Arquette Case Comments

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Thu Sep 17 08:31:23 PDT 1998

Kait's unsolved murder proves there is no one to investigate corruption; and, how great the need for REFORM of the JUSTICE SYSTEM on the national, state, and local scene in our country. Writing to Clinton, Congress, or any official goes unnoticed unless done in great numbers! The response is mostly by form letter. WAKE UP and write your Congressman or Congresswoman, but first petition your community. "Not in my backyard" and ommission will not help. The list of murdered children is growing daily. And, it affects us all.

[From M Lowry] [email protected]

Wed Sep 16 21:37:17 PDT 1998

In reading about this case I had a couple of questions. First of all, I understand that the FBI cannot get involved in the homicide investigation unless APD asks them to do so. But since there seems to be evidence here of interstate drug trafficking, couldn't the FBI get involved in at least investigating that, if not the homicide itself? I also wondered if this case had been covered any time recently on any type of news program such as Primetime Live or something like that. I do understand that since the case is so old it might be hard to get them interested. You mentioned that Unsolved Mysteries won't air updates unless the case has been solved. I am wondering if perhaps a letter-writing campaign might get them to make an exception. Maybe you've already thought of this, but I just thought I'd throw that out. I saw a repeat of the show that covered the case, and it seems that there is a lot of new information that has come out regarding the case since then. I hope this case gets solved soon. I imagine that the lack of closure has been hard on the family, and I hope you can have that closure soon. [L.L.]

Arquette Family Response: The FBI is investigating certain criminal activities that link to people involved in Kait's case. But they have made it clear to us that neither they nor any other federal agency can investigate the murder itself without permission from APD. At this point we've pretty much run the gambit of TV news shows. In the beginning, when the case was simplistic and appeared only to involve a Vietnamese car wreck scam, everybody wanted to feature it, but it has now become so complex that it can't be crammed into the allotted air time.

Wed Sep 16 12:09:54 PDT 1998

I just read your story and am so sorry that you must face this.
There is no excuse for the reactions that you are getting from
the police force. What I wonder is (and I apologize if this
has been asked before) if the FBI has gotten involved in this
case. Because of the apparent coverup (there's plenty of
unasked questions in this case) and the possibility that the
police force itself is involved, I think that outsiders are
definately needed in the investigation of this case.

I wish you all the best, God bless and watch over you.
(Connie Pallai
[email protected])

Arquette Family Response: Because homicide is not a federal crime, the FBI cannot become involved in the case unless APD invites them in, which APD will not do. It appears that no agency exists that has the authority to go over the heads of a local police department.

Tue Sep 15 11:28:20 PDT 1998

You would be able to check movie times if the local paper printed them. Most libararies keep newspapers on microfiche. If Sharon reads these comments she must know your distress is still so strong.

Arquette Family Response: Sharon documented Kait's 7 p.m. arrival time on the night of the murder by stating that Kait had come straight from the 5 p.m. showing of "Working Girl" at the Lobo Theater, which was near Sharon's home. We did check microfiche of Albuquerque papers, and Sharon did her homework -- that movie was showing that evening at exactly that time. However, Kait couldn't have seen it, because she didn't leave our home until 6:15 p.m. Our question is, why is it so important to Sharon for us to believe that Kait arrived at her home at 7 p.m., rather than at 9:30 p.m., as she told the police? What went on during the 2 1/2 hours between 7 and 9:30 that Sharon doesn't want us to know about?

Tue Sep 15 09:39:06 PDT 1998

The Arquette Family

I just finished reading your book and checked the internet to see if any leads have been made. I was wondering if you have talked to any more of the psychics lately and if so what did they have to say? They seemed to have been acurate so far. I know that they can't be used as evidence but maybe you could follow up on what they say. Has Kait ever tried to send you or anyone else any more messages? Hope it all works out and my prayers are with you. Will you be writing any kind of a follow up book? I think that it may help. Especially for those people who do not have access to the internet. I would be interested in reading another book. Good luck.

Arquette Family Response: No, at this stage of the investigation we're not working with psychics. And the only way I can publish a sequel to WHO KILLED MY DAUGHTER? is if Kait's story has an ending.

Mon Sep 14 19:52:41 PDT 1998

I would be interested in hearing what other families or friends that who have experienced this (Cover up) have done??? The gentleman named Greg from Sacramento, and, the gentleman whose cousin Jennifer was murdered. Have they been able to offer assistance or any solutions not yet mentioned? Do you feel this site has brought you any closer to what you are looking for? You continue to be in my prayers daily. mb

Arquette Family Response: This site is proving to be far more valuable than we could ever have imagined, not just from the posts on this board, but from the follow-up e-mail correspondence. Our thanks to you all. For those of you who live in New Mexico, please, do what you can to spread the word about this web page. A lot of people know what happened. All it will take for the case to be solved is for ONE OF THEM to read this and contact us.

Mon Sep 14 13:43:20 PDT 1998

In your Update, "Who's Pulling Strings For Paul Apodaca?", you say that when Apodaca was arrested for shooting a transvestite, he was carrying I.D. that showed him to be "Lee Padilla," the brother of an APD police officer. Is that brother LEIUTENANT CHRIS PADILLA of the Violent Crimes Unit, mentioned a couple posts down in that post about Dennis Martinez?

Arquette Family Response: If anybody knows the answer to that question, please, contact us. Paul Apodaca's alleged reason for being at the scene of Kait's shooting was that he was in the neighborhood visiting his friend Lee Padilla. If this friend is,in fact, the brother of the leiutenant in charge of the investigation of Kait's case, it raises some interesting questions. But "Padilla" is not an uncommon name in New Mexico, so there may be more than one "Padilla" in the APD Violent Crimes.

Mon Sep 14 08:16:10 PDT 1998

In response to the reader's question about the "Nyugen" name: it is a very common name among the Vietnamese, comparable to "Smith" or "Jones" in the U.S.

I think it highly unlikely that Dung actually stabbed himself in the stomach. More likely, he was given the wound to make him aware of the danger he was in if he identified Kaitlyn's killer or revealed anything incriminating about any of his "gang" members. He very likely did change his story later, when asked by the police about the wound. [Jes in AR]

Arquette Family Response: When Kait's mother visited Dung in the hospital after his alleged suicide attempt, he told her, "I didn't shoot her." Kait's mother said, "Maybe not, but you know who did. You have to decide if you love her enough to tell." Dung whispered, "I know. I AM DECIDING." Obviously, his decision was "no."

Mon Sep 14 00:28:10 PDT 1998

Is Nguyen a very common Vietnamese name ? In the town I live in, in the midwest we have a family from Vietnamese with the last name of Nguyen. I wonder if they may by chance be related.

Night Owl ---

Arquette Family Response: NUGYEN is a very common Vietnamese name. Actually, all It's doubtful that these people are related to Dung, as NGUYEN is a very common Vietnamese name. Actually, all Vietnamese names are very common, because, from what we've been told, there are only eleven of them, and those are used interchangably as first, middle and last names. Everybody is given three of these names, and they can use them in any order. For instance, that attorney in Southern California who specializes in representing car wreck "victims" practiced at his Orange County Office as "Minh Nguyen Duy" and at his Van Nuys office as "Duy Minh Nguyen." There's nothing illegal about this, but it makes it very hard to keep up with these people.

Sun Sep 13 17:37:30 PDT 1998

On Kait's website it states that Dennis Martinez called 911 and confessed to killing Kait and disposing of the weapon. If law enforcement would have taken any type of interest in this case, they would have further interviewed Martinez to find out where he disposed of that weapon. After balsitic analysis of the recovered weapon it possibly could have been determined whether or not it was used in the murder of Kait. This would have proved that Martinez was at least a conspirator, if not the actual murderer. There also exist a likely possibility that this weapon may have been used in other homicides that have not been solved.

I have one other concern. After reading the information contained herein, I find it hard to believe that the off duty officer just happened upon this crime scene. "Maybe" he was there as a player or to re-arrange evidence at the crime scene before homicide detectives arrived. I will "never" believe that he allowed a person to leave the crime scene after he arrived......this would be out of character and not in line with his police training.

Arquette Family Response: Neither we nor the public would ever have learned about Dennis Martinez's confession if a reporter hadn't accidentally stumbled upon his July 25, 1992, phone call to 911. Police then admitted that Dennis had confessed. The APD report says, "Martinez continued to state freely, 'I murdered Kait Arquette. They paid me to do it' Asked, 'Who are 'they'?', (Dennis) stated, 'The Vietnamese.'" Dennis said he didn't know the names of those Vietnamese, but they paid him $100, after which he shot Kait in the head and disposed of the gun. On Aug. 5, 1992, police explained to reporters that the reason they didn't arrest Dennis was because a drunken confession wouldn't stand up in court, plus they couldn't be sure that he was the same Dennis Martinez they had arrested two years earlier, because he now had a different address. Lt. Chris Padilla of the Violent Crimes Unit told reporters they would interrogate Dennis when the lead detective on the case got back from vacation. There's been nothing to indicate this was done. When reporters confronted Dennis, he recanted his confession, explaining he was drunk when he made it.

Sun Sep 13 17:37:30 PDT 1998

In Kait's website it states that Dennis Martinez called 911 and confessed to killing Kait and disposing of the weapon. If law enforcement would have taken any type of interest in this case, they would have further interviewed Martinez to find out where he disposed of that weapon. After balsitic analysis of the recovered weapon it possibly could have been determined whether or not it was used in the murder of Kait. This would have proved that Martinez was at least a conspirator, if not the actual murderer. There also exist a likely possibility that this weapon may have been used in other homicides that have not been solved.

I have one other concern. After reading the information contained herein, I find it hard to believe that the off duty officer just happened upon this crime scene. "Maybe" he was there as a player or to re-arrange evidence at the crime scene before homicide detectives arrived. I will "never" believe that he allowed a person to leave the crime scene after he arrived......this would be out of character and not in line with his police training.

Sat Sep 12 21:35:41 PDT 1998

In 1986, I was a police officer in an Oklahoma county where I turned in police officials and the local District Attorney. My allegations ranged from theft by fellow deputies to drug activity by the District Attorney. These corrupt officials would have buried me if I wouldn't have had tape recordings of all of them.....Government vary rarily admits to wrong doing, even if they have been caught. My case finally evolved into convictions for the under-sheriff, head jailer and a field deputy. The local district attorney was also convicted. I was also succesfull in a 1,000,000.00 lawsuit in federal court. To this day, I have never received any apology for being fired, threatened and black-balled in my proffesion as a Police Officer. I would suggest that all communications with any law-enforcement be taped for future reference. Providing that it is legal in your state.

I would like to see if you would link our murder case viewed at and we would do the same for you. The murdered girl (Jennifer) at our site was my cousin.

Thank You

Cold Case Investigations

Mark Garrett/Investigator

Arquette Family Response: Thank you for this advice. We will be contacting you privately by e-mail.

Sat Sep 12 15:09:36 PDT 1998

MY NAME IS GREG AND I BELIEVE VERY MUCH IN POLICE COVER-UP,/INEPTITUDE OR JUST NOT WANTING TO DO THERE JOB. I have experience on them not doing the job here in Sacramento,Ca,. its even in the newspaper I pray and hope that you get YOUR PERSON as youi deserve the closer in haveing justice done. I have contacted you before ansd support your ongoing fight for justice and what is right. I pray for your peace in this to please be with you all.

Sat Sep 12 13:41:49 PDT 1998

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ABOUT JUVE ESCOBEDO --(From the Arquette Family): We somehow missed responding to a post below which asks where the Hispanic suspects are today. Miguel Garcia and Dennis (Marty) Martinez are in Albuquerque, but JUVE ESCOBEDO aka JOSE HERNANDEZ has mysteriously vanished. If anybody out there has information about Juve, please, contact us. It's rumored that he's still in Albuquerque, keeping a low profile, and may be involved in disassembling cars.

Fri Sep 11 20:16:37 PDT 1998

Does Dung have a criminal record of any arrest or convictions of any kind in the past ? Was he born in the US ? Is he a citizen of the US?
What happened to the 3 men that were arrested for this crime ? Where are they at now ?

Virtual Reality

Arquette Family Response: (1) If Dung has a criminal record it does not show up in New Mexico. He was born in Vietnam and, at the time of Kait's death, was a legal immigrant. It's possible that by now he may have become a citizen. (2) All charges were dropped against the Hispanic suspects. APD's alleged eye-witness turned out to have been in jail on the night of the shooting. Also, the police did some shady things which would have caused the case to have been thrown out if it had gone to court. For example, they secretly recorded the Hispanic suspects conversing privately in a holding cell, and then altered the transcript of the tape to make it seem that the men were admitting their guilt, when they actually were claiming their innocence.

