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Miami, Florida XXXXX
December 10, 1996

Dear Detective Armstrong,

This is just to say, that I know all about W.G. I 
talked to him every night. He was in the bar every 
night. The bar that I work at which is La Estrella, 
he drank a lot of gin. Most of the time he was 
alone but one time he was with an old man in yellow 
with a cane. They were talking in the corner, at a 
table. That's why I noticed, because W.G. usually 
sat at the bar and watched TV.

W.G. told me his name and said he was waiting for 
someone, that's why he had to keep coming back. I 
guess he was waiting for the man in yellow because 
after that he only came back twice, then he was 
dead. Whenever I saw him he didn't look too good. 
He drank too much but he didn't smoke. He told me 
about California and his wife how they weren't 
getting along to good. He showed me pictures and 
she was real pretty. He said he was tired of 
running. He would stay until closing time which is 
3 a.m. and then he would get up and leave. He was 
always real drunk but I never saw him pass out.  

I didn't know the man in yellow so the day after he 
came in I asked Bernie, that's my boss, who was 
that guy, and she didn't know either. I think he's 
some kind of weird voodoo priest because one of the 
guys who delivers kegs has one of those weirdass 
chicken claw necklaces, and I asked him where he 
got it, and he said some old guy with a cane was 
selling them on the beach and Ramondo thought it 
was pretty funny and bought one, just to freak out 
his girlfriend. I asked W.G. who the guy in yellow 
was and he didn't answer, he was just watching TV, 
staring at it like he was hypnotized or something, 
and then he asked me "DO YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS? 
That was to weird for me so I just left him alone. 

I'm pretty sure he must have gotten mixed up in 
that voodoo shit, then something went wrong and the 
man in yellow went after him, because then he was 
dead. I didn't know nothing about it at the time, I 
just thought he left town or something or maybe 
went back to California to his wife. I didn't hear 
about it until a couple days ago when I saw you 
guys on TV, then I knew I had to write. 

Sincerely Yours,

Tony Ward


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