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Friday, September 19, 1997 Guest: Detectives Armstrong and Nelson Opening Remarks: Detective Armstrong: "I also came by tonight to let you all know that I'll be leaving the force for a while. I decided that with all of the politics from this last case that I really just need a break for a while. However, I will be starting up my own Private Investigation firm. It'll be nice to work for myself and pick my own cases for a while." He will be joining forces with Detective Anderson in this venture. Detective Anderson was discharged from the hospital and is recuperating at home. Detective Nelson is in charge of this next case. He is the lead investigator. He gave the initial presentation on the new case. "Women, after a night at Proud Larry's, have been attacked. I'm not at liberty to discuss the other cases I can, however, discuss, the latest case. That victim has agreed to the publicity. She was attacked in her room, the door left unlocked, brutalized for a lengthy period. Witnesses helped us find the suspect." Question & Answer session: Q: Why the door was unlocked? A: She left the room unlocked to her dorm, the outside exits were secure and monitored. Q: Is she OK? A: Yes, she received immediate care. She is staying with friends and will continue school. I don't think she'll move back to the dorms. The rape kits showed positive. Q: Has she seen the guy you have yet? A: She has identified the man, our other victims had lineups, too. None of the others were able to identify him. Q: Is Tony a football player? A: No, he is not a football player. The jacket was an older, retro-style. Q: Where was campus security? A: Campus security made an error, admitting him. Q: Detective, if you already have a suspect - where do we come in? A: There is a likelihood that this man did not commit the other crimes. The task is to clear or convict him and then find the rapist, unless of course, other developments tear us away. The Knight case still doesn't have a CASE SOLVED stamp. Any developments with Pierce will be pursued. Q: This is the fourth rape, right in the last month? A: 5th. Previous incidents: 8/10, 8/23, 8/27, and 9/8 Q: Was the suspect wearing an orange jersey or jacket? A: The police report is correct. He was wearing an orange football jersey and an orange jacket. Q: The rapist was wearing a signet ring. Does Tony have a ring like that? A: Yes he does. Q: Will there be a DNA test to see if it was him? A: Yes, it takes 6-8 weeks and a court order though. Q: Was he drugged up? Why the glassed over eyes? A: He appeared to be drugged. We took blood - results soon. Q: What developments with Pierce? He's in jail. A: Yes, Pierce is in jail. But his part in all this is far from over. I can't predict the future, but Armstrong has a gut feeling on this. I agree. Q: Has everyone at Proud Larry's been questioned about Rory, and asked about Jake, too? A: Rory doesn't exist. Although, some Ego Shovels are trying to create him as a myth. We talked to the Larry's crew. I hope to post some of those interviews. Its quite a den of sin. We cruise through several times a night keeping an eye. Q: Does Tony have alibis for those other dates? A: Not yet. Q: Has Tony's home been searched? A: Yes, found pot. Q: Do you think that this has to do with Ego again? A: He could be a part of all that. He's the right age, and into the drug culture. Q: Can you get a more current list of Ego Shovel members? A: I can get the list update--we have a full one now. Q: Were any hair or fibers found on the victim? A: Yes, all sent off to lab. Q: Has Pierce talked? A: He's not talking to us. Lawyers and agents. Q: Are you absolutely sure there is no Rory? A: Positive. The Pierces had two children. (Note that Ed was adopted.) Q: Are you going to track down Jake again? He matches physical condition, and rape profile. A: Jake is minding his own business, to continue may be religious persecution, no cause. Q: Well, has Anderson been completely ruled out as a suspect? A: Yes. Anderson suffered a disgrace but is not a suspect. Q: The victim said he (Tony) smelled like beer - did Tony have an ETOH level? A: He was drunk. Q: How drunk was Tony? A: .18 blood alcohol, legally drunk Q: Does anything match with the other victims? A: Yes--the perp entered through unsecured entrances. Q: How was access to the other victims gained? A: Through unlocked entryways, doors and window. Q: Were entrances unsecured or was he let in unquestioned? A: He was let in unquestioned. A locked door opened for him and allowed to enter. Q: Do we know who opened the door? A: Yes, we do. Officer Marsden with campus security. Q: Weren't the dorms/women warned about these other cases? A: They are being warned now. Q: Why did it take so long to become alarmed? A: That's a problem. An investigation is underway. That is a campus security issue. Q: Were there witnesses to the other cases? A: Only the victims can ID the perp no other witnesses. Q: Did Officer Marsden know the suspect well ? A: Yes. Q: So he (Marsden) would know if he (Phelps) was capable of the anger to rape? A: Marsden, didn't think his "buddy" did it. Q: Does Tony have any prior arrests? A: None. (Note: he does have the robbery incidents with his father's store that were not proved.) Q: Were there any people at the bar that could advise on Tony's actions? A: You mean