Fri Sep 11 17:09:15 PDT 1998

I have a couple of questions/comments. You said the police won't disclose the pictures? I know someone who used to be a photographer for a police crime unit, maybe the photographer knows where the negatives are. ( don't they catalog everything) I also have to say I'm sure any photographer uses flash at night. Have you kept all of your requst correspondence? I would think there would be some kinda of petition that you could put in front of a court to atleast get you access to the records the police have. I still think by reading through the postings that Kait's old boyfriend had something more to do with her murder than it seem. ( I notice Kait was and honor student so I'm pretty sure she would know how to spell), maybe his suscide attempt was out of guilt, not saddness. Have you tried to get the FBI in on this it sound like there are several people that know that there is drug trafficing going on. It's pretty aweful that in this day and age you can't trust anyone to protect you any more especially the ones who promised to protect and to serve. ( now it's C.Y.O.A and do anything dispicable to turn a buck)
I'm very sorry for the loose of your daughter, I hope you get justice.

Arquette Family Response: (1) We've been told that all the negatives from Kait's case are on file in the ADP Photo Lab and that we have been supplied with prints from every single one of them. The photographer at the scene did use a flash, but the small number of artificially lit night shots are not comprehensive enough to show the things we want to see. Forensics experts from outside the department have told us that the normal procedure would have been for the car to have been towed to the APD compound and photographed from every angle in bright daylight. (2) Yes, we have tried to get the FBI involved. They tell us that federal authorities can't investigate s murder, because homicide is not a federal crime. The only agency who can investigate Kait's murder is APD.

Fri Sep 11 12:57:28 PDT 1998

I am the person who posted the comment about Sharon Smith yesterday. I should have realized that information was being withheld for a good reason, rather than questions about Sharon being ignored. I'm glad you have investigated Sharon. Again, best of luck to you!

Thu Sep 10 10:51:09 PDT 1998

I have been following this case for several years now, and have corresponded with the Arquettes to let them know of my interestt and caring. I've just finished scanning all of the posts on this board, and it seems to me that many people have questions about Sharon Smith--and the Arquettes haven't really responded to these questions. Maybe this is for a reason? I, too, wonder if she has been investigated. I am also curious as to Dung's whereabouts these days. Is he still living in NM?

I'd like to wish you all the best, and I hope this website/message board is successful! I'll keep reading and following the latest happenings.

Arquette Family Response: Yes, we have investigated Sharon. We are not laying everything we know about her out on the table, because we don't want to get her killed. Dung is living in Albuquerque and working for a place that makes computer chips. (At least four of this Vietnamese group work for computer chip manufacturers, including An Quoc Le, who works for Intel.) Dung lives with a white girlfriend, who may by now have become his wife, who everyone says is very nice and looks a lot like Kait. They have at least one child.

Wed Sep 9 20:47:49 PDT 1998

Was Dung a natural born citizen in the United States, not yet a citizen, or an immigrant ? Would there not be papers that are public that you could obtain--- such as a motor vehicle records, tax records, visa records,school records, bank records etc.... surely there are some kind public records you can obtain to find samples of handwriting.

virtual reality

Arquette Family Response: We have recently obtained a statement from a handwriting analyst that the note was not written by Kait. (We'll soon be posting that information the "Update Page.") APD's reaction is, "So what? That doesn't prove murder."

Wed Sep 9 13:34:11 PDT 1998

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arquette,

Not a day passes that I don't think about your daughter, her senseless death, and your grief. I posted here at the beginning of the case's appearance at Crimescene.

The thing that I keep circling back to is that to SOLVE a complicated crime as old as this one is, you must have a weak link, and most likely, with the almost total lack of physical evidence preserved from the crimescene, a confession that can be proven.

I do not see any way that you are going to retrieve lost (by whatever means) physical evidence 9 years after Kait's death. 9 months afterwards, maybe....but that time is long past.

Have you given any thought to having this story re-aired on Unsolved Mysteries as an UPDATE???.

.*****.Use this Crimescene forum as the basis for the UPDATE.********

In other words, let the new attention focused upon the investigation be the impetous for the re-airing of her story.
You have to have one thing, as I see it:
EYEWITNESS or PERP. testimony to even get this seemingly closed case re-opened.
I said it in August, and will repeat it now, there must be ex- girlfriends, ex-wives, ex-friends, ex-policemen who are willing to start the trail of evidence, and PERHAPS, get the case re-opened (if it is closed officially. You say you do not know the official status).

Mrs Duncan-Arquette, I do not mean to be presumptious, but there are people in this world who would turn their own brother, sister, etc. into the police or other law enforcement for enough money.
I read that you had a $1200 reward.
I do not mean to sound harsh here, and perhaps it is your own personal convictions that prevail against it, but this seems to be a VERY SMALL reward. Especially when one considers that you have had proceeds from a book dealing directly with the crime, as well as other books which were made into movies.

Considering the elements that you are trying to reach, I would think that money might be the motivating force if there is someone with knowledge (and we know there have to be many such people),
who might have a GRUDGE or just not have a reason to protect the perp. any longer.
Ex gang members, ex- wives, ex- girlfriends all fall into this category.

I never got that part of my letter to you answered, so I am restating it.
You cannot deal in the world of cold, hard evidence. That was either not preserved, or has been locked away inside the APD.
You cannot erase the human element, however.

FIND a strong clue among the people, and get the case officially re-opened as a MURDER ONE.

Thank you, and God Bless you,
Amanda (Atlanta GA)

Arquette Family Response: We did try to get Unsolved Mysteries to do an update, but id it's not their policy to do that unless a case has been solved. That's a Catch 22. However, your idea about offering a large reward is a good one. We wanted to do that back when we were working with Crime Stoppers, but they wouldn't allow us to offer anything higher than their standard amount. I believe that amount got paid to the tipster who turned in the Hispanics. Now may be the time for us to try this again with a larger amount of money. By this long after, a lot of loyalties will have changed, particularly in regard to personal relationships.

Tue Sep 8 22:47:55 PDT 1998

I hate to be a "johnny-come-lately" here, but is are there any samples of Kait's ex-boyfriend's handwriting available? If not, was there ever any attempt made by the APD to collect one? I know it's not much, but it may be one more piece of the puzzle. I admire the Arquette family so much for continuing to pursue this; I can imagine it must be a nightmare. A hug to them from me.
[The Girl in Pumas]

Arquette Family Response: We, personally, don't have a sample of Dung Nguyen's handwriting. There is nothing in Kait's case file to indicate that APD has done such a comparison.

Tue Sep 8 19:40:25 PDT 1998

After reading the book and browsing several times through your web site, I was just wondering if there has been anyone at all from the apd that is on your side? Do they all scoff at what you say? It is hard for me, as an honest person, to believe that there is not one person on the police department that is not concerned about this case! My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family. I pray that Kaits killers are brought to justice. I feel so helpless, I wish there was something I could do. God bless you all!

Arquette Family Response: We wish we could answer this question, but we have no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes at APD.

Tue Sep 8 19:29:15 PDT 1998

So let me get this straight -- when the first officer arrived on the scene there was kait's car and the vw along with Apodaca but by the time the second officer arrived there was no VW. That would indicate that officer one seen who drove the VW away. It would also indicate that he knew it was not a car accident. Why has he not been brought before the grand jury? How did Apodaca leave the crime scene was it by foot ? Was a murder weapon found and if so who was it registered to ?

Virtual reality

Arquette Family Response: You're right, there's nothing about that crime scene scenario that makes sense. You raise good questions -- how DID Apodaca leave the scene? And why wasn't Det. Merriman, the first officer at the scene, called to testify before the Grand Jury? No, no murder weapon was found.

Mon Sep 7 20:54:29 PDT 1998

The way i understand it is the first officer on the scene was of duty at the time --- where was he coming from and where was in route to?

how far from sharon's house to where kait was shot? minutes?

Arquette Family Response: The first officer at the scene, Violent Crimes Detective Ronald Merriman, said he was on his way to the police station. (The route was appropriate for that.) Sharon's house was about an 8 minute drive from where Kait was shot.

Mon Sep 7 10:22:02 PDT 1998

Wow! Apparently, I'm not the only one who visits this site regularly. There definitely is a cover up, no question. I'm not an investigator, nor do I have any experience with such. My opinions and thoughts are my own...just like everyone else.

To the person who asked about OSI -- It's the Office of Special Investigation, and it used to be its own agency. I think that now it is part of the CIA, but I'm not sure.

When Kait was shot, the fall to the right makes sense, but I don't understand how 3 wheels of her car would be on the curb. If her body fell to the right when she was shot, there wouldn't be enough force from her foot to push the accelerator (esp. with her injuries) to generate enough speed for the car to jump the curb. When a car drifts, it will hit the curb but not ride over it. (APD said in their report that she fell forward. (??) If that were the case, then why wasn't her horn blaring?)

The note is a fake, but definitely Dung's composition. It has grammatical errors that are made by one whose first language is not English. I'm not an expert on handwriting, but interested in it and 'girl' writing is usually rounder (like Kait's) from what I have noticed through the years. 'Boy' writing is sometimes very angular and pointed. Again, this is only pure observation & comparison on my part.

I'm going to take it as a given that no one has heard from Dung or Sharon Smith since Kait's death.

My thoughts on Officer #1 on the scene are this:

either A) he shot her (as someone stated earlier) or B) he didn't 'happen' upon the scene, but was part of the group to make sure it was done. The fact that he radioed it in was to appear legit. This would make sense, considering APD's reluctance to help.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Good luck. Kait, people still care about you, honey...more than you ever realized.


Arquette Family Response: We HAVE heard from Sharon. She phoned Unsolved Mysteries to make contact with us to tell us that a lot of what the police report quotes her as saying is inaccurate.

Sun Sep 6 21:13:11 PDT 1998

I dont know if you all have ever considered this before, but profiling has been proven to be very accurate now. A retirered FBI agent named John Douglas has done many profiles dealing with violent cirme. I know that he is no longer working for the FBI, but maybe he would be willing to help you with your case. he is an expert in this field and you never know, he might be able to help you. Good luck and god bless.


Sun Sep 6 02:38:46 PDT 1998

Scabbed Angel of Hell: :

Have you ever considered checkin into hackerz?¿? Such as notorious groups as the cDc, pants/hagis, highOCT, ect. If proper accomodations for doing the job are met, they could arrange to hack certain PD systems, crack passwords, anything, if these groups can get into the pentagon without being caught they could do it in to the PD down there. Don't throw this option away, don't say it is dumb because it is not, you can find many things by going this route like cover ups, it has been done, I cannot give my affiliation and will not give it. But certain Elite haxor groups out there have been around since the 80's such as the cDc has been around since 1984 and are still going, they made CNN for thier release of the program "Back Oriface" at a hackers convention in Las Vegas, this suggestion I gave should be considered. And if this message board records IP address? We use a dynamic address and also at times a fake IP that gives false location.
Also if certain persons are trying to keep their identities covert or whereabouts covert I suggest masking your IP address and computer genetic information, and to the people who run this message board to (if it is on) to turn off their IP loggers. -- £µ®|<ë°R°


Arquette Family Response: Thank you for offering this suggestion. This kind of thing may be tempting, but we just can't do it. If we once step over the line and use illegal methods to obtain information, the results of our whole investigation will be contaminated.

Sun Sep 6 02:38:46 PDT 1998

Scabbed Angel of Hell:

Umm...hello again I had another suggestion...Could you possibly shed light within the FBI??? Have you seen the movie "MISSIPPII BURNING"??? It was about about a cover-up that was going on in the south within the PD. The PD was active with the Klu Klux Klan and chased down civil rights workers and shot them to death (3 victims) and hid their bodies and car and made it all look like an accident to make a long story short they weren't getting anywhere within the town so the FBI was called and after many months they uncovered the cover-up within the PD...this movie was based on a true story....I onec again suggest going to them and if they are not cooperative please keep trying...

Scabbed Angel of Hell

"And the good lord said thou shall pay for thier sins..."

