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Witness Interview:  Michelle Boyers
Michelle Boyers was interviewed December 2nd.  Ms. Boyers 
revealed a relationship between Ms. Harberson and New 
Orleans real estate developer, Reed Chambeau.  That portion 
of her interview is excerpted below.
N = Detective Terry Nelson
B = Michelle Boyers
N:  Ms. Boyers, please describe your relationship with Ms. 
Aimee Harberson.
B:  Okay, well, Aimee and I are good friends.  We've known 
each other for about two years I guess.
N:  As good friends you know each other well then?
B:  I think so.  We confide most things to each other I'd say.  
I trust Aimee with my secrets.
N:  Does Ms. Harberson confide in you?
B:  Well, yes.
N:  Ms. Harberson lives in a nice house, pays tuition, has a 
nice car, and only a part time job at the Assessor's Office.  Do 
you know how she affords all those things?
B:  She has friends that help her out.
N:  Could you be more specific please?
B:  I know she has a friend, a man that pays her tuition and 
rent for her.
N:  Do you know who this person is?
B:  Yes.  I don't know if I should say....actually, I didn't 
know who it was myself until recently.
N:  Go on please.
B:  She's been getting money from Reed Chambeau.  Lots of 
money.  She told me it was him last week after all that 
business with the dumping came out in the paper.
N:  How much is lots of money?
B:  Well, I don't know exactly but he pays her tuition and for 
all her school expenses, he pays for her rent, he gave her a 
gas credit card for gas and he gives her money for clothes and 
things.  That's lots of money.
N:  Did Ms. Harberson tell you why Mr. Chambeau is so 
B:  No, she told me in a kind of joking way and then we 
didn't talk about it again. It's like we're close, 
but there are things we can't talk about, you
know? Subjects just get dropped. I figure it's got to be for 
sex.  It has to be that, it's like she's his mistress, 
why else would he set her up like that?
N:  Have you ever met Mr. Chambeau?
B:  No.  I don't know him myself.
N:  Have you ever seen Ms. Harberson with Mr. Chambeau?
B:  No.
N:  What makes you think that Ms. Harberson is his mistress?
B:  Well, what else could it be?  I know she's gone to visit 
him in New Orleans and other places.  She's spent weekends 
with him.  I knew that, just not who it was until last week.
N:  What other places?
B:  I don't know.  I think once she went to a cabin at Sardis 
Lake for the weekend.  Jackson, I don't know where else.
N:  Has Ms. Harberson told you anything else about Mr. 
Chambeau or their relationship?
B:  No.
N:  Did Ms. Harberson mention the last time she saw him?
B:  No.  I don't know when it was, you'll have to ask Aimee.  
In fact, I don't feel comfortable telling you all of this, 
I think you should ask Aimee about it if you want more 

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