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Monday, December 8, 1997 Guest: Detective Jay Green, Shelbyville, Tennessee Opening Remarks: Good evening everyone. My name is Detective Green and I'm here to describe to you what we found on a tip. As, I'm sure you are all aware, we published a search warrant we issued on the Crime Scene site about a farmhouse in Shelbyville. I accompanied Agent Hillman to search the farmhouse on a sighting of Macy Lamar. But there is information about our search there. Unfortunately, all I can disclose is the information that I know. All the tip information was with the FBI, all I really know is that the FBI received several calls about possible sightings in Shelbyville and narrowed it down to this farmhouse. All the tip information you'd have to get through Agent Hillman. However, I can tell you what we did find. We did lift a set of prints that positively identified Macy Lamar as having been in the farmhouse. We went in and found the farmhouse had been lived in. We also found another button of a Liz Claiborne make. We looked around the farmhouse and found a few items in the cupboards a box of cereal, a half empty bottle of Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice. We also found another set of unidentifiable prints in the farm house. Can I take any questions? Question and Answer session: Q: Are you going to search databases to try to ID the fingerprints? A: Yes, I believe that the FBI is handling that. We did a search already, but came up with no identifiable match. The FBI is running another search from what I understand. Q: How was the search narrowed down to the farmhouse, of all places? A: The FBI received several calls on sightings in the Shelbyville area. Some very good tips came into them, which will be listed on the site this week. The local Tip Line took several calls on this, too. Q: Did the farmhouse look like a place for gambling? A: What I can tell you is that we had an officer check out the area and noticed some odd things around that farmhouse. He mentioned seeing a big black car outside the farmhouse and lights going on and off at odd times. As for the farmhouse being a gambling area? No, not that we are aware of. It is just a farmhouse, it's in a fairly secluded area. Q: Where did you pick up Macy's fingerprints in the farmhouse? A: We lifted the prints from a small endtable by the sofa in the farmhouse. Very near to where we found the button. Q: Could you tell how long the house had been vacated? A: We believe they vacated the house within a day or two of our search. There was food that was left in the fridge that seemed rather recently bought. Q: Are there any landfills or laboratory setups found in or near the farmhouse? A: No, it's a very secluded area, nothing around it for at least two or three miles. And the house was rather clean...no laboratory setups in it either. Q: Do you know if Mr. Birne was surprised when served with the search warrant, or did he seem to expect it? A: Mr. Birne was rather surprised, but he had seen the surveillance. I think he may have realized that was the reason why. Although, to be honest, I think he knows more than he's saying. The house was pretty clean when we got there, and the way it had been cleaned, it was like they knew we were coming. Q: Does Mr. Birne work for Reed Chambeau? A: I don't really know. I don't think he does, but they might know each other. I don't really keep up with that sort of stuff. Q: How could the tipster see lights going on and off if house was secluded? Maybe he wanted you to go there while they were up to something else or moving Macy elsewhere. A: I'm not really sure, maybe they were driving by. Locals around here notice things like that. But I didn't take any of the calls, and I don't exactly know what the sighting tips said. That's all FBI and Mississippi information. Q: Is it possible that there is an insider on the police force that has been keeping Chambeau's people informed? A: Not from our force out here, but I can't really speak on behalf of the Oxford Department. I can only speak for the Bedford County Sheriff's Office. Q: What do you believe to be the significance of the button - did it have Macy's prints on it? A: Personally, I think that maybe the girl is leaving a trail. I think she wants us to find her, and that she might be trying to help us find her. I'm not really sure, but I think that they found a similar button at the last place they searched? Q: How large is the farm and does it use pesticide, or is it abandoned? A: It's not a working farm. It's a rental house, but it's been unoccupied for months. Q: What was on the button again? A: It was a unique gold button traced to the Liz Claiborne line of better women's suits manufactured in 1997. The FBI have it now for analysis. Wednesday, December 10, 1997 Guest: Chase McFadden, Oxford Eagle Opening Remarks: Hello everyone. I'm here tonight to let you all in on a scoop I've been working on. I've