describe him or ID him? Yes. Q: Were there any security cameras in the dorms? A: Yes. Will they let you see it? If I have my way. Monday, September 22, 1997 Guest: Brief Q & A with Elizabeth Jones and Mickey Nelson (Mayor's Office) Sheriff Lamar rescheduled to Tuesday, September 23 due to technical system difficulties Q: Regarding the accident: is there a chance it was planned in order to bring about this escape? A: We don't know yet, but so far it seems to be an unfortunate accident. The vehicle is in the County garage and is being examined thoroughly for mechanical failure or foul play. There were no witnesses to the accident. Deputy Phillips may or may not be able to shed some light. He is still in a coma at Baptist Memorial Hospital. Q: Were there any wounds on the officers doing the transporting that were inconsistent with an auto accident? A: No. The drivers side of the van was hardest hit and most damaged. Deputy Schiff died on impact. Q: Why weren't the convicts hurt or were they? A: They likely were. Blood was also found in the back of the van. We do not know how seriously one or both might be at this time. So far there are no reports of anyone seeking medical assistance in the state for potential injuries. Q: Were they (prisoners) in back vs front seats? A: The vehicle was a police transport van. The prisoners were in the back. The impact of the crash caused a break between the front cab and the van on the drivers side. This is how Pierce and Phelps were able to reach through the back to the front to get Deputy Schiff's gun belt and shirt. On the weapons. Both Deputies would have had one but only Deputy Schiff's was taken as Phillips could not be reached through the van / cab breach. It is a .357 magnum handgun. Q: Was Schiff driving? A: Deputy Schiff was driving and he was killed. The drivers side is what sustained the impact into the railroad bridge. Likely killed on impact. Q: How would prisoners get his shirt during crash? A: See above. The cab and van were split open, twisted in the roll that allowed reaching Deputy Schiff but not Phillips. Q: How were the cuffs removed? A: The keys were obtained from the deputy -- they got them with the rest of the things they took from Deputy Schiff. (Note: they were cuffed hands front for safety in the van.) Q: Cuffs were found where, again? A: In the back of the van. Q: Were cuffs fingerprinted in case an accomplice staged accident? A: No unidentified prints were found on the cuffs Additionally, there would not have been time for an accomplice to help do this. Q: Does Anthony Phelps only have his biological father? A: Phelps father and stepfather are both living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Q: Isn't his mother dead? So his parents were divorced and mother remarried? A: His mother committed suicide. The mother remarried right after her divorce from his father. She had had an affair with her new husband before that divorce. Q: Where was Anderson during all this? A: He's on his own, not on the force, working with Detective Armstrong on the PI firm. No reason to suspect any involvement. Q: Did the two perps know each other from that bar (Proud Larry's) they both frequented? It seems they both might have known Victoria ...and Purity Knight from the bar. A: They may have. Both Phelps and Pierce have likely been there at the same time. No one from Proud Larry's is aware of the two associating with each other. Both would have known Victoria. Q: Did the barmaid (Victoria) ID Tony by any other name? A: No, only Tony and Anthony. Q: What does Victoria know about "Rory" myth? A: She was to be interviewed yesterday and did not show up. She is rescheduled. Earlier interviews at Proud Larry's show no one knew Rory. Q: Wouldn't the shirt from the car accident be bloody? A: Yes. It likely did have blood on it. Pierce was in a white T-shirt and Phelps in orange - both stand out. Don't know why they took shirt, could have washed it out someplace, we don't know. Q: What size was the shirt ? A: I'd say large - extra large, Deputy Schiff was a big guy. But either could have put it on even if not a perfect fit. Our witness was not close enough to make those kind of distinctions. Q: Why would escaped convicts abduct Macy? A: We don't know. If she were recognized as the Sheriff's daughter....... Perhaps as a hostage to escape...... unknown at this time. Q: The witness was sure there were only two guys, no female? A: That is our current information. No one has been able to place Macy after she left the record store. Q: Did music store clerk notice Macy talking to anyone A: No. Q: How far is the mall from the railroad bridge? A: It is within walking distance. About a mile. Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Guest: Sheriff Charles Lamar Opening remarks: "I'd like to tell you a bit about Macy. She was always a very bright girl and independent. In school, she once disagreed with a teacher, we had a long talk. She wanted to disobey and break the "laws" of the school. What should she do? she asked. She was worried about hurting my image, also, about the effect of this violation. She made a considered decision and staged a protest outside the school - got almost all the students in a peaceful demonstration and the principal listened to her--she won. The reasons of the dispute were silly. It was how she resolved it that made me proud. Smart girl. No nonsense. I just wanted you to know a bit about her." Question & Answer session: (Note: Elizabeth Jones answered a number of questions in the Sheriff's absence) Q: What about Macy's boyfriend? A: Do you suspect a high school boy? No, her boyfriend was attending a college preview this weekend at Duke with his parents. It's not a serious relationship. Q: What where the events leading up to the escape of the prisoners? A: The events leading up to the escape are as follow: first the prisoners were both being transferred from one holding facility to another, a round of questioning was planned for Anthony Phelps, the transfer of holding locations would have been permanent. Q: When did Macy last see her Aunt? And, when did the Sheriff and his wife separate? A: Macy normally sees her aunt, and I think you are referring to Jeannie, a tad of background on Jeannie. Jeannie is the Sheriff's younger sister, she and her family live on the farm with the Sheriff's parents and run it. The farm is located about 7 miles or so outside of Oxford. Jeannie was born on the same day of the week and day as Macy - April 6 on a Sunday and that is part of the bond between them. Macy's middle name Lynn is from Jeannie's name also, she is Jeannie Lynn. Because Jeannie is so close, Macy spends quite a bit of time at the farm with the grandparents and with Jeannie and her cousins. The information I have on the last visit was the weekend prior to her disappearance. The separation occurred in June of 1997 the court papers filed on July 8. Q: Could the accident have been caused to allow the escape? A: That is one of the very important questions currently under investigation. The vehicle is impounded at the County garage under seal and is being gone over thoroughly for any forensic evidence, any evidence of tampering or mechanical failure. Due to the death and serious injury of fellow officers in this accident you can be assured that those results will be forthcoming asap. Additionally, we have no direct eyewitnesses to the initial accident itself, therefore we do not know precisely what occurred there. We are very hopeful that Deputy Phillips will be in a position to tell us more on that. We have nothing to suggest at this time, that there were any plots or plans on the part of either Pierce or Phelps to effect an escape - no evidence that they themselves could have been responsible for the accident, however, do keep in mind that the FBI office here in MS has deemed Pierce MS's most wanted. Q: Were Ed and Anthony P. strapped in to the van and driver not or something? I thought if anything Ed & AP would have died or been hurt at least. Q: Let me attempt to describe the vehicle and the accident as we know it. That may help here. The vehicle is a transport van with a cab and attached but separate back van compartment. The prisoners were front handcuffed and leg cuffed in the back, yes they must be strapped in with a seat belt. As best we can determine they were both sitting on the driver's side of the van compartment, Mr. Phelps directly behind the driver. The accident occurred under a railroad bridge where the driver's side of the vehicle hit an abutment and flew from there up over the embankment. The front driver's side of the vehicle suffered the majority impact and the worst of the accident.. Deputy Schiff was likely dead on that impact. The vehicle rolled on it's side and slid. This would mean that the passengers - the prisoners - would have been on the side of the van against the ground in the slide. We believe they must have suffered injuries also. Blood was found in both compartments, however, clearly the injuries were not sufficient to prevent their escape. Q: Any contact i.e. ransom demands? Threats, etc. A: No contact so far, no. Q: Someone asked where Macy was last seen. We know she was in the record store and made a purchase. From there, we have no witnesses to her whereabouts. Q: Were both deputies in the front cab? A: Yes both were in the front. Q: Who authorized the prisoners' transfer, and why? A: The transfer was necessary and ordinary and would have occurred anyway. The initial holding facility is smaller and normally used at the present time due to construction for temporary holding. Both of these men are considered violent felon offenders and the old jail has better holding facilities at this time. Q: How's the sheriff doing in the poles, now? A: Very poorly I'm afraid. Q: No sympathy vote? A: No. Q: What did the eyewitness who saw the car being stolen say about the condition of the uniform worn? Did he notice it torn or bloody? A: He was not close enough to tell that. I will answer a few of those related questions in one with this. We do feel that Deputy Stiff's shirt likely was bloody and likely also were the prisoners clothing. The only thing that makes sense here is if one or the other of the prisoners was so bloody, we think perhaps Pierce who was wearing white, the most likely of the two, to have taken the shirt for that reason. We don't know. It is possible I suppose for them to have washed it out, there are a number of streams not to mention any number of gas stations with outdoor entrance toilets where they may have done so. The witness could not tell. Q: Have you checked with any gas stations to see if they have any blood in them or traces of blood? A: Yes, gas stations and