Evidence: Unsigned Confession

Brett Miller, A.K.A., Brett Flamé, initially offered this confession to investigators during his interview. He later refused to sign the statement.

I, ___________________, hereby swear that I attacked Corwin Fitz with intent to mortally wound him on the morning of August 15, 2004, at 316 County Road 288, Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi. After striking him multiple times with a machete, I then fired multiple bullets into his head. I determined that Fitz was in fact mortally wounded, as it had been my intention to do so. By acknowledging this act, I hereby requisition myself to the proper punishment for the crime as set forth by the state of Mississippi and to be determined by the state court.

_______________________ Brett Miller

_______________________ Sam Murphy, Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Detective

_______________________ Ted Armstrong, Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Detective