Sun Sep 6 01:58:42 PDT 1998

[From: Scabbed Angel of Hell]

First let me say that my heart goes out to you, and that there is hope in solving this hanus crime...keep your spirts and continue to press on as you have.....I have read through all information provided by you, I read over it many times...certain things that caught my attention was Kait's boyfriend, Dung. It said he was involved in the crime ring, and also stated that your daughter planned on exposing him. The way I see it is that he panicked in fear of going to prison(or the fear of ABQPD cover-up being uncovered) if she told what knowledge she contained...Anyways he held a meeting of some sort preferrably the shop where cops and other members goto, tto party...they came up with a plan and got a hold of Sharon, with her they staged a phony someone to be in the right place at the right time wrote a fake note to supposedly be from Kait (this planning could have taken weeks to even maybe a month to perfect) then they happened to get kait in the right place at the right time. I really do believe that her boyfriend was deeply involved also sharon and the police department. Might I make a harmless suggestion??? Dismiss this suggestion if you already tried it and forgive me for my stupidity. But can't you take all this information and newly uncovered information and take it to a higher power? What I am trying to say is that there is surely something outside of NM. Or you could inform other authorities of this organized crime that involves the ABQPD. Organized crime here (especially within the PD) is taken very serious and great action has been taken in the past against certain individuals (outside help was called in since the PD was of no help, due to them trying to protect their fellow officers). But I would certainly try and take this case out of NM and bring it out more in the light....not to say you already haven't, might I say bringing it onto the net was avery good idea in awareness...I am of the age of 17 and want to see this case through to the end and wish you well and want you to know that I am willing to do MOST ANYTHING if asked, just post me a response and i will get in touch with you...
Scabbed Angel of Hell

Sat Sep 5 07:26:06 PDT 1998

To the Arquette Family,

After a very long restless night I have read your answer back to my posting. I'm going to feel much better by using the US Mail...god knows that "drive-by shootings" can happen to anybody on the streets of Albuquerque, especially if one knows who is to be randomly selected. I accept and trust you after reading that you would keep your word on keeping all names silent that help you with information about this city. In fact I feel safer knowing that you have something from me in writing. Thank you.

Arquette Family Response: We look forward to receiving this.

Fri Sep 4 22:00:04 PDT 1998

To The Arquette Family,

The DJ that played music at the Roadrunner aka Laser Lounge at Kirtland Air Force Base had/has a name. During the time frame that your daughter was murdered the DJ that moonlighted name was Ray Duran. He went by Ray J. Ray spun records on Friday nights from around 4 PM to closing, he was in there on Thursdays too. A lot of women had the hots for him (what a joke if they had only known the truth) Ray always let the fact that he was an Albuquerque cop be known, well he said he was a detective instead of a roadman. When Ray spun records there were always plenty of "his kind" that somehow got on base....a homicide detective named Pat who didn't dress like a "cowboy" but in dockers, loafers...more like a Yankee if you know what I mean. Ray drank Coors (Colorado Kool-aid) and smoked Salems if I'm not mistaken (on the cigarettes) that stood him out from his other buddies who smoked Marlboros. There was always a female that came into the club when Ray played music, her name was (she called herself) Annie. Word was this woman was a NARC. She was tall and had long hair with a huge mole on her face. If she was "narcing" she was getting into a (or trying) to get into a lot of airmens BDU's From the neck down she looked pretty good, her skirts were cut clean up to her a-- and she tried showing every asset she had. That face was her downfall! Whoa! Scared me and I ain't afraid of nothing! The guys at the club used to say they would throw a flag over her face and say they were "doing her for OLD GLORY"...the flag. If she was a NARC she wasn;t doing her job because the flow of drugs that came through there would have lit up the Duke City! There was a black bartender that worked at the main NCO club and the Roadrunner/Laser...he was totally messed up! Drugs and booze and I might add theft. There was no way to keep what was going on in there a secret...a blind cop would have known about the illegal activities going on at the little club right off the flightline. Ray drove a white van as described in your book, "Who Killed My Daughter." He wasn't faithful to his wife (the one of the month, year...whatever) Ray was always trying to get into a female's pants. I hope this helps some, if it does just give me a sign or post something and if your interested I might have more for you.

I'm very sorry about your daughter, may Kait soar with eagles and have wings as colorful as a beautiful parrot from the south seas. May you and your family find the truth and finally have closure. Albuquerque is a fast town with plenty of secrets.....

Arquette Family Response: We are very interested in your information. Rather than posting more here, please, contact us by U.S. mail at the P.O. box listed on Kait's web page.

Thu Sep 3 12:57:05 PDT 1998

I became concerned when I saw my first and last name posted with the city I live in. Please remove it, but, you may keep it, and contact me at my e-mail at work. [email protected] I am aware that I signed it as such, but it was alarming to see how others identified themselves. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I hope your efforts are being rewarded. I hope you understand. [mb]

Arquette Family Response: This message board is maintained by Tom Arriola of the "Crime Scene Evidence File," so we don't have any personal control over deleting posts. But Tom visits this board to read the posts, and I'm sure he will comply with your request. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Many of the people who are being careful to conceal their identities are members of Albuquerque law enforcement, and their caution is understandable.

Thu Sep 3 12:06:31 PDT 1998

Ok, first the note was obviously written by Dung Nguyen to Kait, not the other way around. Did anyone ever check out the Nam house to verify who returned the books? Secondly, Sharon Smith needs to be tracked down, I believe that the name is an alias since "Smith" normally a generic name seems out of place in New Mexico. Did Sharon's phone records establish that she made calls to the apartment or not because no one answered.What time did Kait's phone records says that the calls were placed (by Dung) telling people of her death. I believe Kait shared what info she had with Sharon, she told someone who had her eleminated, as well as a way to threaten Dung to keep his mouth shut which he did.

Arquette Family Response: (1) The police report states that the note says,"I WENT TO MOM'S HOUSE TO RETURN THESE BOOKS," and that Dung told APD the note was written by Kait, who must have come home during the day while he was out. Police did not show us this note or tell us the content; they just informed us and the district attorney that Kait had left a loving note for Dung, which was proof that she wasn't breaking up with him. It wasn't until a full year later, when Kait's file became part of the public records, that we finally got a look at the note, and informed the police that was not in Kait's handwriting and that it said "Nam" rather than "Mom." Nam is one of Dung's friends who was involved in the carwreck scam. The police did not respond to our letter and continued to represent the note as having been written by Kait and left for Dung. So Nam was never interviewed. (2) Sharon's name really is Smith. She was married to a man named Blake Smith. (3) There is nothing in the case file to indicate that APD ever checked any phone records from the night of the murder. We, as private citizens, weren't able to get access to those records.

Wed Sep 2 11:26:02 PDT 1998

Excuse me but...this happened in New Mexico...Land of Enchantment and secrets. Dung should have his ass hauled before a grand jury! Khanh Pham and An Q. Le should have already been before a grand jury hearing! Sorry but when America knows whats going on with these aliens our government should act.

Doesn't the fact that Khanh Pham who left the United States Air Force on 12 Feb 98 had a security clearence of top secret level or higher? After all, Khanh Pham was with the JTF/POW/MIA based out of Camp Smith, Hawaii. You ask what is JTF/FA POW?MIA? That's the JOINT TASK FORCE/FULL ACCOUNTING FOR MISSING PRISONERS OF WAR AND MISSING IN ACTION. Is this why the USAF won't release information to the Arquettes? Why won't Bolling AFB allow information that may be critical to solving a murder to be released?

Tue Sep 1 20:15:47 PDT 1998

I just got finished the book and am now reading the info on the postings.
I'm very shocked and in awe and am pissed the FBI is not helping. I think we should go to Washington and get the government to help investigate the Arizona police department. The way they investigated this was unbelievable and something should be done about them, We ought to get together and make something happen. I am so frustrated with this case. and Dung is still walking around free he should at least be sent back to VietNam.

Thats all I gotta say for right now.

Rick S.

Arquette Family Response: One minor correction -- it's New Mexico, not Arizona. Or is it possible it's like this EVERYWHERE and everyday citizens just don't realize it?

Tue Sep 1 19:05:44 PDT 1998


Tue Sep 1 18:28:25 PDT 1998

I am the person who posted the note on 8-25-98 in which you responded that there was "technical problems" and the posting was lost re: Dung's medical,al... I have law enforcement background and I think that if you could use some help on my end, I would be happy to help. I am particularly interested in the phone line tips. Also, to the person who is asking for law enforcement to step up to the line, here's one..Mr. and Mrs. Arquette: I will contact you, if you wish via e;mail due to my thoughts on this. It will be something that you should consider first.
Pls. post your feelings on this, and I will respect your decision. [spykette]
P.S. : the person who is posting messages' re: law related and others who have
related backkground e:mail that you want to help & lets help out. Now!

Arquette Family Response: Thank you. We would appreciate hearing from you, or from anyone else with experience and/or connections who is willing and able to help us. You can contact us by using the e-mail envelope on Kait's web page.

Tue Sep 1 01:08:32 PDT 1998

I'm very sorry for your loss and pray that this web site and it's use of reader feedback will lead to justice for all those involved in Kait's murder. I'm glad you put the addresses for those of us who wish to voice our outrage at the obstruction of justice that the authorities are responsible for. There is no excuse for what the APD has put this family through and if there's anything I could do for you, write a letter of protest, promote awareness of this web site, you can be sure I'll do it. The alleged corruption and proven lack of cooperation of the APD is appalling and absolutely sickening. "Who polices the police?" is hauntingly demonstrated here.

The people, that's who. One person or one family may be ignored but a whole community cannot. Hopefully, the loose ends can be resolved and the process of healing these wounds can begin. May Kait rest in peace and may the awnsers come quickly.

Sun Aug 30 10:21:21 PDT 1998

From what I have read reagrding this case, it appears that the APD ia a real embarrassment to law enforcement. What with the way many citizens view police officers now days, these guys are really adding fuel to the fire.

As stated in some other coments, I would think the APD would be spending time tracking down all the points in the case that have been brought out, but are still unanswered, on this Web site. This PD should try to redeem their image of incompetency ASAP, to at least make themselves look like real police officers, rather than a TV series portraying bad cops!

By the way, who is paying their salaries?

Arquette Family Response: APD salaries are paid by the City of Albuquerque. The City also sets aside $4 million per year to settle legal claims against the Police Department with "no admission of wrong doing."

Sat Aug 29 22:54:30 PDT 1998

Why no response to my suggestion of a civil wrongful death suit as a means of subpeonaing APD records? Has this been considered?

B.D. Sally

Arquette Family Response: Please, don't anyone feel that your posts are not being taken seriously just because we don't respond to each and every one. What we've been trying to do is answer posts that solicit specific information that would be of benefit to everybody who is trying to help us. (A number of such posts piled up while we were evacuated, so we're going back now and plugging in delayed responses.) We have deliberately NOT been responding to posts that offer concrete suggestions for future action, because we don't want to broadcast our intentions. We have been copying off these suggestions to review with our attorney before we make definite decisions. Please, consider this a blanket "thank you" to all of you who are coming up with these suggestions.

Sat Aug 29 07:07:27 PDT 1998

:t seems to me there are many unanswered questions in the forensic side of the investigation. How would you feel about having your daughter's body exhumed (sp?) and contacting an expert in the field. Dr. Michael Baden is the best I can think of. I've seen him on some HBO specials "Voices from the Grave" and he's been extremely successful in re-creating the crime and identifying suspects by his uncovering forensic evidence long after the actual crime occurred. :BR> :BR>I know that would be very difficult emotionally but it might answer some age old questions that seem to have been buried by a botched investigation. :BR> :BR>Sidney Falls ([email protected])

Arquette Family Response: We have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the autopsy report. Our problems are not with Kait's body, but with the crime scene.

Fri Aug 28 18:26:26 PDT 1998

Did anybody talk to internal affairs.since matt griffin was arrested they must have done some investigation. also i think peter klunck and this case are linked.what was the name of the first cop at the scene?


Arquette Family Response: (1) Internal Affairs Investigations appear to be used only as camoufage. Former Chief Justice William Riordan, who conducted the Internal Affairs investigation for the police department in the Peter Klunck shooting, stated in his official report to Police Chief Sam Baca, "I believe there is a question about whether Mr. Klunck was armed at the time he was shot and, even if he was, whether it was necessary to shoot him." Chief Baca then announced to the media that the police Internal Affairs investigation concluded the Klunck shooting was JUSTIFIED. (2) The first officer at the scene of Kait's shooting was Violent Crimes Detective Ronald Merriman. He is no longer with the department.

