Evidence: Official Incident Report, Page 2

The following links are provided only to assist with navigation of this document and are not part of the report.

Page 1

Offense(s) | Person 1 | Person 2 | Person 3 | Person 4 | Person 5 |
Person 6 | Person 7 | Person 8

Page 2

Evidence/Property | Reporting Officer's Narrative | Defendant's Remarks

 (1)  Type
     ___  Damaged
     ___  Lost
     ___  Recovered
     ___  Stolen
     _X_  Taken into Evidence
 Item Description

 002221-01: One (1) note, recovered from bed in master bedroom
 (2)  Type
     ___  Damaged
     ___  Lost
     ___  Recovered
     ___  Stolen
     _X_  Taken into Evidence
 Item Description

 002221-02: One (1) machete with reddish-brown stains, recovered from desk in master bedroom

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 REPORTING OFFICER'S NARRATIVE (Brief narrative of the facts surrounding the offense and the arrest.)

At 4:44 a.m., Dispatch received a 911 call reporting a death at the residence located at 316 County Road 288. The caller identified himself as Alsace Montenado, employee of the victim. Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Unit 304 (Deputy Fred Willits) was dispatched and arrived at the scene at 4:50 a.m. Upon verification of the presence of a body at 4:54 a.m., R/O notified Dispatch and requested backup. Unit 221 (Officer Maria Richards) was dispatched to provide backup and arrived at the scene at 5:01 a.m. Reporting Investigators (R/Is) Detectives T. Armstrong and S. Murphy were assigned and proceeded directly to the scene. At R/Is' request, Coroner’s Inspector L. Johnson and a CSU team were notified to respond to the scene. R/Is arrived at the scene at 5:19 a.m. Upon arrival, R/Is found that R/O had secured the area. Environmental conditions at the scene upon arrival are as follows: Weather: Interior crime scene location; Ambient Temperature: approximately 69°F/21°C; Relative Humidity: approximately 71%.

R/O Willits made the following verbal report, which is stated in summary and not verbatim. Upon entering the residence, R/O heard a commotion on the second floor of the residence and saw several people standing on the second floor balcony hallway.  R/O proceeded to the second floor and encountered seven persons: Alsace Montenado, adult male, blocking entry to the master bedroom (Person 2); Katrina Brook, adult female, inside master bedroom (Person 3); Brett Flamé, adult male, inside master bedroom (Person 4); Macy Lamar, adult female, outside master bedroom (Person 5); Johnny McPhail, adult male, outside master bedroom (Person 6); Billy Mummy, adult male, outside master bedroom (Person 7); David Woolworth, adult male, outside master bedroom (Person 8). R/O entered the master bedroom and proceeded to the master bathroom where R/O observed an adult male lying prone in the bathtub, which was approximately 1/2 filled. The witnesses identified the adult male in the bathtub as Corwin Fitz (Person 1). Person 2 indicated that the shower was running when he discovered the body and that he had turned off the water. R/O observed the adult male's face was completely submerged and that he showed no signs of life. R/O further observed multiple wounds on the man's back and head, as well as what appeared to be bloodstains throughout the bathroom. R/O exited the bathroom, removed all persons from the master bedroom and secured the scene. R/O then reported the situation to Dispatch. R/O said YCSD Unit 213 (Officer M. Arborogh) arrived at approximately 7:06 a.m. and provided backup and assistance in securing the scene.  R/O said that, to his knowledge, the following persons had occasion to enter the crime scene area and must be excluded by CSU personnel: witness Alsace Montenado, witness Katrina Brook, witness Brett Flamé, and himself.

After receiving the report from R/O Willits, R/Is conducted a preliminary inspection of the residence.

R/Is observed no signs of forced entry at any entry point into the residence, into the master bedroom, or into the master bathroom. R/Is discovered a sizable handgun arsenal on the first floor of the residence. R/Is instructed R/O Richards to secure the weapons until CSU arrived to take them into evidence.

Site A (master bath): Bathroom was 16 ft. long by 8 ft. wide. The bathtub/shower unit was opposite the door. The commode, vanity sink and counter were on the right. Storage cabinets were on the left. The bathroom mirror was cracked but little glass is broken off.

Stains, streaks and puddles of what appeared to be blood were observed throughout the room:

  • Spatters and gray matter on the shower wall
  • Streaks and bare footprints on the floor
  • Two large puddles on the floor beside the tub (2-3" inches across)
  • Smear on the toilet tank
  • Two puddles beside toilet (1.5" across)
  • Thin trail on the floor under sink (4" in length by .5" across)
  • Small puddle on the counter (1" across)
  • Two thin streaks by sink faucet
  • Thin traces in the doorway and approximately 1 ft. into the bathroom
  • Traces on the cabinet
  • Traces on the wall to the left of the shower
  • Traces above the toilet
  • Traces on the mirror

R/Is observed a lifeless adult Caucasian male, lying in a prone position in the bathtub, which was approximately 1/2 filled with reddish water. The man appeared to be approximately 30 years of age and was wearing only boxer shorts.