a lot to say so please be patient. I've recently been working on finding out the real truth behind the dumping at the Dickerson Farm and who exactly is behind it. I believe I've found Chambeau Superior Chemical to be the source of the toxic waste, and that C/S Disposal, Inc. has links to both Chambeaus, though I've not been able to tie them to the Chambeaus directly, I expect I will be able to prove that after a little more research. I do have some insiders at C/S Disposal, Inc. that have admitted to this off the record, that they have been dumping at Dickerson for Chambeau Superior Chemical. I believe that Reed Chambeau is, in fact, involved because I have done research, and have found no way that he could not have possibly known. To make things odder, I have done research and found that Reed Chambeau and his estranged half brother, Jacques, have been transferring "personal gifts". This is very odd because these two men have not spoken to each other until the past six months or so, and yet Reed has been receiving vast amounts of "personal gifts" from a brother he has had nothing to do with who just happens to co-own Chambeau Superior Chemicals with Reed Chambeau's other half brother Martin who has also been estranged. The three say they are trying to bring unity back to their family again, but the timing is too convenient. Question and Answer session: Q: Who is the oldest of the three Chambeau brothers? A: Jacques is the eldest, Martin is next in line, and Reed Chambeau is the youngest of the half brothers. Q: Have you interviewed Reed or his brothers personally? A: I have spoken with Reed Chambeau and his brothers. All deny involvement and claim that the monetary transfers were just "personal gifts", but all refused to comment further. Q: What have their activities involved since this all began...any traveling? A: Jacques and Martin haven't traveled as much as Reed has been the last few months. Reed Chambeau has been traveling extensively which has been giving the Oxford Police Department problems questioning him. Q: Do you know what the nature of these personal gifts is? A: Large sums of money. They were wiring money to each other. Stocks and cash totaling close to $1 million from Jacques and Martin to Reed Chambeau. Q: Where to Jacques and Martin live? A: They have homes in Mississippi, Tennessee, New York, California, and in the Caribbean Islands. Q: How did you find out about the money transfers and do you have dates as to when it was sent? A: I made contact with former C/S controller Bernie Alexander. He said he became aware of the activities through an audit in which he came across a number of expenses that included driver's overtime hours that could not be accounted for. He alleged that his questioning led to his discharge on October 31. I don't have exact dates on when all this took place, but it has been going on for at least the last six months or so. Q: What can you tell us about the nature of their relationship, and why the estrangement if they all live in the same areas and co-own a company? A: Only Martin and Jacques co-own Chambeau Superior Chemical. They (Jacques and Martin) have been totally estranged from Reed. It is widely known that they refused to speak to Reed, after a family dispute. However, I don't have information on what the actual dispute was. Q: Do you know if Macy was involved in environmental issues, and if she might like one of the Chambeaus? A: I haven't made any such connections between Ms. Lamar to the Chambeaus, but I suppose it's possible. I just don't know of any. Q: Do you know what vehicles are registered in their names? A: Vehicles? No. I'm not doing personal research on the Chambeaus, I'm researching the dumping. I'm trying to prove that C/S Disposal, Inc. is linked to Reed Chambeau right now. Q: Have Reed or his brothers ever been in trouble with the law before? A: Nothing that I was able to get a hold of other than this interesting little tid bit. Although C/S Disposal Inc. never mentions Reed Chambeau's name in any of their documents, Benjamin P. Snyder who is a CEO at C/S is an investment partner with Chambeau Properties Inc., which is owned by Reed Chambeau. Snyder said that the company is launching an investigation into the dumping incident, but denied Chambeau was involved. I think someone isn't being totally honest here. Q: Have you questioned any of the CS drivers, or do they contract out? If so, who have you interviewed? A: I have interviewed a C/S driver--who wished to be interviewed under total anonymity--who said that he has driven dioxins to the Dickerson Farm on two occasions. He said that this was a deal between C/S and Chambeau Superior Chemicals. I did later ascertain from Bernie Alexander that Chambeau Superior is a client of C/S disposal. Q: Did Reed Chambeau get money for Dickerson ranch from his brothers? Or from Benjamin Snyder? A: The money Reed Chambeau received in the past months was from his brothers, but I haven't been