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Incident Report
Investigating Officer: Det. T. Nelson
Incident Reported: 11/8/97, 9:41 p.m.
Incident Address: SR 7, 1.2 miles S of 9W junction
Victim's name: Charles Lamar
Age: 47
Address: 122 Tara Circle, Oxford, Mississippi
Suspects: None
Description of Incident:
Dispatch received a call at 9:41 p.m. from a motorist with a cell phone, who said there was a "car explosion" in a cotton field on route 7. The motorist said there appeared to be someone trapped in the vehicle. A fire and paramedic unit were dispatched to the scene and arrived 5 minutes later. I received a call at home from Capt. Pete Day of the Water Valley Fire District at approximately 9:47, informing me that the occupant of the vehicle was Charles Lamar.
I proceeded directly to the scene. The fire had been largely extinguished. The vehicle was resting upside down, approximately 100 feet from the roadway. Initial estimates by coroner's officer Dawn Hargreaves are that the car swerved off the roadway, down the embankments, into the culvert, flipped over, and ignited. Corn stalks in the area surrounding the vehicle had been burned, with the total damage to the field estimated to be about 1/3 acre.
Sheriff Lamar was being extracted from the vehicle as I arrived. He was pronounced dead by paramedics, who said he had been behind the wheel and wearing his seatbelt at the time of the collision.
Lamar's wallet was in his pocket. Other items in the vehicle were damaged, but registration papers, pencils, and eyeglasses were extracted from the glove compartment. Officer Hargreaves and her team will make a detailed report on their salvage of the vehicle under separate cover. Initial investigation of the roadway showed no skid marks or other evidence suggesting involvement of another vehicle. Officer Hargreaves and her team will make a detailed investigation and report the results under separate cover.
Investigation: I spoke with Heidi Massalam, who called dispatch from her cellular phone. She said she was heading north on Highway 7 toward Oxford when she spotted "a glow in the distance, I was sure it was a fire, I thought maybe someone had a bonfire or something." As she approached the scene of the collision, Ms. Massalam, seeing a vehicle was involved, pulled over and used her cellular phone to call 9-1-1. Ms. Massalam said she hadn't encountered anyone else on the road after passing through Springdale.

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