Fri Aug 28 10:29:40 PDT 1998

I would be interested to hear what some of the other police officers in the APD and around the country might have to say about this case and it's apparent glaring lack of professionalism and ensuing cover-up by the APD. I'm not saying that all the APD officers are in on it but the brotherhood DOES exist and many times heads are turned to cover ones own a--. How about it officers? Anyone willing to cross the line and offer an opinion or better yet an answer?
(from: PatrolWatcher)

Fri Aug 28 08:24:22 PDT 1998

To the person who posted the message about Pete and Griffin. I am interested in what you said. I would like to hear more. If you are willing, post a message saying so.


Thu Aug 27 21:59:42 PDT 1998

Correction !!!!!!!!!!----- In yesterdays comment, I suggested that you contact Mauri Povich. That was erroneous. in my excitement, my brain got befuddled and I said "Mopo" but in reality meant Geraldo Rivera. Geraldo is the one who would go after the truth. Please accept my apology for my mistake. Tessie 31

Thu Aug 27 18:33:10 PDT 1998

What about a petition from all corners of the world demanding further investigative efforts outside APD's jurisdiction? I would be willing to sign, and, support by letter writing etc.. I cannot think of anyone I know that would not demand further investigating. You may have already thought ot that, but the public might be able to lean and apply pressure in mass! Let me know what I can do to help. Have you tried John Walsh, Americas Most Wanted?? Geraldo Rivera seems to be able to help.

Arquette Family Response: The major TV shows don't like to feature the same cases, so since Kait's case was featured on "Sally Jessy Raphael" and "Unsolved Mysteries" it's not a candidate for John Walsh or Geraldo. But you people are already helping, not only with opinions and suggestions, but by directing our attention to certain issues that had become buried. Your enquiries have caused us to go back and review documents and transcripts, which, in light of our new information, raise questions we hadn't thought to ask before. Other ways you can help: (1) Please, use any methods you can think of to bring public exposure to Kait's web site as a way that informants can contact us. Much of our new information has come from members of the military; ex-wives and ex-girlfriends of suspects and cops; and honest APD officers who want to help us but are afraid to support us openly, who have contacted us secretly from this site. We promise to keep the identities of such people confidential. (2) There's probably nothing to lose by writing letters. No public officials responded to the Valentine's Day e-mail, but Albuquerque has since acquired a new mayor and a new police chief, and possibly they'll be more receptive. You can get their names and addresses by clicking on the "kiss" icon at the bottom of the "Update" menu. (3) As new thoughts occur to you, please, continue to post them on this message board.

Thu Aug 27 18:14:40 PDT 1998

What about a petition from all corners of the world demanding further investigative efforts outside APD's jurisdiction? I would be willing to sign, and, support by letter writing etc.. I cannot think of anyone I know that would not demand further investigating. You may have already thought ot that, but the public might be able to lean and apply pressure in mass! Let me know what I can do to help.

Thu Aug 27 13:53:46 PDT 1998

I had written this comment on Monday but it hadn't been posted. I am sorry for the Arquette family's lost. I don't think the police are stupid and they know that Kait didnt write the note to her boyfriend. Even I can see that the r's and s's aren't the same, plus several other items.
It is a shame that this young girl had to die but I believe she was involved in a drug operation, maybe not of her free will, but through her friends. I believe she was carrying drugs the night she was murdered. Possible reason for her one shoe being out of the car. Murderer retrieving the drugs, knocked her shoe out of the car. I believe the Alberque Police have an on going investigation in drug trafficking in that area. 9 years isn't a long time for a drug investigation, especially when arrest are being made. The police might even know, who killed Kait but can't come forward at this time. What are the statue of limitations on murder?
You can't convince me that the police officers in Alberque are all crooked and I hope the police are sucessful in their drug ring investigation. Let the police do their job and I am sure that in the end, the murderer of Kait Arquette will be brought to justice.
I mentioned in the first comment not posted, that a drug detecting dog could detect even the minute residue of drugs in her car. After 9 years it might be too much for a dog to detect but I would want to know if there were any drugs in my daughter's car at one time or another. It is a shame, you didn't check the car after the police released it to you.

Arquette Family Response: This would be nice to believe, but the facts don't support that scenario. If this was a sting operation, the police would have kept the car to use as evidence. Instead, they had it towed to a salvage yard even before the funeral, and our family was advised to have it scrapped without looking at it because it was filled with blood and vomit.

Thu Aug 27 13:06:18 PDT 1998

If you ask me, the APD should all be shot. They're not doing their job. If I was a member of that PD, I would spend most of my free time
trying to solve that case.

Thu Aug 27 10:42:03 PDT 1998

[From: Matthew Peel]
[[email protected]]

It seems to me that from reading "The Murder" that this Sharon is some way connected to the murder.

1. She has conflicting stories.
2. She is a NEW friend.
3. She draw a map of where to go (this would tell the killers where that could find her)
4. She called the boy-friend, so we do not really know if there was an answer or not, she could easily of lied.
5. She blames the boy friend, is she shifting the blame.

I think some one ought to look into how their friendship started, who her other friends are, her background, she seems very suspicious.


Wed Aug 26 14:19:32 PDT 1998

This case smells rotten from start to finish.Too many lies and discrepencies. I believe that Kait was killed by her boyfriend with the help of her "FRIEND" Sharon and that there is police involvement in the killing and that the entire Albequerque police department should be thoroughly investigated by the State Police commission of New Mexico. If that fails, ( and I am not being funny ) get Mauri Povich involved. If he puts his teeth marks into this case he won't let go until a lot of heads roll and results are coming to pass. I ask all of the previous questions mentioned by other members of the Crime Scene.Plus one more. Why was the police dept ever investigated????? ( Tessie31)

Arquette Family Response: It would seem unlikely that the boyfriend, Dung Nguyen, was actively involved in the shooting. He was given a primer residue test, and the results were negative. But the fact that he was phoning people about the shooting three hours before police informed him suggests that he was either at the scene or in contact with others who were. When Kait's mother visited Dung in the hospital following his alleged suicide attempt, he told her he was "deciding" whether or not to reveal the identity of Kait's killer. He later denied having made such a statement.

Wed Aug 26 09:42:17 PDT 1998

[from: [email protected]]
After recieving this URL from Crime Scene, I felt been challenged. Not from the crime itself, but all the cops in Albuquerque who's reponsible for not helping to having this case solved, yes, I mean all of you(them). I'll do all I could to reach the final relief I felt after watching the movie " Cop Land". One question comes to me, what is it that the disk jockey trying to show by drinking/smoking different brands of beer & cigarette. What rank is he? My most logical thought'll be 1 or 2 rank below the chief (please correct me if I'm wrong). My sense, this disk jockey might help us in some way... hopefully.

Wed Aug 26 08:52:21 PDT 1998

First of all, let me say that I'm truly sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you must have suffered all these years.

That said, I'd like to post some questions and comments.

The presence of Paul Apodoca (sp?) at the scene is certainly puzzling. Your investigator said that he claimed that he was in the area to buy drugs. From whom and where was this transaction to take place? I can't fathom that he was such a good citizen that he saw an accident and stopped to see if he could help. Also, her boyfriend was allegedly into selling drugs, correct? Let's suppose that the location for the drug buy was the body shop (just around the corner from the crime scene) and the seller was the boyfriend or one of his cohorts. Is it possible that Kait drove to the body shop to meet her boyfriend and she witnessed the buy go down and was spotted? The proximity of the crime scene to the body shop is too coincidental. It might be helpful if you posted a map of the area detailing the locations of your (the parents) house, Sharons house, the body shop, and Kait's apartment.

Clarify something for me. You claim that Apodoca was arrested/convicted/accused of crimes against women using the same caliber weapon as that which shot Kait. Yet the only mention I've seen of the weapon size is the ME's claim that it was a small caliber weapon and no slug was recovered. There was also a vague mention that the hole in the door frame appeared to be a much larger caliber. How does this fit in and how can the claim be made the Apodoca used the same caliber weapon?

I've seen mention of an incredible number of law enforcement agencies involved in this case, if not directly then at least at the periphery...APD, NM State Police, FBI, ATF, OSI (don't know what this is but I assume that it's the AF equivalent of Army CID), NM Attourney General,INS, and, although not mentioned, I assume the Kirkland AFB MP's. You've made specific references to insurance fraud. Does you state have a agency dedicated to investigating insurance fraud. If so, what do they do with information which is illegal but out of their purview? That might be something to look at. Also, since there is evidence of an extensive drug smuggling operation, has anybody contacted the DEA?

[[email protected]]

Arquette Family Response: I'll answer this in two parts, since you've addressed a couple of important issues. (1) No, Paul Apodaca was not "a good citizen," which is why we can't understand why police never questioned him in this case, either as a suspect or a witness. Paul's criminal record in Bernallillo County Metro and District Courts show arrests for strong arm robbery; auto theft and possission of stolen property; assault and battery for attacking a woman with her fists, kicking her and causing injuries to her face; false imprisonment and aggravated battery for abducting a woman, binding her hands,and striking her repeatedly on the head with a baseball bat; robbing a cashier at knifepoint; criminal traspass and battery for forcing his way into a woman's apartment; battery and attempted sexual assault for attacking a woman on the UNM campus, and various other crimes. On the occasion on which he shot a victim from the VW bug, he used a .22 handgun. You're right, no slugs were found in Kait's body, but according to the medical examiner, the bullets had to have been small caliber, "probably a .22", or they wouldn't have shattered in Kait's head. (2) The insurance fraud investigators in Southern California have been WONDERFUL. They took the names we gave them, ran them through their own computers to document all the car wrecks, then took the names of the PASSENGERS in those wrecks and ran THOSE, and kept extended the web outward until it linked into a ring they were already investigating. On January 13, 1993, there was a record-setting crackdown in Southern California that led to over 40 arrests of people involved in four loosely connected insurance fraud rings. An additional 70 suspects were under investigation. But the people they were after were doctors and lawyers in Orange County, not the small time, out-of-state participants, like Kait's boyfriend and his friends.

Wed Aug 26 08:08:45 PDT 1998

The post from the person who referred to Convicted murder Matt Griffin as "Matt" and the teen killed being referred to as Pete instead of Peter tells me that APD is speaking out loud and clear! It is evident that a APD officer who is very close to this case feels that killing a "punk" is okay. This also appears that a secret society within APD feels that killing who they believe is useless to society is doing society a favor. Could Clint Eastwood been that far off with the movie Magnum Force?

Kait may have not been "an angel" but doesn that mean her death isn't important enough to secure the scene, go over the scene, car and secure the first people on the scene hounding them for answers to her death? APD gives shoplifting more attention than what this case got. Either APD has to admit that they are the dumbest department going or that a cover up indeed happened.


Wed Aug 26 07:12:50 PDT 1998

Howdy crimesceners... time to do some good.. Im with ya..

In response to the earlier post ref upward/downward gunshots. I noticed that too... my guess would be this:
(feel free to correct this as you see neccesary)
She had stopped her car, but not put it in park. Bad guy approaces car, shoots her in head. Her foot comes off the brake, the car drifts into for a while. Bad guy walks over to car, puts a second shot into the victim.
There are a few reasons why I think this. First, the shot was to the side of the head, which says the the assailant was either not noticed by the victim (he snuck up on her) or he was known to her and the act of violence was a total surprise. (Hence her sitting still long enough to put a bullet into her head.) This accounts for the downward angle.
From the crimescene photo provided, we can see there is not much front end damage on the car, therefore, it did not accelerate as it headed across the road.
The bad guy then walks over to the car, and ensuring the victim is dead, delivers a coup d'grace shot (the upward shot, since she is laying across the seat at this point). Its a shame the vehicle cannot be examined. If my theory is right, you could get an approximate height of the killer.
The question I have - can we get ahold of any pathology or forensics information? A competant medical examiners report can tell alot....

Best of luck!

Arquette Family Response: We do have a copy of the medical examiner's report, and our P.I. met with her in person to ask her to clarify some issues and answer additional questions. The ME said the 10 degree difference in the angles of the wounds could indicate that Kait fell to the right after the first show, in which case the first shot would have take a downward angle and the second shot would have taken an upward angle. She said O.M.I. was not called to the scene, which is usually done when a victim has not died but is expected to die, nor were they given access to scene reports or scene photographs when performing the autopsy, so they had to go on the information provided by the APD officer attending the autopsy.