related establishments are being canvassed, nothing yet. Q: Who are major contributors for Lamar, Mazza, Ivy? A: Contributors lists are being checked, as are known associates. It has not been ruled out that this might be election related, but that is not considered a high likelihood at the present time. Q: Have there been any sightings of Pierce or Phelps? A: No sightings of Pierce or Phelps yet, no indications that they have sought medical attention so far in the state of MS. Q: Have any of Macy's friends been questioned? Maybe she had another boy she was seeing who parents didn't know ? A: Yes, we know that at this age it is likely that a young lady will confide in friends first. Her friends are being questioned. No one has any information or knowledge related to her disappearance so far, however, we are gleaning more information on her life and thoughts we will share what we can from those interviews with you. Q: Is it known what the Sheriff's approval rating was by individuals in the department? A: Within the Department the Sheriff is well liked, there have been no suggestions of vote of lack of confidence in his 12 years in office so far. Q: Has the second guard regained consciousness? A: Deputy Phillips remains in intensive care in a coma at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Oxford, we hope that he will make a full recovery, we hope he will have information for us. Q: Were Ed and Tony in same cell prior to transport? A: No Pierce and Phelps were in separate areas of the jail. Q: Did Ed and Tony know each other prior to this? A: It is possible that they did know each other. They both frequented Proud Larry's, we know from interviews they were there at the same time over the past few years. However, no one recalls ever seeing them together in the same crowd. We do know they both know Victoria. Q: Has anyone been keeping an eye on the PK burial site? Returning to the scene of the crime, that sort of thing? A: Yes, it is being watched. There is a surveillance team.. Nothing there. Q: Has Victoria been asked to ID (Phelps) by photo? If so, what name did she know him by? A: Yes. She knows him as "Tony". Q: Were they in same university at same time? A: Yes, they were last year, however, Tony was an underclassman and Ed a upper - no classes in common. Q: Anything missing from Macy's room? A: According to her mother nothing so far. However, Caroline Blanchard, (Lamar) will be here tomorrow night and perhaps she will have more to say. Q: Notice how many specialize in computers? Macy was super intelligent, could she have picked up on something in Computer Lab? A: Yes. I rather doubt that, though it is possible and worth more of a look. I'll check on the efforts there. Macy is a senior at Lafayette High School, the computer classes she was taking are primarily programming classes. However, there is internet access. Q: Did Macy know any of the victims? A: No. To the best of our knowledge Macy did not know either however, Square Books is right across the street from Proud Larry's. Q: Did Macy ever help her Dad in investigations? A: Now, that is something that both Caroline and Sheriff Lamar have gone out of their way to keep Macy separated from. I doubt she knew more than was in the local paper about the cases. Q: Did Macy visit either Pierce or Phelps in jail? A: No. Q: How big is the YCSD and is Oxford PD a separate dept. or a synonym? A: Oxford PD is separate. The YCSD has the primary responsibility for law enforcement and the only lab for the county. YCSD does most of the highway patrol in the CO. also. Q: All members are sworn and checked? A: Yes. Even our dispatch team is sworn, though they are not authorized for weapons. We do have a number of volunteers who are occasionally called in for search teams and auxiliary duty who are not sworn. Q: Corruption, graft...? A: Yes there are some investigations, particularly relating to some illegal gambling and numbers ops that crop up from time to time. Nothing that I can think of that would relate here though. Q: At Proud Larry's? A: No, Proud Larry's has not been implicated in any of the numbers schemes I am aware of. Q: I presume Anderson is aware of Ed's escape and taking precautions? A: I have not spoken to Det. Anderson, however, I know he has been informed, as have all local residents, and I would assume he is very capable of handling the situation. Q: Is the investigation of the disappearance of Macy and the escape and apparent disappearance of Ed and Tony handled as one case? A: No, not one case for the department. In essence three separate cases, however we do believe, of course, they are related at this time. All resources are being focused heavily on these cases. Q: Have they checked the place where Ed rented outside the town? A: Yes. It is still closed by the county. Q: And Cooters Farm? A: Right now Beverly Cooter is living at the Cooter's Estate. Far as I know it's been shunned by the Shovels lately. Good question on Cooter's. I will check that out. Q: Where are the Shovels digging in, now? A:.Two of the brothers in the band have a house where they are practicing etc. and it is kept under rather close eye. Q: Are the FBI/Marshalls going to be involved since this is a fugitive/kidnapping, and if so are they going to share info? A: Yes, the FBI. They have been asked for assistance and the state field office is coordinating