able to ascertain where the original funding came from. Q: What do you think large sums were for, bribes, blackmail, illegal operations? A: I believe the money was used for the dumping. I think that Chambeau Superior is paying Reed Chambeau to let them dump their chemicals there. Thursday, December 11, 1997 Guest: Mary Hollis, Lakeside Inn Witness Opening Remarks: Hello all! My name is Mary Hollis, and I'm a hostess for the Lakeside Inn on Enid Dam Road. It's an intimate little dining establishment. Well, anyway, I called the Sheriff's office the other day to let them know that I came across a note for November 8th for reservations for Sheriff Lamar at 10:30 p.m. when I was going through the books in order to set up a new one. It was really odd because I remembered him calling. The Sheriff was a regular and he always called in advance and would order the wine he wanted with dinner. But that night it was really strange because it was real spur of the moment. He only called about three hours before the reservation and he usually would call at least a day in advance. He was real particular about that. Anyway, he never showed that night, and with all the publicity about his daughter's disappearance and his accident, I decided to find out about the night he was supposed to come and sure enough it was the night of the accident. So I called to let them know what I knew. I can answer some questions about that night if anyone has any. Question and Answer session: Q: How many members in the party for the reservation and who did the Sheriff usually have dinner with at your restaurant? A: Well he always made the reservations for a table for two, the table over by the corner with the window that overlooks the lake. Sometimes his girlfriend would meet him there. His girlfriend, Aimee Harberson, but I didn't know that was her last name until Monday when Detective Nelson had me look at her picture. I always knew her as Aimee. Q: How long has Sheriff Lamar been a regular at your restaurant? A: Well, I've worked at the restaurant for about two years now, and he's been coming all the time that I've worked there, but only about a year ago or less did he start bringing Aimee with him, so I don't think they'd been dating real long. Q: Is the restaurant along Route 7 or anywhere near it? A: The Lakeside in is off of Interstate 55 and Route 32, but 7 crosses 32, I believe. In Water Valley, I think. Q: Did you ever see Aimee there with anyone besides the Sheriff? A: No, the only time I saw her was when she came in with Sheriff Lamar. Q: Did Sheriff Lamar seem in any way peculiar when he called in the reservations? A: No, not that I noticed. I just thought it was strange because he is normally so constant on calling in advance, and when he didn't show up it sort of upset another party that had wanted that table for the night. But he sounded just fine when he called. Nothing unusual about the way he spoke or anything. Q: Did you notice if Sheriff Lamar checked into a room near the restaurant after these dinners? A: I just handle dinner reservations, I don't do any work with room reservations. Q: Who owns restaurant? Were any of the Chambeaus ever there? A: I don't really know who owns the restaurant to be honest. I've never asked, I just deal with my manager and that's about it. The Chambeaus? No, not that I can think of, but if they do come in they wouldn't be regulars because I don't remember seeing them there. I really only remember people who come in regularly. Oh! Maybe this will help with the owner's name, I get my checks from Janus Realty, but I don't know who or what that is. Q: When was the last time you saw the Sheriff and/or Aimee at your restaurant? A: I've got all the dates for the past six months here that he reserved a table, do you want all of them or just the last visit before he reserved a table on the 8th? October 25 was the last time he had made reservations before the November 8th reservation. That reservation was at 9pm. The other dates include July 13 at 9pm, August 3 at 9pm, August 20th at 9pm, August 31st at 9pm, September 14th at 8:30 pm, October 3rd at 9 pm, and then the October 25th reservation at 9pm with the final reservation on the 8th of November at 10:30 pm. Q: Did you ever see the Sheriff there with anyone besides Aimee? A: No, not for the last couple of months he's only been coming with her. Q: Have you been noticing any trucks in the parking lot? Large ones that could transport barrels? A: No. That's an odd question. No, we don't get many of those around the Inn. Q: Have you noticed any new regulars coming into the restaurant? A: Not recently, no. Q: What about prior to the last couple of months? Did Sheriff Lamar show up with anyone else? A: Before he started bringing Aimee? No, not that I can recall, he'd come in by himself and just look out over the lake and think a lot to himself. He was a real loner up until he started bringing her. Q: Are there any live-aboard marinas near the