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Search and Seizure Report 1012 Horse Mountain Road AFFIDAVIT Your affiants, FBI Special Agent Hillman and Detective Jay Green of the Bedford County Sheriff's Office, state as follows: 1. I, Detective Jay Green, have been a Detective with the Bedford County Sheriff's Office for 8 years. I have 3 years investigative experience in the Crimes Against Persons Division including crime scene experience. 2. I, your affiant, Special Agent Donna Hillman have been a member of the Child Abduction Unit with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 16 years and have experience in the investigation and processing techniques employed in same. 3. On December 4, 1997 your affiants and other agents of the Bedford County Sheriff's Office and Federal Bureau of Investigation accompanied by a forensics team from the Tennessee State Crime Lab, began the execution of a search warrant on the premises owned and managed by Graves Management Co., said premises located at 1012 Mountain Horse Road, Shelbyville, in the County of Bedford. The location is a white two story wood frame structure with an attached front porch and light blue front entry door. The records of Bedford County indicate that this property was deeded to Graves Management Co, principle owner one Mr. John Birne, in 1995. 4. Peace officers served Mr. John Birne with the search and seizure warrant at the offices of Graves Management Co, located at 1202 N. Main Street, Shelbyville at 1500 hours. Peace officers then immediately radioed the successful service to your affiants at the warrant location, 1012 Mountain Horse Road. The location was not inhabited at the time of the search. A qualified technician removed the entry locks on the main entrance to gain entry. The lock was retained in evidence and the property secured on exit with a new deadbolt lockset. The items described herein constitute the results of this search. 5. Your affiants personally participated in the search. As set forth in detail below, during the search your affiants observed evidence to indicate that the child abduction victim, Macy Lynn Lamar, had in fact been held at this location and further, that there were on the premises indicators of rapid flight from this location. In general, the location was sparsely furnished. 6. The search produced in evidence a unique gold button traced to the Liz Claiborne line of better women's suits manufactured in 1997. 7. No prescription or illegal drugs were found on the premises. 8. There were no video recordings, audio recordings, photographic evidence, answering machine tapes, documents or electronic equipment, no typewriters or typing paper related to our search found on the premises. 9. There were no ropes or restraining devices of any sort recovered, and no weapons were found. 10. The equipment storage shed attached to the south rear of the building was empty. 11. One tire cast was taken from the driveway and has been tread matched to a Michelin X1, # 2256016. 12. A thorough forensics examination of the residence was conducted producing the following list of items taken into evidence: fibers from the livingroom sofa towels, and bedding one latent lift found to belong to Macy Lynn Lamar one unidentified latent lift Site testing on stains showed no blood traces.
//Donna Hillman, Special Agent //Detective Jay Green, Bedford County Sheriff's Department December 6, 1997