with the child abduction unit. We sure hope it's going to be a mutually cooperative investigation at this point since there is no proof of an interstate kidnap the FBI involvement is by request. Q: Any K-9 searches? A: Yes, a search team with the K-9 unit searching the areas in a outsweeping 5 mile radius from the crash site. Q: Contact with families? A: We have been in contact with all family members and known associates - nothing there as yet. Wednesday, September 24, 1997 Guest: Caroline Blanchard Opening Remarks: "I appreciate that more than you can know. Thank you for having me here, EJ. The loss of my daughter has been an experience that no family should have to go through. I would like to extend my most heartfelt gratitude to all those who have sent messages and extended their condolences toward me. If I may, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to please come forward if they have any information on what has happened to my Macy. I just want her home. I will take questions now, if you'd like." Question & Answer session: Q: I am so sorry to hear about Macy, have you received a ransom demand? A: No. Q: This is a sensitive area, but is Macy your natural daughter? A: Of course, she is my natural daughter. Q: Have you been given a lie detector test? A: No, why would I? Q: Ms Blanchard, are any of Macy's belongings missing? A: No, only what she had on her. Q: I regret the personal question, but what is the cause of the divorce? I mean separation. A: Yes, that is a personal question. It was a mutual decision between me and my husband. Q: Uh, sorry to sound so cold - but, in most cases parents are eliminated via lie detector, first. A: Yes that is true Lie detector tests are rarely used in the Sheriff's dept but Caroline has been interviewed extensively. Q: Caroline I am sure you understand the point here. A: Yes, I do, but the thought that anyone might think that I had a hand in this bothers me terribly. She is my baby. Q: Do you have any idea how much money Macy had on her? any credit cards? A: Macy's purse was found in a trash can at the mall. She never carried much money on her. But the purse was empty. Q: In your interview you said you were seeing someone, but it didn't make a difference. How can you be sure? A: I did not say that. I am not seeing anyone. I felt the question was very personal. Q: Personal or not, your daughter's life may depend on your full disclosure. Q: Caroline would you care to address that? A: Yes, please. I have answered fully every question that has been asked of me by the police. I would do anything to have my baby back. I miss Macy terribly. Q: What other belongings of Macy's were found at the Mall and were they found inside or outside of the mall? A: There was a back with a CD in it that they think belongs to Macy. I'm sorry. bag. I'm a little shaken. Q: Was the backpack found inside or outside of the Mall? A: It was a bag. I'm afraid that in my agitated state my typing was not very good. The bag was also in the trash can. It was just outside the mall entrance. Q: Have they interviewed her friend Tom? A: I am not certain if Tom has been interviewed yet or not. Q: Has there been any contact from the kidnappers? A: No. If anyone one knows anything please come forward. Q: Sorry to keep asking about $, trying to determine motive for abduction. Did Macy have any jewelry worth pawning? With her, that is... A: She had a gold and diamond cross that we gave her for her sweet sixteen birthday. She loves that necklace. Q: Did Macy have the keys to your car? A: Not her own set. She is allowed to use my car, but she always borrows my keys. Q: Did Macy have your keys? A: No she didn't. Q: Were any of her close friends interviewed? A: Yes her friends are being interviewed. Caroline, as far as I know we haven't learned anything there yet, is that right? A: As far as I know. Chuck has not said anything and I'm sure he would tell me. Q: Any leads as to where they might have taken her? A: So far we don't have any. Q: Has her photo been distributed and shown on TV? How about NCIC and the NCMEC? (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) A: Yes. The ncmec has been notified. There are fliers and posters everywhere that I can put them. Q: Do we know for sure she was abducted? A: She is missing. The circumstances do point to foul play, however, we have no proof of an abduction at this point. It appears that way. Q: Can you tell us more about the summer in Huntsville, who did she stay with? A: She stayed at the Space Camp dormitory. That is probably the thing that she is most proud of. She values that experience more than anything. Q: Ms Blanchard, what type of music does Macy like? Any Particular band? A: She seems to like everything. The CD was Sheryl Crow. She has very eclectic tastes. Q: Why do the think the bag with the CD was Macy's? Were her fingerprints on it? A: Because it was a brand new CD in the trash can with her purse. The receipt had my credit card number on it. And she told me she wanted the new Sheryl Crow CD. Q: Do you know if Macy knew of Ego Shovel? ....as a band...not necessarily as a cult.... A: I don't know. I've just been told about that cult. I was unfamiliar with it. Q: Any recent prank/strange phone calls or letters? A: No. At least if I had that there would be a lead. Q: Is there any evidence that she was "forced" to leave the