Tue Aug 25 23:23:36 PDT 1998

The main problem you're having is the inability to access all the evidence and case material. Since you apparently cannot sue the APD civilly, what about a wrongful death suit against one of the suspects (take your pick, perhaps Apodaca?) I'm no lawyer, but wouldn't you then be able to subpeona ALL the records in your attempt to prove the CIVIL liabilty of the murderer, ala the Goldman's vs. OJ Simpson civil case?


Tue Aug 25 23:22:56 PDT 1998

Mr. Eps,
Firstly I would like to thank you for personally for aiding me in the guide for truth, whereas the obvious has an apperent focal point. That Mr. Clinton has infact distracted us from the obvious. It is him in the conspiracy.. It took place at the same time.. and Above all. The most obvious similarity is that Monica has brown hair and it is August so there must be a coincidence !! Thank you Mr. Eps or should I say and reveal Mr Sherlock Holmes.
[ From: Mr. A Resol ]

Tue Aug 25 23:15:07 PDT 1998

Well done Mr. Eps I thank you for bringing that thought to the table however I dont know if I want that thought of her on my table ! LOL

Tue Aug 25 23:10:10 PDT 1998

Hey it took me a while but I just figured it out. This is a "Wag the Dog" type of diversion technique put out by Bill Clinton to distract you Americans from the heat caused by the Monica Lewinski affair. Good work, you had me going there for a while.
[From Mr Eps]

Tue Aug 25 20:52:13 PDT 1998

I have followed this site for a while now. At first, it was interesting, then it became humorous and now it has become absurd. There are many ways to deal with the issue of dissatisfaction with a police investigation, so why haven't theses been effective? Possibly because there is absolutely no merit to the claim that it was a poor investigation. Everyone loves a conspiracy theory and you seem to have attracted quite a few people who are willing to turn this into an example of "Intellectual Masturbation" based on one-sided facts. Come on folks, are you going to believe that every investigative body in the United States has been conspiring to obstruct justice over a homicide in Albuquerque, New Mexico? I bet the P.I. has benefitted very nicely from this theory. It is one thing to try to find an answer, and sometimes it just can't be found, but stop slandering the APD with this nonsensical theory...or entitle this page "The X Files". Yikes!

Arquette Family Response: Your reaction is understandable. Like you, we could not believe there was no way to go over the heads of the local P.D. until we tried it. And, like you, we cannot accept that those outside investigative bodies have "been conspiring to obstruct justice." It would seem more likely that it's a reluctance to deal with somebody else's garbage. The case is no longer fresh, it's complex and politically unsavory, the investigation would be time consuming, and one dead teenager just isn't worth the effort. Unless she happens to be YOUR teenager.

Tue Aug 25 20:36:23 PDT 1998

If New Mexico has a State Bureau of Investigation, you could attempt to gain their cooperation in the matter, as well - though, if past experience is any indication, it'll probably do little good.

My heart goes out to you, both on your loss and your frustration. If only so much evidence hadn't been "lost," or not properly gathered in the first place...


Tue Aug 25 19:24:37 PDT 1998

I have just read the comments in reference to permission not being granted by APD to use their hotline tips and that as private citizens our hands are tied on an investigation.I think someone should check into the FEDERAL OPEN RECORDS ACTS to see if any rights have been violated in this situation.This will give all of the rights of what the federal government gives as open records that are accessable to the public to investigate.Also I have not seen anything to the fact that APD lifted any prints off of the car or if there was any test for powder residue on the vehicle or victim.This could substantiate whether this was a drive by or up close homocide.

Arquette Family Response: (1) We had our attorney submit an Inspection of Public Records Act request for certain case materials that had been requested by out-of-state forensics experts who had read Kait's web page and volunteered to help us pro bono. APD's response was simply that they couldn't find them. (2) According to police reports, Kait's car was "processed for latent fingerprints with negative results." (This seems odd to us, since Sharon Smith told both us and the police that she was a passenger in that car earlier that evening when she and Kait went out for ice cream. Why weren't her fingerprints on the inside handle of the passenger door?) There is no report of tests being done for powder residue on the car or on the victim.

Tue Aug 25 16:12:58 PDT 1998

Hello my name is rick and if there is anything i can do to help i wish you talk to me.. i feel the pain you feel... i only hope this will help.. you are doing the right thing... as so many others will feel for your lost. dom Yee


Arquette Family Response: Thank you, Rick. The insights posted on this page ARE helping us more than you'll ever know. We are very grateful to all of you.

Tue Aug 25 16:05:06 PDT 1998

I can't believe this trying to link this case to Griffin. I know APD wouldn't cover anything up. And this goes on everytime something like this happens if it can't be solved or not solved to their satisfaction. I'm sorry for Kaits death and the families loss I know that would be hard. But realize, she may have not be the total angel everyone says they are when they become victims.
Klunck for example how the hec would Griffin be able to get involved in a chase that was called out and be able to shoot. People don't realize polce have to make split second decisions to shoot. I agree Griffin wasn't the perfect Officer but I don't think this was related in any way and if Griffin wasn't there Klunck would of been shot anyway. And there the angel comes into play the picture on this website of Klunck in his Military uniform. Well why didn't they put his mug shot picture instead thats the person he was when he died. Again sorry for the family's loss on Pete too but face it kids aren't the perfect angels their parents believe they are.
Matt stole his own car by the way and no one helped him he did kill the witness when he was stealing one car because the witness knew him and all the sports cars he used were iroc camaro's which he also owned.
Apd has a fine homicide department and excellent detectives and not every murder can be solved and this may just be one of them. But it doesn't mean that there was a cover up. What about the news articles about APD being cleared of all wrong doing in each of these incidents by teh higher courts.
This web page is one sided I'm sorry but i think both sides should be expressed here to give everyone a fair shot at their decision.

Tue Aug 25 15:47:36 PDT 1998

I think it is very obvious that "someone" is covering up for the actuall killer/killers. There is a lot of questions not answered and a lot of obvious things weren't looked into. Like her handwritting compared to the note. Ammatuer people like me is smart enough to see something funny about it and yet someone who was suppose to go through schooling to deal with these type of things who are so called specialist don't see these things? I don't think so. It seems so selfish and evil that people would sit back and let someone get killed just to get money, that is purely sick and immoral. Someone must confess before it happens again.

Tue Aug 25 12:29:45 PDT 1998

Just some comments I noticed that it was said that one of the head wounds was shot from an upward angle and the other was downward. It makes me wonder if she was pulled over and someone squatting on the ground shot upwards, she then tried to escape, her car was chased and rammed into the pole. As she tried to crawl over to the passenger door she was shot again, since she was in a fetal position it makes me think she saw it coming and curled up to protect herself. Whoever shot her put the car into park and turned off the ignition so anyone passing by would think it was a traffic accident and the car abandoned. Since the scene nor the car was protected as evidence nothing can be gained from it's contents. I hope someone talks because that will be the only way this crime will be solved all evidence has been either lost or destroyed or just never gathered in the first place. The problem will definately be lack of evidence unless the police have enough locked away somewhere and they aren't handing anything over period. I feel they definately know who and why but the internal corrution is so strong unless someone big looks at the records it will remain unsolved to the family.

Tue Aug 25 12:28:37 PDT 1998

My deepest sympathy go out to you and your family. I can't even imagine being a U.S. citizen that you would have to endure all of this run around. The APD are protecting them instead of trying to help you find out who murdered your daughter. The U.S. goverment won't even help you. So much for our government. My friends and I are going to start a letter writting campaign to the officals in New Mexico. I will try to help everyway I can. I will even write to my congress men and women and try to get their interest in this. Just want you to know that my prayers are with you..

[from: Piglettjen].

Tue Aug 25 10:58:58 PDT 1998

First I would just like to send my deepest sympathies to the Arquette family. The only thought that has gone through my mind since I started browsing this web site is this: Why hasn't the ATF been notified? The only place the ATF had even been mentioned was in two or three of the comments. Also, has the family ever considered a civil suit against the Albuquerque Police Department? If the APD hasn't listened before maybe a threat of a Civil Suit against the APD will make somebody in the DA's office take notice.

I'm also having a hard time believing that a driveby shooting (as the APD is claiming was the case here)is not considered a homicide.

Also, maybe one more thing to consider: Could it be that Dung Nguyen's injuries were maybe self inflicting afterall; maybe not an attempt at suicide but to make it look like an attack. For what reason he would do this I don't know but that thought kept popping into my head everytime I read something about his so called "Suicide Attempt." If somebody was planning on trying to kill him with a knife, I would think they would go for the throat or the chest where the injury would likely be more fatal. If they were just trying to "Scare" him, wouldn't they have beat him senseless instead or have done it in a less conspicuous locale

Arquette Family Response: To respond to your questions in order: (1) The information we submitted to the FBI was to be shared with ATF. We were informed that the ATF is not in itself an investigative agency. (2) We discussed the possibility of a civil suit with several attorneys. All told us that our only grounds for a suit against APD would be if we could prove that Kait was shot by a police officer. It is evidently not illegal for police to do a poor job on an investigation or to drop off a case when they're tired of it. (3) Your suggestion that Dung may have stabbed himself in an effort to make it look like a suicide attempt is interesting. Like you, we find it hard to believe that his companions would have tried to kill him and failed in the attempt. It's also hard to imagine ANYBODY attempting suicide by stabbing himself in the stomach.

Tue Aug 25 08:45:50 PDT 1998

FROM THE ARQUETTE FAMILY: Somebody posted a question asking whether the medical report of Dung's stabbing indicated that the would was self inflicted. In responding to that, I evidently did something technically incorrect and not only did my response not get posted but the question appears to have disappeared off the board. (I'm new at this, and it's amazing that I haven't messed things up worse than I have.) This was a good question, so I'm going to try answering it again. We can't get legal access to Dung's medical report. The fact that we're private citizens is a huge stumbling block to conducting a personal investigation. We can't get phone records, medical records, or bank records, and we don't have the legal authority to force witnesses and suspects to talk to us. We can't even get access to information we generate ourselves. Over a thousand people called the WE-TIP hot line after Kait's story was featured on national television in 1994. Although our family donated $1,200 to WE-TIP in order to use their hot line, they were not allowed to give us the tips unless APD granted permission, which APD refused to do. So, for the past five years, those tips have been sitting there unread.

Tue Aug 25 08:24:53 PDT 1998

I was just wondering if you had threatened APD to sue for gross neglect of evidence of homicide. Isn't there someone or someway to let the FBI or a higher authority like the CIA know about this horrific coverup? There is absolutely no way that Dung is innocent or any of the others involved. All of them know something--Can't a higher department do something--ANYTHING???
[[email protected]]

Arquette Family Response: In July, 1995, the Los Angeles Office of the F.B.I. opened an official investigation of the subjects in California who were participants in the insurance fraud ring. However, they made it clear that, since homicide is not a federal crime, neither they nor any other federal agency can investigate Kait's murder unless APD invites them in, which APD will not do. APD "owns the case."

Tue Aug 25 08:04:21 PDT 1998

I just wanted to express my sincere condolences in the loss of Kaitlyn . I also wanted to tell you not to give up the fight. Someone somewhere out there knows Something. God be with you and please keep updates on what is found--I know not only the family, but also the public will not rest until justice is served.
God Bless
[from: Gidget Fohs--Bullhead City AZ]

Tue Aug 25 07:41:04 PDT 1998

(From: quinc)

I'm sure you've thought of this, and perhaps if I would've kept reading
the responses it might have popped up.
I. The shooting
A. Why would the officer think it was a car accident?
1. skid marks?
2. anyone in distress?
3. was he flagged down?
B. He then conitinues driving by and turns around?
1. again there is not a logical reason for his
C. Possiible chain of events.
1. Kait was set up to be killed very quickly.
2. Her "new" friend that she was meeting for dinner,
perhaps was a girlfriend or drug addict connected
to the unethical police officers that frequented the
the club. She could have been threatened to
be part of the murder, and that is probably why she
really fled, she wasn't afraid for her life, she was
probably given her walking papers.
3. The police officer first to arrive shot her.
4. The second officer didn't see a VW because those
men were sent to make sure it was done, and that
it was her.
5. Look at who the officer was, his job in the department.
6. This was a panic killing,
7. Go back to the shooting itself, read his account.
8. How dod he get her to stop? Private vehicle, did he
have a portable police flasher for the roof?
9. Kait probably thought now what, or was she so lost
by the directions she was releived to be pulled over?
10. The way she was shot are consistent with someone
caught off guard. no defense wounds, was she
getting the map? Her registration? Were they
11. Was it also decided that Mr. A... could be set up to
take the fall, knowing he would be set for protecting
a police officer who was a killer?
Just some things for you to consider. Take care, I wish
your daughter the flight of an angel forever.