restaurant? A: No, not that I know of. It's a nice size lake, but it's not that big. Q: The last time the Sheriff was in your restaurant, did you have anybody coming in before or after Lamar? A: Sure we get lots of people who are always coming and going. But the last time I saw him was in October, and I don't remember anything special about it. Q: What is your managers name? Were packages or envelopes ever left for the Sheriff? A: Jim Daniels is my manager. Packages for the Sheriff? No. None that I ever saw. No envelopes either, nothing was ever left for the Sheriff. Q: Do you recall anything about a boathouse fire within the past couple months? A: Boathouse fire? I heard something about there being a fire a while back, but never asked about details. It didn't seem important. Q: Did the Sheriff ever get any calls while he was at the restaurant? A: No, he didn't get calls. Q: Are you sure the Sheriff made the last reservation? A: Yes, I know his voice pretty well. He was really nice and friendly. Great tipper. Aimee was a bit cold for him I always thought, but he was very nice. It was him. Q: Had you ever talked to Aimee before? If so, what about? A: I always said hello, but she was always real quiet and reserved. She seemed a little on the cool side, I mean, it was obvious she and Sheriff Lamar were dating, but she didn't seem the type to show any public affection. Sheriff Lamar always helped her with her coat and chair. He was very polite. She just seemed distant about it. Q: What type of restaurant is the Lakeside Inn? A: Real intimate place to eat. It's real quiet and cozy. Great place to bring a date. It's a steak place. Friday, December 12, 1997 Guest: Seance with Madame Raylene (Note: In attempt to preserve the nature of the seance this chat is presented as it unfolded.) Good evening. It is much too noisy. I must have quiet only whispers if you must. It disturbs the spirits. I must have it darker in here. I would like everyone to please be very concentrated tonight. My guide has said we will reach the Sheriff. But only if I am very clear. Dark....... So dark.......... I cannot see....... Come to me....... Come forth! Is there someone there? I see a flickering... Brighter Fire? Is that fire? Who is there? Come forth.... Your hair? your hair is burning...... Are you the Ship? You are? You may speak through me. There is so much pain. Lives gone bad. Money. Wrong people. Not the girl. I walked the earth. I lived. I loved. I cheated. Now, I walk in fire for the wrongs I did. The lives I ruined. Reed will pay, too. The brothers will pay. We all pay, in the end. They poisoned...the earth. We drank at the well. We fattened the calf. They filled the barrels. But, they buried the evidence. We lost Paradise. It is Forever. It is an Eternity. Never will the fire leave me. Reed will have it, too. The Three will have the smell of dioxin, till the end of time. The fire was my punishment. The earth's retribution for powers granted. My reward for my greed. The shell game did not work. In the end. They found it all. Emelle will have its due. Dickerson, too. The children. What did they do to the children? And I? I will have my revenge. My death for the sake of money will.. Reed thought.......... Reed thought he could rob me. He thought he could kill me. But I await him. Eternally. The fire was the plan. The death was the work of Fate. I have all the chips. The game will be mine. I have nothing to do but wait for them. Romulus and Remus. Reed. Betrayers!!!! Betrayers of all mankind. The water will give forth. Then it will be known. All will be shown when...She returns. When the water turns Not wine. Not wine. The smell. They will not escape the smell. Oh the children they hurt. The ones who are gone. The ones who will..... EMELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DICKERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!! My torment is Eternal. Theirs will be worse. YOU cannot hide forever. No one can. CL already suffers. He is here. The Dog torments him eternally. As Purity torments the Dog. Ohhhhhhh. A moment, please. Who? Who are you? A star? So shiny, I cannot see. I hear the Dog again. Lamar? Charles Lamar? Is it you? I cannot see. Oh, your head.....Oh, no........ You may speak through me..... My girl? Where is my girl? What has happened? Why? I should never have gone. I should have stopped. The chips fall where they may. The little witch drew me in. I couldn't stop. I had to win. I couldn't win. We ate, we drank, we.... Oh, Lord, forgive me... My little baby. I was a good man. One thing led to another. I didn't know about the children. Dickerson........... THEY will pay. I will see to it. MY retribution will be done. I will have my due for what they have done to me. They pulled me in. I couldn't help myself. And, now, she suffers for my sins. My child. Caroline? Are you out there? I can't see you. Oh, my, a moment. This is so difficult. The Sheriff, his head... It is so bad I can ask limited questions, but it is very difficult to see him and even harder to translate You may ask questions of the Sheriff for now Q: Who do you think kidnapped Macy? The men kidnapped Macy. Macy is alive tonight. Q: Where is Macy? I can't see Macy now. Q: When you refer to the children, plural, what exactly does that have to do with anything? The children of the Ages to Come will suffer. The brothers will suffer, but so will the children. Q: Where were you going on November 8? The witch. The water. The fire. Q: What is so important about the lake? The lake is always there. Look for the connection. The destination is always ahead. Q: What connection did you have to Reed Chambeau? Reed is evil. Reed will suffer for what he has done to me and to the children Q: Who drugged you and ran you off the road on Hwy 7, Nov 8, 1997? Time has no meaning here. I don't remember a road, only the road here. Q: You wanted to win right? Win what and what were the prizes and the stakes of the 'game'? The prize was always in sight. The prize was the root. I never saw the prize. Q: Is Macy all right? Has she been harmed? Macy is a good girl. Macy has suffered for my sins. Q: Has the lake been poisoned? The water is poisoned. There is no lake here. Q: Did the "witch" set you up? YES Q: Why did you go driving after drinking on the night you died? What was so urgent? Drinking? Driving? These have no place here. I must find Macy. The witch was my sin. Q: Were the "witch" and Reed working together? The brothers worked together The witch knew the brother. Q: Was Macy payment for one of your card games? Card games? There are no cards here. The chips fall where they may. I will pay forever for my weakness. Q: When you call Aimee a "witch" how literally do you mean that? Her spell. It must have been a spell. I was a good man. Q: Is Aimee the witch you are taking about? THE WITCH WILL PAY. I WILL SEE TO IT. I WAIT FOR HER. Q: What was the game that the witch drew you into? The witch drew me into the game. The game was always there. I resisted. I resisted for so long. The temptation. Q: Did the brothers know bob Gilbert? The pawn was duped. I was duped. The King will not win. Q: Can you see Macy yet? I try. I try to watch for her. Sometimes I see her Sometimes not. Ohhhhhhh I am sorry a moment please I must reestablish my guide The Sheriff wishes to speak again No more questions now Macy will come. Macy.....oh, my Macy...Daddy is so sorry... Macy, please forgive me? I should have found you. I never knew they would do what they did. Conspiracy. Money. Murder. Where will it end? The sins of the Father. DOG!!! Get away from me!!!!! ED ED ED Sorry. So sorry. Never knew it would go so far. Never knew what they were doing till the end. Look for my Macy. Please look. The woman has gone to see the son of John. Follow the witch. She knows all. She is evil. She is cold. She is a witch. Anderson, hear me, it will be.....YOU Lamar? Have you left me? Lamar? A moment, please, a moment. I need to tell what I saw in there. Please, a moment B. Find the B. The girl is there. She is there. The house will be found. The girl is there. She lies there....... I am sorry. I must stop. But, I can tell you about what I saw Tonight and last night The Sheriff's head is injured horribly He is suffering greatly From what I have learned about the spirit world He will be that way forever He is horribly burned and almost unrecognizable He tries very hard to watch over Macy. He says that Macy will be found soon, very soon. But he cannot see how she will be He cannot always see her so he is not sure what she has gone through since his death Ship will suffer the flames forever. His entire head is surrounded by flame He feels betrayed Both want revenge Both will have it I can answer questions about what I have seen and heard Q: What was Dog doing to Lamar? A: Dog tortures Lamar for his own death. He is a demon and has always been a demon. The torture is eternal. Q: What did he mean about Anderson being next? A: I don't know. I cannot always divine the meaning. Translation is very difficult for me. Q: You said Lamar said �find her on the Lake�, was he talking about? A: I don't know the meaning of what they say only what is said. Q: Who is the "pawn" that got duped? A: I'm not sure. I believe it was in answer to a question? When in a trance I cannot always understand. Q: Do you find spirits are more symbolic or literal in what they say? A: The spirits only speak rarely at all. My experience has been that they sometimes do both. Q: Do you sense all a spirit's hostilities? If so, is Lamar hostile toward Mazza? A: He didn't mention Mazza at all, but I would imagine anyone who wronged him will feel his wrath. Q: Madam, isn't there any way that Sheriff Lamar can warn Anderson of his doom? A: Doom? Q: Have you done any Tarot readings on Macy? A: I read Tarot but the subject must touch the cards so I have not. Q: I'm sorry I can only stay a little longer. I am so tired. |