Evidence: Film Script Excerpt # 4


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong
Incident No.: 002221-15H-2004
Case Description: Corwin Fitz Homicide

This is the final scene from the most recent draft of Fitz's movie script, Bacchanals' Destruction, taken as evidence (Evidence # 002221-03) from the master bedroom of the film crew's lodge.

Caution: Rough language and situations.

BACCHANALS' DESTRUCTION script, Lodge Draft 52, pg. 346.



RALDLER and CHEYNE crawl out of the underbrush and stumble onto the rooted sands beside the lake.


This is the edge. We've lost our way back.


He's coming!


This is the perfect ending, Cheyne. We can stop it right here, and our life stories would have a terrific end.


Raldler! This is f****** real life! Are you starting to feel it, just a little bit? He's not the director any more, baby.

(astounded, dreaming)

You're... absolutely...


This is just the beginning, Raldler.


I'll get him at his own game!

RALDLER pulls a squib from his bag, lifts his shirt and rigs an exploding blood pack. The scars on his belly are bleeding. After scuffling with the rig, he gets up to dust himself and...

A GUNSHOT rings out from the brush.

RALDLER hits the beach in a roll, ducking and covering, protecting CHEYNE. Then another SHOT, and another; they seem to come from all directions.


My life!


We're going to die!

RALDLER leaps up and screams into the brush.


You wanna get the crazies outta me! Don't f****** waste your bullets, man! I'll open the gut for you!

RALDLER pulls his gun and shoots himself in the stomach, which causes two explosions under his shirt. After a moment of shock, he falls to his knees. The sand turns crimson.

CHEYNE grabs him by the shoulders.


Raldler! What-- ?

RALDLER stares the visions of his life into her.


<the perfect last line>*

RALDLER keels over and dies face down in the sand. CHEYNE looks into the brush, terrified. She gets up slow and jittery, streaming tears and covered in Raldler's blood. She turns toward the lake. She walks out until the water consumes her. The water bubbles and wakes, then turns still.

The camera stays on the soft waters, which neither rise nor fall.

(no audio, except for the sounds of water and wind)

In the distance, CHEYNE emerges from the lake on the opposite shore and takes a few hesitant steps into a clearing surrounded by trees. She stands alone, dripping wet and still crying. She looks around as if unsure where to go. She turns around and looks back across the lake to RALDLER's body on the beach and then to the brush where the shots had come from. Her eyes widen with fear. She turns and runs into the woods, vanishing into the trees.


* Scrawled on the back of the last page of this script were several lines that Fitz apparently had considered for the final line. Included among those possible lines was one that read, "I pulled the trigger. I pulled it."