Arquette Family Response: According to the first officer at the scene, he was driving past in the west bound land and noticed Kait's car facing west and up against a post in the eastbound lane. He radioed in to see if an accident had been reported. When he was told no, he reported an accident with no injuries and turned around to return to the scene. When he noticed a blood drenched girl sprawled unconscious across the front seats of the car, he called for medical assistance. Allegedly he did not realize this was anything other than a traffic accident. When the second officer arrived, she immediately recognized that this was more than an accident, called for back-up, and started securing the scene. But by this time the crime scene had been contaminated, and Paul Apodaca had been allowed to walk away from it.

Tue Aug 25 05:37:14 PDT 1998



Arquette Family Response: Hang on there -- I spoke too soon. We've decided we're not going to evacuate until things get worse. Meanwhile, we'll keep responding to posts on this board until our electricity cuts out. For those of you who are wondering why people in New Mexico would be affected by a hurricane on the East Coast, the answer is that we no longer live in New Mexico. We left the state because of death threats to other family members after the publication of WHO KILLED MY DAUGHTER?. Our private investigator, back in Albuquerque, holds our Power of Attorney, and we return with regularity to participate in the investigation.

Tue Aug 25 05:19:51 PDT 1998

I have a few questions...Did Kait have a safe deposit box or a hiding place somewhere that she kept important things? Is there a way to check the boyfriend's alibi? Is there an businesses in the area that are on rotating shifts????

I have been thinking about this all night. My heart goes out to the family.

(Country Girl)

Arquette Family Response: No, Kait didn't have a safety deposit box. Right after the shooting, our family did a very stupid thing. When we cleared out Kait's apartment, we put everything from Kait's desk, (letters, notebooks, snapshots, etc.) into a sack and took it down to the police station and handed it over to the detective in charge of the case, and asked him to review those materials for possible clues. Little did we know we would never get them back again! (SEE THE SEGMENT OF THE UPDATE SECTION OF KAIT'S WEB PAGE TITLED "POLICE LOSE EVIDENCE FOR EIGHT YEARS.") Now we would give anything in the world to have access to those materials so we can review them, but we can't get them back.

Mon Aug 24 23:28:39 PDT 1998

I don`t know how helpful this note may be but i`ll give it a shot anyway. I just want to express my simpathies to the family and offer a few comments.
As someone that has had firsthand experience with organized crime, I must say that what has been going on is very disorganized. You`ll understand what I mean later on.
I`ll start from the very beggining. Time of kait`s death was established to be about 10:40pm. There was a definite screw up on the part of Kait`s friend about the time she arrived and there are many more questions about her boyfreinds alibi. Some of these questions had been asked and some were not. For example How far is Sharon`s house from where Kait`s parents live? How long does it take to get there? How far is Kait`s appartment from the crimescene? All of these questions if answered may help to establish Dung`s presence at the crimescene.I MUST STRESS HIS PRESENCE NOT HIS GUILT. He is a small time crook and car theif, but not a carrier killer.
But I`ll come back to him a little later.
Lets take a look at the note. Please mind that i do not claim to be an expert however several things seemed to stand out when one compares written samples.
1) letter m-
in the original writting its edges are very round, almost perfectly round as if it was written in one single stroke
in the crime note it is very sharp and "edgy"+ a small loop present at the top left part of the letter in the original sample is not present in the latter note.
2) letter s-
in the original writting it is also roundy if you will with extremely small or almost no loops
in the note it has large assymmetrical loops at the top and the bottom
3) letter d-
i think gives the biggest contrast between the writtings
in the original writting it is written ffrom the top down in on stroke without stopping + no matter where in the word it is, it is not connected with a bridge to the preceeding letter. It is always a separate letter from the previous letter whereas it is joined to the following letter. This feature is quit distinct because every single word in the original writting is written in one single move without pauses between letters EXCEPT FOR LETTER D.
in the note d is connected with a bridge to the preceeding letter and it beggins at the bridge not at the preceeding letter.
Overall, Kait`s writting is very organized and straight with almost perfectly round letters. On the other hand, the note was written in a clumsy way as if in a rush (we no that Kait was in no hurry), with writting leaning to the right. Overall impression THIS NOTE IS A DEFFINITE FAKE, as a scientist i am 95% certain of that.. It would be nice to obtain her boyfriends handwritting to compare to the note, you might be suprised.
This brings us back to the boyfriend. His alibi was never verified, his friends are untrustworthy criminals, and as far as that is concerned we do not know his whereabouts. Most likely he was present at the crimescene or was nearby, may be even at the auto shop. His behavior after the murder makes him seem involved. First of all I don`t buy the suicide version. FBI has statistics that males are 85% succusful in committing suicides, that in plain english means that only a complete idiot would try to kill himself by stabbing himself in the stomach. Besides Air Force says that it was a clear attack by one of his Vietnamese friends. Cops changed this detail for obvious reasons-coverup.
Overall, this boyfriend figure is a small person, it seems that he does not play a big role in the Vietnamese gang: he is a car thief but not a murderer. There is a very definite line between those two, and he has not crossed it yet; that is probably why he was wounded. Mind you he was wounded not killed, if they wanted him dead they would have used a gun, knife is not a Vietnamese weapon of choice. This was done to shut him up or to scare him from even thinking about cooperating with the investigation.
Going to the crime scene there are more questions than answers. Police is definitely covering this one up. A detective knows a difference between a fractured scull and the one with two bullet holes in it. It is not mentioned what caliber gun was used but if it is anything bigger than a 9mm handgun discharged at close range there would be a significant amount of blood on the dashboard and the front window. Just the presence of officer #1 is very suspicious, was he coming from the party at the infamous autoshop or was he doing a job for his mubster friends. Paul Apodoca raises even more questions: was he ever busted by officer #1 or officer Griffin prior to this incident? Well, moving onto the Hispanics that were latter on accused of this murder: someone was trying to put the blame on poor Hispanics known to have criminal records, but what they did not think of was that these people are not proffesional, doing a hit for $100 is hardly that.
I would like to offer you my theory of what happened

Kait`s involvement with Dung put her in the very bad circle of people drug dealers, car theifs, dirty cops even. However, she was not involved in any wrong doing. But she has seen something, most likely related to the bank robberies, may be overheard a conversation or Griffin`s bragging about his adventures. She probably reported this to the feds or internal affairs, Griffin was caught and imprisoned. He was finished, however the organization was not, there was no direct evidence linking Griffin to the Vietnamese gang except for someone like Kait who would be glad to give the required information. This concerned the Vietnamese and they put considerable pressure on Dung to convince Kait to keep quiet, however, he was not successful and their conversation lead to their break up and her determination to make sure that this gets in the open. Her next step was to set up a meeting with someone who she thought she could trust or someone that can do something about this situation, or both. Most likely it was a cop she had met at the auto shop, someone trustworhty and willing to corroborate her story. They were probably supposed to meet not too far away from the crime scene. However, tis meeting was not meant to take place, someone got tipped off or her friend betrayed her in any case a proffessional hitman was sent out to deal with her (this hitman could have been a cop-a very likely possibility considering the circamstances). After she was murdered Paul Apodoca was supposed to be set up for the murder and may be even killed as if trying to escape, his rap sheet would do the rest. Officer #1`s job was just that Apodoca was dropped off by the VW and left to be dealt with. Officer #2 arrived earlier than anticipated by officer #1 and interrupted his plans. Because of this Apodoca lived. When this plan fell through, dirty cops tried to set up Martinez and two hispanics for the murder. However, district attorney threw the case out because of the lack fo evidence, luckly for Martinez. Meanwhile, Dung tries to save his own skin by talking to his own bosses. It seems that he will live, as he forges a note from Kait and lies to the detectives about his whereabouts, however, he gets cold feet. His friends remind him what is at stake by making an additional hole in his stomach. The overall coverup by the police department is consistent with the suggested envolvement of the police. That is what i think happened.
Let me know what you think([email protected]).

Arquette Family Response: Thank you for this very well thought out scenario. To answer your questions: Sharon's house was about a 15 minute drive from her parents' house. Kait's apartment was about a 10 minute drive from Sharon's. We don't know what caliber gun was used; the Medical Examiner says it was small caliber, possibly a .22, but in the poorly lighted night photographs, which are all we have to go by , the hole in the door frame of the car looks VERY BIG. This makes us wonder if possibly two guns were fired. The size of the bullet hole in the car does not seem to be on record, and according to APD, no photos were ever taken with an indicator measuring tape positioned above the bullet hole.

Mon Aug 24 20:38:54 PDT 1998

In reference to the crime scene it was reported that blood and
vomit were both present in the Kait's vehicle. The P.I. after
observation of Kait's clothing reported that blood was present
on the right side of the clothing but no mention of vomit on
the clothing was mentioned. Were there any test performed on
the vomit such as DNA to prove that it in fact was from the
victim? It could be possible that Kait was not alone in the
vehicle at the time of her death. Maybe her boyfriend was
present in the vehicle. It would explain his frantic phone
calls to friends prior to the police notification. It could
also explain how the VW was removed from the scene. It could
also explain how the vehicle gear was put into the park
position. I read that the car doors were closed and the windows
were up. But one shoe was found on the ground beside the
drivers door the other shoe inside on the floor board. It appears
that she was outside the vehicle after she wrecked or her body
was placed there in a hurry leaving one shoe outside. If there
were no bullets found in her body then the bullets had to have
exited her body. If she had been shot in her vehicle the bullets
would have been recovered within the confines of the vechile.
Were any bullet casings found outside the vehicle or near the
scene? Even a drive by shooting would be treated as a murder
scene with the area taped off and secured. However, after
reading the page it appears it was not handled as such. And how
could the police on the scene determine that by looking at
incident that it was a random drive by shooting? The integrity
of the scene to preserve evidence would have been secured and
anyone on it would have had to give complete personal
information including all police,medical personal and civilians.
This information should have been recorded on a log book for
follow up investigation. So its seems strange to me that even
a rookie cop who just came upon the scene would meet a subject
standing at the vehicle and not get his full information. Who
was the off duty cop? What was he doing in the area? Was the on
duty cop dispatched to the scene or did he just arrive at the
scene? What cop made the decision to have the vehicle towed
instead of processed for evidence? Why would the VW drive just
a short distance from the crime scene and stop? Maybe to pick
up the subject they left at the crime scene? To see which cops
would respond to the incident? Or maybe they knew they would
not be located because the cops that responded were involved from
the beginning. Maybe Kait's death had nothing to do with what
she knew or what she may have been willing to tell. Maybe her
death was a warning to her boyfriend to control him should he
decide to talk or become greedy. The death of someone close to
you makes one aware of their own mortality. The stab could
possibly have been a reminder of the power they had over him
one of life or death. If it is true that the Air Force was
smuggling drugs on planes then this cover up will be much
higher up than dirty cops on a police force. Should that be the
case who do you trust anymore the cops, CIA, FBI? It sounds to
me as though you have knocked on numerous doors only to be told
it's not my jurisdiction or this agency does not handle these
investigations. And each one have refered you back to the same
police force where cops have brothers that deal drugs or they
themselves rob banks to supplement their income. What a shame
and disgrace. You have my deepest regrets and prayers.

Arquette Family Response: No tests were performed on the vomit. According to Sharon's next door neighbor, saw Kait leave Sharon's house, Kait was alone in her car. She was shot only minutes later, so it seems unlikely that she had had time to go somewhere and pick up her boyfriend. The Medical Examiner told us that Kait's head wounds were such that she would not have been conscious after the shooting and would not have been able to put her gear shift into park or open the car door. Which would suggest that somebody else opened the driver's door after the shooting, which could explain how the shoe fell out. Only some fragments of bullets were found in her body. There were no exit wounds. No bullet casings were found. The first officer at the scene who initially called in "an accident without injuries" was NOT "a rookie cop," he was a Violent Crimes detective who allegedly just happened to be driving by. The second officer at the scene was dispatched.

Mon Aug 24 19:49:26 PDT 1998

what about checking out her boyfriend and her friend sharon? i think they were in it together.

