Board of Trustees
University of Arkansas
c/o Office of the Chancellor
Administration Building
Room 425
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Dear Sirs:
I am writing to express my deep consternation at the news that Dr. Jocelyn Elders, recently forced to resign from her post as U.S. Surgeon General, might be once again taking up the mantle of academic life at the University of Arkansas.
For me and many others in the community of Mountain Home, Ms. Elders is hardly an exemplary bastion of society. As you know, while a member of the Cabinet Ms. Elders promoted teenage promiscuity and homosexual liberties. Most importantly, Ms. Elders was and remains an outspoken abortionist, supporting the deaths of millions of unborn children. As president of our local school board, I know how students come to model their lives after those teachers they most admire; as a religious man, the notion that one who has encouraged the unconscionable act of murder might be given such an opportunity to contaminate young people's minds is the sign of a degenerate society.
I urge you to consider what public outcry might follow Ms. Elders' reinstatement as a professor. While we at the Church of Christ the Avenger abhor physical violence, we believe sinners should be shown the error of their ways forcefully and relentlessly. I am sure we are not the only organization with such a mission.
I understand that several members of the state legislature are petitioning to keep Ms. Elders away from our youth. I hope you will attend to their arguments, for the sake of our future.
Sincerely yours,
Frank Knight, attorney-at-law
Member, Mountain Home School Board
Former President, Mountain Home PTA
Chair, Political Action Committee, Church of Christ the Avenger, Mountain Home