R/Is observed three incised wounds on the victim: one on the back right side of the abdomen, approximately three inches below the right armpit; one on the victim's right shoulder; and one on the right ear, severing the bottom half of the ear. R/Is further observed multiple apparent gunshot wounds on the back of the head. R/Is delayed further inspection of the body until the arrival of the Coroner's Inspector.

Two possible bullet holes (Holes A and B) were observed in the wall. Hole A was in the shower wall, 70 inches from the floor and 32.7 inches to the right of the tub's edge. Hole B was in the shower wall, 68.5 inches from the floor and 25 inches to the right of the tub's edge.

View bedroom diagram
Site B (master bedroom): Bedroom was 24 ft. long by 16 ft. wide. The room contained a standard double bed, a dresser, a small bookcase, a desk, and a closet. Room was very disheveled at the time of officer response. Small spots of what appeared to be blood were observed on the floor and on two places on the bed: near the left side right beneath the left pillow, and towards the center of the bed and a little to the right. Upon further examination of the bed, R/Is observed four blonde hairs on the right pillow as well as a note, found in the middle of the bed.

At the foot of the bed was a pile of unwashed laundry. The clothing found was all of a male style and was consistent with the victim's sizes. Two small spots of what appeared to be blood were observed on a pair of jeans on the top of the pile. A long-sleeved white shirt found directly beneath the jeans had evidence of biological material on the left sleeve. Further inspection of all of the remaining articles of clothing turned up no additional stains.

To the immediate left of the bed, R/Is examined the dresser and found it contained more clothing. R/Is observes movie memorabilia, including a small promotional card for the movie Psycho, stacked neatly on top of the dresser. Dresser did not show evidence of having been searched. To the immediate left of the dresser was the bookcase, which contained several books on film and film theory, as well as one book on suicide entitled The Final Solution. The first chapter of the book is entitled "What Do We Have To Offer When We Have Nothing Left?" Several magazines were also found in the bookshelf and were primarily film-related, including the titles Bomb, MovieLine, and Variety.

Directly in front of the bed, on the oak desk, R/Is observed a machete, lodged in both a movie script and into the top layer of the wood. The movie script appeared to be a copy of Fitz's film that was currently in production at the lodge.

On the window adjacent to the bed, R/Is observed two distinct black scuff marks on the window sill and on the wall directly under the window sill.

Coroner's Inspector Luwinda Johnson arrived at the scene at approximately 6:20 a.m. and joined R/Is at the body's location. Inspector Johnson pronounced the victim deceased at 6:26 a.m. by visual observation that the victim was not breathing and by tactile observation that the victim did not have a palpable carotid pulse. Inspector Johnson visually examined the posterior of the body and observed multiple incised wounds to the back and head, as well as multiple apparent gunshot wounds to the back of the head. While she withheld an official estimate pending an autopsy, Inspector Johnson speculated the victim had been dead approximately 2 to 3 hours. Given the number of injuries, Inspector Johnson withheld speculation the cause of death. Inspector Johnson indicated that further details would be available in the official autopsy report. After Inspector Johnson completed her initial inspection of the body, she stayed with the CSU team to ensure integrity of the body, while the team took photographs of the scene and performed preliminary analyses, until the body could be removed from the scene without affecting other evidence.

CSU arrived at the scene at approximately 6:45 a.m. R/Is requested that CSU take note of and examine the possible bullet holes in the master bathroom, as well as the apparent bloodstains in bathroom.

A preliminary search of the immediate area for the weapon(s) causing the injuries to the victim met with negative results. CSU will conduct a more intensive search and report their findings.

Following preliminary inspection of the scene, R/Is arranged for all seven witnesses to be transported to the Sheriff's Office for interviews. At the scene, Person 4 repeatedly claimed he had killed the victim. However R/Is observed he appeared to be in a highly agitated state and had Person 4 transported to the Sheriff's Office before conducting any interview with him.

R/Is left the scene at 9:10 a.m. Before leaving, R/I Murphy instructed CSU to seal the scene upon completion or end of day suspension of processing. CSU to notify R/Is of progress by the end of this date. As of this filing, CSU is still actively processing at the scene.

Body of the deceased remanded into the custody of Coroner's Inspector Luwinda Johnson. Deceased was removed from scene at 10:49 a.m. and transported to the coroner's office for autopsy.

Evidence remanded into the custody of Forensics Officer T. R. Douglas for transport to the State Crime Lab for routine analysis. CSU is expected to submit an inventory of items taken into evidence within fourteen days of this report, with detailed report(s) of their findings to follow at a later date.

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 DEFENDANT'S VERSION/REMARKS (What did the defendant say about the offense or his/her whereabouts at the time of offense?)


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 Unit Number
 Unit Number

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