Mon Aug 24 18:48:46 PDT 1998

Hi i'm fairly new at this but have you checked to see if your daughter had a computer or had access to a computer. Maybe she put whatever she knew on the puter or a disk and has it stashed somewhere. Just a thought since almost everyone now has computers. As for the note i also don't believe your daughter wrote that note, I have to agree with the other person that her "s" just don't match up. Have the police or anyone checked out this Sharon person. Why would she all of a sudden three years later call you to let you know the time difference? If I were you I think I would try to get the FBI involved because it's obvious that you will get know where with the police. I believe there is a very big coverup going on there.

Arquette Family Response: This was 1989, and Kait didn't have a computer.

Mon Aug 24 18:40:21 PDT 1998

With whom have you been liaising in the investigating police department? Are you being told that they don't investigate "drive-by" murders or is that your opinion based on how the case has been handled? Has the police department told you that the file has been closed and that they will not investigate it further? The reason I ask these questions is that it appears to be extremely odd that an independent review has not been conducted into this investigation if it in fact had been conducted in such a shabby manner. Have you officially complained to the Albuquerque Police Department and what was their response? Have you officially requested either an internal or an external review of the investigation. If so, please let me know the results. If not, it would be hard to accept what has been printed on this site as more than mere conjecture. I would love to become involved with this issue and to assist in any way possible but must know what is and what isn't the truth.
Yours sincerely,

Arquette Family Response: The police keep changing their position about the official status of this case. The official spokes person for APD told the media the case is closed. However, whenever we try to get access to case materials, we are told we can't have them because the case is open but inactive. In 1994, Police Chief Bob Stover stated in writing, "There has been nothing to indicate that a Vietnamese group, described by (the Arquette family) was in any way involved in Kaitlyn's death." He said APD would investigate that possibility only if the Arquette family or their representatives could "provide verifiable new information which would lead to case closure and successful prosecution in this matter." Almost immediately after issuing this statement, Chief Stover was replaced by Joseph Polisar. Our private investigator, (a former intelligence analyst with the Governor's Organized Crime Commission) hand delivered a 75 page analysis of APD's investigation to the office of Chief Polisar and offered to meet with him to discuss it. Polisar would not respond. Our P.I. then initiated a meeting with APD Homicide Detective, Steve Gallegos, the detective in charge of Kait's case, to offer him all our new information. Gallegos told her the department does not want any information that concerns the Vietnamese. He did tell her that he would visit the prison to talk to Paul Apodaca, (the man who was standing next to Kait's car when the first officer arrived at the scene, and who has never been interviewed by police), but he didn't do so. Our other official efforts to get the case reopened by APD or investigated by an outside agency have been directed to the District Attorney, the U.S. Attorney, the Governor, the FBI, the Department of Public Safety, the American Civil Liberties Union, the NSA, and the Attorney General. All either (1) do not respond; (2) say they will look into the situation and get back us, and we never hear from them again; or (3) tell us that this is an issue between us and APD and it does no fall within their jurisdiction to tell another agency how to handle a case.

Mon Aug 24 18:40:21 PDT 1998

With whom have you been liaising in the investigating police department? Are you being told that they don't investigate "drive-by" murders or is that your opinion based on how the case has been handled? Has the police department told you that the file has been closed and that they will not investigate it further? The reason I ask these questions is that it appears to be extremely odd that an independent review has not been conducted into this investigation if it in fact had been conducted in such a shabby manner. Have you officially complained to the Albuquerque Police Department and what was their response? Have you officially requested either an internal or an external review of the investigation. If so, please let me know the results. If not, it would be hard to accept what has been printed on this site as more than mere conjecture. I would love to become involved with this issue and to assist in any way possible but must know what is and what isn't the truth.
Yours sincerely,

Mon Aug 24 15:48:08 PDT 1998

I have done a background inquiry and have discovered , through the Internet, that Lois Duncan (Arquette), has written many teen suspense novels, including some that have been made into movies.

Mrs. Duncan (Kait's mom) is now considered to be an expert in the field of psychic phenomena.
She wrote the book: PSYCHIC CONNECTIONS: A journey Into the Mysterious World of PSI.

This book provides young people with information on channeling, OOBE, ESP, Hauntings, Psychic Detectives, Psychic healings, and Psycokenesis.

My question to you Mrs. Duncan, is this:

Have you worked with any Psychic Detectives on the case of your daughter, and if so, what have the results been/
Also, has there been any attempts to channel Kait's spirit?

Thank you,
Amanda, Atlanta, GA

Arquette Family Response: We consulted psychic detectives Noreen Renier and Nancy Czetli, who have track records working with law enforcement. Both made interesting observations, but psychic input can not by any stretch of the imagination be considered "evidence." The information on Kait's web page is solidly documented and came from police reports, interviews with witnesses, and investigations by by insurance fraud investigators and private detectives.

Mon Aug 24 15:19:28 PDT 1998

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arquette,

This is my first glimpse into the details of your daughter's horrific death, but it will not be my last. Thank you for bringing this case to Crimescene for us to hopefully look at new angles.

I have some questions:
1) It has been stated that your daughter was meeting Sharon at her residence for dinner. Do you know if dinner was prepared? Was there an analysis of gastric contents to show if she had eaten shortly before her death?

2) I am looking at this whole scene, the policemen involved, the serviceman involved, and the Vietmanese gang members involved.
There is one thing never mentioned that I think might crack someone:
WOMEN- What about the girlfriends or wives of the policemen, serviceman, and particularly the Viets?
Were there any other American girls with the Viets? They would be much more likely to talk about what they have heard and know than the gang men.

3) There is a specific reason that the FBI and ATF can be brought in:
When the report about the Insurance Fraud was written, it named cities in CA, TX, NM.
In INTERSTATE matters, the FBI would have jurisdiction.
The drug-smuggling would necessitate ATF involvement.
If the APD did not make the proper reports at the time, then there is all the more reason for it to be investigated now.

4) A person who talks is a person who has something to gain by talking. Is these a reward posted?
Also, has anyone considered the possibility of a reduced sentence or other "sweet deal"arrangement with either Matt Griffin, or Paul Apodoca in return for testimony about Kait?

5) Your daughter seems to have drifted into an environment that is very unlike that in which she was raised. Can you please provide us with a short background history of you, her parents, and how she came to be involved with Nguyen in the first place?

6) Have Kait's long-standing friends been questioned? All I see here are drug lords, insurance thieves, murderers, gangs...
Surely, she had some decent friendsfrom school or church who know something about her activities.
What about co-workers or classmates?

7) Find the weak link.
There are many, and they will be the people who know things, and live or LIVED with the perps.
It is obvious that MANY people were involved in this murder.
I would think that among them are the boyfriend, the policemen making out the initial report at the crimescene, the person in the gold Camaro who rammed her car, the shooter, the persons in the VW, the friends of boyfriend Nguyen, Sharon Smith and her friends.

8) I do not believe that an 18 year old would try to expose all of the criminal elements that you have described in her case. That is impossible for any person to do. She was surrounded by sharks.
I think she wanted OUT, period, and knew too much to get out alive, or so they thought.
She may have threatened to expose boyfriend Nguyen, to cause him to separate from her.

9) If you truly believe that your teenaged daughter was going to expose the criminal elements around which she lived, wouldn't she have told you? Do you have any of the evidence that she was gathering?
I can see that if she contacted the APD, she may very well have played right into the gang's hands, because the PD had wide-spread gang connections, it would seem.
Why do you think that she did not share any of this with you?

I will check back for reponses...
I bet Patricia Cornwell would be a big help in this one. Have you contacted her?

Arquette Family Response: Your question about the stomach content is a good once, considering Sharon's conflicting stories about whether or not Kait ate dinner at her house. No glalysis of gastric content was done. Kait was a straight arrow honor student, who worked after school as clothing manager for Pier One Imports. She didn't drink or use drugs, and was never in trouble with the law. Her dream was to become a doctor. She was also a nurturer who was drawn to lost animals and lost people. In her junior year of high school, she met and fell in love with Dung Nguyen, who was one of the Vietnamese boat kids. Like Kait, we felt sorry for him, all alone in a strange new country. We had no suspicion that he and his friends were engaged in illegal activities. This may be wishful thinking on our part, but we don't think that Kait knew that either until right before the end, and then she thought she could handle the situation on her own. We think at the end she was playing Nancy Drew.

Mon Aug 24 14:44:05 PDT 1998

I have seen no mention of Polygraph tests or of any statement analysis results in this investigation. Have they been done? Do you have copies of any of the witness statements? Were the hispanic subjects interrogated at all. This would be exceptional evidence to be reviewed for signs of deception.
Thank you,
[email protected]

Arquette Family Response: The only Polygraph that was done was on one of the Hispanic suspects. He passed. The Hispanic suspects were interrogated at length and continued to proclaim innocence. The alleged "eye-witness" turned out to have been incarcerated on the night of the shooting, which is when the case against the Hispanics fell through.

Mon Aug 24 14:24:00 PDT 1998

(Big G)
Wow, that note is too much. Not only does it not look like her handwriting ( even on her worst day) it even sounds like one of those vietnamese talking. It's a shame that all of this corruption and cover-up exists in this world of ours. I'd hate to be involved in something like that and I feel for the family.
I'm sorry that I can't help you in some way.

Mon Aug 24 14:23:22 PDT 1998

Mon Aug 24 12:25:43 PDT 1998

I read this case thoroughly and the things that i have come up with like a lot of other people are that the "new" friend had to have been involved. There isn't anyone who won't remember what time someone showed up at their house and then to call and clarify the time...there is something else going on. Then the letter that was found to be written by Kait...if younotice closely the "S" does not match up with any of hers in the report she had written that was compared. Could the police really be this dumb. I don't think so. I think that there is a cover up by the police dept. and that Kait's family needs to go higher up then the police dept. Take all of the evidence that you have found and all the discrepencies of the evidence and suspects and show someone who will listen and try and see that this was more than random. Why was her car in park when it arrived at the pole? she couldn't have stepped on the gas after being shot then hit a pole and put into park. Impossible. I'm sorry that this had to happen but maybe this will show other police departments the problems with crime and investigation.
[email protected]

Mon Aug 24 09:25:52 PDT 1998

I think that the police just don't care about this case cause
if they did then they would check alibies,check the auto body
shop,and check the area within 1,000 ft from the scene.And
I also think when the 1st police officer came won't he ask
Paul if he saw what happened,or won't he ask neighbors if they
seen or heard anything.


Mon Aug 24 09:18:55 PDT 1998

{From: mc7link3}
From what I have read you have a definate cover up going on. If your P.I. information is totally accurate then you should be able to go over the head of the police department in Alberque. The jurisdiction of the case would be federal meaning the FBI should be the ones investigating. Not because Kait was murdered outside the New Mexico jurisdiction but because the link she could have made was one to interstate crime as well as possible international crime. My recommendation is that you should put your information in non-emotional form and submit it to the FBI. Then keep submiting it from state to national level as well as copies to your state congressman, senator, and any and all news agencies that will list it. This will gain some form of response. You may also want to send copies of the information to the CIA since you may also be talking about international crime. The only reason I can fathom that a cover up would be in progress legally is if the government has an undercover operative in the area and is trying to prevent his cover being blown. However for the length of time that this has been going on I find that very unlikely. Your largest obsticle to overcome is the case being listed as a drive by shooting. An open murder case has no time limits and therefore can go to trial at anytime there is sufficent evidence. A case listed as a drive by may have time limits associated with it. First I would try to get the drive by removed on grounds of new evidence and I would do this through federal court to take the jurisdiction out of the hands of the Alberque court system. Hope this has been of help.
[email protected]

Arquette Family Response: It never occurred to us that a drive-by would not be considered a real murder. If anybody out there can verify this, please, post a response.

Mon Aug 24 08:43:19 PDT 1998

(Posted by Kait's family)

Perhaps Tom can figure out a way for our family to respond to posts requesting additional information other other than by posting it on this on this board and risking its getting buried. For the time being, however, that seems to be the only way to do it.

The following excerpts are from the APD Crime Scene Report (OUR OWN COMMENTS AND THOSE OF OUR P.I. ARE IN PARENTHESIS):

APD report:

Kaitlyn Arquette's vehicle, a red, 1984 4-door Ford Tempo, was found
facing east, up against a pole on the north sidewalk at 401 Lomas NE (at Arno). The vehicle's front end was against a utility pole, facing in an easterly direction on the sidewalk next to the westbound traffic lanes of Lomas. The right rear wheel was in the street and the remaining three wheels on the sidewalk.

The left front fender was hooked on a steel cable separating Tom's
Motors car lot from the sidewalk. The engine was running, the lights
were on, the driver's window was broken, the doors were closed but
unlocked, the windows were in the rolled-up position, the automatic
transmission was in park.

