Java Chat works on the following browsers & platforms. No guarantees for any other
browser / platform combinations. Do not use Netscape 3.0 Beta 5, as it has known bugs in its list display
implementation. Recommendations:
Netscape 3.0 Beta 6 on Windows 95, Unix, and Macintosh. This is the only Mac option!
Netscape 2.0 on Windows 95, and Unix.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 on Windows 95 and NT. Note: If you had previously installed
IE 3.0 Beta 2, make sure to install the new Java classes that come with IE 3.0. Microsoft's older
java classes did not load the Chat applet properly.
Known Bugs
"Jump to page" will occasionally bring you to the wrong page.
"Send Privately" gives an erroneous warning "You must join a channel to speak" when used
without typing a message first.