mall? A: Not that I've been told, but I know that my baby would never run away like this. Q: Have any other charges been made to your credit card since Macy's abduction? A: No other charges have been made. Q: Has your phone been tapped in the hopes you might get a call? A: There is a tracer on my telephone just in case. I wish that I could talk to her. To know she's okay. Q: You made a comment that your husband would not tell you things. Is it because he is a police officer or the separation? A: I'm sorry. You misunderstood me. I said my husband would tell me. He wants her back as much as I do. My husband knows that I want to know everything that I can that might get Macy back to us safely. Thursday, September 25, 1997 Guest: John Albee, Oxford Mall and Detective Terry Nelson Opening Remarks: "I'm single, in my 30s and I work with Public Relations and Mall Management. I like photography. But, lets not talk about me. I can confirm much of what you know that happened at the mall. I'm not an officer so keep that in mind. Maybe I should start with Mac at the Sound Shop. That's where she was "lost". She did go to the store, and she purchased a Crowe CD. The employee confirmed the sighting. The one real problem came after that. We have a single officer who spends time patrolling the lot and the premises. Maintenance people supplement the staff. We have an in store video system but its maintenance and staffing was discontinued. Only one camera is in operation. She was not seen on it. We don't have any parking lot video just the mall truck. So, that's about it. I can answer questions." Question & Answer session with Mr. Albee: Q: How many times in the past have you observed Marcy in the mall? A: I've never seen her. Q: Where is the one camera working located? A: The office entrance and main entrance are monitored. Addendum (2 main entrances) are monitored. Q: Did the men seem disheveled or wounded? What was the time? A: They didn't seem disheveled. I just recognized the deputy shirt and ignored it. About 5:30 p.m. Q: Now that Oxford is fraught with crime, why is video still out? A: We'll be spending money on the video. It's been bad Public Relations with Christmas coming. It's just in time. Q: Was she seen in the store alone or talking with anyone? A: The Sound City boy didn't see anyone with her - she came and went alone. Q: What time was the CD purchase made? Can video be made available? A: No video. Purchase would have been between 5:00 & 5:30 p.m. Q: What is the mall's vicinity to campus? A: We're across Jackson Avenue from the campus. Q: In the city is the store Hairworks near the Mall or in the Mall? Also, is Jackson Avenue close how close? A: What address are you asking about, Hairworks--in mall? I think they have two. The Hairworks accident scene...Oh, that's about a mile down the road on Jackson. Its closer to the jail and square. Q: Who discovered purse and bag with CD? A: The police found them. Q: Who sold the CD to Marcy? A: He's underage. I know his name, he doesn't want it used--or his mother doesn't. Q: What caused you to see the stolen car? Was the car ever found ? A: Perhaps the Sheriff would know these more, I don't know if the car was found. A: No, it has not been found yet. No sitings either I'm afraid. Q: What time did you punch out? A: 5:00 p.m. then had a slice of pizza. Q: Can you Positively ID either of the suspects as the men you saw? A: No, I can't. Not positively. It's not that it couldn't be them though. Now that they've been on TV, I'm even more sure. Question & Answer session with Detective Nelson: Q: How close to the stolen car was the purse found? A: It was found near the mall exit by where the car was stolen. Q: Was the exit with the camera was where Macy was to meet her mom? A: She didn't show up on that video. Q: Can you address the identification question further? A: The subject made a possible ID. Since we only had photos and he'd seen them in the paper, it's rough - not 100%. Q: Who assigned the deputies to the van and who saw Ed or Anthony in detention? A: Officer Steele assigns duty. Who saw them in detention? The staff and the lawyers. Q: Was anything found around the area of the stolen car? A: We found a footprint. Q: Any identification on it? A: No. May not even be related, but its there. Q: What size was the shoe print/ what type of shoe? A: Its a birkenstock, size 11. Q: Who was owner of stolen car and was the car locked? A: The car was said to be locked but there was no sign of forced entry. Likely they said that for insurance purposes. Hot-wiring those models is easy. Q: Sorry Sir, but you didn't ID the owner of car..Did I miss that? A: Sorry, George Keel. Q: Has the house Ed Pierce rented in the country been searched? A: Oh yes, and the yard. Nothing spectacular: rope, camera, magazines: bondage. We really wanted to get those journals. Q: I mean has it been searched since the breakout? A: We have the shack under watch. I've spent time there - yes, searched. Q: Who is paying for lawyers for Ed, Anthony and can you list the staff who saw them? A: They both have public defenders. We have a staff of 20 in the office, all of them saw them through several phases. Q: Did Macy's purse looked scattered or dropped? How far from the CD? A: It was dropped, not scattered. Both were in a trash container. Q: Was everything in her purse? A: Yes - just the wallet