The victim was found lying on her right side across both front bucket
seats in an almost fetal position. Her head was against the right front passenger door. Victim's left side of face was covered with blood. Victim was breathing. Medical assistance was requested. Victim died in the hospital a few hours later.

Determination of crime scene location:
The greatest concentration of glass was located 60 feet east of John
Street in the center eastbound lane. The trail of broken glass continued east in the center eastbound lane and crossed Broadway. The trail gradually veered over into the left eastbound lane into the left turn bay for Arno Street, where at 564 feet from the glass source, the
vehicle struck the curb on the south side of the center median. The
vehicle then straddled the median and continued eastbound, crossed over the westbound lanes of Lomas, jumped the curb and came to a stop after hitting the utility pole in front of Tom's Motors, some 719 feet east of the original glass source. (OUR NOTE: THERE ARE NO PHOTOS TO DOCUMENT THE GLASS IN THE STREET.)

A woman's shoe was found lying on the sidewalk outside driver's door - a matching shoe was found inside on the driver's floor below the steering wheel. A large quantity of blood was on the passenger seat, passenger floorboard and right rear floorboard. Vomitus was found on the inside passenger door and map pocket and on the curb and street directly below the passenger door.

A bullet hole was found in the front window post of left rear door, and another bullet impacted on the driver's left side window. Later
investigation determined that no bullets were recovered from inside the vehicle. It was determined that a minimum of three shots had been fired; two entered the victim's head, one entered the center post between the front and back doors of the driver's side.

(OUR OWN NOTES: No formal crime scene diagram was prepared - a rough
scene sketch was prepared but never made part of the formal case report. Kait's car was towed from the scene. NO Evidence Hold was placed on the vehicle. NO inside storage was requested, and NO further processing of the vehicle is noted. The vehicle was released from police custody on 7/20/89, specifying NOT NEEDED FOR INVESTIGATION. No photos were taken of the car or of the crime scene except for some poorly lighted night shots taken at the scene on the night of the shooting. Our family has heard a tape on which an APD forensics investigator refers to "rear-end damage" to Kait's car, but there are no photos showing the back of her car.)

From the Medical Examiner:

The autopsy report states the victim sustained two gunshot wounds to the head. The path of the bullet to the left temple is described as left to right with a 10 degree upward path. The path of the bullet to the left cheek area is described as left to right with a 10 degree downward path. Multiple satellite impacts were present around
the entrances to both wounds, consistent with history of an interposed
target (glass of automobile door window). Several missile fragments were recovered consistent with a small caliber bullet(s). The larger portion of the bullet was not recovered, nor was it present in the body.

(OUR P.I'S NOTE: Examination of victim's clothing at APD Evidence Unit revealed NO blood spots/stains on the left side of victim's outer or inner clothing. Blood stains were found on the right side, both inner and outer garments, of victim's clothing. When questioned about this, the Medical Investigator's explanation was that the victim fell immediately to the right as soon as she was hit. Yet APD's explanation for how the car traveled 719 feet and jumped a median and a curb after the driver was shot was that the driver fell forward and pressed on the accelerator.)

Mon Aug 24 07:35:57 PDT 1998

I'm curious about Sharon Smith also. Whatever happened to her? Has she ever given a statement in regards to the case? What was her full name and address at the time? Did anyone recover this map that Kait was following?

How well did the family know Dung and what information do they have on him prior to this shooting. Why were Kait and Dung breaking up?

Also, the note refers to going to "Nam" to drop off some books, what is that about?

I would also like to see more case information from the actual police reports and files. Anything more you can give us would be most helpful.

[Sidney Falls - [email protected]]

Mon Aug 24 07:23:37 PDT 1998

In first reading this I was courious as to where this new girlfriend fit into the picture. Where had Kait met her and was her background looked into, as well as any friends she may have in common to anyone else involved ? How are we sure Kait was about to break the crime scene open? Was there proof to her going to expose the truth about this or is it speculation ?

Gods speed --- [from: [email protected]]

Mon Aug 24 06:49:05 PDT 1998

I have read the evidence pages, and I have to ask, has the Immigration service been called? Are these Vietemese (sp) "legal" aliens? And, furthermore, if not, then how in the world can they be asked to protect our country (Air Force)? Then, I have to wonder, has the ATF been notified in regards to this case. From my understanding, it is their duty to investigate and solve crimes involving drugs and illegal gun activity. Have you contacted your congressmen, senators, etc. Perhaps a note to President Clinton. Their is overwhelming eveidence that a massive cover up has happened, & personally I believe that Dung did not kill Kait, however, I believe that he in fact knew it was going to be done, hence his phone calls 3 hrs before he supposedly was notified. I'm not sure which agency would investigate police corruption at the city level, perhaps the FBI? Of course, they may already have a file started, and are simply keeping close mouthed about it.
Good luck & God Bless, your family is in my prayers.
[ From: [email protected] 24 Aug 98]

Mon Aug 24 06:47:48 PDT 1998

I have read the evidence pages, and I have to ask, has the Immigration service been called? Are these Vietemese (sp) "legal" aliens? And, furthermore, if not, then how in the world can they be asked to protect our country (Air Force)? Then, I have to wonder, has the ATF been notified in regards to this case. From my understanding, it is their duty to investigate and solve crimes involving drugs and illegal gun activity. Have you contacted your congressmen, senators, etc. Perhaps a note to President Clinton. Their is overwhelming eveidence that a massive cover up has happened, & personally I believe that Dung did not kill Kait, however, I believe that he in fact knew it was going to be done, hence his phone calls 3 hrs before he supposedly was notified. I'm not sure which agency would investigate police corruption at the city level, perhaps the FBI? Of course, they may already have a file started, and are simply keeping close mouthed about it.
Good luck & God Bless, your family is in my prayers.
[ From: [email protected] 24 Aug 98]

Arquette Family Response: "Has the Immigration service been called?" In July, 1994, we asked INS in Albuquerque to examine the immigration files of Kait's boyfriend and his friends. The agent who reviewed the files was startled to discover that An Quoc Le, Kait's boyfriend's alibi for the night of the murder, is one of two men naturalized using the same name, DOB, and Alien Registration number. This agent seemed very excited about this discovery and said he would ask APD to do an immediate fingerprint check to determine which man was the impostor. He promised to keep us informed about his findings. We never heard from him again, and he will not respond to letters or phone calls. We finally gave up on him and on December 12, 1996, we sent the information about An Le's double identity to INS in San Jose, CA., (since the "second An Le" lives in L.A.) and requesting that they look into this matter from the other end. They did not respond. In February, 1997, we wrote them again. They did not respond.

Mon Aug 24 06:47:37 PDT 1998

I have read the evidence pages, and I have to ask, has the Immigration service been called? Are these Vietemese (sp) "legal" aliens? And, furthermore, if not, then how in the world can they be asked to protect our country (Air Force)? Then, I have to wonder, has the ATF been notified in regards to this case. From my understanding, it is their duty to investigate and solve crimes involving drugs and illegal gun activity. Have you contacted your congressmen, senators, etc. Perhaps a note to President Clinton. Their is overwhelming eveidence that a massive cover up has happened, & personally I believe that Dung did not kill Kait, however, I believe that he in fact knew it was going to be done, hence his phone calls 3 hrs before he supposedly was notified. I'm not sure which agency would investigate police corruption at the city level, perhaps the FBI? Of course, they may already have a file started, and are simply keeping close mouthed about it.
Good luck & God Bless, your family is in my prayers.
[ From: [email protected] 24 Aug 98]

Mon Aug 24 06:29:33 PDT 1998


Mon Aug 24 05:34:50 PDT 1998

:r. and Mrs. Arquette,
I would first like to say that I am sorry for your loss, and how disgusted I am at the entire state of affairs in Aq, NM. There seems to be an unbelieveable amount of evidence that suggests cover-ups, and lousy police work on the part of APD. If Kait was supposedly going to expose the connection between the APD, Air Force base, the Vietnamese and a drug ring, did she have any evidence to support her claims? Perhaps a more thourough search of her phone records would reveal calls placed to town officials. Why not envolve agencies such as the INS, and Law Enforcement agencies other than the APD? There must be some course of action available!
Good Luck and God Bless.

Arquette Family Response: We may never know for sure how much Kait knew and/or what evidence she may or may not have had to back it up. It's entirely possible that she found out about one minor thing and got mad at her boyfriend and threatened to expose it. He -- or somebody he told about this -- may have thought she knew more than she did and over-reacted. Or perhaps she found out about something seemingly insignificant in itself, that, if followed up on, could have causes a whole row of dominoes to topple. As private citizens, we can't get access to phone records. And we've tried every agency there is. If they respond to us at all, it's to tell us, "Any problems you have with the investigation of this case should be addressed to APD."

Mon Aug 24 02:54:47 PDT 1998

I read the complete run-down on what has and has not happened. First my to begin with: "sharon" reported to the APD that Kait arrived at 9:30pm. But, for some reason calls kait's folks to verify her arrival at 7pm, after
"coming from a dollar 5pm Movie. Was there a movie stub? Were any movie houses checked and vendors questioned and shown a picture of Kait to verify this 2nd time frame? Sharon was a "new" friend? How long? Where did she meet Kait andwhere did she come from? How can she be "certain" of The Vietamese" killing Kate? I feel she is an integral part of where Kait would be and when. She allegedly calls Dung's apt. a number of times. Where are the phone records? Are the calls verified? What times were they placed? Were the calls for
a different reason such as a "tip-off?" [from: Spykette]

Arquette Family Response: Sharon didn't mention this movie until three years later, when she contacted us to say that the APD report was inaccurate and Kait arrived at her home at 7 p.m. instead of 9:30, as she is quoted as having told police. She said she was certain of the time because Kait came directly from a 5 p.m. movie in a theater near Sharon's home. By that time it was too late to check with the movie house. No ticket stub had been found in Kait's pocket or purse. We know for certain that the story about the movie is false, because Kait did not leave our home until 6:15 that evening. She could not possibly have attended a 5 p.m. movie. So either Kait lied about the movie to Sharon, (for what reason we can't imagine), or Sharon lied about it to us in order to substantiate her statement about Kait's arrival time. As private citizens, we could not get access to the phone records.

Mon Aug 24 02:54:47 PDT 1998

I read the complete run-down on what has and has not happened. First my to begin with: "sharon" reported to the APD that Kait arrived at 9:30pm. But, for some reason calls kait's folks to verify her arrival at 7pm, after
"coming from a dollar 5pm Movie. Was there a movie stub? Were any movie houses checked and vendors questioned and shown a picture of Kait to verify this 2nd time frame? Sharon was a "new" friend? How long? Where did she meet Kait andwhere did she come from? How can she be "certain" of The Vietamese" killing Kate? I feel she is an integral part of where Kait would be and when. She allegedly calls Dung's apt. a number of times. Where are the phone records? Are the calls verified? What times were they placed? Were the calls for
a different reason such as a "tip-off?" [from: Spykette]

Mon Aug 24 02:02:55 PDT 1998

Ok I might be missing something.... unlike the rest i got the tape was made when she was twelve however the part about Dennis, the man who phoned in drunk and said that he was paid 100$ to take a shot at your daughter. Was he ever questioned after that phone call did the police ever make any contact with him again?
[email protected]
feel free all to let me know your theories and ideas I'm really kinda new to this whole thing
Again back to the file how much of the police information is avalible to us to look at. And who can we ask the questions to?
Please let me know as I would like to help in any way I can.
[ From: James 98-08-24 ]

Arquette Family Response: As far as we know, Dennis Martinez was not questioned further.

Mon Aug 24 01:47:12 PDT 1998

The note reptuted to have been left by Kait is highly unlikely unless she was attempting to imitate a person whose first language was not English. The grammatical mistakes made, were not those of someone whose first language is English.

Mon Aug 24 01:38:54 PDT 1998

your daughter was murdered at age 18 correct?
how in the world have you managed to get a tape of her singing at about age 20.It is late and Im just off work will take time to read everything monday.

Arquette Family Response: The singing tape was made when Kait was twelve, not twenty.

Mon Aug 24 01:35:49 PDT 1998

Its late and maybe Im not reading correctly.
your Daughter was Nurdered at age18 BUT YOU A A MISIC TAPE OF HE AT AGE 20???

Arquette Family Response: The singing tape was made when Kait was twelve, not twenty.

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