Biography: Katrina Brook

Katrina Anne Brook was born on October 13, 1983, in Charleston, South Carolina. Her parents are Dr. and Mrs. Cooper Brook. Dr. Brook is a respected dentist of twenty-three years with an office in downtown Charleston. Mrs. Brook does charity work with the South Carolina Literacy Program and the South Carolina Blood Bank. Katrina is the second of three daughters. Her older sister Angelique, 24, is in law school at The University of Virginia. Her younger sister Beatrice Lynn, though everyone calls her Belle, is a 17-year-old senior at a private school in Charleston and plans to attend dental school like her father. Katrina is a junior theatre major at The University of Mississippi with a 3.4 GPA and was chosen by Fitz to play the lead female role in his film.

Members of the theatre department student association say that Fitz approached Brook one day in April after open rehearsals for the play Macbeth at Fulton Chapel, the school's theatre auditorium. Brook had the plum role of Lady Macbeth, and the play was sold out for three consecutive nights on April 16-18 in part due to her strong performance.

Witnesses say that Fitz complimented Brook on her spirit and awareness on the stage and proposed that she take the lead role in his new production, entitled Bacchanals' Destruction. She eagerly accepted and began immersing herself in what friends termed "a bad situation" involving Fitz, Brett Flamé, and other local people on the fringe of the Oxford theatre world who were spending up to twelve hours a day together in preparation for Fitz's film.

Witnesses say that Fitz was very demanding of Brook and insisted that she talk to no outsiders about the project. As a result, her social life greatly diminished, and her friends began worrying about her personal health and safety. She dismissed them, telling them that she was excited about this project and that it could most certainly be her big break into movies.