missing. Q: Could the car have been provided for them by someone not hot-wired? A: No - car was not provided. No thought of an accomplice there. Q: How far from the exit were her items found? A: How far? About 50 feet, in a side area for trash. Q: Did the rape victim (Shawna) know Macy? Any fingerprints on the purse? A: Not that we know. No liftable prints other than Macy's. Q: Do I understand this right...since the escape, there have been no sightings of the fugitives? A: That's right, so far no sitings at all, not even of the car. Q: Wouldn't that indicate the car is probably garaged somewhere? Five days... they could be anywhere on the East coast or halfway across the country... A: Either garaged or tags switched and out of state, ditched, don't know yet. Q: They have to be getting money from somewhere. These guys have a gun, any robberies recently? A: No robberies that match, we are almost waiting for one, alert to that possibility. Q: Have Pawn shops/jewelry stores been alerted to watch for Macy's cross necklace? A: Yes. Also watching for the gun. Q: How far away is nearest relative of either? A: Phelps' family in Baton Rouge is closest. None of the relatives have thus far had any contact. Q: Do they own any other houses for vacation uses? A: No, not that we have traced. Q: Have there been other car thefts in the area or surrounding towns? A: Yes, but none that tie in. Q: How can you tell if it ties in? A: No print matches, no witness ID's -- cars we know of have been located -- joy riders mostly. Q: Did they know each other -- Ed and Anthony? A: Both frequented Proud Larry's, but all reports say that they were not associating with each other, different crowds. Q: Have dorm laundry rooms been checked for prison garb? A: Due to the transport, which was a permanent relocation, they were both wearing street clothes, not prison issue. Yes, they were in jeans, Pierce had a white T-shirt, Phelps's jacket was in the van. Q: How far was it from where they escaped to the mall? A: It's a tad over a mile from the crash site to the mall. Q: Deputy Schiff was driving. Could he have been involved in a cover up? A: Unlikely. He is a fifteen year veteran of the force and would have nothing to gain. Q: Could this be a sympathy vote prank for the sheriff? A: I don't think there is any thought of that. I suspect that is being investigated heavily. I'm not really sure how this would be a sympathy vote prank. It sure makes the Sheriff look bad, bad press all around right now. Q: I thought the sheriff was an elected official...is he? A: Yes. He is up for re-election this November. Q: Unless he makes a daring dramatic rescue just before election. A: Yes that is a point, but how awful a thought. Q: Who is backing Sheriff financially? Who is backing Mazza financially? A: Mazza, we know the republican party of course, and Representative Ivy is heavily involved there. Campaign contributors are being investigated. Q: Seems odd...the mother is so sure that she didn't run away.....she might have gotten into a car with the deputy though...... Q: Where did Macy hang out? A: Macy really didn't hang out much anyplace, she was very busy with school, athletics and worked the weekends. Q: So she hung out at the track? A: The school track, yes after school. Q: Did either frequent the book store she worked at? A: I'd be fairly sure they were in there - it is just across the street from Proud Larry's. There is nothing to indicate any particular occurrence between any of them though, the owner and other employees at Square Books don't recollect anything like that. She didn't work past 6:00 p.m. either, so the bar crowd wouldn't necessarily be milling about then. Q: Was Macy working when Dave Anderson met at Square Books with Purity? A: I don't think so. I believe she began this summer at Square Books. Q: She had to have some friends. Her mother mentioned a new boyfriend or something like that....someone has to have seen her after she left her mother? A: Sure, Macy has lots of friends. Her boyfriend has been interviewed and so have many of her friends, I think we will have her best friend in chat. No one was at the Mall and saw her though. Q: How is Detective Anderson? A: Detective Anderson is doing very well. He's been released. He's still not moving around much though as I understand it. Friday, September 26, 1997 Guest: Detective Terry Nelson and Yoknapatawpha County Mayor Rankin Opening Remarks: Yoknapawtapha County Mayor Rankin: "Hello all. How is everyone tonight? Thank you. Well, I'll probably be typing slow tonight. I hurt my finger in target practice last night. First of all, I would like to announce our new Tip Line which is sponsored by my office. If you have any comments or leads that can help the case, send it there. It's on the order of Crime Stoppers and will probably be of much help because I know you people have been of great help in the past. Secondly, I just want to talk about our law enforcement in town. We have been getting a sort of bad reputation lately. Some people are saying that we are not doing that great of a job. That's only some people though, the rest are saying we are doing a great job. Even though we had a recent escape, crime in our county is extremely low. I am proud to be a part of Yoknapatawpha County and I am even more proud of our law enforcement. Our police force, detectives, and prosecutors