Interview: Follow up with Macy Lamar

Saturday, September 24, 2004 -- 10:00 AM

The witness, who was a crew member on the victim's film, was interviewed at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Office. The interview was conducted by Detectives Armstrong and Murphy and was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness' knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
ML = Macy Lamar

SM: Would you please state your name, age, address and occupation for the record?

ML: Macy Lamar, 24, and I work at Square Books. I live at 14 Magnolia Ridge, Highway 337.

TA: There's been an interest here in the department stemming from your interviews and your behavior in recent weeks. We just want to clear some things up.

ML: What kind of behavior do you mean?

TA: When we first interviewed you, you didn't much like Katrina Brook, but since then, you've been spotted together at local establishments quite a few times. So what's the story?

ML: We just realized that if we were gonna get through this and be in the same town, we had to come together and talk about our experiences. And we've been out for drinks together; I've stayed over at her house. We've talked about me moving in. It's been the best therapy, I swear.

SM: So you ladies have become friends.

ML: Yes.

SM: Just how long have you two known each other?

ML: We met on the set of the film. I guess it's been five or six months now.

SM: As you probably know, we found numerous digital video tapes on Fitz's office. One of them had a movie on it called The Balcony. Would you take a look at this still picture from that footage and tell us if you know this woman?

ML: Oh yeah.  That's Helen Troy. She's that actress who tried to get Corwin to give her a part.

SM: Are you positive?  Had you ever seen her or met her before?

ML: I can honestly say I had never seen her, but I'd recognize her anywhere.

TA: Did Fitz ever talk about her?

ML: I never heard anything more about her. Other than Dave. Dave was really big on her. But then again I didn't pay much attention to Dave.

SM: Have you seen Helen Troy since that day at the lodge?

ML: I did see her at the grocery store one day. I wanted to talk to her about Corwin, but when she saw me walking over to her, she took off. Just left her food and stuff in the buggy and left. It was weird.

SM: How long ago was this?

ML: I don't know. A couple of weeks, maybe.

SM: Do you have any idea where she went when she left the store?

ML: I saw her driving away in a van from that Heartsong Collective shelter place. You know the one I mean? That goat farm where they take in battered women?

TA: We know the place. Was she driving the van?

ML: No. Some woman was driving.

TA: Did it seem like she knew the woman or did she just hitch a ride?

ML: I don't know.

TA: Have you seen her again since then?

ML: No.

TA: Have you ever been out to the Heartsong Collective?

ML: No. I never had any reason to.

TA: What do you know of Robert Price?

ML: I saw some of the movies Corwin made with him. He talked about him a good deal, I suppose. Just stories though. He told me that they picked up a hitchhiker and scared the hell out of him. That's where that opening scene in the movie came from. I don't remember much else about him.

TA: But Corwin never contacted Robert while y'all were making the movie?

ML: No, not that I know of.

SM: Did he mention where Rob was?

ML: No, I thought he was still in Florida.

TA: Turns out, he's in prison and has been for a while now. And probably won't be moving any time soon.

ML: You know, I saw a letter to Corwin once that came from Parchman, but I didn't open it and he never mentioned it. Do you think that was from Rob?

TA: Could be. You didn't ask him about it?

ML: No. You didn't ask Corwin about stuff like that.

SM: Did Corwin ever mention any accidents that happened while he and Price were playing tricks up and down the coast?

ML: I don't remember anything specific.

TA: We've tried to get in touch with Fitz's family, but they're no longer in Jackson. We know they were there when word first got out about Corwin's death, but we've tried to locate them for questioning and they're just nowhere to be found. Did you ever meet or talk to or hear anything at all about Corwin's parents?

ML: He did tell me that his dad had given him some money for pre-production. This was when we first met. He always promised to take me to Jackson to eat at his dad's restaurant. I mean, I've been there before, I know how good it is, but I didn't know his dad. Had never seen them or seen Corwin speak to them. That's weird, you know. I just realized that.

TA: Well, it seems like almost everything connected with Corwin Fitz is weird. I mean, did you really know him at all? Could you know him?

ML: As well as anyone could.

TA: Or did you just know what he was like with you?

ML: I-- how can I know the answer to that?

SM: Let's talk about the events surrounding the murder again.

ML: Okay, if we have to.

SM: We do. You told us before that you saw Katrina banging on Corwin's bedroom door, trying to kick it in. Did she actually kick it in?

ML: I don't think so. She was banging on it pretty hard, but it sounded like it just came open all of a sudden. Maybe it wasn't even locked in the first place? I don't know. I wasn't watching her every second. When that was happening, I didn't even know anything was really wrong. I just thought she was... well, I hate to say it now that I know her better and understand her a little more, but I thought she was just being dramatic, trying to get attention from him.

TA: So, Macy, you've had some time to think about it. Who do you think killed Corwin?

ML: I honestly don't know. If you look at it one way, any of us could have done it. We all had the opportunity, I guess, and we all had a motive. But I just can't believe any of us would have killed him. No matter how mad he made us, I don't think any of us really hated him. We were like a family in a weird way. People in your family can make you mad, but you don't kill them because of it.

TA: So if none of you did it, who did? Did someone come in from outside, kill him and then get away without anyone seeing him? Or her?

ML: That sounds crazy, right? But I think that's what happened. It's not like the doors were locked. Anyone could have just walked right in.

SM: But why would someone from outside the lodge want to kill him?

ML: I don't know. Ask Chuckie. I bet he wanted to kill him. He probably won't admit it, but I bet he did.

TA: Macy, I know you want us to find out who killed Corwin, right?

ML: Yes!

TA: Is there anything else you can think of that might help us do that?

ML: I always thought it was strange that the killer took the key to the editing room. I mean, Corwin never took that key off. It was always hanging around his neck. He protected his equipment and his stuff with his life.

TA: Was there anything in the editing room that someone might want?

ML: Tons of stuff. Lots of expensive equipment, for one thing. And all those tapes. I don't know what was on all of them, but someone might have wanted those. There may have been other stuff in there too. Corwin didn't let me in there too often and I was never in there for very long.

TA: Anything else you think we should know?

ML: I can't think of anything.

TA: Okay, Macy. We'll be in touch.

Interview ends -- 10:39 AM