Interview: Follow up with Katrina Brook, actress

Saturday, September 24, 2004 -- 11:15 AM

The witness, who had the female lead role in the victim's film, was interviewed at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Office. The interview was conducted by Detectives Armstrong and Murphy and was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness' knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
KB = Katrina Brook

SM: Would you please state your name, age, address and occupation for the record?

KB: Katrina Brooke. I'm 20, and I live at 211 Anderson Way in Oxford. I'm a student at Ole Miss.

TA: You're probably wondering why we called you in here. Some of your activities since the murder have come to our attention and we just want to get on the same page is all.

KB: What do you mean?

TA: You didn't seem to like Macy Lamar when we first talked to you, but since then, it seems like y'all have been spending a good bit of time together. So what's changed?

KB: It's true Macy and I have been hanging out. We've found it to be almost necessary after what happened. It's been a real struggle to get back to solid ground, and who knows if we'll ever fully make it.

SM: So you two are friends now?

KB: That's right. Best friends.

SM: Just like that?

KB: After what we went through, it's only natural that we'd reach out to each other. No one else can understand.

SM: When we searched the lodge, among the things we found was a movie called The Balcony. Take a look at this still picture from that movie and tell us if you know this woman.

KB: That's Helen Troy. That girl who showed up at the lodge that day.

SM: You're sure that's her?  Had you ever seen her or met her before that day?

KB: I had never seen her before, but that's definitely her.

TA: Did Fitz ever talk about this woman?

KB: He mentioned something to me right after that incident. Like a day or two later. He just said, "She really was something." And that's it. I thought he was being ridiculous, so I didn't say anything about it. But he never said anything either.

SM: Do you have any idea where she went after she left the lodge that day?

KB: I don't know. I never even talked to her.

SM: Have you seen her since then?

KB: You know, I thought I saw her in town one day, but it was only for a second and she was kind of far away. Maybe it wasn't her.

SM: When was that?

KB: Not long after we came back from the lodge.

TA: What about Robert Price? What do you know about him?

KB: I know he and Corwin were really close at one time. They made films together and everything. But I remember thinking that Corwin was always kind of purposefully vague about him. I got the impression that Rob was dangerous, and their relationship wasn't one of friendship. I think Corwin was kind of freaked out about him, like maybe they didn't part on good terms and maybe Rob was the kind to seek revenge. It was almost like Corwin was scared of him, but it didn't make any sense.

SM: But Corwin never contacted Robert during the time you were at the lodge?

KB: No.

SM: Did he mention where he was?

KB: I always assumed he was still traveling, doing that guerilla theatre thing Corwin told me about.

TA: Turns out, Robert Price is in prison here in Mississippi. He has been for a while now and probably won't get out any time soon. Did Corwin ever give you any idea that Rob was locked up?

KB: No. Maybe he didn't know about it because I can't believe he wouldn't mention it if he did.

SM: Did Corwin ever mention an accident that occurred while he and Robert Price were playing tricks up and down the coast? Any death stories?

KB: No, but he twitched and shouted a lot in his sleep. Like he was having terrible nightmares.

SM: Did he ever say anything in his sleep?

KB: He'd laugh sometimes. Almost like a painful laugh.

SM: We've tried to contact Fitz's family, but they've apparently left Jackson. We want to interview them about their son, but they seem to have vanished off the face of the earth. Did you ever have any contact at all with Corwin's parents?

KB: I never met them, and Corwin didn't really have much to say about them. I mean, what I've related already -- that his dad was a chef and his mom was a landscape architect. He told me stories about them, and about growing up. He spoke rather fondly of them in the past, but I always wondered to myself why he never called them or anything the whole time we were at the lodge.

TA: We're finding a lot more questions than answers about Corwin's past. Do you think you really knew him at all? Was it really possible to know him?

KB: Of course, I knew him.

TA: Are you sure? Maybe you just knew what he was like when he was with you?

KB: The Corwin I knew was a brilliant, tortured artist. Sure, he had things in his past that he didn't talk about, but who doesn't?

SM: Ms. Brook, we need to ask you some more questions about the events surrounding the murder.

KB: Okay.

SM: You told us before that you kicked in the door to Fitz's bedroom.  Is that right?

KB: Did I? I didn't mean that. Or I don't think I did. I was banging on it and kicked it a few times, but not very hard. It finally was just open. I was pretty upset. I don't remember whether I opened it or it came open or what. Is it important?

SM: Could you hear anyone inside the room when you were banging on the door?

KB: I thought I did, but when I got inside, no one was there... except poor Corwin.

SM: Now that you've got some distance on it and you've been able to think about it, do you know who killed Corwin?

KB: I really don't. He could be difficult sometimes, but I don' t know why anyone would want to kill him.

TA: This new bond you and Macy Lamar have, is that because you two killed him together?

KB: Are you crazy?  I didn't-- I would never-- and neither would Macy! We may not have liked each other back then, but we both loved Corwin.  We would never do anything to hurt him!

TA: Was it someone else in the lodge then?

KB: I really don't think so. I just don't think any of those guys would kill Corwin. They liked him.

TA: Okay, Katrina. If it wasn't any of you in the lodge, then who was it? Corwin didn't do that to himself, you know.

KB: I keep telling you. I don't know who it was!

TA: So someone snuck in from outside without being seen, got into Corwin's room without being seen, killed Corwin without being seen, and then got away without being seen? That's what you're telling us?

KB: It has to be that. It just has to be.

TA: Okay, let's go with that. Who would do that? Who would want to?

KB: I don't know.

TA: Who even knew y'all were there?

KB: Chuckie King did.

TA: So you think Chuckie killed him?

KB: No, I-- I don't know.

TA: What about that actress, Helen Troy?  Didn't she know y'all were there?

KB: Yes.

TA: And didn't she have some personal history with Corwin?

KB: I don't know. I think so.

TA: So, did she do it?

KB: I don't know. I just don't know. Why are you being so mean to me? All I know for sure is that I didn't kill him. I don't know who did.

TA: I don't mean to sound cruel, but this thing makes no sense and it's frustrating. A young man was brutally murdered and no one seems to have any idea how it happened, even though they were only a few yards away at the time. How is that possible?

KB: I don't know, but it is.

SM: All right, Ms. Brook. Is there anything you can tell us that might help us solve this case?  Any information, even if it seems insignificant?

KB: I can't think of anything. I really can't.

SM: Okay, we thank you for your time. Oh, by the way, have you ever heard of the Heartsong Collective?

KB: Is that that place for abused women?

SM: Yes. You've heard of it?

KB: Sure. I don't really know anything about it except that, though.

SM: You've never been out there?

KB: No.

SM: Do you know anyone who's been there?

KB: I don't think so.

SM: Okay. Thanks again. We'll be in touch.

Interview ends -- 11:56 AM