do a great job. They deserve a lot of respect and I for one will do whatever I can to make sure that they get that respect. Sure, we have had some problems but we admit them. We don't try to cover things up. We try to look at our mistakes and never repeat them again. How do you all think of the way our force is handling the situations that arise?" (The comments were primarily along these lines: I think your doing the best that you can....the only way you can - one step at a time....we'll see...I don't think we have enough info to really judge your performance....) "Thanks. We really do try our hardest. Specifically though, I have to say a word about Sheriff Lamar. He has undergone a serious misfortune lately. Despite this, he still is doing a top notch job. I think we all should keep him and his family in our prayers as they try to cope with the kidnapping. Sheriff Lamar is a good man and I can't understand the people who would hurt his family like this. I have a Council meeting to run to. The mayor's office never closes. Good night all. Let's work hard on this case." Detective Nelson: Thanks mayor! <applause> Question & Answer session with Detective Nelson: Q: Why were the two prisoners being transported together? A: We were short handed. A lot of officers were at the rebel game-crowd control. Q: Who were officers driving transport van, and since shorthanded, were they unaccustomed to such duty? A: The officers were trained and able to do those jobs, Deputies Schiff and Phillips. Q: What time period was the rebel game? A: The game was in the evening--but the crowd of 20,000 gets here on Friday so were all busy until Sunday, and the drunk tank doesn't release till Monday. So its a long weekend. Q: When is mayor up for re-election? A: Next year ---next term - 1998. Q: Is it true Ms. Tull and D were abducted? A: No, that's an unfortunate error. Q: Good I thought I was seeing things at first! A: Funny, it started as an AOL typo...but I've heard about it on the streets now. They are safe, I just spoke with them not long ago. We've had a hard time removing that text, too, eh EJ? We'll have to post that on the site! EJ: Whew! You can say that again, sir. Q: What is being done to make sure the prisoners are transported more securely? A: Good question. The department is undergoing review. I think we'll look at improving vehicles and adding a support car to trail. All in all, the departmental review will likely make some suggestions in personnel. A second car would have been enough. Budget cuts you know. Q: Any leads on the escapees? Any more family interviewed? We all feel bad for the Lamar family, but is anyone investigating a political motive angle to Macy's kidnapping? A: Yes, that is being looked into but his opponent really has little to gain and a lot to lose. Q: What about Lamar? A: Wait a minute, you can't suggest that Lamar would kidnap his own for political gain? He may seem sleazy or like a politician but he's a darn good father, and moral. Q: It has been suggested, and from a purely objective standpoint, we can't fault examining that line of thought. A: It's the Jon Benet and Susan Smith cases that make folk jump to those conclusions. Q: Have you gotten the autopsy result for the deceased officer? A: Yes, we'll be posting it. Q: Anything interesting? Other than trauma from a car wreck? No alcohol? A: No signs of any injuries other than from the accident. No alcohol. Q: Have you seem the surveillance cameras from the mall? Do they show Macy or the fugitives? A: The only video did not show her. Q: Are the investigations of the escape and the kidnapping being handled separately? Who is in charge of each? A: We have an internal investigation looking at the escape, but, I am overseeing both escape and kidnapping. Q: How were you selected to head this case, sir? A: I worked here for 14 years. Learned from the big guy, Armstrong, that's enough for most. Q: What kind of competition do Mazza and Lamar have with each other? A: Excellent question. The locals here can fill you in on details. I don't want to get quoted - but - they feel no friendship to each other. Accusations - most toward the Sheriff -but they go both ways. What I've heard are things like....soft on crime, shady business dealings, penny pinching and good ole boy stuff...Is what I heard. Q: How are the other rape victims? Anything new from that front? A: The victims are doing well. We are trying to tie Phelps to the other crimes, and most compelling, the rapes have stopped with his arrest. I'll pass your concern on. Nice to ask about the victims Q: Are you investigating both parents more? More about their personnel activities etc.? A: We have talked to dozens of associated persons. The mall workers at each store, and yes, her mother and father. Q: The mother's answers were vague regarding friends of hers that might know something. A: Yes--we always follow up. Ahh....the idea of her seeing someone else. She isn't according to her statements--we'll find the boyfriend-if he exists. Q: I just wondered if the van had been tampered with? A: No tampering or obvious mechanical catastrophe. Q: When do we use the Mayor's tip line? A: The Tip line is for local citizenry -- the Comments pages are for public suggestions and questions. Q: Has Phillips recovered enough to be questioned about the escape? A: No-he's not conscious--still comatose. |