorce well. Father states that he has a good relationship with child. Last saw child on Friday, September 19. Father is a law enforcement official and understands the criminal and legal ramifications. He has received no notes, calls or other communication concerning his daughter. He reports he does not believe mother or other local relatives would harm child.
This investigator met with the missing child's mother, Caroline Blanchard, Monday September 22, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. at her home. Mother is distraught, able to respond to questions, no medications. Mother reports that missing child was happy. No recent arguments, no altercations or disagreements at the Mall. Mother states that separation and divorce are hard on daughter but she is coping well. Mother confirms divorce is mutual and amicable. Last saw child on Saturday, September 20 at the Mall when they went to different stores. She has received no communication regarding the missing child, no notes, calls or contacts. She reports the child's relationship with biological father is good, father spends close to daily time with daughter, is involved in her life and activities. Mother does not believe father would harm daughter, is not aware of any reason for child to be a runaway, is in fact adamant that this child would not be a runaway. Does not know of anyone who would harm child. Mother reports that she has found no notes, diary or correspondence from her daughter indicating any problems. She states child was looking forward to track meet.
An inspection of the living facilities shows a well established, clean and positive atmosphere. Child has her own room. Room is that of a typical teenage girl, photos, notes and school work are obvious and displayed. Nothing indicates any signs of neglect or deprivation. No indication of a criminal neglect or failure to protect complaint.
Interview with Principal Kathleen Millard at Lafayette High School, Monday, September 22, 1997 3:30 p.m. Principal Millard knows the child and reports her to be an active, bright student. She knows of no reason for the child to be unhappy, no recent complaints, no behavior problems at the school. States this child is a responsible girl who would be highly unlikely to be missing of her own volition.
Interview with Thomas Grayson, Guidance Counselor, Lafayette High School, Monday, September 22, 1997 at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Grayson reviewed missing child's record with this investigator. She is a bright student with excellent grades, maintains honor roll status consistently, has ambitious goals and plans for college. He sees nothing in her record to indicate a problem. Additionally, Mr. Grayson reports no conferences with this student regarding any problems in school, with behavior, with teachers or fellow students. Last met with child September 9th regarding merit scholarship applications.
Interview with Ms. Clare Brown, homeroom and English teacher for child, Monday, September 22, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. Ms. Brown reports that child is a happy, well adjusted child in class, completes assignments promptly, does very well on tests. She reports child is a very outgoing, active, well liked child, very responsible. She has seen no evidence of physical abuse, no bruises, injuries or unexplained absences. She reports no recent behavior problems and no signs that this child was troubled. She spends approximately 10 - 12 hours per week with this student. She knows of no one with a grudge against this child, no student who might want to harm her. Has heard no rumors in the school.
Interview with Ms. Jane Thompson and Mr. Jack Dugan, athletic department track coaches, Monday, September 22, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. Both Ms. Thompson and Mr. Dugan expressed profound shock and concern for the missing child. Both report her to be a very responsible, dependable child, an outstanding athlete. The child is described as an excellent team player, well liked by other team members, no known animosities among any players. Both express the definite opinion that this child is not a likely runaway. Neither has seen any evidence of abuse, no evidence of behavior problems, no indications of a troubled youngster in the week leading to her disappearance (or before). Ms. Thompson has known the child for three years, Mr. Dugan for approximately one.
Interview with Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lamar, Tuesday, September 23, 1997, 11:00 a.m. at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar are visibly shaken by the disappearance of their granddaughter. They have received no communication from her or regarding her disappearance. They have no knowledge of any reason for this child to be a runaway or unhappy. They are unaware of any abuse or neglect stating the child's parents take excellent care of her. They last saw the child Sunday, September 14th when she came for a visit. On that visit the child was reportedly in good spirits and seemed very happy. They have no knowledge of any specific person who would want to harm the child.
Interview with Jeannie Golden, Tuesday, September 23, 1997 1:00 p.m. at her home located on the property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lamar. Mrs. Golden last saw her niece on the same date, Sunday, September 14th. She states the child was happy and spent several hours with her cousins, Sarah 15 and Scott 18. She is aware of no problems or troubles with this child. She states that she is not aware of any abuse or neglect, that the parents are good parents. She is unaware of any reason for this child to be a runaway and feels that the family support structure is such that it would be more likely her niece would turn to the family for help than to run away. She states she has a close relationship with her niece and feels she would know of anything troubling her. She has no knowledge of anyone that might want to harm the child. She states that the child has a good relationship with her cousins and is aware of no problems with them.
Due to school hours this investigator was unable to interview the child's cousins, however, Mrs. Golden stated that she would ask her children again of any knowledge or rumors they may have heard and will call CPS and the authorities if she learns anything.
Summary Conclusion
From the statutory review conducted by this investigator, we find no evidence of abuse or criminal neglect in the home. The child appears to be well adjusted, highly responsible and an unlikely candidate for voluntary absence. We find no evidence to suggest that the parents or family members might be involved in the disappearance of this child. At this time no further action recommended per statutory requirements.
Janet Greenleigh, M.S.W.

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